HomeMy WebLinkAboutBetty Jo Hale Hohn 111803 CUPS ARE PRESENTED TO WINNERS BY A. & M. ASSOCIATION Members of the Children's Rid-' lng Class conducted by the A. & M. College Military Department par- ticipated in a horse show held this morning in the new arena laid out in the woodland plot just off High- way No. 6. Major-W. R. Ir. vin, teacher of the class, was rag- mas%er. . Competition was held in three classes, beginners, intermediate and advanced, and cu,ps were present- ed winners of these ~roups by the A. & M. 'P01o ass~iation. Mrs. George F. Moore, wife of Col. Moore, head of the military' depart- ment, made the awards. Judges, who included E. Beezley, ,Capt. T. 'D and Jack I~ays.~ lowing winners classes: Betty Lou Jones Lillian Klipple, second; James ]er, thfrd, and Tyteen Jen fourth. Intermediate--Alma ffean~ Vance, first; Signe Jakku!a, second; Ann Cade, third, and Caroline Adriance, fourth. Advanced~Betty Jo Hale, first; Mitten Howell, second; Betty Joe Cook, third, and Ruth Willian~ fourth. 4 0C£~ ~o DALLY EAGLE, is Given Group. ~" At Home President and Mrs. Gibb Gil- christ entertained with a brilliant New Year's reception this after~ noon at their home froin 3 toT6 o'clock for faculty and staff mem- bers of A. and M. Collage. Receiving with President and Mrs. Gilchrist were Death and Mrs. F. C. Bolton, Vige President and Mrs. D. W. Williams, Dean and Mrs. T. D~ Brooks, Dean and Mrm. i Chas. NJ Shepardson, Dean and Mrs,. Ff. W. Barlow, Dean and M. T. Harri.ngton, Dean and Mrs. J. W. Rollins, Acting Dean and Mrs. R. C. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lewis, Dr.~ and Mrs. !de P. Trotter, Mr. 'ai~d Mrs. E. L. An- gell, and Col. aand Mrs. Guy F. M e 1 o y. Assisting in receiving gqests were Mesdames Frank An- d~s~n, N. M. 'McGinnis and J. E. Marsh. - In the entire reception suite a gracious profusion 'Of ~ Pr i g g flowers oW~re at va~ntage pdints and als entered ~h:e tea ~able. Assisting in the d{ni~g room were Misses Betty Jo Fiale, Pat Orr, M~ry Margaret Dal~ell, Caroline Adriance, Rutja Williams, Peggy .Campbell, Laetitia Corer, Teeny And~mon, Betty~ V~c¢, ~uise Marzh and Mrz. ce~le R. Lam dpn. guests were delighted witk mus- ical selections of Mrs. 'Chris Groneman, violinist ~and Mrs.-H. K. Steph~nson, pi~is~. ' OU.v +~ ©5 o~ Merry Gaynor .Adair Williams ...... Rolfe Wright Rol£e ........... Preston Rogers _._ Lawson ~Hopkins ___ Kern ~_ Johnson ~-_ Rolfe Gray Frate Presser Clafflin ......... Ketterer ......... Anderton tteller McDowell .............. Heller Dennee ___ Baines Lange .......... Nevin Heins ..... Moskowski ............. Holler Rachmaninoff Ward Davidoff _ Saint Saens Koelling U. P. E. Bach Lack .-_ Rathbun ~o o~ COr ,~e r 3 ocre~ ~S . O~ TO PARENTS OR GUARDIAN Kindly examine card carefully, sign and return promptly. Please notice each grade and confer with us if you desire informa- ~ion relative to this report. SIGNATURE 4th 5th Supt ..................................................................... Re~rt to Parents Age .... The Home, the School and the Stale Shaald Work Together for the Good of th~ Child. SUBJECTS Ar_khmetlc qi~e~ _C~ ft~izen~h_i!~ ....... STANDING BY SIX WEEK'S PERIODS Gives up too easily Shows impr?_vement Very commendable RECITATIO_ N Appe~rs~ot to try Pr0?oti?n in danger Inattentive Capable _of doing better Shows i~provement Very satisfactory 2nd_~_. 3rd. 4~. Per~od... A below ~/0. STANDING BY SIX WEEK Grade ! ~rlide I Ave, ~ature Study . ~ '- [ ' ' STUDENT' A'I'r!TUD Work carel~sly Appears n Seldom d~ well Shows imp~ov~ co` cO~/ / tion 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th SIGNATURE Period_-~ -~-~4~ .... Period ........................... LEGEND A excellent, 90-100; B good, 80.90; C fair, 70-80; D unsatisfactory, 60-70; F failing, below 70. Promoted to / ~ ~ in ..... (~95--~-f .......... Grade Teacher Supt. Report to Parents REPORT OF Age ...... -~- ....................... The Home, the School and the State Should Work Together for the Good of the Chiid. 6