HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Class of 67 25yr Reunion "Reunion Times" O 1 7:_fm23 A publication of the A &M Consolidated Class of '67 Special Issue Summer 1992 CLASS OF '67 TO MEET AT HOMECOMING '92 Just when you thought it Bengal Belles. And while steamy outfit for a few yells, was safe to put all that high we're at it, our beloved Tiger, do you? Well, maybe not. school baggage back in the Lany J aird is still the cute, It's most likely stored in attic, the Class of '67 is on the friendly guy he always was. mothballs somewhere. move again. Sometime dur- You don't suppose he would Nevertheless, our Fight- ! ing the 25th Reunion in Col- consider donning that hot, ing Tiger Football Team is lege Station, June 20, some- still around: Fred Davis, one we think it was ' `:'' "``` "```:: ( I--am' <�_�'`��' <��� 1S ��� :::.:::: »::::: Terry Logan, Bill Ramge, Holt) suggested that we all Paul Becker, Camell Banks, eauti off` come together for the A &M :::' g >`��:....:. _ >: > >:::::: >::> : >::::: >:::: >:: >:::<:;:: >«:::��> Lany Holt, David Alexander, �Q►I11#���T�lll� Consolidated Homecoming Terry Jones, Bobby Mar - .............................................. ............................... Game this fall. :> cone Bill Price and d Larkin H omecoming is set for ::::::: :: <: >:: >:: » >:: »:: >:: >:: >:: >:: »::> >:: >:: >:: >: <:: M > t e mm > the tumn> There's Friday, Oct. 2. The game <: ><:;::: >:::: >::: >:::::::::::: >:::: >:::: >::: :: >: So, get ready! There Y g ,g Y played at Tiger Field » >: >:::: »:::;°P will be ::::> >:<:: <: >:: P Y g : plenty of time to order those • against Worthing. Who :::::::>::::>::::::>::>::>::»:: >:: >:: >:: » > <:: » <:::<:: >:: >::::> <: >::: mums and get a date! We knows, we might even be a might plan to arrange for a >. ::::::<:><;:::<: >:: >: >: >:::: »: >: >:: >::;:> >:: >:::: ey bl ock of tickets f able to convince Shelley or the game »?knew z f »::: Coo r Michel Channille : »:::: >:: <::::<::::<::: >::::;:::::: >:::: and then meet afterwards for a (Bridges) Tamulinas, and party. If you have any sug- Kati (Prater) Trawick to lead a ::.. ,:,;,;:;: >.:::,:;:;::::;;.:;::. _._ :::; - gestions for an activity or (be few yells for old time's sake. �::<:::» ::::::: >::i still my heart) Y Y would like to Heck, why stop there! Janet >:;::: help, lease don't hesitate to Runldes, Linda ::<;: call or write: Anderson, Meg (Huebner ! :::>::>:::»>::.:::::»::::::::.>::>::>:.: ::.::: >:.::: >:: >:: >:: >:.: >:.::. Woody, Kerry (Fisher) ej Ho ie mii curt :.;:: :< : : ;: : : : ;: : : : : : ; : ; : ;: : ;: : ; : ;: : Anne Boykin Gunter 8523 Adirondack Trail Stalling s, and Sandy (Cath ..:......................... crt anf Austin, (512) Texas 345 -8162 78759 cart) Gault might g t as well give : us a few hi kicks and a , : :l` >> ripple n behalf e o two o f PP 1 o the Austin, Texas Dear Friends, From the "Is My Face Not having had a lot of sleep over the previous few Red Department..." nights, I spent most of the Monday after the reunion digging out from under and just generally vegetating. It Imagine my chagrin when was so good to touch base with everyone again. I can't tell I discovered that I had intro- you how much it means to me to know that we still have duced David Alexander as our things in common, that we still recognize each other, and invite d te or h i m s Ps to say a a and nvid him y a few that we can still remember the trials and tribulations of being words at the reunion. Even a teenager. (The latter trait will come in handy in dealing still, David did a wonderful with our own teenagers.) job of speaking off the cuff. In the meantime, I have recovered from the reunion My sincere apologies go out to Bill Price who was gracious events and, as you can see, I'm back. A good sign that an enough to not point out my event was a success is when the guests want to get together mistake at the time. He, of again real soon. This fall will be a perfect opportunity. It course, will be spending the will give some of us our first glimpse at just how much next five years preparing a A &M Consolidated has changed in 25 years. After all, they T'he followings a of all of won the State Championship last year in football. Way to our class officers. go, Tigers! My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you who 1966 - 67 contributed to the gift certificate from Eclectic. Next to Bill Price- President Africa or New Mexico, Eclectic is my favorite shopping St e ve Watkins- ce President Shellley ey C Cooperr- Secretary hangout in Austin. You guys are certainly sneaky, I Phyllis Wolf- Treasurer thought I knew everything that was going on at the renunion. Evalyn (Worley) Garza and I went there last 1965 - 66 Friday and bought a set of 8 Mexican glasses with cactus Steve Boring - President David Alexander- V. President stems. Thanks again! Meg Huebner- Secretary I truly look forward to all the letters and calls from Anne Boykin- Treasurer everyone when I'm planning a reunion. But don't stop now, please keep in touch. Remember. Make new friends 1964 - 65 David Alexander- President but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold. Bill Ramge -Vice President 4i > gunte-/ Sandy Cathcart- Secretary Carolyn Castle- Treasurer , , P Thanks and a big kiss to TOMMIE '- . ` � 1963 -64* V:4 Wally Williams w e +'4; ' , ., w from Anne . ;;� M eg Huebner ' I can always count on you Y Litterst Bill Ramge to be a great host! Phyllis Wolfe Love and hugs to Thomas and April, too! * The actual offices were not g p ' listed in the yearbook. 