HomeMy WebLinkAboutStark Foundation'manta; sun 11.2010 Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark Foundation AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE STARK FOUNDATION' REGARDING THE ROOK "IF THE DEVIL HAD A WIFE.": .4s directors of the Stark Foundation, we are charged with carrying out the philanthropic mission :Nelda and Lutcher Stark set forth nearly SO years ago. This i»nudes defending and protecting the Foundation from baseless attacks by an author who seems to resent in existence and covet its resources. 7o this end. this Board will not stand idlr bl' while Rebecca Nugent spreads a contrived version ofhistory, Rebecca Nugent says she wrote this book -ndcr the name "Frank Mills" She carious!) describes the hook as both 'fact- and "opinion:, but n is lurk more than a compilation of salacious rumors. questionable documentation. and duboua cisirm moots ing peopk who are no longer alive to either defend themselves or be questioned. Such an approach may make for an entertaining read, but it is not a formula on whwh truth is based. While each page of the hook says that it is a "True Texas Tak." the emphasis should be on "Talc" and not'Trlle". Rebecca Nugent, an individual who is not even in the Stark family bloodline, has been consumed for more than 2u year by the mistaken idea that she and some of the other descendants of Romer and Hill Stark •- boys who were adopted in infancy by Lacher Stark -- possessed some sort of "hinhright" that entitled them to all of Lutcher Stark's fortune. despite Lutcher Stark', own Will to the contrarq. We believe the step confirms the author's resentment of die fart that Lutcher and Nelda Stark chose to direct most of thou wealth to a private foundation for the benefit of the greater Orange, Texas community instead of to Ms. Nugent and her family members. Regmtabty, this book seems to be the latest in a Nene. of attacks waged by Ms. Nugent and some other descendants of Donee and Hill Stark (or more than two decades. Since their initial claims against Nelda Stark and the Stark Foundation in the 1980s, we believe Ms. Nugent and other family drcmbers with a similar agenda have engaged in a misguided quest 10 undermine the Foundation and smear the character of its founders and other key figures who provided significant contributimx to the Foundation mud out cotnmwsig Sot the pas) SO ytass. Ms.Nagmt'a latest effort is no different except that. after sustaining multiple lasses tat the counts of taw, she has now tamed to the effort of pubin (Tim to assert claims, many of which were previously resolved between the ponies and. in subsequent litigation. rejected by the coign. history. ha tak in large part concerns the Stick Fourdation.a charitable organization established by Lutcher Stark and his Wife, Nelda, in 1961 that continues today to actively operate charitable programs in the Orange am m furtherance of the philanthropic mission of its founders. Such mission includes enhancing the qualm of life through venues, programs and activities that pnnide opportunities for study and enjoyment oldie arts. history and nature. As programs of the Foundation. the Stark Museum of An. The W.H. Stark Ifouu, and Shang( La Botanical (Liardens and Nature Center are operated in furtherance of that mission and are open to the public at Inv or no cost These and other contributions of the Foundation are the result of the generosity. leadership and example of its founder, Nelda and Lutcher Stark. While extensive, such efforts has n l always been clearly acknowledged or recognized. This iv in pan doe to the prc(cmace For discretion and, otlm. anonymity on the pail olds benefactors, especially Nelda Stak, who served as chairperson of the Foundation for more than ?0 years after the death of her husband. Lutcher, in 1965. Mrs. Stark was a private woman by nature and. even in matters where her genermity was much appreciated by various orgatoiralions and indiv iduols throughout the community. she nest sought recognition or publication of the good work and deeds she accomplished personally or through the Foundation. preferring instead to remain graciously silent. The Foundation adorned and has applied this some policy ofdiscraion for nearly 50 years. Insteadof being seen as a commendable characteristic. however, Ms. Nugent has 'amine)" canrtrrxd the prckren e of the f:uNJatttwn and Mes. Scant m avoid necogarinn as an indication of something dark and sinister. This could no( he further from the truth. Ilk truth is that Mrs. Stark was an extremely private person, as a result of huh her character and of her circumstances as an individual of considenbk wealth The truth is that the Foundation, as successor to Mrs. Stark. continued the approach of maintaining a low profile, remaining silent, and largely ignoring the attacks on it by outsiders such ss from Ms. Nugent and bee family mnmFen. Was \St.'Sege% obviously hos lust vw.n vsewpmm m promote. Readers should challenge the inconsistencies of this hook, question the motivations of its author and reach their own conclusions. It is dot a cliche to be wealthy. It is not a crime to be private. ft is no a crime to remain silent or prefer the background instead of the spotlight. it is a shame for Ms. Nugent to suggest otherwise and to take it upon herself o manufacture scandal in Mace of the Foundations deliberate silence. 