HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthgate Historic Resources; research guide (March 1995)Northgate Historic Resources A Comprehensive Survey Reference Guide March, 1995 City of College Station College Station, Texas Table of Contents Acknowledgments 1 Introduction 2 Methodology and Procedures 3 Research 3 Fieldwork 3 Criteria for Evaluation 4 Survey Materials 6 Appendices A. Historic Resources Inventory B. Northgate Historic Resources, Survey Base Map C. Texas Historic Sites Inventory Forms, Texas Historical Commission i Acknowledgments The Northgate Historic Resources Survey was conducted through the combined efforts of City of College Station Staff and the Texas A &M Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The ASCE students compiled building descriptions of all the structures on the survey, which were used to complete the Texas Historic Sites Inventory Forms. City of College Station Staff American Society of Civil Engineers Joey Dunn, Staff Planner Caroline Hatch Todd McDaniel, Policy Analyst Karen Bauch Debra Duncan, Engr./Ping. Secretary Charlie Droddy Nanette Muzzy Manhart, GIMS Coordinator Eleanor Rivera Chad Nesvadba, Graphics Technician Michelle Patton Mary Morse, Printing Assistant Jenni McDermott Lauren Roe • Special Thanks to: Melissa Benson College Station Historic Michael Miersvva Preservation Committee Jake Vaughn Gracie Calbert, Conf. Ctr. Supervisor Mark Cornett Stacy Hoffman Lisa Lattu 1 Introduction This survey of Northgate's historic resources was undertaken at a significant time in the city's efforts to revitalize and enhance the Northgate area. Over the past two decades, attempts to enhance Northgate have been largely piecemeal and lacking in financial and political support. However, public support for Northgate has recently increased dramatically. The College Station City Council ranks Northgate as its Number One Strategic Issue for 1995. In addition, the public has recently voted in favor of a $1.3 million Streetscape, Bikeways & Northgate Bond Proposition of which $500,000 is earmarked to support the future development of Northgate. As a part of these revitalization efforts, the City of College Station has contracted the consulting services of Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK) of Dallas, Texas to produce the Redevelopment Plan and Revitalization Strategy - a "master plan" for Northgate. This plan will integrate together the work of previous studies, as well as spell out a specific strategy for implementation. The Historic Resources Survey is intende?i to be used for the initial development of the Master Plan. In the long term, this survey will serve as an authoritative source of information for future preservation, research, and urban design efforts. Gathered and presented according to the Secretary of the Interior's standards, the information in this survey documents the appearance and history of Northgate at a specific point in time. The value of this information will increase as the area continues a slow and incremental change. Most importantly, the information will be vital to the efforts of public officials in creating sound policies that preserve and enhance the character of the Northgate area. 2 Methodology and Procedures A comprehensive survey of Northgate's historic resources was conducted in March of 1995. The information obtained from the survey is critical to the current revitalization efforts of the City, and it raises the awareness of the value of Northgate's historic resources. The survey consists of a volume of information and documentation on each historic structure within Northgate, as defined by University Drive, South College Avenue, the College Station City Limits, and Wellborn Road. Research The first phase of the project involved identification of the structures that were to be included in the survey. Several sources were used to identify the resources that were to be included. Aerial photographs of the late 1930's and 1940's were used to visually identify those structures that generally remain in their original configuration and location. These photographs reveal that the Northgate area was generally rural in character, with large open fields which are now developed primarily as apartment houses and other residential structures. Old ledgers containing building permits were also used to identify structures built from 1940 to -tbe mid- 1950's. Afnbng these structures were the first off - campus apartment buildings in the city. A total of 66 commercial, institutional, and residential structures were identified and chosen for inclusion in the survey. Fieldwork During February 1995, members of the American Society of Civil Engineering Students at Texas A &M conducted the initial phase of the survey, which entailed fieldwork to identify building materials, architectural elements, and general structural conditions of each building. This written information was then translated onto computerized Texas Historic Sites Inventory Forms, which are used for application to the Texas Historical Commission 3 for local and state historic markers, or inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places. The data gathered in this phase provides a basis for future applications, as well as a written identification of each building. The next phase of fieldwork consisted of taking black and white photographs and color slides of each structure. The location and configuration of each building was plotted on a current GIS base map, which was generated from recent aerial photographs. Each structure was assigned a unique number, and the address, building type, approximate construction date, condition and preservation priority were compiled to form a master list, or inventory, included in this document as Historic Resources Inventory, Appendix 1. Initially, the primary elevations were taken of each surveyed structure and were documented on contact sheets (Rolls 1 -2), and color slides. Subsequently, additional photodocumentation was taken of each structure with multiple views and architectural details of the medium and high preservation priority structures. These contact sheets and slides are kept in the Development Services Department of City Hall, located at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Criteria for Evaluation In general, the structures were included in the survey based on age, historical association, architectural integrity, and preservation criteria. The National Register for Historic Places generally requires a minimum age of 50 years for inclusion on the Register. However, in light of the fact that the City of College Station has been incorporated since 1938, age is relative. With respect to other buildings in the city, Northgate buildings certainly reflect a different character and scale. With a few exceptions, most of the buildings included on the survey are 40 years or older. Those structures that do not meet the minimum 50 -year age will be eligible in the next ten years, and such documentation at this stage will be valuable at that time. 4 The second category of evaluation is historical association. The history of College Station is somewhat brief when compared to other cities of its size. Nevertheless, a number of structures in Northgate are historically significant to the local community, if not by state and national standards. An example of historical association is the inclusion of the first duplexes and apartment buildings built in the city in the 1950's. Architectural integrity is a third category of evaluation. Although Northgate is not particularly known for its architecture, it does contain various architectural details and styles. The churches represent a range of styles from classical and gothic to the international style. The commercial buildings also feature classical and international styles as well as art deco and 1 -part or 2 -part commercial block. Most of the residential structures are primarily of local building form. However, six Queen Anne style houses on the survey were relocated to Northgate from the Texas A &M Campus in the mid- 1950's. All 66 surveyed sites have been evaluated according to HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW preservation priority rating based on architectural integrity and /or historical association: HIGH PRIORITY - Contributes significantly to local history or broader historical patterns; is an outstanding or unique example of architecture, engineering or crafted design; retains a significant portion of its original character and-cdntextual integrity; meets, in some cases, standards for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or is potentially eligible for a Texas Historical Marker. MEDIUM PRIORITY - Contributes significantly to local history or broader historical patterns, but alterations have diminished the resource's integrity; is a significant example of architecture, engineering or crafted design; is an outstanding example of a common local building form, architectural style or type; is a modern or recent landmark not old enough (50 years) to be judged in a historical context. LOW PRIORITY - Exemplifies a common local building form, architectural style or type, with no identified historical associations; is a moderate to severely altered resource with reversible modifications that exemplifies a distinctive building type or architectural style, or that has only minor historical significance. 5 Survey Materials This Comprehensive Historic Resources Survey includes the following elements: 1. Historic Resources Inventory - master list compiling property address, building type, approximate construction date, photographic references, site number, and preservation priority for each structure. 2. Survey Base Map - GIS map showing the location, site number, and preservation priority designation of each structure. 3. Black & White Contact Sheets/Photo Index Forms - Contact sheets were developed directly from black & white negatives showing the primary elevation of each site (rolls 1 -2), and building details (rolls 3 -4). Photo Index Forms opposite each contact sheet show preservation priority designation, frame number, property address, view, direction the camera faced, and site number. 4. Color Slides - are arranged alphabetically by address. The number of slides for each property is referenced in the Historic Resources Inventory. 