2 THE COLLEGE STATION EXPERIENCE When Anne asked me looking back on those Was it rootbeer, phosphates, to write about the "College times with a critical eye; as hamburgers and a shake? Station Experience," I tried children, we were trapped. Was it watching the bonfire to imagine what it was we Should we focus on ignite and staying until it all had in common? Did the pain so that we can let it fell? Was it knowing that we have anything in go? Should we protect our no matter how lousy you common? As parents we children pushing them felt you were always better may be trying to duplicate toward the things that made off than the Aggie Fish? those experiences for our us happy? What made us Was it the Christmas lights children or nun away from happy? in downtown Bryan, them. Were they unique to Was it catching homed church on Sunday, family our town or universal toads, walking barefoot or dinners or listening to experiences related to picking dewberries? Was it music? Was it driving a car growing up? chasing fireflies at dusk or at 14? Was it wildflowers, What we remember gazing at the stars? Was it always every spring? would depend on the years Little League, snow cones, What was the "College we were there, where we Double Bubble or fire- Station Experience ?" It was lived, our friends, our works on the 4th? Was it life before responsibilities, a teachers, our gender, our football games, walking time that we went through race and our family security home or riding the school to get to here. What was it at the time. As adults we busy? Was it swimming in a for you? have the privilege of tank or at the A &M pool? -- Evalyn Worley i \ ‘ IC ' ' ' Ri r I'! fe ` w+ : rt. •:g.;,-11---,,,......:: ‘_.,--. :v. so 4 1., .,....:,,,,_ . . 4 ,. 4,....„. :. :::., ,,,,,.. , .........,..:„. , ...... , is . _ 4E4 - ''',(.... -, ... t , : Ia. . • 7. - ,o .11 ; .. • • • a I V4 -... !-. _ ..... ei , . 1 2 1- :.‘r ' .. ; .: .-- ... - , t ; 1 4 t. - 14 I -41\ 't / - ' A s -''' -4: \?..:: mi - N 4 V *' i . Vlbf - f .0i 7.: ■ f . ': . * A . Y g- ♦ . A. - 3 r HEADLINES 1964 Hand "; Dionne Warwick's IN THE "Walk On By "; Martha and the Jan. 18 -Curb on cigarette ads Vandella's "Dancing in the NEWS... is projected. Street." Jan. 23 -Fidel and Nikita wheel and deal. The Arts: Picasso's "The Jan. 29 -Saturn rocket lifts its Painter and his Model "; Op Fall of 1963 heaviest payload. Art gains first admirers. Jan. 30- Military dissidents Film: "Lord of the Flies "; Sept. -115 freshmen students oust Vietnam junta. "Zorba the Greek "; "Mary admitted to A &M Consol- Feb. 9- Innsbruck is host to Poppins "; "My Fair Lady" idated High School in College Winter Olympics. (Academy Award); "Gold - Station, Texas. Feb. 12- Beatles invade USA. finger "; "A Hard Day's Night "; Sept. -Ford introduces the T- Feb. 25 -Clay TKOs Liston "Lilies of the Field." bird. for world title. Deaths: Peter Lorre, Rachel Sept. 15- Bombing of Alabama April -Ford introduces Carson, Gen. Douglas church kills 4 Negro girls. Mustang. MacArthur, Spike Jones, Oct. 7 -Pres. Kennedy signs May 14 -Aswan Dam in Jawaharlal Nehru, Lady Astor, treaty for atomic test ban. service. Ian Fleming, Gracie Allen, Nov. 22 -Pres. John Kennedy July 14 -US sends 600 more Harpo Marx, Eddie Cantor, assassinated in Dallas, Texas. troops into Vietnam. Herbert Hoover, 136 Nov. 29- Warren is to head July 18 -Great groups make Americans in Viet Nam. JFK death inquiry. Motown their home: The Dec. 9 -FBI says Oswald acted Supremes, Smokey Robinson 1965 alone in shooting. and The Miracles, Stevie Dec. 11 -Frank Sinatra, Jr. Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Jan. - Skateboards becoming snatched, ransomed. Temptations. more popular. July 27 -U.S. to send 5,000 Jan. 20- Johnson installed; Literature: John Le Carre's more advisers to Vietnam. stresses Great Society. "The Spy Who Came In From Oct. 22 -Willie Shoemaker Feb. 11 -US launches air strike The Cold." rides to 5,000th victory. on North Vietnam. Academia: Betty Friedan's Oct. 26- Rolling Stones hit the April 15- American planes "The Feminie Mystique ; USA. dropping napalm bombs in Scientists define quasars. Nov. 3- Johnson landslide Vietnam. Music: "Puff the Magic buries Goldwater. June 3 -White strolls 100 Dragon" and "Blowin' in the Nov. 19 -South Vietnam starts miles above earth outside Wind" by Peter, Paul and biggest attack of war. Gemini. Mary; "Blue Velvet" by Bobby Dec. 10 -Dr. King collects June 29 -US forces authorized Vinton; "Heat Wave" by Nobel Peace Prize. to fight in Vietnam. Martha and the Vandellas. July 28 -LBJ sends 50,000 The Arts: Art Nouveau Literature: Hemingway's "A more troops to Vietnam. revived worldwide. Moveable Feast." July 30- Johnson signs Film: "Dr. Strangelove "; "Dr. Academia: Eric Berne's Medicare Bill. No "; "The Birds "; "Tom "Games People Play "; Aug. 6 -Voting rights bill Jones "(Academy Award). Marshall McLuhan's signed by LBJ. Deaths: Robert Frost, Aldous "Understanding Media." Aug. 15 -Race riots in Watts Huxley, C. S. Lewis. Music: "Hello Dolly "; for five days. "Fiddler on the Roof'; The Oct. 18 -Draft card burned; Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your FBI arrests owner. 