HomeMy WebLinkAbout21st Annual Emergency Management Conference 1982 �i�ij• DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 5805 N. Lamar Blvd. JAMES 8. ADAMS WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Box 4087 Director Governor Austin, Texas 78773 ROBERT A. LANSFORD Duty Hours 5121465.2138 Nonduty Hours 5121465 -2000 Coordinator December 31, 1981 Dear Emergency Management Colleague: A GREAT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIALS AWAITS YOU IN AUSTIN FEBRUARY 17 -18! You will see and hear unique and informative speakers, presentations and displays, and meet the people who are specialists in Emergency Management: You will be updated on latest techniques and procedures. Some of the Conference speakers are: GOVERNOR WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. COMMANDER DAVID WALKER, NASA Astronaut, who assisted with the "Columbia" space mission. DR. NEIL FRANK, Director of the National Hurricane Center, Miami. CAPTAIN KEN DeFOOR, Director, Houston Police Helicopter Division, specialist in High -rise Evacuation. LEE THOMAS, FEMA National Office COLONEL ZANE FINKELSTEIN of the Army War College, specialist, Soviet - American relations. Idea - sharing workshops will inform you on the work of volunteer agencies during disasters, on floodplain management and the National Flood Insurance Program, and on "Declaration" procedures. An audio /visual workshop will jnclude DEM's new hurricane movie, "The Management o Allen," which won an award at the New York Film Festival. The Conference registration fee is $20.00, which covers the cost of the convention facilities, coffee breaks and a delicious luncheon. There will be a luncheon speaker who will make your February 17 noon hour doubly enjoyable. You may register in advance by making your check payable to Emergency Management Conference and mailing it to our office address here in Austin. Registration in person will begin on February 16 at the Hilton, 3:00 -6:00 p.m., and will continue at 7:00 a.m. on the 17th. The conference program will begin at 9:00 a.m. Room reservations should be made directly to the Hilton hotel by using the enclosed self - addressed, postage paid reservation card. We have a block of rooms set aside for us, and the hotel will hold these until February 2, 1982. After that date, room reservations at the hotel will be "as available." So, act now and make your reservation: Sincerely, W■ 0 •/ o ert A. L sfo/ e State Coordinator RAL : L i Enclosure Texas Department of Public Safety L y Division of Emergency Management cm- fiiiiiiifiL f c„ , � 4 � \' y ti J William P. Clements, Jr. Governor . 0. „, ififillOG(R1(111. James B. Adams Director Robert A. Lansford 1 --�- State Coordinator l 4 Douglas E. Kyle r Assistant Coordinator, Administration `0 - { ti ' Robert L. Halverson Assistant Coordinator, Operations For State And Staff Local Officials Wesley M. Anders Resources Management Officer Alton B. Armstrong, Jr Resources Planning Officer Jack D. Brumment NCP Planner Paul P. Douglas NCP Planner William G. Dourte, Jr NCP Planning Officer Ashley C. Eledge Administrator, FIAP Robert W. Ewing NCP Planner ir . Donald Freeman Training Officer Charles R. Goodwin .................... Operations Officer John W. Hansborough NCP Planner Ronald A. Hunks FLAP Planner 060 1 41 Donald L. Jones NCP Planner Catherine V. Karkoska Auditor Jack K. Lawler.. ... ......... Emergency Information Planner DIVISION of a Edward P. Malley NCP Planner EMERGENCY Thomas M iliwee FLAP Planner MANAGEMENT Robert L. Orton Hazard Mitigation Officer _ James W. Roby NCP Planner William L. Seals Resources Planning Officer