5. Texas Historic Sites Inventory Forms, Texas Historical Commission - are also arranged alphabetically by address, and feature detailed identification of each building. This reference guide features the inventory, base map, and the THC Inventory Forms - items 1, 2, and 5 above. A larger volume of information contains a complete set of the above survey documents, including black & white contact sheets and negatives, photo index forms, and color slides. Two master copies of this volume exist. The City of College Station Development Services Department located at 1001 Texas Avenue, and the Texas Historical Commission located in Austin, Texas, each have a survey volume available for public reference. 6 Appendix A: Historic Resources Inventory Historic Resources Inventory Page One Priority Identification Photographic References site I Y (Street /Number Resource Type Date Black & White - Roll:Frame I Slides 1 Number BOYETT X 103 Commercial c. 1955 1:34, 3:00, 4:5 2 52/51 X 105 Commercial c. 1960 1:35, 4:4 -5 2 50 X 303 Residential c. 1930 1:27, 4:2 -3 4 49 X 400 Residential 1902 2:23, 3:32 -33 3 48 CHERRY X 303 Residential c. 1940 1:28, 3:29 -31 X 307 Residential c. 1940 2:7, 3:28 CHURCH X 101 Commercial 1947 1:18 -19, 2:28, 4:17 3 8 X 201 Residential c. 1950 2:27, 4:6 2 7 X 301 Institutional 1947 1:26, 4:1 4 6 COLLEGE MAIN 4 3 3 2 X 104 Commercial c. 1930 2:10, 3:5 -8,10 3 40 X 105 -7 Commercial c. 1935 1:29, 3:22 2 47 X 106 Commercial 1931 2:11,3:10 4 39 X 108 Commercial c. 1935 2:12, 3:10 1 38 X 109 Commercial c. 1935 1:30, 2:31 2 46 X 110 Commercial c. 1935 2:13, 3:11 2 37 X 1 1 1 Commercial c. 1935 1 :31 , 2:30 3 45 X 113 Commercial c. 1935 1:32, 2:29 4 44 X 201 Commercial 1948 1:21, 1:33 1 66 X 202 Institutional c. 1935 2:14 -15, 3:16 5 36 X 300 Institutional 1935 1:23 -24, 3:18 -.19 6 35 X 301 Commercial c. "1945 1:22, 3:20 2 43 X 307 Residential c. 1942 2:6 1 42 X 405 Residential 1948 2:5, 3:24 2 41 X 416 Residential c. 1910 2:19, 3:25 -26 3 34 X 500 Residential c. 1910 2:18 2 33 CROSS X 401 Residential 1948 2:20 1 5 FIRST X 303 Residential 1950 2:0, 4:7 2 65 X 306 Residential c. 1955 2:26 1 55 X 307 Residential c. 1955 2:1 2 64 X 308 Residential c. 1955 2:25 1 54 X 309 Residential c. 1955 2:2 1 63 X 311 Residential c. 1955 2:3 1 62 X 318 Residential 1911 2:24, 4:8 -9 2 53 X 401 -3 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:11 2 61 Historic Resources Inventory Priority I Identification d Street /Number Resource Type I Date X X X X X X FIRST cont. X 405 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:12 1 60 X 407 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:13 1 59 X 409 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:14 1 58 X 411 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:15 1 57 X 413 Residential c. 1955 2:8, 4:16 1 56 LOUISE 105 Residential c. 1955 4:10 1 4 NAGLE 103 Institutional 1954 1:25, 3:2 -3 4 9 PATRICIA 317 Commercial c. 1950 1:20 1 10 SPRUCE 304 Residential c. 1940 2:21 3 1 TAUBER UNIVERSITY 315 Institutional c. 1950 2:16 -17 2 32 415 Residential c. 1915 2:4, 3:27 2 31 X 207 Commercial X 209 Commercial X 211 Commercial X 215 Commercial X 217 Commercial X 303 Commercial X 305 Commercial X 307 Commercial X 311 Commercial 313 Commercial X 319 Commercial X 327 Commercial X 329 Commercial X 335 Commercial X 401 -5 Commercial X 409 Commercial X 417 Institutional X 501 Commercial X 505 Commercial Page Two Photographic References ++ � site Black & White Roll:Frame Slides I Number . c.1 965 1:0 2 30 c. 1965 1:1, 3:1 2 29 c. 1955 1:2 2 28 c. 1955 1:3 1 27 c. 1930 1:4, 3:0, 4:18 6 26 c. 1930 1:6, 4:36A 3 25 c. 1955 1:6, 4:36 4 24 c. 1955 1:7, 2:35 3 23/22 c. 1948 1:8, 2:34 2 21 c. 1948 2:34 3 20 c. 1948 1:9, 2:33, 3:21 3 19 c. 1948 1:9, 2:32, 3:21 5 18 c. 1948 1:10 2 17 c. 1925 1:11, 3:23 5 16 c. 1925 1:12 -13, 2:9, 3:4 6 15 c. 1940 1:14, 3:9 3 14 1951 1:15, 3:12 -13, 15, 17 6 13 1950 1:16, 3:14 2 12 c. 1930 1:17 1 11 Appendix B: Survey Base Map OXLCCE -w., 34 3 VIASIN 41 48 13 35 3738 d s.14 36 � -15 cotLEct 42 43 a NOR THGA TE HISTORIC RESOURCES Collegr Station, Ti 1 260 520 maid 1995 1 66 10 17 18 20 -21 24' — -23 24 25 igtai PRESERVATION PRIORITY NM HIGH MEDIUM C= LOW Appendix C: Texas Historic Sites Inventory Forms County: Brazos Site #:51 & 52 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual Est.1955 Additions: Name: The Cue Architect/Builder: Address: 103 Bovett Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Retail Legal Desc.: Lt 8 -9, Blk 8, Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Pool Hall Property Type Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: X location U design U setting U materials U workmanship IN History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Jake Vaughn & Michael Mierzwa Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:34, 3:00, 4:5 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) _E building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: _I _specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Construction: X_ frame solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Erterlor Walls: stone (specify type) X stucco synthetic siding red birck buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _3_specify # of bays _X_synunetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * _cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows Xaluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry _3_recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway dboi" (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _X_rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _ loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor: specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: specify flat-arched _ segmetally arched round- arched Modern association U feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Slides 2 Local Priority Low hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) E building faces (N /S/FJW) Stories: _2_specify N (1,1 l/2,2,etc) Construction: _?_Game _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open Plan Exterior Walls: _stone (speedy type) County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: US Marine Corns Address: 105 Bovett Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt l0, Blk 8. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commerical Subtype: Integrity of: © location U design U setting U materials U workmanship History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): • Surveyor: Jake Vaughn & Michael Mierzwa Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:35, 4:4 -5 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I _X _stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _ lcrra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor, _4_specity N of bays _X_ ,. .., • . Ily arranged .. Ily arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM *" COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:50 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.I955 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Vacant Stylistic Influence: _cast iron pilasters fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _X_sing&e-door entry _double-door entry _recessed central entry (specify N of doors) _stairway ddortiipecify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X_on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _6_specify N of bays _X_synuoetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: 12_specify N flat-arched _ segruetally arched round-arched Additions: Modern association U feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Slides 2 Local Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash _X _aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _2_(specify N of parts) _ corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other Exterior stair in rear Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _ original location(campus) _ moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _l_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc.) Construction: _X_frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L -plan modified L-plan _center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _2 -room plan T -plan bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: _X ,pier- and -beam stone brick :isecify other Exterior Wall Surface: _ weatherboard siding drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * County: Brazos Site #:49 City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual Est.1930 Additions: Name: Commandant's House Architect/Builder: Address: 303 Bovett Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Residential - Parsonage for Baptist Church Legal Desc.: Lot 21. Blk 12. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Residential Property Type: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: ❑ location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association ❑ feeling History of Property: Previously located at 202 College Main as a Parsonage for the previous First Baptist Church Surveyor: C. Hatch & K. Bauch Date surveyed: Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:27. 4:2 -3 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS _board/batten siding _fieldstone veneer _brick (specify color) _wood shingle _X_synthetic siding _X_asbestos siding - other Porches: _2_specify # of bays E_specify N/S/E/W elevation _X -_shed roof _hipped roof _gable roof _X _inset turned -wood _ posts — square posts _chamfered wood posts _ brick piers box columns _X_classical columns (specify) X_doric _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers fabricated metal _squared -wood balusters turned -wood balusters _ jig -sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _turned -work frieze specify other Windows: _X_wood sash aluminum sash _X double-hung 2 -18 -95 Roof Materials: _ wood shingles USGS Quad # Local casement fixed decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: single-door primary entrance _double-door primary entrance _X_2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: X as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _ wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows X vents other Slides 4 Roof Type: _X gable _ hpppcd _fat/with parapet _gambrel _ dormers: (specify #) _gable _ hipped shed specify others Priority Medium _X_composition shingles, asphalt tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _ interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify N and type) ___garage barn _2 _shed specify other specify other Landscape Features: sidewalks _ terracing _X_dtives,dirt well or cistern County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Address: 400 Bovett Owner: Charles E. Harris Jr. Legal Desc.: Lot 1. Blk 20. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Residence Property Type: Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Queen Anne Integrity of: ❑ location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association ❑ feeling History of Property Previous residence on Campus: Resident: R. P. Marstellar, 1924, Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location moved (specify date) W_building faces (N /S/F/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2.2,etc.) Construction: _X frame solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L-plan modified L-plan center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) 2-room plan _T -plan bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan _ X_synunetrical - other Foundation Materials: _Xpier- and -beam stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _ weatherboard siding _X_drop siding stucco stone Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:23. 3:32 -33 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:48 Date: Factual 1902 Est. Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Residential - Campus House _board/batten siding fieldstone veneer _brick (specify color) _wood shingle _synthetic siding specify other Porches: _specify # of bays _specify N /S/E/W elevation _shed roof • _hipped roof __gable roof _inset _turned-wood posts square posts chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers _ fabricated metal _ squared -wood balusters _ turned -wood balusters jig -sawn brackets jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work frieze specify other Windows: wood sash X_aluminum sash _X_double-hung USGS Quad # Local casement fixed _ decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: single -door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance _S_prinary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: _X sane as wall surface stucco _wood shingle _wood siding decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _X_gable _X_ flat/with _ parapet _gambrel _ S _ dorners: (specify #) _4_gable _ 1 _hipped shed Roof Materials: _wood shingles specify other Slides 3 specify others Priority Medium _X_composition shingles tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify # and type) _garage barn shed Landscape Features: sidewalks terracing drives well or cistern _gym specify other t t t t t t t t i 1 specify other' Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _ moved (specify date) S W _building faces (N /S /FJW) Stories: _l_specify Of (1,1 l/2,2,etc.) Construction: X_ frame solid brick (specify color) _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ L-plan _X_modified L-plan _center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) 2 -room plan _ T-plan bungalow plan shotgun plan asymmetrical plan yother Foundation Materials: _X.pier- and -beam stone brick pecify other Exterior Wall Surface: _ weatherboard siding _X_drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM *" RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM *" County: Brazos Site #:3 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual Est.1940 Additions: Name: Architect/Builder: Ernest Langford - Students Address: 303 Cherry Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Residential Legal Desc.: Lot 1 -2. Blk 19. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Residential Property Type: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Modern Integrity of: © location © design © setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association © feeling History of Property Student Project through Ernest Langford, Architecture Professor Surveyor: Jennie McDermett & M. Patton Date surveyed: Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:28, 3:29 -31 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS board/batten siding _ fieldstone veneer _ brick (specify color) _ wood shingle _ synthetic siding specify other Porches: _specify # of bays _specify N /S/FJW elevation shed roof _hipped roof _gable roof _inset _ turned-wood posts _square posts _ chamfered wood posts _ brick piers box columns classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers fabricated metal _ squared -wood balusters _ turned-wood balusters jig -sawn brackets jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned-work frieze specify other Windows: _X_wood sash _aluminum sash _ double -hung 2 -18 -95 Local casement fixed _decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X single -door primary entrance double -door primary entrance _ 2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _ wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows vents specify other Slides 4 Roof Type: gable _X_hipPed fat/with _ parapet _gambrel _dormers: (specify #) _gable _ him shed specify oilers Roof Materials: _ wood shingles Priority High _X _composition shingles tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _ exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _ specify number interior (specify placement) _X_exterior (placement - SE corner) X brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (spec fY # and type) ___garage barn X shed specify other specify other Landscape Features: sidewalks _terracing _X_drives, covered carport well or cistern _gardens County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Cafe'Eccell. Old City Hall Address: 101 Church Owner: City of College Station Legal Desc.: Cafe Excell Property Type: Commercial Subtype Integrity of: location design U setting History of Property College Station's first City Hall Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: C. Hatch & K. Bauch Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:18 -19, 2:28, 4:17 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: 1 Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) S building faces (N /S/FJW) Stories l_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X _solid brick (color - red) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco synthetic siding X red brick _buff brick polychromatic brick _ wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify Ground floor: specify # of bays _X_sy imetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:8 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1947 Est. Additions: Architect/Builder: Ernest Langford: Students Contractor: Historic Use: City Hall Present Use: Restaurant _Stylistic Influence: Modern U materials U workmanship © association U feeling _cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _X single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway deor4specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal rod supported _ chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock _ loading door _X _windows specify other Lower floor. specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: specify # flat-arched segmetally arched round - arched Slides 3 Local Priority High _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash X metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof _ flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other red painted concrete blocks added on :wood added on Ia Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Lauren Roe & Melissa Benson Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:26, 4:1 Designations: NR RTHL I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: X_ original location moved (specify date) _S _building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (color - red) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: _ stone (specify type) stucco _ synthetic siding X_red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _X wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor, _specify # of bays symmetrically arranged _X_asyrnrnetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * County: Brazos Site #:6 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual 1947 Est. Name: A &M Presbyterian Church Architect/Builder: Address: 301 Church Contractor: Owner: Same Historic Use: Legal Desc.: Lt 103. Blk 6. Lt 10 -13. Bik 6 -7. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Institutional Subtype: Integrity of: location U design U setting materials History of Property Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame Slides 4 HABS Local _cast iron pilasters _ fixed sash display windows aluminum sash single -door entry X double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway dgor ,(specify placement) X_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal rod supported _ chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asynunetrically arranged windows: _X_specify #: 6 sets of 4 flat-arched _ segmetally arched round -arched Additions: Church Present Use: Church Stylistic Influence: U workmanship U association U feeling Priority Low hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash X_metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ (specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other steeple, eardcn. court- yard County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Lacev's & Perfect Tan 3 Address: 104 College Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 4. Blk 2. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location IN design History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:10.3:5 -8.10 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL NABS I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: original location _moved (specify date) _W _building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: _I_ specify # (1,1 l /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) Yellow specify other Plan: open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X_polychromatic brickyellow _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _2_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:40 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1930 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 1 -Part Commercial blk ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling _cast iron pilasters _7_fixed sash display windows 8 aluminum sash _3 single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) _2_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: _wood metal _rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _ loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged windows: `may flat-arched segmetally arched round- arched Slides 3 Local Priority Medium hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork X decorative brickwork' metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: hipped roof __gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other • ceramic tile, front 1 ext. wall 19 County. Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Software Exchange & Northgate Barber Address: 105 -107 College Main Owner:: Legal Desc.: Lt 2 -3. Blk 1, Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X original location _moved (specify date) _E _building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: _ I _specify if (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick _X_buff brick _X_polych romatic brick _wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction _X_ 105 side painted red C round floor: _2_specify U of bays _symmetrically arranged _X_asynunetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site # :47 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1935 Additions: Achitect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 1 -Part Commercial Bik design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:29. 3:22 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS _cast von pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows X aluminum sash X_single -door entry - 105 recessed _double -door entry recessed central entry (specify k of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specify:visible above door) canopy: wood _X _metal _X_rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock _X_Ioading door windows specify other Upper floor. _specify tt of bays _symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged windows: _may M flat - arched _segmetally arched round -arched Local Slides 2 Roof: _hipped roof gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) Other Priority Medium _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _2 _(specify if of parts)rear corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _ chimneys of flues specify other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Hollicks Address: 106 College Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 5. Blk 2 Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 2- Part Commercial design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship association ❑ feeling History of Property: Since 1931 the business has had a boot sales and repair shoo Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:11. 3:10 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _original location _moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _specify # (1,1 l /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) Multi specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X.polychromatic brick, white/red wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall construction ; pecify other Ground floor. _3_specify # of bays symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #: 39 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1931 Est. Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters 11 _fixed sash display windows _8 _aluminum sash 3 single-door entry _2_doubledoor entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) _transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood X_ metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X on alley _ loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _4_specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: —>Pecify# flat - arched _ segmetally arched round - arched Additions: Slides 4 Local Priority Medium hood moldings lintels _voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof __gable roof _X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other r: County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Dead Lazlos Address: 108 Colleee Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 6. BIk 2 Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location ❑ design History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:12. 3:10 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _original location moved (specify date) _W building faces (N /SIE/W) Stories: _ specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) Multi specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X omatic brick, white/red _ wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall .. .,. .: . specify other Ground floor: _3_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged Site #: 38 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1935 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 1- Part Commercial ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling _ cast von pilasters 11_fixed sash display windows _8 _aluminum sash 3_single -door entry _2_double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: • wood _X_metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: _X on alley loading dock _loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor. _4_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: may # flat-arched _segmetally arched round - arched Slides 1 Local Priority Medium _hood moldings lintels _voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork _ decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing _ date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _gable roof _X flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues pecify other Other County : Brazos City/Rural College Station Name Sarge's Address : 109 College Main Owner: Legal Desc. Lt 4. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Retail Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 1-Part Commercial Blk Integrity of: IN location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship [3 association ❑ feeling History of Property Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) _E _building faces (N /SfEJW) Storks: I specify # (1,1 l /2,2,etc) Construction: frame solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco synthetic siding red brick buff brick _1 polychromatic brick wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _I specify # of bays _syrrunetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: RolUFrame 1:30,2:31 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:46 Date: Factual Architect/Builder Contractor Historic Use: Retail Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _X _aluminum sash single -door entry double -door entry _X _recessed central entry (specify N of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible)above door canopy: X wood metal _X_rod supported _chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor. _ specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: — sPecify flat - arched _ segmetally arched round- arched USGS Quad # Est.1935 Local Slides 2 Additions: _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash Roof: hipped roof _gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) Priority Medium aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify N of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _chimneys of flues specify other Other wood siding coverine one display window County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Marooned Address: 110 College Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 7. Blk 2. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: location ❑ design ❑ setting History of Property: Since 193 1 the business has had a boot sales and repair shop Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:13. 3:11 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _original location _moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: specify # (1.1 1/2.2.etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) Multi specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X_polyciwmatic brick, white/red _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _3_specify # of bays . .: • fly arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #: 37 Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters I 1 _fixed sash display windows _8 _aluminum sash 3_single -door entry _2_double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: -- wood X metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: _X_on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _4_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged .. • ..fly arranged windows: may flat-arched _segmetally arched round-arched USGS Quad # Est.1935 Slides 2 Local Priority Medium _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing _date and name (specify) Roof: _tipped roof _gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other Additions: 1- Part Commercial ❑ feeling County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Aggie Cleaners Address: 111 College Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 5. Blk 1. Bovett Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location © design History of Property: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: _l _specify a (1.1 1 f2 2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick _X_buff brick polychromatic polychromatic brick _wood siding _terra cotta omvnenlation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: 1 specify a of bays _,_symmetrically arranged _asymmelncaliv arranged Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:31. 2:30 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:45 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1935 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Subdivision Present Use: Cleaners Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 1 Part Comm f rcial Building Li setting U materials U workmanship ❑ association U feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows aluminum sash single-door entry _X_double -door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specil`y visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _X_rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock _X_loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _specify fl of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: specify a flat-arched segmetally arched round-arched Local Slides 3 hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: Rear _2(specify ft of parts)capstonc brick corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: hipped roof _gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) Priority Medium _chimneys of flues specify other Other stamped metal under canopy 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1: c County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Disc Go Round Address: 113 College Main Owner: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:32. 