4 Nov. 9- Greatest power failure June 13- Miranda decision 1967 strikes nine states. signed by Supreme Court. Nov. 30- Anti -war protesters June 25 -James Meredith shot Jan. 27 -Three Astronauts die: immolate themselves. on civil rights march. Grissom, White, Chaffee. Dec. 10- UNICEF awarded July 19- Richard Speck accused Jan. 15 -First Superbowl: Nobel Peace Prize. of murdering eight nurses. Packers 35, Chiefs 10. Dec. 15- Gemini 6 & 7 July 19 -Frank Sinatra and Mia Jan. 19 -US suffers highest rendezvous in space. Farrow wed. weekly casualties in 'Nam. Aug. 1- Sniper, Charles Feb. 11 -Red China's Army Literature: Norman Mailer's Whitman, on U.T.Tower takes control of capital. "An American Dream." terrorizes campus, slays 12. Feb. 25- Boston Strangler Academia: Ralph Nader's Sept. 23 -LBJ signs bill for arrested. "Unsafe at any Speed." $1.60/hour minimum wage. Mar. 26- 10,000 hippies rally Music: "King of the Road "; Sept. 30- Bechuananland at New York Be -In. "A Hard Day's Night." becomes independent nation of May 1 -Elvis and Priscilla wed The Arts: Picasso's "Self Botswana. in Vegas. Portrait "; Michaelangelo's Oct. 4- Basutoland becomes May -127 graduate from "Pieta" exhibited in New York. independent nation of Lesotho. A &M Consolidated High Film: Othello ; " "Dr. Oct. 26 -LBJ pays surprise visit School in College Station, Zhivago "; "Help!"; "The to boys in 'Nam. Texas. Sound of Music" (Academy Nov. 8- California elects Award). Ronald Reagan as Governor. Deaths: Jack Ruby, Henry Deaths: Sir Winston Dec. -The miniskirt: Men can't Luce, Konrad Adenaur, Claud Churchill, T.S. Eliot, Malcolm believe their eyes. Rains, Spencer Tracy, X, Stan Laurel, Nat King Cole, Dorothy Parker, Jayne Adlai Stevenson, Albert Literature: Truman Capote's Mansfield, Basil Rathbone, Schweitzer, Somerset "In:Cold Blood "; Jacqueline Carl Sandburg, Viven Leigh, Maugham, Edward R. Susann's "Valley of the Dolls." Brian Epstein, Henry Kaiser. Murrow, Helena Rubinstein, Religion: US Catholics David O'Selznick,Clara Bow. allowed to eat meat on Friday. Note: Of all the events that Academia: Chemical structure occurred during these four 1966 of DNA revealed. years, everyone remembers Music: "On A Clear Day You where they were the moment Jan. 8 -8,000 G.I.'s launch Can See Forever "; "Man of La they heard that Pres. Kennedy war's biggest attack. Mancha "; "Born Free "; had been shot. Most of us Jan. 19- Nehru's daughter, "Strangers in the Night "; were at lunch that Friday. By Indira Gandhi, becomes "Eleanor Rigby." the time we were in our after - Premier. Film: "Torn Curtain "; noon classes, the announce - Mar. 24- Selective Service "Fahrenheit 451 "; "Alfie "; ment had been made by Mr. announces deferments based "Who's Afraid of Virginia Oztnent over the p.a. The on performance. Woolf'; "A Man For All next several days were a blur April 9- Sophia Loren finally Seasons" (Academy Award). with families gathered around weds Carlo Ponti. Deaths: Sophie Tucker, Buster their television sets watching April 15-Rubella vaccine Keaton, Hedda Hopper, the drama unfold. Most of us introduced. Maxfield Parrish, Evelyn saw Jack Ruby kill Lee Har- May -Mao launches Cultural Waugh, Montgomery Clift, vey Oswald on live t.v. a few Revolution in China. Lenny Bruce, Walt Disney. days later. The potential May 28- Opposition to impact of television on our Vietnam War growing. lives was just beginning. 5 QUIPS & "Has it been five years? You sounds great!" QUOTES people are getting old! Look - -Jimmy Jackson forward to seeing you all." - -Jim Bradley "Can't wait!" The following quotes are - -Janet (Leipper) Smith taken from response cards, "Would love to see everyone b ut can't make it to Texas until Grew tired of being a nurse phone calls and letters I and became a flight attendant received prior to and after the September." reunion. Thought I would - -Janet (Calliham) Runkles for American Airlines about a g year ago. Will be on a trip. share them with you. Wish I could be there. Tell "We are going to Missouri that weekend to pick up our son everyone 'Hello'." Responses to: Grandchildren? - -Kathy (Litterst) Hunter It's possible! from camp. I sure hate to miss it!" -- Shelley (Cooper) Michelle "I'm looking forward to seeing "Not!" - -David Alexander one - -It's been a long "Good luck! Didn't we agree eve D' g "No way!!" - -Linda Anderson last time to never do it again ?" time!" y - -Fred Davis - -Kati (Prater) Trawick "Ha, Ha, Ha -- No thanks, none "I look forward to seeing we know of." - -Terry Logan "25th Reunion, very good idea! everyone--Thanks for doing Keep up the good work!" D' f d Response to "Who will know -- Maurine (Dawson) Dana this, Anne. --Bill Price where you are in five years ?" "I'll be a delegate at the state "My sister lives in Austin so an Republican convention that Austin gathering would be "Evalyn, you, my parents, some unnamed good looking weekend. Tell everyone 'Hello' fun!" - Zaida (Richardson) Belendez hunk." - -Faye Inglis for me!" - - -Kerry (Fisher) Stallings nice and we It sounds like fun but my "It sounds very daughter is