HomeMy WebLinkAboutOceanography/Meteorology Department Roster 1960 - 61 v F f; , ) _ fw v 6 3 1 i- e '(-4)-rf' c 7 - P p.1 v6 , • -, 1,,,,..„ .......kivi9110 1 / ,( Co - q. — S" r;,,,,,„ 6 444 e 1 7 I tt) DE PART ROSTER 1960 -1961 4„ NAME TITLE HOME PHONE HOME ADDRESS Leipper, Dale F. Professor & VI6.6165 1201 Marsteller Dr., C. S. Head of Dept. Abbott, Susan Tech. Asst. 1 VI6 -7100 B-17 -A College View, C. S. Adams, Richard Adm. Scientist V16.8249 1300 Walton Dr., C. S. Alexander, Ben Lab. Mechanic S03 -2523 Galveston Marine Lab Allison, Doris Stenographer ....... 6 -C Project Housing, C. S. Anderson, Vera E. Technician 803 -2523 Galveston Marine Lab Andrus, Louis Tech. Asst. II -- .•• ---- 2008 Old Hearne Rd., Bryan Antoine, John W. Res. Sci. II VI6 -4497 500 Woodson Dr., Bryan Arnold, Janes E. Res. Sci. I V16 -8613 B-18 -C College View, C. S. Bader, Richard G. Professor VI6 -6620 F&B Rd., Box 178A, Bryan Barnes Stanley L. Instructor V16 - 8423 301 Day St., Bryan Berkshire, David C. Tech. I ............. 406 East 23rd St., Blum, Clyde H. Tech. Asst. II V16.6049 211 Pershing, C. S. Boarnet, Esther Tech. II ........ 405•A Milani, C. S. Boaz, Virgil L. Res. Sci. I V16..4791 Dept. of Ocn. & Met., C. S. Boudreau, Robert D. Res. Sci. I V16 -7858 C -14 -B College View, C. S. Brady, Helen J. Secretary TA2.1715 Rt. 2, Box 199, Bryan Brison, Fred Stu. Asst. V16- -- 6861 602 Dexter, C. S. Brundidge, Kenneth C. Asst. Prof. V16 -7303 501 Bolton, C. S. Buglio, Benjamin Grad. Asst. -- -r-«.. 402 Boyett St., C. S. Burris, Charles Tech. Asst. II VI6 - 6560 705 Old Hwy 6, C. S. Cangelose, Jake Sr. Technician TA3.6421 402 Mitchell, Bryan Capurro, Luis R. A. Res. Sci. III V16 - 6456 310 Brookside, Bryan Cebulski, Donald C. Grad, Asst. V164832 C -9 -W College View, C. S. Chancey, Oscar J. Sr. Technician V16 -6255 307 Fidelity, C. S. Chaney, Kenneth A. Tech. Asst. II TA2.7632 407 N. Baker, Bryan Clark, Robert A. Res. Sci. II V16 -6344 4006 Aspen St., Bryan Clayton, William H. Asst. Prof. V16.•6409 1205 Munson, C. S. Cochrane, John D. Res. Sci. III V16.4494 1202 Ashburn, C. S. Collier, Albert Chief Scientist 803=2523 Galveston Marine Lab Cook, Jack C. Plotter VI6 =8135 Z-1 -B Hensel Terrace, C. S. Cottier, Wayne A. Tech. I SO3.2523 Galveston Marine Lab Cuzon du Rest, Rene P. Res. Asst. V16 =6857 506 old Hwy 6, C. S. Dambolena Ismael G. Tech. i V16 6456 310 Brookside, Bryan Davison, Richard R. Res. Sci. III V16 -5859 403 College View St., Bryan Duke, Thomas W. Res. Sci. I VI605470 601 Montclair, C. S. Duker, Lorenz M. Stu. Asst. Vi6.4991 B-6-D College View, C. S. Earle, Theresa Stenographer VI6 -4128 204 Ayrshire, C. S. Eckelkamp, Bernard J. Res. Engr. III v16 - 6S32 719 Mary Lake Dr., Bryan El Sayed, Sayed Res. Sci. II TA2 -6260 2210 Truman St., Bryan Fever, Dorothy Sr. Secretary VI6 -4559 703 Eagle Pass Dr., Bryan Franceschini, Guy A. Asst. Prof. Vi6 -5888 112 Fleetwood, Bryan Frank, Jo Iris Tech. Asst. V16-5064 402 N. Main, C. S. Gaul, Roy Res. Sci. II VI6 -5289 Rt. 3, Box 321E, Bryan fi s 4ir '( I t ? ,t j A, 41 * * Grant, Jack L. Engr. Aide III -- - - - --- Rt. 3, Bryan Groot, Pieter Accountant I VI6-8214 306 Spruce St., C. S. Hall, Samuel Act. Instructor VI6 -6969 306 Bolton, C. S. Harding, James Grad. Stu. V16i7875 A -6-Z College View, C. S. Haynes, Evan Grad. Stu. TA2 -3847 316 Ehlinger, Bryan Henry, Victor J. Grad. Stu. VI6 -6126 3308 Holick Lane, Bryan Henry, Walter K. Asst. Professor V164808 1202 Caudill, C. S. Hill, Jack Technician VI6 -6037 A..9 -W College View, C. S. Hitchcock, Marie Tech. Asst. I _ -i-.6 B=11 -iC College View, C. 8. Hitchcock, Neill Tech. Asst. 1 -- -=-- -- B-11 -C College View, C. S. Holdredge, Margaret Tech. Asst. II V16 =?368 1119 Ashburn, C. S. Hood, Donald W. Professor V16 -7092 100 Fifth St., Bryan Huebner, George L. Sr. Res. Sci. V16:5475 1010 Walton Dr., C. S. Ibert, Edward R. Res. Sci. II VI6 -5527 415 Tauber, C. S. Inman, Rex L. Res. Sci. II VI6 -8247 8 -D Project Housing, C. S. Isabell, Edith R. Tech. Asst. V16 -5950 1106 Marstellar, C. S. Jackson, Wilbur M. Engr. Aide II -- -ar---- Box 146, C. S. Jansen, John F. Grad. Asst. V16=5986 401 Park Place, C. S. Kelley, Lorena Stenographer V16 -5648 705 Fairview, C. S. King, David Grad. Asst. .......... Box 3534, C. S. Kirwan, Albert D. Grad. Stu. VI-6F8161 4. Project Housing, C. S. Kitano, Yasushi Res. Sci. II --- -. 414 Main St., C. S. Knowles, Leonard 1. Grad. Stu VI6 -8140 709 Fairview, C. S. Kooser, Robert K. Stu. Asst. 4.--•- T -1-J Hensel Terrace, C. S. Lake, Thomas Stu. Asst. V16..7068 Box 4741, C. S. Litchfield, Carol Technician =..:._.__ 400 First St., C. S. Letzring, Dean E. Technician II �_= Box 277, Hopedale, La. Letzring, Marcia 0. Technician II -- -•.- -- Box - 277, Hopedale, La. Logan, Brian W. Res. Sci. II V16 =7057 902-B Cross, C. S. Lord, Jimmie G. Tech. I -- •• ----- 6C0 Foch, Apt. 3, Bryan Luther, Herbert A. M. Radio Operator V16 6352 214 Welch Ave., C. S. McArdle, Sean Grad. Asst. -- ---- -- 402 Boyett, C. S. McCully, Florence Stenographer V16 6650 736 Inwood Dr., Bryan McLellan, Hugh J. Assoc. Prof. V16 -4578 1206 Ashburn, C. S. McMurry, Carolyn Library Asst. V16 -4656 905 Winding Rd. C. S. Mistrey, Purchand Grad. Asst. VI6s6098 4000 College Main, C. S. Mock, Cornelius R. Tech. I - ----- -- Box 277, Hopedale, La. Mones, Warren R. Tech, Asst. II --- _ --+-- Box 277, Hopedale, La. Moyer, Vance E. Assoc. Prof. V16 =5130 210 North Ave. West, Bryan Murray, Fred A. Stu. Asst. - y - - ---- B -10 -C College View, C. S. Noakes, John