HomeMy WebLinkAboutTravis Bryan Correspondence about Bryan Air Force Base 1947 +� v �� ESTAB LI St ED 18 ws } .0 0 Lit S 1 ' AlLt 1JIA� IC 1[if4& \N, 'Dm mrA s 10/11/1947 Mad Oen Charles Chasm, Hdqts # 2 , Dear Oen. c1 As it comes on s and allow has is in the "bud n tin 1 understend *. have bow rootsitif heldlinRsndolph and Shreveport sad even learn that 'worms (perhaps war s ommeri ) bog 41 ear Nets its hies to learn that you that close te still hope for the day when poituasoimpean it yan deen to dime, e . ' i ono iss. item that ono* * esneern the army. nY observation has been that at firstorriq lealmaKat retioar tears hianhair and wonders if the instal. lotion is going to bbo allowed to ge slap to rack but by tier its all thrashed out ter niftell4get the facts and the fire deportment is not totally wrecked nor the 1nadequaay of fire protection eo di/wept/6d that t likely to born up without to erect it though at the outset of the bud * sittings mieit look like that we Ohat was going to hap ert. However figuring that it might be wileke and or ¢ xultiva before the actual figures ever reach your deals and solely loathe heals of a friend of the Arm Air _ � Forces, c 1 fet of t to be * t � citizen $: arty interested in t s and es their so , hwidrede of officers as frit nds for years, concerned about the t ' of your and Ay country, la the last tsv drys 1 have bona very c the t'uture of arra& Air Plead for the nezt few monthle in *connection 11th its mpheep and of s. lets in the 0011 and effect thereof aa. result of last feereseas heartage and iat u: uperating Namsont4 Effective 10/240 7 program DAAF 6 guards (air corps FUnde) 6 zuards (air corps funds) 1 clerk t, Est (Air Corte fit) 1 s (air corpa funds) 10 firs (staximiut 6o hrs per rte) 6 firemen tmaximom 60 hrs 1 ) 1 Mleetrielaft 1 Chief sly (Property.eupply addt1 1 Carpenter duty) 1 foreman 1 cast clerk (asst to above addtl duty) 1 heavy equiptwt mechanic 1 heat' equipment operator r 3 li .t °gullmv t operators 1 chief clerk (air install ,tics) 1 mast clerk rk (air installation) $34,500.00 to June )0, 194a 421,000.00 to June 30, 1 9 ESTABLISHED 1873 g144‘11' ta) 0 0 F iu s 4 N A\1 IL 14, t , TmecAn 2 Upon the basis of the proposed program it would seem imeosaible to brovide for the care and maintenance of (1)Equipment (2) Bulledozle> rs (3) grounds (4) runways (5) utilities and other items With the decrease of maintenance fire hazards will incrc as a and the fire department with only six people will apparently be inadequate to protect the property of the station. At the present time the station is operating with various of its facilities 5 leases and permits 1 permit to be given C.A.A. up for *ap rs1 (reactiestion of radio bed and establishment *t communications center Sher station coming up in connection) 2. permit or additional lease under consideration deuthwest Technical School in near future. AU echelons of conmand are comisent of the situation created by elimination of maintenance pememonel, in that 1. Existing mail ; tenance regula,tions casa not be complied with 2. Government property can not be adequately protected. Inspectors will still have to write up as nonecompliance the discreraneies which will occur as a result of leek of maintenenee, that is, the buildings needieg repair grass needing mawinge vehicles not properly maintained and cared for,, is stalled equipment not properly preserved etc. etc. Frame the figs of the Flamm maintenance heretofore in order and the pressed effective 10/24/47 program one can see that the sura of X17,, 500,00 is all that is necessary. I'd be the first to recognize the necessity of cutting to the bone the expenditure of funds and the mast (Wea 1. handling of the tax mere honey but for this trifling sum and with the titeation as it is surely that small such