HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport Cards 111803TO PARENTS OR GUARDIAN and LEGEND Teacher Supt ..................................................................... Report to Parents The Home, the School and the State Should Work Together for the Good of the Child. SUBJECTS Arithmetic __C~ivic_ s Drawing STANDING BY SIX WEEK'S PERIODS Shows improvement ~V_~r~ commendable RECITA~TIOlq Appears ~;~t to try Promotion ~n danger Very satisfaCtorY better below subject. STANDING BY SIX WEEK S PER ODS ab m e ' Ave EXim Sero Yearly S ~ [ ! t 2 I, I Gr, de I Grade I Ave. I 4 { 5Ave' Exa . S m, t 6 [ Grade t~r,de i Av~ [ S~nd'~' ' ' i c~ c TO PARENTS OR GUARDIAN Kindly examine card carefully, sign and return. promptlY. Please notice each ~-ade and confer with us ii you desire informa- tion relative t~ this report. SIGNATURE 1st 2nd Period_- 8rd 4th 5th 6th Period ........................... LEGEND A excellent, 90-100; B good, 80~90; C fair, 70-B0; D unsatisfactory, 60-70; F failing, below ?0. Promoted to / ~ ]~ed -- in ..... ~9 ~_ .............. Grade Teacher __222 .... ~ ............. Supt. , ........ & onsolt a e temenlary Grai es Report to Parents REPORT OF Ag e ...... -?- ....................... Parent or Guardiar~Z2~---~?--~ ' The Home, the School and the State Should Wort< To3ethe~ for the Good of the Chiid. Inattentive