getting married at were planning on coming in "Sorry to have to miss it. Hope that time! See you next time!" .June anyway. What a challenge to be of some help on #30." --Karen (Thompson) Thatcher to remember names after all - -Penny (Hancock) Hervey these years." , Everything sounds great! -- JoAnne (Berner) Thomas "I would love to come but I Thanks for taking the time to have other commitments. I am plan it all . Have a fun party- - "Say 'Hello' to everyone, I've still with the Air Force and am Tell all I said 'Hello'." been teaching at the Anthro- being reassigned from the Pent- --Laura (Vestal) McGregor pology Department here at the agon to Edwards AFB Cali - University of New Mexico. I fornia. I will be the Deputy "It's not because I'm bald, will be in Portugal over the Commandant of the USAF Test though I'm well on the way, it's summer so I will miss the Pilot School. Have a great not because of gains -- financial reunion." - -Jim Boone reunion. Sorry Icouldn't make or otherwise. I just can't get it. Best Wishes. " - -Steve Henry away. " - -Steve Watkins "Short of a national emergency- -I'm planning on being there. "Thanks so much for calling. I "Greetings- -Our youngest, Thanks for keeping me on the loved the visit." Zach, will attend Tulane Un- rolls." - -Bill Braddy - -Meg (Huebner) Woody versity on a 4 year Army "Sorry, we can't come. It ROTC scholarship. Erich 6 attends the US Air Force Pasadena, California to Lafay- turing of Travelers Insurance, Academy and graduates next ette, Louisiana. Sony, I won't National Accounts Group, I am year!"--P hyllis (Wolf) Schroeder be able to attend. Have a great having difficulty even spending time. By the way only 15 or 16 necessary time with my family. "Well- -It's 60 pounds, I'm bald- of the reasons not to attend Life continues very reward- ing and I'm president AND apply and as to the one reason ingly. Now married for 18 janitor of my own company." to attend I find I often think of years to the same beautiful - -Nolan Young old classmates (emphasis on wife, good family, health and a old), especially when I travel stable job. My 13 year old "Thanks for tracking me down through Texas." - -Jim Gilbert daughter (better student than I and inviting me to your reunion ever was) and a 9 year old son party. I had a wonderful time "John and I had a real nice time who is physically gifted and not and appreciate the enormous at the reunion. It was obvious into school. Current vices work you must have gone to." that you had put a lot of time include canoe -ing, fishing, - -Ted Dix and effort into it. I regret that I camping (just re-turned from had lost contact with the major- Quetico Provincial Park in "It seems like only a couple of ity of the people- -our high Ontario, Canada), shooting and weeks ago that an invitation to school years played such an BMX -ing with my son. My attend the 20th reunion caught important role in our lives." prayers and thoughts are to all up with me as I was finishing - Donna (Young) Bugge of you and my intentions to an assignment at Prudhoe Bay, make the 30th. My special Alaska. Are you sure it's been "Yes, I am fatter and much thanks to those of you who 5 years? This invitation catches balder but I regret not being organized this, especially you, me in the middle of a transfer able to attend the 25th Re- Anne, for opening your house from our engineering office in union. With the recent restruc- to so many." - -David Lechelt "THE REUNION BOOKS" Income Expenses Carryover from 1987 $200.00 Donation to Mrs. Leland Donation 50.00 when her house burned Aug.'88 $100.00 Reunion reservations 884.00 Postage 127.40 TOTAL $1134.00 Invitations 96.89 Decorations 48.93 Ramada Inn room rental 141.25 Food for Friday and Saturday 605.94 Beverages, paper goods, etc. 205.27 Class list 54.00 TOTAL $1379.68 This accounting is not intended to make anyone feel obligated for the negative balance. Tommie and I are satisfied with the way things are at this point. I appreciate the fact that you all have trusted me with the finances and I feel that you deserve an accounting of where the money went. A few people paid for reservations and, for whatever reason, were not able to attend. Since I had to guarantee a certain number of people for each event based on the reservations received I will not be refunding any money. Some of the expenses incurred are not listed because Tommie and I chose to donate them. Thanks so much for those of you who pitched in to help: Evalyn Worley Garza, Faye Inglis, and Wally Williams. - -Anne Boykin Gunter 7 REMEMBER jackets with medallions? crew cut and the flies buzzed WHEN around it for days? • • • • ... the Latin Club played mini- ature golf in their togas? ...everyone stole the fruit loops ...your bobbie socks turned blue off your button down shirts? because your black suede loaf- ...you could buy Frito pies at ers bled after the first rain? the snack bar in the NEW ...Welborn had that wonderful gym? general store /post office? ...you tried covering the sock ring on your ankles with make- ...the only thing to do on a ...everyone parked on the last up and they turned orange? week night was to cruise few rows of the Circle Drive - Tastee Freeze and the A &W? In? ...Senora Worley made you sing "Un Elephante" one more ...the only decent music on the ...you could spend Saturday time? radio was "Tigerland Turn- watching cartoons at Guion table" on Wednesday nights? Hall for 35 cents? ...you could buy a cherry phos- (Sunday afternoons it was phate and a single dip lime "Czech Hour "!) ...playing in the creek was sherbet at Madeley's for 25 healthy? cents? ...Coach Norton's was always open late for pancakes? ...smoking grapevine was con - ...you could ride bikes up and sidered risque? down the ramps at Kyle field? ...madras was the best and then it bled the first time you ...we put on plays in the garage ...knothole seats to the Aggie washed it? and charged admission? games were a dollar? ...the classrooms on stilts had ...the Seniors looked so old and ...Mrs. Hensley would put your no air conditioning and mature? name on a card when she students would sneak out of caught you chewing gum? And the open windows during ...go -go boots were absolutely three checks meant you went to class? the highest in fashion trends? the office? ...the girls stole the boys' ...Holick's Grocery sold a ... Mrs. Westbrook would dressing room door at the old 16oz. Top Cola for a quarter? announce on the p.a. that teach- gym and waited for them to ers were to admit the late stu- return from the showers? ...the guys would flip pencils dents because the Welborn bus into the accoustical ceilings? was late... again? ...you had to wear those awful blue outfits for P. E.? ...you looked for dropped ...Mrs. Leland let you take the change under the stadium algebra test just one more time? ...everyone was trying to figure seats? out the words to "Louie, ...we dissected fetal pigs with Louie "? •..we could Mr. Morgan? ...you bleached your hair with remember what ...we made Mrs. Sperry cry pure peroxide and ironed it to happened just almost every day? make it straight? yesterday? ...the cool guys wore Nehru ...you used Butch Wax on your 8 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOO CLASS OF 1967 25 YEAR REUNION Reservation Form Name of Graduate: Spouse's Name: .. rs �. Address: Home Phone: ( ) WofkPhone: ( Your Occupation: .' Spouse's Occupation: Children's Names, Ages: Grandchildren? (It's possible!) Name and address of individual who would most likely know where you are in years: I will attend the following activities during the weekend of June 19 - 20, 1992: Friday Evening Party No. attending: Tadults @ $10.00 each, children under 12 @ $5.00 each Saturday Party No. attending: ' adults @ $15.00 each, children under 12 @ $6.50 each Enclosed is my check made out to Anne Gunter for $ I will not be able to attend this time. Comments: • Mail ASAP to Anne Gunter at 8523 Adirondack Trail, Austin, TX 78759. Questions? Call (512) 345 -8162. Call Collect! , Reservations due June 12, 1992. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS x ?. IN AUSTIN 3F 1* - Quarters Motor Inns 4 - Corporate Lodging Guest Suites 9102 Burnet Road at 183 183 North near the Arboretum (512) 835 -7070 (512) 345 -8822 1 King - 1 person - $43.95 1 Bedroom (Queen) - $79 1 King - 2 people - $46.95 Full apartment, kitchen, HBO, 2 Doubles - 2 people - $49.95 Fireplace, pool, hot tub, tennis 2 Doubles,- 3 people - $55.95 courts, 2 private country clubs, Continental breakfast included, fitness center. refrigerator, whirpool tubs, TV, recently remodeled 5 - Stouffer Austin Hotel 9721 Arboretum Boulevard 2 - Holiday Inn (512) 343 -2626 Northwest Plaza Mopac 1 -800- 468 -3571 (512) 343 -0888 1 King or 2 Doubles - $89 +tax 1 King of 2 Doubles - $55 rtax Several restaurants, pool, 2 Doubles (Children under 12 eat walking distance to the Arboretum free) $78 + tax - (a major shopping area), theaters Restaurant, pool, quiet neighbor - and restaurants hood, very nice 3 - Hawthorn Suites Hotel *Numbers refer to location on map. 8888 Tallwood Drive (512) 343 -0008 1 Bedroom - $75 2 Bedroom - $125 Full apartment, kitchen, fireplace, pool, hot tub, sport court, free breakfast buffet & hospitality hour • c - 9c. ate, a ' e4,e.n.t' . ■.,.1 a = — - Ad 041 r,,lc -tke 4 -- „ :4 , i0 A Cam) .� y �Z� -�.e� _.r�rc ,i/2 `1,e). "1U p4-x. 1 U r �Z L J M. l� �,Pivi.�u�v 2 14-L, /0 ( ccek a--yty c,c CA r -t-P /tr1 -e1 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION David Lawrence Alexander (Kay) James L. Boone III "Jim" 29 Glen Abbey Court 600 Bryn Mawr NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Abilene, TX 79606 H: (505) 255 -1882, W: (505) 277 -6558 H:(915) 695 -4441, W:(915) 698 -6484 Teaching Anthropology at UNM [Lawre (19), Jay (17)] Pres. - S -Tel Corp.; Reg. Dir. Amer. Heart Assoc. Stephen D. Boring "Steve" (Patricia) Eurocom A.International Howard Ngij Anderson, Jr. Ave. Brugmann 60 108 S. Reed B1061 Brussels, BELGIUM Bryan, TX 77803 H: (409)846 -5261 H: 011- 322 - 348- 3870,W:011- 322 - 513 -8094 [1 D] Manufacturing [Stephanie (21), Carolyn (16)] Linda Carol Anderson (E. Hamer Paschall II) Patricia (Boriski) Shaw "Pat" P.O. Box 243 Post Office Box 1448 Pecos, TX 79772 Battle Ground, IN 47920 H: (915) 445 -4258, W: (915)445 -4961 x260 H:(317) 567 -2292, W:(317) 743 -9502 [Clay (19), Joel(16), Amity (13)] Elizabeth Anne (Boykin) Gunter (Tom) Earth Science Teacher;Res. Sci., Plant Genetics 8523 Adirondack Trail Austin, TX 78759 H: (512) 345 -8162, W: (512) 891 -2194 