rnl ht well be found in seme way to enable the installation to be at least maintained in a manner as would save the taxpayers investment in this owned ir'i fee installation which if e fps on the see track God knows we may badly need. The admitted advantages sed weeeptional fins qualificatioes of this inst: )' ation are easily asOL140.0600itis, files to eau. wantieg to exa tai ne same. Sit ce the war the Headquarters of the Ate Pulses have repeatedly cancelled out the normal action of the lesser cs lands Ong a surplus designation, as the using agency of this station still apreaars on records as Iidgts A F Washington. 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1873 ra .. k 3m f o ro �� \'' 'l ` I � "~ s . \ FAI I1�1 ri s Aue r. r, Iry la=■ fl1 AN, T Ass 4 tut, o ver t,0 A thus plum tide b� t 0. b ier rant 1y t k instnuntidia iiss aims plated j a of r ioee that_ us. � U. a twt t1tve tti t mar 1 �'r I t that�are v. dttmr a f Air aad being reglad OR b t n t � s r31 Uae� to tt Un tole t din gtaaae of * -tow a sat not �x u ds littug 1 ;W1041141 tick $� s , gas itima et CO railagtenanking nor try uiek► fei' M aft r • rrn'�'� ltre� &Gam► tor it 20 rt 4 a � to a c to *tr: MN, War 1344 } t r ` � WAA ''. ,, tr ui vehiele t: a lr ot t r Kelly ?i . t he M tsars + ship) it t �, . 3. tr. viddele eat e 00 at fltingtee *al* * it 4P this prograw With Gcr ud ur c. Asa 10th, r , in the :vre a '� wry t rue s Ott assured. it t in " e3e r 3.946 { letter covering the .t w Man + re tr rogr a and 004 th time 1 *km? um tsat t! homelier it r 1 in that U.= f sxt h either It h net t° bei � k va � n do a t tt e Z ee erstard on basis (1) 4or* t its rt: over, + 1� o and inadequate qn to 1 that had an pert i t it for t s also rr iae i finer t d { e inadequate facilities at rt emir ce z�te1y ncet in boat * ( lancl at t et t ) (, � ► Air 1� ras+ a €e :d ) it co� flame trim *yen a �' a " + a i 1 ! .?�* {off mood field leasteds for a ssdL* r +' t ire L` o get the y°u lir Oct. 24th. f i. dat disruption of � tr# a anima net. #.eer.rar ca $ rya el d ; ESTABLISHED 1873 • Fi 5 ,UST N 821 � P � 1[WN, MnicAs 5 sowoollod WA 414 the present aparatind i4t.intoononeo p aIL � Ms for sid+ ssd �� rirgligiagar �e c& di * ' � tx n c k f or r$ O that tP me d arlt im vier t V+r , ct Wiz ' Tops isad 1.1"1 dses sdqu&te furl wt d ►u , tt� �d a ipso*. � th *Z' 3 i rd firs' t a t er titiV214" d sthe s tot}► cti sin any lantana is '` the sib f tided C .* a ) to wr'� t t3 totem di its of t is £ &ttort t aa,nt soh du1,sd reduction in the d `c o tc cells t if out sr a to is of the pit � t . on *' ipw t.d hoth U) t e dnt se ` ► o (2) Ms gas try for the s o fttoex� ` . ;try Gordially yours, Travis B.4 Rom Preei4.4w Coar t-' ssi s� ° f, en o T ' d 1411 1441:46 , ri 4.14 i t~ 1414 Air :ms Timms, 14° ella 611.1.1 ( 11111 , 3144.1 ) alloVs 413 O i • 0 Cy A . ESTABLISHED 1873 • • 1 a Oft; EMS i . - ¢ • L i 1AANII ink 11 i v &s, T AK 10/11/47 boor General tears 1 hope you will forgive iac jut a civilian addressing you precool** but 1have all says found that with aytig t sow if you can the attention tion of the officer in the plass that sestget cotton you oorma34 .find a non who is anxious to SOS A sen be done, For lac of it gasoline trunk the local reserve :ic .a* the reserve fir am in th is not Shneti in . Perhaps a the find pow suers. *Moors and specialists could be taking teas do ao, and it the esentry ego& theta ally to they 1431 be is a0 Also anderstual cozens of gas trucks on Weeks 401 lelli net being used* at t"d.1in try sr µle of those ) NO ULU NS LS to thak ieoa 3. t rad,rai n = effective and has , } .. t saw to MAP to the pragran opers4it,g hero ' AC:1 - k T x ciAs ,, `. -, . ibigrI appeal to >You for your help air in your i °o itton to a help * o� o gas truck for o� iao a a letter to ht m Ohamniey in