2:29 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location _ moved (specify date) E_building faces (N /SfEJW ) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1l2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color)tan _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: _ stone (specify type) • stucco _ synthetic siding red brick X_buf brick _X _polychromatic brick front _ wood siding _ tern cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _I _specify # of bays symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:44 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1935 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail/Office/Photo Studio Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters _J_Gxed sash display windows aluminum sash _X_single-door entry, both double-door entry _ recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _X_stairway 6401 Right front _X_transom (specify visible above door) canopy: _X _wood metal _ rod supported _ chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elewstion: on alley _ loading dock _ loading door _2 _windows specify other Upper floor: _I specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged windows: _9_specify # _X_flat -arched ___segmetally arched round -arched Local Slides 4 Additions: Legal Desc.: Lot 6. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Retail Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 2 -Part Commercial Blk Integrity of: © location IN design U setting U materials U workmanship ❑ association U feeling History of Property 2nd floor - location of first College Station City Council Meeting in 1938 Roof: hipped roof _ gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) Priority High hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash X aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing _date and name (specify) _chimneys of flues specify other Other wood shingle front County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Former Northgate Athletic Club Address: 201 College Main Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:21. 1:33 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: 1 Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) _E_building facts (N /S/E/W) Stories: _l_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Wally _stone (specify type) stucco _ synthetic siding _X red brick, side wan buff brick _X.polychromatic brick _ wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _I _specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:66 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1948 Est. Architect/Builder: Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Retail Legal Desc.: Lt 19. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Emote Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location U design U setting U materials U workmanship association U feeling History of Property: Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (speci'y visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _X_rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: _on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify otter Upper floor. _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged Ily arranged windows: specify _ flat-arched _ segmeully arched round - arched Additions: Slides 1 Local Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify Tight figuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork _ decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters ___pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _gable roof _X _flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other i t t Z t t i t n t t. u IJ u County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Old 1st Baptist Address: 202 College Main Owner: A &M United Methodist Church Legal Desc.: Lot 2. Blk 12. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Integrity of: © location © design Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Stacey Hoffmann & Lisa Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:15 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: original location moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: t In specify # (1.1 112.2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) Yellow /Orange - specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X polychromatic brick _wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _5_specify N of bays _X_symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:36 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Church Present Use: Church Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association History of Property: Sanctuary originally owned by 1st Baptist Church; several additions and expansions have been made since 1930. Areas of Significance (include justification): History: One of the first churches in College Station RTHL Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local cast iron pilasters 14_fixed sash display windows 1 aluminum sash _single -door entry _3_double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) 2 transom (specify visible or covered)' canopy: wood metal rod supported _chain supported _X _wall braced specify other Rear Elevation:attached to adj. bldg on alley _loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor. NA specify U of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: 1 S_spccify N 14_flat- arched _l _segmetally arched round -arched Est.:1930 Additions: Established 1955 ❑ feeling Slides 2 Prioity Medium _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash 1 S metal casement windows: (specify light configuration) 14- Stain. 1 round circle - specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork _ decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) shingles (not wood) _ chimneys of flues specify Other. 16 - 1ftX1ft ejass bricks by entry on College Main • windows w/ sidelights Site #:36 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1955 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Church Present Use: Church Subtype: Stylistic Influence: I ntegrity of: El location ❑ design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association History of Property: Addition to Original santuarv: old house in location moved to 303 Bovett in 1950's County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Old 1st Baptist Church Address: 202 College Main, sanctuary add-on Owner: A &M United Methodist Church Legal Desc.: Lot 2 Blk 12. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 3:16 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: original location moved (specify date) _N_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) Yellow /Orange - specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _tern cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _1_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged . -. .. Uy arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * RTHL Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS _cast iron pilasters fixed sash display windows 9 aluminum sash _singledoor entry _ 1 _doubledoor entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _X rod supported _chain supported X wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: attached to adj. bldg _X on alley and other bldgs. _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: NA _1 _specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged Ily arranged windows: _10_specify # _X_flat- rched _segmetally arched round-arched hood _hood moldings Local Other Additions: ❑ feeling Slides 1 Priority: Medium lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof _X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Old 1st Baptist Church Address: 202 College Main Owner: A &M United Methodist Church Legal Desc.: Lot 2. Blk 12. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Institutional Integrity of: location ❑ design setting History of Property: (same as sanctuary add -on) Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:14 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: original location _moved (specify date) S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) Yellow /Orange - specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X polychromatic brick wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation _X_party waU construction specify other Ground floor. _7_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * El Site #:36 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1955 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Church Present Use: Church Subtype: Church ❑ materials ❑ workmanship Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _2_fixed sash display windows 43_aluminum sash _3_singledoor entry _2_double -door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X_on alley and other bldg. _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper Door: _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged windows: _54_specify # _ -arched _ segmetally arched round-arched hood _ hood moldings Stylistic Influence: association ❑ feeling Other Additions: Slides 1 Local Priority Medium lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof gable roof _X _flat roof (specify materials) chimneys of flues specify other City/Rural: College Station Name: Old 1st Baptist Church Address: 202 College Main. Fellowship Hall Owner: A &M United Methodist Church Legal Desc.: Lot 2. B1k12. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Institutional Integrity of: © location ❑ design History of Property: (same as samctuary add-on) Areas of Significance: (include justification) Bibliography: (include oral histories) 1 DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _ original location _ moved (specify date) _E _building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: specify # (1,1 l /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) Yellow /Oranee - specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * County: Brazos Site #:36 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor Historic Use: Church Present Use: Church Subtype: Church setting ❑ materials LI workmanship Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: RolUFrame 2:14 -15. 