HomeMy WebLinkAboutBraley/Berry correspondence 1948 31 August, 1918 SUBJECT: Application for State Air National Guard Squadron at Bryan,Texas. TO: State Adjutant General 1. The City of Bryan and qualified citizens to be members of an Air National Guard Squadron submit this application for an Air National Guard Squadron appointment to be based at Bryan Army Air Base.(at present on stand -by status). 2. The qualifications for this application are hereby submitted: a. The active support of the'City of Bryan, Chamber of Commerce, • all service organizations, and majority support of all citizens. b. Bryan Army Air Base is at present on stand -by status,"and is available upon request through Air Force Headquarters. Enclosed find specific details of Bryan Army Air Base, in stallations and facilities. c. The necessary squadron personnel are available in Bryan, and - surrounding communities within a radius of twenty -five miles= 1. There are 300 to 400 rated personnel, about 250 rated pilots, the balance navigators, bombardiers and radarmen. Approximately 200 pilots have completed actual combat tours, and have flown an average of 1000 hours in combat aircraft. About 100 pilots with average totals from 1500 to 3500 hours in Army aircraft. 2. A survey shows approximately 800 to 900 qualified reserve enlisted and interested men. Available in this group are master aircraft mechanics, and skilled technicians in all trades necessary to maintain a squadron at full strength. (The above figures in 1 and 2 do not include available and transient personnel at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas). 3. This letter of application has been initiated upon request of 1000 interested and qualified personnel, and encouraged by the aforementioned organizations, and citizens of Bryan. Kindly give this application your consideration, and early attention. INTERESTED CITIZENS By RALPH S. BRALEY, CAPTAIN RSBerj AIR CORPS RESERVE, 0- 1699521 KLB /stg 8 October 1948 AG TEX 360 SUBJECT: Allocation of an Additional Air Squadron to the Texas National Guard TO: Chief, National Guard Bureau Washington, D. C. 1. An investigation has convinced me that within a period of from 30 to 60 days and with a minimum of effort, either of the following could be organized at Bryan, Texas: 1st choice - Light Bomb Squadron 2d choice - Air Transport Squadron 3d choice - Fighter Squadron 2. Facilities at Bryan Air Field are entirely adequate. This field is now on a stand -by basis with a small regular caretaker party garrisoned there. 3. There are about 3C0 rated officers in the Bryan area and of these about 150 have 1,000 or more hours in the air in service air- craft and many are combat veterans. 4. There are several hundred enlisted reservists and other young men in this area who are interested. 5. The city of Bryan and other towns within easy distance are wholeheartedly back of this project and I am convinced that a squadron could be easily organized and maintained in this area. 6. If an additional Air Squadron is not available at present for allocating to the Texts National Guard, request that this ap- plication be placed on file and given due consideration when and if a squadron becomes available. K. L. BERRY Major General The Adjutant General of Texas cc: Capt. Ralph S. Braley