A. Res. Sci. I - -- 401H1/2 Park Place, C. S. Nowlin, Worth HEW Fellowship V16 -8413 308-B Pershing St., C. S. O'Hara, Frank Tech. I VI6= ?581 402 Gilbert, Bryan 011re, Nettie Stenographer V16 -4687 C -11 -C College View, C. S. Park, Kilho Grad. Stu. -- --- - -- 0 -C Project Housing, C. S. Parker, Kelly Stu. Asst. v/6 - 6589 311 Walton Dr., C. S. Parker, Ruby Dee Computer I V16.6589 311 Walton Dr., C. S. Pasby, Brian Grad. Stu. VI6 8338 8 - C Project Housing, C. S. Payton, Steven A. Lab. Attendant - -••- 815 Churchill St., C. S. Pierce, Samuel Utility Worker V16.4673 235 Lincoln, C. S. Piraino, Lee L. Engr. Aide III TA2 =4053 200 Bryan Plummer, Thomas A. Met. Obs. VI6 - A•6.W College View, C. S. Polaski, Maxine Engr. Aide 1 TA2.6271 2101 William, Bryan Porter, Beth Computer ......•.. T =1.B Hensel Terrace, C. S. Priddy, James A. Stu, Asst. V16.6037 A.-9 -D College View, C. S. Rabinowitz, Reesa Clerk Typist I S03.2523 Galveston Marine Lab Rae, Kenneth M. Professor & V16.7640 404 College View, Bryan Dir. Qaly. Marine Lab Ray, Sammy M. Asst. Prof. S03 -2523 Galveston Marine Lab ..--'� Reid, Robert 0. Professor V16.6073 1208 Munson, C. S. Snelgrove, Anne Marie Compute. v16 - 8637 A•14 -C College View, C. S. _Sanford, Tom E. Res. Sot. II vI6.�46060 �„!,,ean osks�, Bryan`T Sasaki, ` Res. SCI" :"Iii _ VI6 40 ,, . ""L� "'0' , Stenographer TA2• Scott Sandra S teno a 2 . 3644 112 Rebecca Seccad t ebecca St., Bryan Slowey, James F. Res. Sci. S03 -2523 Galveston Marine Lab Smith , John H. Stu. Asst. TA3 -4567 403 Duncan, Bryan Smith, William H. Tech. II TA3.4567 403 Duncan, Bryan Staley, Gary Stu. Asst. ..... -...• 704 M.aryem, C. S. Stevenson, Bernadette H. Tech. I V16.6489 1025 James Parkway, C. S. Storey, Marie Stenographer V16..7308 1104 Winding Rd., C. S. Sullivan, James D. Photographer vI6.5892 1300 Milner, C. S. Taylor, James H. Tech. - ... ---+• Box 277, Hopedale, La. Tessier, Polly M. Stenographer V16.5291 P. 0. Box 1568, C. S. Thompson, Aylmer H. Assoc. Prof. TA2 =4225 2101 Vinewood, Bryan Vos, Gertruida M. Computing Aide .._.��.... 4201 College Main, C. S. Walker, Norah Tech. Asst. 1 -.. A=3 =A College View, C. S. Walsh, Donald E. Grad. Asst. vi6=81o6 A..B - College View, C. S. Waters, Francis L. Tech. Asat. II S03=2523 Galveston Marine Lab Wiese, Joan Stenographer .. ..---- 2502 Texas Ave, Bryan Williams, Alice Carolyn Stenographer TA3 =2460 2612 Todd, Bryan Wilson, Basil W. Professor V16.437 707 Edgemore, Bryan Winn, Henry L. Draftsman V16 -8244 504 Thompson, C. S. Winn, Jacklyn Stenographer V16=8244 504 Thompson, C. S. Woodworth, Leonard F. Tech. 1 TA2 =6040 403 N. Haswell Dr., Bryan Wrinkle, Georgians Tech. Asat. 1 V16.7072 810 Fairview, C. S. York, Horace Andrew Tech. I TA2 -4347 311 Msy, Bryan