William L. Stone FIAP Planner Jack Tippit NCP Planner Jane L. Van Praag NCP Planner Norman F. Walker Plans and Operations Officer Rufus Woody NCP Planner i REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS February 18.18, 1982 Ronald H. Staggs Region 1 - Dallas Hilton inn Thomas E. Ryan Region 2 - Houston Austin, Texas Gary D. Haag Region 28 - Beaumont Rupert D. Gamble Region 3 - Corpus Christi Kenneth E. Scott Region 4 • Midland William R. Johnson Region 8 - Lubbock David W. Barham Region 6 - Waco OEM-13 \ - ° 4 • ''' ' ° o / \ ' " ♦ .., i. i - @y - ri - 6.w X t v K u : w TWENTY -FIRST ANNUAL' EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIAL Hilton Inn - Austin 6000 Middle Fiskville Road Sponsored by The Governor's Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety • Q j e e1. ;4 A: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1982 • GROUP is DISASTER DECLARATIONS PROCE- DURES - Wesley M. Anders, DEM; Joe D. Winkle, 3:00 p.m. PRE - REGISTRATION: Lobby - Tiffany Ballroom FEMA; Representatives from Farmers Home Ad- to 6 :00 ministration; U. S. De.. lent of Agriculture p.m. Conference Fee - $20 and U. S. Small Business Administration • GROUP II: FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982 Ashley C. Eledge, F Everett W. Rowland, 7:30 am. REGISTRATION: Lobby - Tiffany Ballroom Texas Department of Water Resources; Dell Greer, FEMA 9:00 am. GENERAL SESSION: Tiffany West 0 GROUP III: DISASTER VOLUNTEER AGENCIES - COLOR GUARD - Texas National Guard Norman F. Walker, DEM; American Red Cross, 9:10 a.m. WELCOME: Hon. John Trevino, Mayor Pro-Tem The Salvation Army, Texas Baptist Men, of Austin Catholic Charities, Texas Council of Churches, 9:20 am. HURRICANES: MAN -MADE PROBLEMS? Seventh Day Adventists, Mennonite Disaster Dr. Nell Franks, Director, National Hurricane Service Center, Coral Gables, Florida • GROUP IV: Audio /Visual Programs 10:00 am. DEVELOPING AND BUILDING AN EMERGENCY 5:00 p.m. RECESS OPERATING CENTER: Jack Parks, Emergency Management Director, City /County of El Paso THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1982 10:30 a.m. BREAK 10:50 a.m. THE SURVIVAL OF AMERICAN VALUES: 9:00 am. GENERAL SESSION: Tiffany West Colonel Zane Finkelstein, Specialist, Soviet- 9:10 a.m. TEXAS CAN MANAGE ITS EMERGENCIES: American Relations, Carlisle, Pennsylvania William P. Clements, Jr., Governor of Texas 11:40 am. FEMA's ROLE AND DIRECTION: Lee Thomas, 9:30 a.m. DISASTERS CAN HAPPEN FAST: Margaret P. Associate Director, Federal Emergency Manage- Hays, Mayor, City of Gainesville ment Agency, Washington, D.C. 9:50 am. RECENT LEGISLATION'S EFFECT UPON 12:00 Noon ANNOUNCEMENTS DISASTER ACTIVITIES IN TEXAS: Mark White LUNCHEON Attorney General, State of Texas ADDRESS: DRINKING OUT OF A DIPPER: H. C. 10:20 am. BREAK Pittman, Vice - President, American Bank, Austin 10:40 a.m. HIGH -RISE FIRE RESCUE BY HELICOPTER: 1:30 p.m. AMERICA IN SPACE: Commander David Walker, Captain Ken DeFoor, Helicopter Division, NASA Astronaut, Johnson Space Center, Houston Pollee Department Houston 11:25 a.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Colonel James B. 2:20 p.m. DISASTER VOLUNTEER SERVICE GROUPS Adams, Director, Governor's Division of WORKING TOGETHER: Robert D. Vessey, Na- Emergency Management and Texas Department tional Director of Disaster Services, American of Public Safety Red Cross, Washington, D.C. 3:15 p.m. VISIT DISPLAYS 3:50 p.m. WORKSHOP GROUPS 11:45 a.m. CONFERENCE WRAP -UP: Robert A. Lansford, 2:50 p.m. BREAK State Manageme Coo rdinator, Division of Emergency .10, , 12:00 Noon ADJOURN t l f „tt - , < \ ' 4 - / t , . /, t ..,,, _