Mary Beth (Bailey) Helmcamp (Trey) [Tamara (21), Thomas (18)] 1800 Lime Rock Drive Calligrapher; Owner: Left -Write Ink Round Rock, TX 78681 H: 512) 388 -7418 Corporate Vice President- Motorola [3S] Homemaker; Retired Officer William Lloyd Braddy HI "Bill" (Paula) Carnell Banks 9463 Onion Patch Drive c/o Charles Aubrey Banks Burke, VA 22015 H: (703) 644 -4028 General Delivery [Tracy (14), Sarah (12)]] Wellborn, TX 77881 H: (409) 690 -0930 LtC. USArmy; Nurse Administrator Homer David Barrow James Wilson Bradley "Jim" (Sylvia) c/o Lloyd E. Barrow 1301 Broadmoor Drive Route 1, Box 308 Liberty, TX 77575 Bryan, TX 77802 H: (409) 846 -8950 H: (409) 298 -9177, W: (409) 536 -3200 [Lisa (22), Bryan (12), Jamie (7)] Kevin Robert Bean Contel of Texas; Homemaker Paul David Becker (Donna) Charmille (Bridges) Tamulinas (Stace) 14606 Wind Lawn Houston, TX 77040 728 East Viking Drive Maplewood, MN 55117 H: (713) 937 -9830, W: (713) 229 -2425 Sr. Research Scientist - 3M [Sean Paul (12)] Project Analyst, Harris Co. Adult Probation Janet Lynn (Calliham) Runkles (Richard -'66) Supervisor, Automatic Data Proc., Inc. 6840 East Costilla Circle Englewood, CO 80112 H: (303)721 -1325 Jack Charles Beezley [Leslie (16), David (12), John (10)] 138 Brandywine Court Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Homemaker; Dir. Eng.- Stanley Aviation H: (708) 918 -8052, W: (708) 938 -7723 .Jacaulyn Ann (Carroll) Pinkey JoAnne (Berner) Thomas 605 Dumas; Bryan, TX 77801 (Orpha B. "Tommy" Thomas) LaSandra Ruth (Cathcart) Gault "Sandy" 1612 N. Belmont Arlington Heights, IL 60004 H: (708) 392 -2073 (Roger) [Stephanie (16), Mark (15)] 11507 Shade Tree Cove Homemaker, Part -time pre - school teacher Austin, TX 78759 -3861 H: (512) 258-6033, Safety Engineer [Jennifer (13), Martha (11)] Teacher; Mechanical Eng.- Tracor Randy Gwen Wise Bice (Richard E. Bice) 1 June 29, 1992 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION Elizabeth Bottrill (Clark) Lehnert (David) Rolando Farfan 202 McNair Navasota, TX 77868 H: (409) 825 -2099 Kerry Ann (Fisher) Stallings (John) [Heather(18), Amy(16), Sarah(12), Benjamin(9)] 3620 Whiffletree Drive Plano, TX 75023 Family Home Day Care; Res. Eng. -Ocean Drilling H: (214) 596 -3616, W: (214) 596 -1300 [Timothy (15), Kathryn (13)] Shelley Elaine (Cooper) Michel (Randy) Part - time - Sharon Young, Inc.; Veterinarian 2910 Camille Drive College Station, TX 77845 -7722 Paul Embry Garvin H: (409) 693 -3522, W: (409) 776 -2244 P.O. Box 845 Denver, CO 80201 [Mark (11), Natalie (9 -1/2), ? (4)] H: (303) 321 -2015 Homemaker; Attorney Linda Lee Crenshaw James Ray Gilbert "Jimmy" 413 Waldo #102 Pasadena, CA 91101 [M] Atlantic Richfield ,lames Center Creswell (Pat) 3103 Wheeler Street Austin, TX 78705 David Ray Glover H: (512) 477 -0973 [Andrew (15), Adam (14), Amy (11)] Charlie E. Grayer M.D. Neonatalogist -Seton Hospital; Office Mgr. 5207 Canterway Houston, TX 77021 H: (713) 738 -5041 Robert Patrick Culpepper Darroch Hardin Mary Elizabeth Griffin Gavle Eileen (Darroch) c/o Mr. & Mrs. G's Fine Jewelry Route 1, Box 127 Heth, AR 72346 103 Loop 281 West Longview, TX 75605 H: (501) 657 -2275 Kaye Pennington (Hancock) Hervey "Penney" Alfred Webb Davis III "Fred" (Sue Ellen) (Scott '66) 5120 OSR East Bryan, TX 77803 -9721 Route 4, Box 42 Bryan, TX 77803 H: (409) 589 -3176, W: (409) 776 -9551 H: (409) 823 -8253, W:(409)845 -4151 [Thomas Webb (9), Nancy Diana (6)] [Jarrett(8),Elizabeth Scott(5), Andrew(6 mo.)] Attorney; Homemaker Theater Complex -TAMU; Control Operator Lead Scheduler, TMPA Richard Harvey Davis III 220 N.12th Street Garland, TX 75040 Barbara Sue Hedges "Barbie" H: (214) 272 -7282 [M, 1S,1D] 2814 O'Berry Street Raleigh, NC 27607 Owner - Accounting Firm H: (919) 828 -5692 Maurine Elizabeth (Dawson) Dana (John) Stephen Allen Henry (Maxine) 1910 Echols Bryan, TX 77801 8006 Diving Cliff Lane Springfield, VA 22153 H: (409) 823 -2130, W: (409) 779 -7154 H: (703) 440 -8158, (202) 697 -8885 Bookkeeper; Mechanic [Laura (20), Robert (17)] Major -USAF; Nurse Theodore Dix "Ted" (Mary Ellen Isaacs) Thomas King Hensarling 3209 Oakmont Blvd. Austin, TX 78703 251 Buttercup Lane Dallas, TX 75217 H: (512)451 -8832, W: (512)471 -3921 H: (214) 391 -7440 [M, 3D] [Emily (3)] Professor at UT; Doctoral student Donna Marie Heritage Carolyq Jean (Eimann) Gibbens c/o Walter M. Heritage 2526 Willow Bend Bryan, TX 77802 1416 Antone Court College Station, TX 77840 [M, 1D] H: (409) 693 -2153 William Ervin Ethridge "Bill" (Karen E.) $urnest Douglas Hollis - Deceased 49 Longview Bryan, TX 77801 H: (409) 589 -3180 John Deere in Bryan William David Falls 2 June 29, 1992 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION Larry Gene Holt Janet Elizabeth (Leipper) Smith (Benjamin) 2804 Bishop's Gate Bryan, TX 77801 1062 Waite Eugene, OR 97402 H: (409) 823 -2403, W: (409)846 -2591 H: (503) 689 -1933 [Austin (10)] Attorney [ID, 2S] Homemaker; CPA Margaret Todd (Huebner) Woody "Meg" Paula Gaye Murphy Letbetter (Allen) 3144 Whitehall Drive Dallas, TX 75229 Kathryn Aileen (Litterst) Hunter "Kathy "(Ed) H: (214) 358 -4748, W:(214)357 -3393 4921 Arborgate Drive Arlington, TX 76017 [Josh (12), Matthew (9)] H: (817)483 -8360 Homemaker; Computer Analyst [Carl(22), Chris( 19 ),Casey(17),Brad(21),Laura(18) Flight Attendant - American