HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarold McCullough, Brazos Valley Heroes r * —, r e ' S d ' d i 3 ` j a � ''' ' ' in a s eries of trihutes f o " of '"T` le (ire test _ Generation" who served our country during World War II i . p xs ,i' A < ` E ' x ye- %, R F i S \ - i r A £ i I . :''. ,, 4,,,,,,,.:: '''::; . £z :t ' aro , cCullou • 1 A lot of people have used political influence ficult to just get to the target, and even more dif- to avoid military service, but very few have used ficult to Tet back. But they were bombing London i political influence to join the military. Harold . so we showed them we could bomb Berlin." : ', McCullough was such an exception. McCullough, as the result of enemy fire, lost Ill : In 1940, McCullough, a 17 year old gradu- several engines in the planes he flew, but he ate of Temple High, wanted to fly for the U.S. always managed to get back and land each plane Army Air Corp. Their rules and requirements safely. wouldn't allow him to fly so McCullough asked "I never had a problem getting a crew to fly his local congressman for help. When that with me because the men said they felt that the attempt was unsuccessful, McCullough, with his Lord flew with me. I believe that He did too." congressman's help, headed for Canada. In 1943, after America entered the war, " 1 knew that the Nazi's had to be stopped McCullough transferred from the Royal Canadian and 1 wanted so badly to fly. Flying had been my Air Force to the Army Air Corp. passion since early childhood. I had every kind of "The Canadians were great people and I model plane that a kid back then could buy and enjoyed serving and flying with them but being construct." an American and a Texan, I wanted to serve with „,, "When my attempt to join the Army Air Corp my own countrymen, so I transferred to the 8th failed, with my congressman's help, I was Air Force." J accepted as a cadet in the flight program with the McCullough finished the war as an instruc- Royal Canadian Air Force." tor to new pilots arriving in England. After return McCullough reported in late 1940 to Prince ing home at war's end, he enrolled at Baylor and Edward Island, Canada, located on the eastern obtained his degree. Following graduation, he shore of Canada for his flight training. After suc- had a career in the business world to include cessfully completing the flight program with the workingseveral years in•Toronto, Canada. Canadian Air Force, McCullough was commis- "Recently, I've sat on my porch with a good sioned as a bomber pilot and was shipped to cigar and thought about my time in the war, what England to join the war then being waged over we did, why we did it and the people I served , ; the skies of England. with and I have concluded that I would gladly do ilf: kr Any bombing mission with the Royal it all over again. Canadian Air Force was met by German fighter Harold McCullough's name can be found on resistance as well as anti - aircraft fire from the the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. For more shores of France to the center of Berlin. information, to make a contribution, or to nomi- "I will never forget my first bombing run nate a veteran, contact the BVVM at www.veter- over Berlin. In the early part of the war it was dif- ans- memorial.org or Bill Youngkin at 260 -7030. VI Th 1e gi