the , 4shiogOeltandq14041.6 *oily of letter attanhedo Ever arson wsy sir tbst them le owtblag l MU co ::unity you went or can find to asik wit 411 be hem to try old serve you, sieaing not for wear bet 'fir obele oat •1 sere s, , i %', i how as ehairran of the orly draft i this arty end duriog the sao' written digit to Eisenhower, ratitoss. ikdr , ' - George 7. Now., Lewis Pick, John 00;A eke M. ie s, or have soon then and 1 4 go an on a gien or your 2:eraonal storsaintences and In no ins ate- vivo .1 ever boon diSamointado 0orautza Donavan n h. SC at Di1)d solo years 144, Mating Asa in 1403.1as at a - -_ .. roception at the 4h orehee after war CAC giving for Georg, & - alstis14 thaelos4 as for a natter to his attention no after to write him note his edjutant but direct to tom. Charge to the account of $ ) CLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED k CHECK `. pOMESTIC CABLE \ , ,1 1206 TELEGRAM ORDINARY W �:� J � /\ DAY LETTER URGENNTTTE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SERIAL DEFERRED NIGHT NIGHT LETTER LETTER N 11 0 TIME FILED Natrona shoWd check class oI se desired; otherwise the message will be transmitted as a telegram or A. N. WI l._LIAM S ordinary cablegram. PRESIDENT — Send the following telegram, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to FOR VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS TODAY HSAC28 GOVT DL PD—SN WASHINGTON DC 16 1042A TRAVIJ B BRYAN, 1947 OCT AU 1005 FIRST NATIONAL BANK R'Pi RE L TTrR BRYAN ARMY Alfa FIELD. AIR FORCES OFFICIALS ASSURE ME THE LiAINThV NCE OF THE FIZZ WILL BE AGF` UATE FOR FACILITIES S IN STANDBY CATEGORY. HOWEVER, MAINTENANCE DEPENDENT UPON PERSONNEL AND FUNDS AVAILABLE. THAW,REASSURE ME THAT THE PRKSTNT PLAN CALLS 1'3R IT.3 RETENTION AS A POST WAR INSTALL—URN. HATTER OF GASOLINE TRUCK BEING INVESTIGATED AND YOU WILL BE ADVISED FURTH.Ri TOM GO N. C R 1 0 7 . // 0 / / 1 17 _, f i . D) F , ... . ... ,« ..., k 5' r..4 b coultmell, low Aind, tromp, '* wee net that *oh V. is '43,s litorli. / . t at t b P :i. °�S'yk` t'e!Y.3n'l ,ki s ramie F;varsrV . ` , 1v, , • i ag d ,- -r.r +11 A. I V, College +,Parr ials Alura . — A . tilt 300s A . i • 1699Y . . a v 1 :111 0.0 . ' . . - ' /NW* r 4 , 5 - Vitb the g� Y .. , . , r . a mnitiVi 3 t " # to be established in Bzyan. Texas. ' 4 } y r en a v3ty� ► a P 1 r i . .. . 1 • , e e cente 4 .. . ± , `' r r • in the sate a nit ' ' -` ` - . + ' Turner General Turne al to -s ,_ 1 r r� 4 e but at that # as `mot Q --- li�rer # ittie . ' v . ' 4 t.d : is in egress■ r , .� k .Y * ; 4 1 - Mgt . . 4 .a. 4 . m . . � a states bin . i x €E i „'Hz$ Y e tt. .a a�a , ` „i.a 'ke or. , 4 , GI/44 training squadron and a Major General came down frwaWswhington, mat with the local group of aviation +aat,hualaets and Reserve Officers and they finally wound up over at San Autenio , . and frankly, the Air Corp* offered to institute the programs ' iovided it would be flown at Brpmm Field. When this information Waebrought back to Brysii, Mr. Oibb It Gilchrist, President of A. & M. College, demanded that this progra be flown from the College air field, £ aasterwood Field. The Air Corps turned down this proposition an the baeia af, first, the total lack i of facilities at the College Airport end, second, that if instituted at the College Airport, they would have to do the salon thing for every , , school an44.uniw,erc an Air Force Training unit E STAB LI5HED 1873 Y ., 6 , y,,, { 1 . 4 �# i fin fors1 Fins ,,,, . .. . r ,,, ,i . , ,,, ,. � .� , S was ` tau i Si 'dli C Ai Pe +ile $ . Trawl* as a�ot d the A. & M, led1 t#+s J and a + ` at! the t * e ; t <.