Airlines; Consultant David William Ibert Terry Seth Logan (Sharon) Faye Somervell Inglis P.O. Box 438 Brenham, TX 77833 18025 Hill Country Skyline Austin, TX 78736 H: (409) 830 -1464, W: (409) 830 -0255 H: (512) 264 -1067 [Samuela (6), Alexander(5)] [Seth(19), Heidi(15), Brett(9)] Kindergarten Teacher -Ortega Elem. Baseball Scout - Philadelphia Phillies Librarian - Brenham High School Edethel Gayle (Jackson) Bedci Elmer Mable, Jr. James Robert Jackson "Jimmy" 806 Tarrow College Station, TX 77840 (Michele Edmonds - '68) H: (409) 696 -5194 8607 Rosewood Drive College Station, TX 77845 H: (409) 764 -0527, W: (409) 764 -8400 Fredrick Andrew Maddox (Ruth Royder'68) [Keith(21),Jennifer(16)] Exxon Dealer -2 locations 307 Bolton Avenue College Station, TX 77840 H: (409) 696 -2854, W: (409) 361 -4410 Terry Miller Jones (Bette) [Jennifer (12)] 501 College View Bryan, TX 77801 Adult Probat'n Officer- Brazos Co.; Lab Mgr. H: (409) 846 -8907, W: (409) 776 -7767 [Jace (13), Dean & Drew (10), ? (5)] Robert Melvin Marcotte, Jr. "Bobby" Dermotologist; Nurse (Cynthia Stovall) 7538 Sandy Point Bryan, TX 77803 Jujimi Ludwig Junek, Jr. H: (409) 775 -1894, W: (409) 845 -4522 1010 Hereford College Station, TX 77840 [1 Child(19)] Spouse - Teacher H: (409) 693 -3798 JCennith W. Martin Rebecca Ann (Kirby) Tyler "Becca" 320 South Beltline Boulevard #24D Mary Jane (McBride) Moran (William) Columbia, SC 29205 -4243 [S, 1S, 1D1 2600 Maria Anna Road Austin, TX 78703 H: (512) 453 -3490 [Cory (9), ? (5)] Larry Neal Laird (Brenda) Sales; M.D. Post Office Box 177 Tomball, TX 77375 H: (713) 351 -1517, W: (713) 469 -9236 John Gordon McGill (Charmaine) [Rebecca (15), Britt (13)] P.O. Box 26098 Austin, TX 78755 Master Plumber; Sec. /Adm. Assistant H: (512) 346 -2222 Developer Carolyn Layman (Scott R. Gordon) Larkin Arthur McNie1 (Darlene) 306 Midland Street Little Rock, AR 72205 Route 2, Box 458 Moody, TX 76557 H: (501) 666 -5563, W: (501) 666 -8686 H: (817) 853 -2796 [Angie (17), Jake (14)] [1 child] Therapist - Mental Health Center; Self - employed Dir. Psychiatric Program Kenneth James Meyer "Kenny" David Merrill Lechelt 1400 Timothy Ridge St. Charles, MO 63304 [M, ID (13), 1S (9)] Traveler's Insurance, Nat'l. Accounts Group 3 June 29, 1992 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION Lvnda Ann (Miller) Britton (John) Blenda Joyce Smith Peterson 707 East Southfield Road Shreveport, LA 71105 H: (318) 865 -6916 W: (318) 221 -8411 x6279 Rebecca Lavonne (Plantt) Smith [Chris (23), Jeff (19)] 713 W. 15th Street Houston, TX 77008 -4127 Clinical Microbiologist- Medical Technologist H: (713)868 -8097, W:(713)984 -5307 President- Computer Creations Unlimited William James Powell "Billy" (Betty) Clemmie LaVern (Mitchell) Idlebird 2506 Briar Oaks Drive Bryan, TX 77803 705 Wellborn Road College Station, TX 77840 H: (409) 268 -7448, W: (409) 845 -8960 H: (409) 693 -7844, W: (409) 845 -0398 [Paul (26), Kristy (22)] Elect. Tech. -TAMU Computer Center; Adm. Asst. - Robert Gene Mixon "Bobby" Pepsi 735 International Blvd. #113 Houston, TX 77024 H: (713) 957 -8306 Texas Commerce Bank Karen (Prater) Trawick "Kati" (Ken) Route 5, Box 391 Chipley, FL 32428 Richard Douglas Moon "Ricky" (Toni) H: (904) 638 -7546, W: (904) 638 -0429 3314 Hartfield Lane Spring, TX 77388 Homemaker; V.P. - Trawick Construction Co. H: (713) 350 -2553, W: (713) 591 -1632 [T.C.(19), Matt(17)] [Russell (18), Christopher (9), Matthew (7)] Sales; Childcare Tommy Ray Preston c/o Brazos County Sheriffs Department $arbara Jean (Moore) Yeldell (Roland) Bryan, TX 77801 2342 Rivervalley Missouri City, TX 77459 H: (713) 499 -6918, W: (713) 274 -2605 William Franklin Price "Bill" (Nancy) [Shawnn (24), Kimberly (21), Vincent (20)] 1615 Centenary Street Longview, TX 75601 Eng. Tech.; Supervisor - SW Bell H: (903) 758 -8859, W: (903) 236 -3801 [Alison (15), Angela (13), Ben (12)] Kenneth Jerome Morgan "Jerry" (Sharon D.) M.D. -OB & Gyn.; Teacher 15796 I.G.N. Road College Station, TX 77845 H: (409) 690 -1476, W:(409)690 -0095 Oliver Wayne Prieve [Russell(12), Kristie(11)] 4A Midway Sugar Land, TX 77479 -9699 Res. Asst. TAMU Res. Found.; Lab Asst. H:(713)242 -0954; W: (713) 490 -1127 Richard [M, 2C] TAMU Extension Service Kenneth Murphy (Mary) 6931 Mobud Houston, TX 77074 William Howard Ramge "Bill" (Betty) H: (713) 771 -7905, W: (713) 623 -3468 8026 Pine Falls Houston, TX 77095 [2S] Engineer- Houston Power and Light H: (713) 550 -1945 Self- employed Construction Oma Del( Nash c/o Odell Nash Linda Elaine (Redman) Scott (William) 702 Churchill Drive Bryan, TX 77801 #1 Cheyenne Drive College Station, TX 77840 H: (409) 822 -2559 H: (409) 690 -9600, W: (409) 779 -6086 [Shelley] Day Care; Construction Company Robert Paul Norton "Bob" (Linda) Hockley, TX Asiline (Reed) Morrison [2C] Builder James C. Reed Dixie Olden Route 3, Box 425 College Station, TX 77840 Nancy Osborne Reid H: (409) 690 -0655, W: (409) 399 -2821 156 Bryn Mawr Drive San Antono, TX 78209 [Michael Paul (11)] Special Education Teacher H: (512) 826 -5066; W:(512)567 -2255 Advertising Artist/Graphic Designer Melissa Gray (Owens) Moon 11702 Pebbleton Houston, TX 77070 7aida Raquel (Richardson) Belendez [M, 2S] 125 Elam Park Lexington, KY 40503 H: (606) 277 -3409, W: (606) 288 -2434 Iduk Dewitt Parsons [Pilar, Alexander] Public