HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 BCHC Minutes 11.13.2006 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Nov. 13, 2006 The eighth regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission for the year 2006 was called to order by Chair Charles R. Schultz at 7 :00 p.m., November 13, in the Bryan Public Library meeting room. Present were C. Schultz, Lynch, Van Riper, Page, Tiner, Schwart, Batchelor, Opersteny, Mayo, Hitchcock, J. Schultz, Carlson, Smith, and Blair. Anne McGaugh was a guest. The minutes for Oct. 9 were approved. Under unfinished business the Chair said that the Drill Field marker was now on the MSC side of. the Drill Field, but a dedication date had not yet been set. There is nothing new on the memorial for. the Providence Missionary Baptist Church. The Isom Palmer marker is being mounted on a granite stone. There is nothing new on the Old Bethel Cemetery marker, and our WEB site is still not' complete. The Chair said that the consequences of the sale of the land around the Rock Prairie Church and School were as yet uncertain. Under new business the Chair invited recommendations of names of possible new members and Provided forms for those who were interested in reappointment. There was some discussion of possible alternative meeting times. The Chair invited Ms. McGaugh to make , a presentation on behalf of funding for the Brazos Valley History Fair in 2007. She requested $250, and Mayo moved approval of that sum, which was seconded. Batchelor moved an amendment asking that special consideration be 0 to Brazos County Historical Projects. This was seconded and approved. Then the main motion, as amended, was approved with no dissent. We were advised that the check should be made out to the Star of the Republic Museum. The Archaeology Committee Chair, Lynch, noted that the Center for the Study of First Americans was hosting an international workshop locally this weekend. There was nothing from the Education Committee. The Chair said there was some new interest being expressed about the Reliance Cemetery and church. On behalf of the Hist. Com., p. 2 Research Committee Page called our attention to a Snow Photo Exhibit on the first floor of Evans Library. Under other new business Carlson said that College Station was seeklng input concerning a municipal cemetery. There being no further bus the meeting was adjourned at 8 :15 p.m. Paul P. Van Riper Secretary