#, '1t ' 1 s , #`` ' rC,., a t , ►+.sue • - fir Y , It bs do �de�*atax�d t the . • , Ater air A et*1d basis ebb & "t it, is d et te)y � in the 'pQ•ogran et the Afr Farces tar tut usion a nd aati�rat,#.c�a, is a �agtl.li initalbeaVefthellt; ''' . ... , ,:. . ' tz,fitS, - he 1 =44110411 e en in apt. t�' so�ae of the bni . ° t ,, "'�"„ r , '� • fir► „,..1 . the of this sitisill8 Seem er of this �apta n Brae' • be'lr+1�t a at the 1 uaual qualified el rd arse. r A4 It t be tI*t be i y , .. ” tar a ded as or ° . It night —.. sae Cli _ `� in ss- is 2 Ns . ae airy tbed Web, aeti , e�b of . Tamer a aansird ai' congress- r;a fcame�,t tsamorti. #edtait to a bit st a r4.mps anae is e[ tr4i te�sriel �, lab* rig al" are !et earrsnd ti®iC Temw, b xnrs Oslmn rl J. / / Ilt STA III 1.4 SHED 11178 / / / / / 0 Vigir; I (00 F S 1 ' \lriA nA\I ,.. j \ \...„.,....., n lArTh N , TigmAs - 3 - fits-asiable kelsorp • atvitikota,ksiutosal tAira Headr- ,..„.„, „ ,,,,44 Ae111040KealmilL-Pwimik ,*4 -,. . f alallisr --7- - - *- - trieed ,._ • Tar 01 _ =I. atiltAMA sup. rill it On 011 7' nay toy to yin ski owe that yen likely loon *Me. / 101 sProlvaili** stfrentiner extended Captsialleeley and his associates teem Boni Irbil they eons ewer *MA to bring the file which they havi e ant Which I, by the , consider a leignificent job end __ helloes that the , - corps Reserve Train- 1 74saieida lag Program of the _ , __,Onord wou3A fiat , .. s tisrongh psur cooperatiein such a ocpmediebn vas lt " .- .: 4 oast satisfactory unit. 44 _____Aiiteri• Ji m,* cow* 4, s , . " „,..., . Twr . .s- in .•1 ,,,, * divi`r, i r ...1111W. 4. 111441k1111RoisiriR .4.,, ii.' ' ' , J r str boot to ape is made amnaagt • x awl hCpil A • : stiVlitti rin talk 0 veoting . _, . . ., wi mitoop, s M ll b• . J. .7. OW .... be ese* Amain seent4S. ,IPP.0 la aad.; .... ,. , 1..... r m. ..,,, • rir,Ici.--, 3 Tat.iron., . 1 ett, r2z. iiiiillE144011$11P 4 0 , or ont:i i I .. r4.: sa.rx1 inte.:-..er',3 r. perzennE.1.1. ..: artecu.raf,r....i by a rr,t • .• 4-- • ,-.' ' n':., .. '1,1 - 0 ' ..his: ene :- ,- ••• o.flryli . . , n• arras ' ' alit ..... f.ri s , 4 t . ,/ / eel Captain Ralph 3. alien, TOMS t — 1,111 , . . , Colonel Hugh J. Fits - Rational timed Readosarberie / . I Comp ilabsy, Austin, Tons 1 . , , . DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY July 21, 1949 Mr. Travis Bryan Bryan, Texas Dear Travis: The attached speaks for itself and I trust will be of interest to you. With kind regards, believe me Sincerely, W. Stuart Symington Attach cpy ltr to Cong. Teague of 7/21 w /attachment. TAB 1 Comparison Between Bryan APB and 'Ellington An Bryan Ellington Population of nearest town 20,000 480,000 Weather below contact conditions Winter 17% 25% Spring 18% Summer Tall 12% Annual preoipitatila it inches 27.6 59.1 Number of runways 3 6 Strength of runways 26,000 26,000 Length of longest runway 5,500 5,212 Apron area (Square yards) 200,000 463,160 Possible auxiliary fields Yaaily housing units 0 0 Troop housing 1,748 3,744 Bachelor officer housing 144 356 Cadet housing 165 2,112 Preponderant typo of construction 2.0 & Nutmeat Mobilisation ltgas b jet fuel storage (in gallons) 171,000 699,000 Hangar space (square test) 24,800► 61,600 Priaotpel heating foal acs $as Recreational facilities 1 0,0. 1 Ays 1 AM Cl. 1 3.3. 1 7.1. 3 8.1. 1 Lit. 2 Tea. 2 dims. 1 T41. TRAVIS B. BRYAN. PRESIDENT C7lTABI{J,1ICD 1573 J t/ s Y J. W[ee HOWELL VICE RR[f ID[NT .`' S N. F. LOCKERD. ASSISTANT CASHIER S. L. BOATWRIGHT. VIG[•RRZSID[NT ,,,, MELVIN C. JOY. ASSISTANT CASNI[R M LINTON JONES. CASHIER . 'A - 3 ' J HOWARD TODD. ASSISTANT ASNItR E is :fit ° g i 0 FR S c�. �[ AFL RANI k 4- f w-AN, Tm-As y /9 ' 7 i ,.„ r ...--ii, , fr / ei„..L ( , h t , J i / F �°►�' _ aid' .r • r -' ...40 '' 1 2 /- 4 17 , ' , 4 ,.2ticr. tom I ai e r , o ,;,(2.4zca,(7.60-,..) (I) J (2,) (.� /, ( , ---t-r---. 67 wrzz /, eeer ad (am ca--. ._ ?. , (7 ,-- ; -", te „,_,,_ . i 3 j. 0 ,z ,-,-fr„,,,, yG' /Yfr/i , ,42... .. 1„e ÷...i% , , re4"; // 4 r'eirt.1:1/./-4 / _., (