Health Nurse 4 June 29, 1992 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION David Charles Riedel Ivory Joe Taylor 8334 SW 21st Street Topeka, KS 66615 -1517 2307 Wilkes Bryan, TX 77803 H: (913) 272 -5693 [M] H: (409)778 -3003, W: (409)821 -4588 Resident Psychiatry; Attorney John Duane Teer Allan Dexter Riggs (Sue) 11403 Whisper Moss St. San Antonio, TX 78230 Karen Juanita (Thompson) Thatcher (David) H: (512) 493 -0536 [Toby (10), Leah (8)] 1997 Clifton Terrace Snellville, GA 30278 Financial Consultant; Teacher H: (404) 972 -8832, W: (404) 634 -7341 Melfred [David, Jr. (22), Stephanie (21), Jennifer (18), Doyle Robertson (Betty Jo) Travis (16), Mandy (12), Ashley (10)] 1417 Clement Court College Station, TX 77840 Part-time Comm. School Teacher; H: (409) 693 -7888, W: (409) 845 -3888 Dist. Mgr. Bergen Brunswick Pharm. Co. [Melissa (17), James (12)] Asst. Stores Mgr. - TAMU; Lira William Upham, Jr. - Deceased Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Killed in altercation with Wichita Falls police. ,lames M. Robinson Laura Louise (Vestal) McGregor (Jim) 4402 Wickford Circle Sugar Land, TX 77479 Ray Gregory Rowe H: (713) 980 -1661 [Robin (7), Andrew (6)] Piano and Voice Teacher; Architect Gary Norman Royder - Deceased Killed in auto accident Aug. 29, 1990 in Lamar, Boyd Mitchael Vincent Colorado. His son would like information about 214 Buckridge Drive Montgomery, TX 77356 Gary's high school years. H: (409) 588 -1839, W: (409) 291 -4200 Ellis II Unit at TDC, CO III Norma jiay Royder 2211 North Thompson Conroe, TX 77301 Edward Reed Walker II "Ed" H: (409) 756 -2529, W: (409) 539 -5437 [Gary(24), Kimberly(23), Eddie(20)] John Steven Watkins "Steve" LVN- CMRT 110 Pearl St. Berea, KY 40403 H:(606)986 -1643 [M, 1C] Deborah Gwynn (Schatte) Currie Cabinetmaker, builder; French Teacher Berea "Debbie "(Don Currie) College 4317 Cartagena Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133 H: (817)294 -0148, W: (817)531 -6240 Bonnie Lee Watson [Matthew (19), Betsy (15)] c/o A. G. Searcy Magnet Social Studies Teacher; 106 Southland College Station, TX 77840 Sr. Eng. - General Dynamics H: (409) 693 -0283 Sharon Lil Skrivanek Wanda Sue McTee Watts Beatrice Smith Williams David James Wehrly (Cindi) 15911 Gault Street Van Nuys, CA 91204 204 Holly Hill Road Enterprise, AL 36330 H: (205) 347 -1996, W: (205)255- 7047/7048 Celia Jane (Stark) Jeter (James) Physician; Medical Records Administrator 1401 Glade College Station, TX 77840 H: (409) 693 -0937 Graphic Designer; [2S] E velyn Joyce Wells c/o J. T. Wells Lawrence Ray Sterling 815 Churchill College Station, TX 77840 H: (409) 696 -5474 Rhea Kaye Storey Joseph Elias White Robert Ronald Stump "Bob" c/o Abner White RFD 4 College Station, TX 77840 Patricia Lynn Highnote Talasek H: (409) 693 -8529 5 June 29, 1992 A &M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '67 ROSTER - 25 YEAR REUNION Pelois Jewel (Wilborn) Thompson Barbara Higginbotham c/o Abbie Wilborn Marian Hollie 1221 Phoenix Street College Station, TX 77840 Becky Holt Dan Huddleston Wallace Leonard Williams "Wally" (Judy) Virginia Huff 1715 Camp Craft Road Austin, TX 78746 Patricia Junke H: (512) 328 -6828, W: (512) 327 -8810 Barbara Ann Lyons [Quinn(23), Johanna(14), Abbie(9), Cole(6)] Melissa McGuire Advertising Copywriter -GSDM; Homemaker Mike Mattern Billy Nichols Dorothy Mae Wilson Andrew Phoenix 1328 Baker Bryan, TX 77801 Stan Randall H: (409) 779 -0271 Preston Smith Billy Dean Terrell Phyllis Ann (Wolf) Schroeder (William) Mike TheBerge 12740 Dauphin Island Parkway Coden, AL 36523 Rita TheBerge H: (205) 973 -1091 [Erich(20), Zachary(18)] Carolyn Wilborn Piano Teacher; Carolyn Williams • Oceanography Professor -Univ. of Alabama Herman Wilson LaNell Wilson Evalvn (Worley) Garza Sophomore Class of '67: 12721 Marimba Trail Austin, TX 78729 Jane Bashaw H: (512) 335 -5331, W: (512) 462 -9472 Brenda Brannon [Andrew (12), Anthony (10)] Ind. Arts Teacher Katie Boswell David Cantey Donna Marie (Young) Bugge (John) Carolyn Castle 2011 Post Oak Circle College Station, TX 77845 Cathy Duke H:(409)690 -1554; W:(409)776 -1100 Don Greer [Dawn(24), Paul(20), Jennifer(14)] Larry Hale Secretary; Plumbing Contractor - Boogie Plumbing David Guiberteau Sandra Hill Nolan Bradford Young "Punky" (Linda) Robert Randall Rt. 1 Box 180 Temple, TX 76501 Tommy Schwartz H: (817) 778 -4339, W: (817) 771 -3111 [1 D] Bill Starkey Restaurant Service; Groomer at Vet Office Anne Trail Virgina Urso Freshman Class of '67: The following is a list of members of the Class Carolyn Ackerman of '67 who, for whatever reason, did not Donald Adkins graduate with us. Where are they now? (Class Francis Ball members are listed in the last year they attended Larry Beasley A &M Consolidated.) Sylvia Cardon Shirley Hatfield Senior Class of '67: David Hill Archie Bane - Deceased Barbara Caldwell Margaret Ivy Melvin Lewis Edward Greer Jane Mills Douglas Lewis Van Odell Wanda Marquart Greg Tate Mike Marshall David Torres Melissa McGuire Jessie McKenzie Donna Venuti Bruce Smith Harriett White Junior Class of '67: If you have information concerning these Linda Botner students, please drop a note to: Cyndi Deriso Anne Boykin Gunter 8523 Adirondack Trail Eddy Garpne Austin, TX 78759 (512)345 -8162 Sandy Haight 6 June 29, 1992