HomeMy WebLinkAboutHonoring the Sacrifices of America Honorin g the sacrifices of Americans rr he Brazos Valley Veterans frontation. Given this belief, it is were honored. However, since the Memorial is a sacred place understandable that a memorial hon- opportunity has availed itself, we blessed by dignity worthy of oring that event at the Brazos Valley feel a duty and have an obligation to the veterans and their families who Veterans Memorial has little rele- accept their generous offer. Thus, we have given so much on behalf of our vance. Indeed, they argue it would be have plans now to develop a memori- nation. A visit to the memorial invig- out of place and inappropriate. al to the veterans who have and are orates the Some argue quite logically that fighting in the War on Terror. soul with while civilian deaths are terrible and The World Trade Center's piece of l the should be acknowledged and memo- steel is from the first battle in the majesty of rialized, they should not be mixed War on Terror. Sept. 11, 2001, is the A _ freedom with those of veterans. Veterans are date that the enemy declared war on . % hard won. a special class of Americans who the United States. That sacred piece Those of us willingly put their lives on the line of steel is not only an historical arti- J who con- for our freedoms. After all, American fact; it an anchor upon our hearts P. DAVID ROMEI ceived the civilians died in Vietnam, but they forevee reminding us of that tragic idea and are not listed on the Vietnam Memo- and unexpected event we now call 9- fulfilled the dream of the Brazos Val- rial Wall in our nation's capital. 11. ley Veterans Memorial have made a Those who do not believe that this There is no doubt that New York is solemn pledge that we shall always piece of steel should be located at the a long way from the Brazos Valley, I preserve its integrity and protect its Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial but who doubts that a attack upon honor. Nothing can make us break may alter their view when they fully one American anywhere in the world that pledge. understand how it fits into what has is an attack upon all Americans During the past few weeks there been the overall vision for the memo- everywhere in the world? That piece has been a public discussion regard- rial site from its very inception. of tormented metal shall be a center - ing the acquisition of a piece of steel The memorial grounds are com- piece in a memorial honoring veter- from the World Trade Center build- posed of approximately 12 acres con- ans, many from the Brazos Valley ings in New York. The piece in ques- nected by the Louis Lynn Stuart and Texas, who have suffered, sacri- tion is a tormented and traumatized Pathway. The pathway intersects the (iced and died for the United States piece of an I -beam with a cross -sec- Louis A. Adam Plaza and Honor Wall and all that we stand for in this War tioned piece of steel plate attached to as it traverses designated sites for on Terror. It symbolizes the bravery it with seared bolts. each of America's 13 major wars. of our men and women in uniform, The remnant was acquired by Currently, the Arts Council is devel- the eternal nature of the structures Texas Task Force 1 and presented to oping the Revolutionary War memo- that hold our nation together, and the George Bush Presidential rial site that will honor President our love of family, country and God. Library and Foundation. The Arts George Washington and the veterans This wounded piece of steel that Council of Brazos Valley underwrote of the war that gave birth to our survived the first blow upon our expenses associated with its trans- nation. First National Bank, under nation in the War on Terror shall port. These three organizations con- the leadership of Tim Bryan, has have a permanent place of honor at sulted with the Brazos Valley Veter- agreed to help develop the site dedi- the Brazos Valley Veterans Memori- ans Memorial Board and agreed that cated to the Mexican - American War al. It will be treated with respect and this unique and special piece of and the Texas war of independence. be given the dignity it rightly American history should be a part of As we move forward, we shall deserves as a symbol of the sacrifice the Brazos Valley Veterans Memori- develop memorial sites honoring the by the brave for the free. al site dedicated to the War on Ter- veterans who fought in the two world W hope and pray that the Brazos ror. College Station Rotary agreed to wars, Korea, Vietnam and the other Valley Veterans Memorial continues help finance the pedestal upon which major wars in which Americans to unite our community in its sacred it will find a final resting place. have fought and died. We did not duty to honor A'merica's veterans. There are those who believe that anticipate that donors would make • P. David Romei is the executive director of the cowardly and evil attack of Sept. possible the development of a site the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and is the 11, 2001, on America was more of a honoring the veterans of the War on chairman of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memo - civilian tragedy than a military con- Terror before some of the other wars rial's board of directors design committee. f ■