11 is Respectfully. The Stark Foundation Board of Directors: particularly regrettable that the legacy of Neill and Lutcher Stark and Chow who have furthered it amongst the Foundation has burr demented with unproven. unwarranted attacks and allegations. One disturbing example w Ms Nugent's portrayal of Lutcher Stark -- q man who was one of the most prominent citizens in the history of Orange -- as J drug -induced zombie with no control over his personal or professional affairs in his lacer years. tntrmtingly, it was dining tore say years that \i r. Stark conducted some of the most significant business transactions of his career, including leading the expansion of industry. (Chemical Row) in Orange, participating in efforts to deepen the Sabine Riser and. in turn. Increase traffic al the Pot of Orange and, of nurse. establishing and directing the Stark Foundation in its early years. Wt believe Lacher Stark w*old beourragedtokurnthat the pleasure he gained and solitude he sought during the time he spent in his beloved Shangri La has been perverted by Ms. Nukxnt's salacious talc and stuns to chamelcnzc it a nothing more than a prim* cell. We think this portrayal alone insults everything Lutcher Stark stood for and speaks volumes as to Ms. \ugent's lack of understanding of the roan. We Feline such alkgatams disparage the Foundation and its funden, its curtemt and past associates and empluyccs, and individuals in the Orange community where the Foundation is situated and operates is programs. We also believe these false assenigts disparage Ms. Nugent's own family and, especially, vast a poor light on her father. Honer Stark. Many of us knew Homer Stark and have no doubt be would he mortified by his daughters book. It is sad that, after the amount of time That has passed and the amount of prior htigaaion uta has been pursued by else satire disgruntled individuals to no avail. Ms. Nugent remains fixated on the Foundation and its founders. We believe her repeated attacks to the integrity Of a private foundation it the tesuk of nothing more than a misguided sense of entitkmcnt coupled with an .-.,....a�.u..0 vs ,.w le iwvnufx Vetswee naUC ray' &tuner mans. She seems to completely igoorethc positive impact that the Fonndat ion has had on the lives of countkss thousands of people otter the years, whether directly as employees, volunteers. program supporters, rutrons, grantees. scholarship recipients. and others or indirectly as beneficiaries of Foundation programs and funding. including those wax) live in and yeti (hangs We as directors. along with the officer and employees of the Foundation, are charged with carrying out the philanthropic mission Nelda and I archer Stark set forth nearly 50 years ago. This includes defending and protecting the Foundation from hsukss attacks by the author. who seems to resent its existence and covet its resources. fo this cod. this Board will not stand idly by while Ms. Nugent spreads a contrived sermon of histoey. h Is the objective of this Hosed to sebsst my and all declarations try Ms. Nugent against the Foundation. as officers, employees, volunteers, supporters. grantees. and any other rrpresenwtives. Because the tales in her book arc set numerous and vary so greatly from what we kmn to he the truth. we arc prevailed by space constraints from directly addressing and refuting them on This page Instead a wrhsite will he crewed with rpacrtk responses to numerous assertions in the Nugent tak. including supporting documentation We invite you to skhit www.thestarktrurh.org for the facts as well as additional information on the Foundation and its founders. Contrary to Ms. Nugents story. the truth n that Nelda and Lutcher Mark were private, yet generous. individuals who chose to share the bulk of their resources with the earner cnmarnuni*yt,rough a charitable organization -- the Stark Foundation. We arc honored to bc affiliated with such a line organization and take very serioxnly the duties and nnpxnibilities with which we arc charged as its directors. which is the ultimate onersight and governarke of the Foundation in accordance with as bylaws. Each of us, as member of the Foundation's Board of Directors. is proud of alias the Star; Foundation represents. what it has accomplished and what it will accomplish in the future Lrding sorward, we will be more vocal about what the Foundation does, including the upcoming Mlebratiai of its 5O h anniversary. during which we w ell spotlight iu significant contributions to and enhancement of the Orange community over the past 50 ycan. In the meantime, this Board will continue to focus Foundation efforts energies and resources on the betterment of the Orange community and surrounding region through Ilk numerous charitable programs that the Foundation operates and the grants and scholarships that n mos ides. Ruby Wimherley. Chan John Cash Smith. Via Chair Debbie Hughes. Secretary Clyde V. 'Tat" McKee 111. Treasurer/CFO Walter G. Riedel 11I. President/CEO R. Fred Gregory, M.D. James R. Dunaway Laurence R. David