3:16 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL NABS _ cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _ single-door entry _4_double -door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) _2_transom (specify visible or covered)* canopy: wood metal _X_rod supported _ chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: _22_specify # _X_flat- arched _ segmetally arched round-arched hood hood moldings Est. 1955 Local Additions: Stylistic Influence: association ❑ feeling Slides 5 Roof: hipped roof gable roof flat roof (specify materials) Priority Medium _lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: r• _ (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other: * w/ sidelights •* Storage/Building 3rd floor, wild panels. dbl doors. frame windows I County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Old A &M Church of Christ Address: 300 -302 College Main Owner: United Methodist Church Legal Desc.: Lt 1 -2. Blk 3. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Property Type: Institutional Subtype: Integrity of: © location © design © setting History of Property: Include Attached Information Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: original location moved (specify date) S_building faces (N /S /FJW) Storks: _2_specify d (1,1 I/2,2,etc) Construction: Game _X solid brick (color - red) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) _stucco _synthetic siding X red brick buff brick _polychromatic brick _ wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor. specify # of bays _synunetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:35 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1935 Est. Architect/Builder: Ernest Langford Contractor: Historic Use: Church Day -Care Stylistic Influence: New England Pilgrim Mte. House materials © workmanship © association U feeling Surveyor: Michelle Patton & Jenni McDermott Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:23 -24. 3:18 -19 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS Local _cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash X single -door entry X double-door entry _ 1 _recessed central entry (specify it of doors) stairway door-(specify placement) _X transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock loading door _X_windows specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged window,: 46_specify d _X_flat -arched _X_segnietally arched. gable/hipped round -arched Slides 6 Additions: 1947.1954 Priority High _hood moldings lintels voussoirs _X_wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _X_chimneys of flues specify other Other A &M Church of Christ The building is currently owned by the Methodist Church. — Professor Ernest Langford, then the Head of the Department of Architecture, prepared plans for the structure. Mrs. Woodward thought the plans were too modest and thus provided $35,000 to � , construct a brick building with a 210 -seat auditorium, a library and a parsonage. The structure was topped with a 65 -foot steeple which was later removed when the building was enlarged. Construction began on the first building in January 1935. The site was a grassy field bounded by an artery to Bryan (College Main Street) and a gravel road which was later to be called Church Street when the Baptist, Methodist and Catholic churches were located along this street. Architect Ernest Langford patterned the building after the New England meeting house of the Pilgrim period. He told the audience at the first evening service in the building of his plans for the structure: "The keynote of the building is simplicity with beauty, in keeping with the religious ideal of the Church of Christ ". The building at 301 College Main was enlarged in 1947 when a classroom center and a nursery were added. In 1954, the facade of the building was altered to remove the steeple and the auditorium was enlarged to hold 400 permanent seats. A new education building was also added, and the parsonage was converted into classrooms and a new home was-constructed for him. t. References: Brazos County History. Rich Past - Bright Future, Family History Foundation, Bryan, TX 1986. College Station . Texas, 1938 -1988, Deborah Lynn Balliew, College Station, Texas, 1987. The Old Texas A &M Campus Houses, Van-Riper P.Paul. A History of The A &M Church of Christ.. 1921 -1988, Joe Buser. The A &M United Methodist Church. The First Fifty Years, 1923 -1973, Fred R. Brison, College Station, Texas, 1973. 1 n 1 i i County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Second Chance Resale Address: 301 College Main Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Melissa Benson & Lauren Roe Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:22. 3:20 Designations: NR RTHL I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) E_building faces (N/SIE/W) Stories: _l _specify N (1,1 1 t2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X_solid brick (color - red) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) X stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _3_specify N of bays _X_synunetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:43 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1945 - Salvation Army Architect/Builder: Contractor: Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through RolUFrame HABS Local cast iron pilasters _X _fixed sash display windows X aluminum sash, some, original wood single -door entry _X_double -door entry recessed central entry (specify N of doors) _stairway door (sspecify placement) _transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood X_ metal rod supported _chain supported X wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock 1 loading door X windows specify other Upper floor: _specify N of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: _ specify flat-arched _segmetally arched round-arched Slides 2 Additions: Owner: Historic Use: Retail Legal Desc.: Lt 27. Blk 6 -7. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Retail Property Type: commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location U design U setting U materials U workmanship association U feeling History of Property Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ l _(specify N of parts) corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _lipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) chimneys of flues specify other Other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Address: 307 College Main Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 24. Blk 6 -7. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Residential Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ setting History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Melissa Benson & Lauren Roe Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:6 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ on ginal location _ moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: _2_specify # (1.1 l/2,2,etc.) Construction: X_fram e solid brick (specify color) _ solid stone (specify color) specify oiler Plan: _L-plan _ modified L -plan center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _ 2 -room plan T -plan _ bungalow plan _ shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan _X_4 Room plan - specify other Foundation Materials: _pier- and -beam stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weatlerboard siding _drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:42 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1942 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Residential Present Use: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling RTHL board/batten siding _ fieldstone veneer _ brick (specify color) _ wood shingle _synthetic siding specify other Porches: _specify # of bays _specify N /S/EJW elevation shed roof _hipped roof _X gable roof inset _turned-wood posts square posts _ chamfered wood posts brick piers box columns _ classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- beight on piers _ fabricated metal _squared -wood balusters turned -wood balusters _jig -sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work fries specify other Windows: _X wood sash aluminum sash _X_double -hung Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS LOCAL casement fixed _ decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X_single -door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance _ 2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: _X same as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _X_wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _X,_gable _ hipped _ flat/with parapet _gambrel _dormers: (specify #) _gable _ hipped shed specify others Roof Materials: _ wood shingles specify other Slides 1 Priority Low composition shingles tile A -1 metal (specify type) box eaves _ exposed rafter ends jig-sawn brackets stick brackets Chimneys: _ specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone _with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (spec* N and tyPe) _garage barn shed __gardens specify other specify other specify other Landscape Features: sidewalks wing _X drives well or cistern f U i County: Brazos Site #:41 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual 1948 Est. Additions: Name: Architect/Builder: Address: 405 College Main Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Apartments Legal Desc.: Lot 8. Blk 5. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: 4- Family Housing Property Type: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: U location U design U setting U materials U workmanship ❑ association U feeling History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Jennie McDermott & M. Patton Date surveyed: Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:5. 3:24 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL NABS DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc.) Construction: _X _frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify spocify Plan: _L -plan modified L-plan center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _2 -room plan _T -plan X_bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier - and -beam stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weatherboard siding _drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * _board/batten siding _fieldstone veneer _brick (specify color) wood shingle _synthetic siding specify other Porches: _ 1 _specify # of bays _W_specify N /S/E/W elevation , shed roof _hipped roof _X_gable roof inset _turned -wood posts _X_square posts _chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns _classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers fabricated metal _ squared-wood balusters turned-wood balusters jig -sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work frieze specify other Windows: _X_ wood sash aluminum sash _double -hung 2 -18 -95 Local casement fixed decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X single -door primary entrance double -door primary entrance _2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _wood shingle wood siding _decorative bargcboards windows vents specify other Roof Type: _gable _hipped _X_flat/with parapet _gambrel _dormers: (specify #) _gable _hipped shed specify others Roof Materials: _wood shingles Slides 2 Priority Low _X_composition shingles tile metal (specify type) box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify N and type) age barn shed specify other Landscape Features: sidewalks _fig drives well or cistern specify other County: Brazos Site 4:34 City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual Est.1910 Additions: Name: Old President's Home Architect/Builder: Address: 416 College Main Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Campus House Legal Desc.: Lot 1 -2 Blk 22. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Frat House Property Type: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Queen Anne Integrity of: © location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association ❑ feeling History of Property Previously located on Campus. moved to Northeate during the 1950's Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Michael Mierzwa & Jake Vauehn Photo Data: RolUFrame 2:19. 3:25 -26 through RolUFrame NR RTHL Designations: DESCRIPTIONS: Location: NO original location _ moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/FJW) Stories: specify # (1.1 1n,2,etc.) Construction: X frame _ solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ L-plan modified L-plan _3 _center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _ 2 -room plan _ T -plan bungalow plan _ shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: _X jsier- and -beam stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weat erboard siding drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * _board batten siding fieldstone veneer brick (specify color) _ wood shingle _ synthetic siding specify other Porches: _ specify # of bays _ specify N /S/E/W elevation X shed roof — hipped roof _gable roof inset _ turned -wood posts _square posts _ chamfered wood posts _ brick piers box columns classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _ full-height on piers _ fabricated metal _ squared-wood balusters turned-wood balusters jig -sawn brackets - Jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work frieze _X stairs specify other Windows: _X wood sash aluminum sash _ double -hung Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Slides 3 HABS Local Priority Meduim casement fixed _ decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X single -door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance _ 2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _ wood siding _decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _X_gable _ hipped _tlat/with parapet gambrel dormers: (specify #) _ gable _ hipped shed USGS Quad # specify other specify o Roof Materials: wood shingles _X_composition shingles tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _ exposcd rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _1 _specify number _ interior (specify placement) _X North East interior corner _exterior (specify placement) _X brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify # and type) _X_garage barn _X _shed 11 -I spectfywl specify other Landscape Features: _X sidewalks terracing _X_drives(parking lot stone ago.) well or cistern __ Trees,(big) u r� Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Jennie McDermett & M. Patton Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:20 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _ moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N/S/E W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1t2,2,etc.) Construction: _X frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L -plan modified L-plan _center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _2-room plan _T -plan _bungalow plan _ shotgun plan _X_asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier -and -beam stone _x _brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: weatherboard siding drop siding stucco done TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * County: Brazos Site #:5 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual 1949 Est. Additions: Name: Architect/Builder: Address: 401 Cross St. Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Residential Legal Desc.: Lot 1. Blk 4. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Being Renovated Property Type: Residential Subtype: _ Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: U location U design U setting U materials U workmanship ❑ association U feeling History of Property RTHL _board/batten siding _fieldstone veneer _brick (specify color) _wood shingle _synthetic siding _X_being remodeled - other Porches: specify # of bays specifyN /S/E./W elevation she roof _hipped roof _gable roof inset _turned -wood posts _square posts _chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns _classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers _fabricated metal _squared -wood balusters turned-wood balusters jig -sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _turned-work frieze y other Windows: wood sash X_aluminum sash _double-hung Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame NABS Local casement fixed _decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X_single-door primary entrance double-door primary entrance _2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify Gable End Treatment: _X same as wall surface stucco _wood shingle wood siding _decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _X_gable _X_hipPed _ftaUwith parapet _gambrel _dormers: (specify #) _gable _hipped shed Roof Materials: _wood shingles specify other specify Slides 1 Priority Low _X_composition shingles tile X metal (specify type), alum or galvinized box eaves _X_exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify # and type) _garage barn shed Landscape Features: sidewalks terracing drives well or cistern __gardens specify other specify other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Address: 303 1st. St. Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 21. Blk 12. Bovett Property Type: Integrity of: © location © design History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Photo Data: RollFrame 2:0. 4:7 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: X_ original location _ moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _1 _specify # (1, l 1 /2,2,etc.) Construction: X frame solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L-plan _modified L -plan _ center passage plan (specify # of roo ss deep) _2-room plan _T -plan _ bungalow plan _ shotgun plan X_asynunetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier- and -beam stone brick _X_Concrete - specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weat erboard siding _drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:65 Date: Factual 1950 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Residential Subdivision Present Use: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through RolVFrame RTHL HABS _board/batten siding _fieldstone veneer brick (specify color) wood shingle _synthetic siding specify other Porches: _ 1 _specify # of bays _E_specify N /S/FIW elevation shed roof _ hipped roof _X_gable roof inset _turned -wood posts _X_square posts _chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns _classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full- height on piers fabricated metal _squared-wood balusters _ turned -wood balusters jig -sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work frieze specify other Windows: _X wood sash aluminum sash _X_double -hung Local casement fixed _decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _X_single -door primary entrance double-door primary entrance _2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: _X_same as wall surface stucco _wood shingle wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows _X _vents Roof Type: _X_gable _hill _flat/with parapet _gambrel dormers: (specify #) _gable _hipped shed Roof Materials: wood shingles USGS Quad # Est.1950 Additions: specify other association ❑ feeling Slides 2 specify others Priority Low composition shingles tile _X_metal (corrugated alum) box eaves _exposed ratter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (sPecify # and type) _garage barn shed _gardens specify other specify other Landscape Features: _X_sidcwalks _terracing _X drives well or cistern i l l County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Wingate Blvd. Address: 307 1st St. Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 19, Blk 11. Property Type: Integrity of: ❑ location History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:1 Designations: NR DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _ moved (specify date) _307 -N, 309 -E, 311-5 - building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc.) Construction: X frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L-plan _modified L-plan _X _center passage plan _2_ (specify # of rooms deep) _2 -room plan _T -plan _bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan spec other Foundation Materials: pier -and -beam stone brick _X_coocrete - specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_wealhcrboard siding _drop siding stucco RTHL Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS stone _ board/batten siding _ fieldstone veneer _ brick (specify color) wood shingle synthetic siding specify other Porches: specify # of bays .._307- N,S;309 -E,W 311 -S,N - specify N /S/E/W elevation shed roof _hipped roof _X_gable roof inset _turned -wood posts —square posts _chamfered wood posts _ brick piers box columns _classical columns (specify) __tapered box supports: full- height on piers X_fabricated metal _squared -wood balusters turned-wood balusters jig -sawn brackets jig -sawn porch frieze _tumed -work frieze specify o Windows: wood sash Local _X _aluminum sash _X_double -hung casement fixed _decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * USGS Quad # Est.1955 Additions: Site #:64 Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Apartments. owned by Paul "Bear" Bryant Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Apartments Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship DI specify other Doors/Entries: _ single-door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance _X_2 primary entrances with transom _with sidelights specify other Cable End Treatment: _ same as wall surface stucco wood shingle _ wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows vents specify other Roof Type: _ _X _hipped flat/with _ parapet _gambrel _dormers: (specify #) _gable _ hipped shed specify others association ❑ feeling Slides 2 Priority Low Roof Materials: _wood shingles _X composition shingles, asphalt tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig-sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify # and type) _garage barn shed specify other specify other Landscape Features: _X sidewalks _ terracing drives well or cistern _gardens County: Brazos City/Rural: Colleue Station Name: Address: 308 1st St. Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 5. Blk 12. Property Type: Residential Integrity of: ❑ location History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:25 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: X_ original location moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: specify # (1,! l/2,2,etc.) Construction: X_fiame solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify otter Plan: _ L-plan modified L -plan _ center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) 2-room plan T -plan _ bungalow plan _ shotgun plan _ asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier- and -beam stone brick X_Concrete - specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weatherboard siding,upper level drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:54 Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Apartments Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Apartments Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship RTHL Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS _X board/batten siding,lower level _ fieldstone veneer brick (specify color) _ wood shingle _ synthetic siding specify other Porches: _4_specify # of bays, l front,3 back _W (t)E (bck) - specify N /S/E/W elevation sbedroofupper _ hipped roof _gable roof inset _ turned-wood posts _X_square posts _ chamfered wood posts brick piers box columns _ classical columns (specify) _ tapered box supports: full-height on piers fabricated metal _ squared -wood balusters turned -wood balusters jig -sawn brackets jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned-work frieze specify Windows: X_wood sash aluminum sash _X_double -hung casement fixed _decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) USGS Quad # Est.1955 Additions: Local specify other Doors/Entries: single-door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance _8_pnmary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco wood shingle wood siding decorative bargeboards windows vents specify other Roof Type: _gable X hipped fat/with _ parapet __gambrel _ dormers. (specify #) _gable — hipped shed specify others Roof Materials: association ❑ feeling Slides 1 Priority Low _ wood shingles _X_composition shingles tile metal (sPccify hype) box eaves _ exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _ specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick star _with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify # and type) _gage barn specify shed other specify other Landscape Features: _X_sidewalks _terracing drives well or cistern 1 i 1 t County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Wingate Blvd. Address: 309 1st St. Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 18. Blk 11 Property Type: Residential Integrity of: CI location History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:2 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: X_ original location moved (specify date) _307 -N, 309 -E, 311 -S - building faces (N /S/F/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc.) Construction: X_tiame _ solid brick (specify color) _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _L plan _ modified L-plan _X _center passage plan _2_ (specify # of roans deep) _2 -room plan _ T -plan bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier-and-beam stone brick _X_concrete Exterior Will Surface: _X weatbaboard siding _drop siding stucco TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:63 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Apartments owned by Paul "Bear" Bryant • Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Apartments Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship RTHL stone _board/batten siding _ fieldstone veneer _ brick (specify color) wood shingle _ synthetic siding `icy other Porches: specify # of bays • _307- N,S ,309- E,W;311 -S,N - specify N/S/E/W elevation shed roof _ hipped roof _X_gable roof inset _ turned-wood posts square posts _ chamfered wood posts _ brick piers box columns _ classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: _full-beight on piers _X fabricated metal _ squared-wood balusters turned-wood balusters _ jigsawn brackets jig-sawn porch frieze _ turned -weak frieze specify other Windows: wood sash Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local _X_aluminum sash _X_double -hung casement fixed _ decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _ single -door primary entrance double-door primary entrance _X_2 primary entrances with transom _with sidelights specify other Cable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _ wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: __gable _X hipped flat/with parapet __gambrel dormers: (may #) _,gable _ hipped shed specify other Est.1955 Additions: specify others association ❑ feeling Slides 1 Priority Low Roof Materials: _ wood shingles _X_cocnposition shingles, asphalt tile _metal (specify type) box eaves _ exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify Chimneys: _specify number _ interior (specify placement) exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify SI and type) _garage barn shed :specify other Landscape Features: _X_sidcwalks terracing drives well or cistern specify other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Wingate Blvd. Address: 311 1st St. Owner: Legal Desc.: Lot 17. Blk 11 Property Type: Residential Integrity of: ❑ location ❑ dc History of Property: Areas of Significance (include just Bibliography (include oral historic Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:3 Designations: NR DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _ moved (specify date) _307 -N, 309 -E, 311-5 - building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: 2_specify # (1,1 I/2,2,etc.) Construction: _X_fiame _ solid brick (specify color) _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: L -plan _ modified L -plan X_center passage plan _2_ (specify # of rooms deep) _ 2 -room plan T -plan bungalow plan _shotgun plan _ asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier- and -beam stone trick _X_concrete - specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X _weatherboard siding drop siding stucco P. ;XAS HISTORICAL COMMISSIO HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY I SIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM Site #:62 USGS Date: Factual Est.19: lions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Apartments owned by Paul " Bryant Bove'; :vision Present Use: Apartments _ Subtype: Stylistic Influent,_: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship f I association ❑ feeling F.THL s boo d /batten siding _f.. " xe veneer (' pecify color) \4':` .. shingle r, tic siding specify other # of bays ;309- E,W;311 -S,N - • - •STFJW elevation of roof X� roof '-wood posts Posts ch.ainfc ed wood posts brick. piers box columns classical columns (specify) _ tapercd box supports: __fuiI- erglri -i piers _ X _ft , tcd metal sq,4rcd -wood balusters tarty. -i -wood balusters jib -satin brackets Ice - S 4571 porch frieze tc:. s-ork frieze specify other Win Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local _X_aluminum sash _X_double -hung casement fixed _ decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _ single-door primary adz-slice double -door primary entrance _X_2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify or Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _ wood shingle _ wood siding _ decorative bargeboards windows vents specify c Roof Type: _gable _X _hipped _fat/with parapet _gambrel _ dormers: (specify N) _gable _ hipped shed spec Slides 1 Priority Low Roof Materials: _ wood shingles _X_composition shingles, asphalt tile metal (specify type) box eaves _ exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets shed specify other Chimneys: _specify number _ interior (specify placement) exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps Stuccoed specify other Outbuildings: (specify # and type) barn specify other Landscape Features: _X sidewalks _ terracing drives well or cistern County: Brazos Site #:53 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual 1911 Est. Additions: Name: Architect/Builder: Address: 318 1st St. Contractor: Owner: A. P. Bovett Estate Historic Use: Residence Legal Desc.: L10. Blk 12. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Residence Property Type: Residential Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Oueen Anne Integrity of: © location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship association ❑ feeling History of Property Previously located on Campus. moved to Northgate during the 1950's Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hatch & Bauch Date sureyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:24. 4:8 -9 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS I DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _moved (specify date) _W_building faces (N /S/FJW) Stories: _l_specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc.) Construction: _X frame — solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: — L -plan _modified L -plan _center passage plan (specify N of rooms deep) _2 -room plan — T -plan _bungalow plan _shotgun plan _X_asyrnmctrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: _X _pier- and- beam,concrete stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X_weatherboard siding drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * — board/batten siding _ fieldstone veneer brick (specify color) wood shingle synthetic siding specify other Porches: _3_specify N of bays _W_specify N /SJE/W elevation shed roof _hipped roof _gable roof inset — turned -wood posts square posts chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns _X classical columns (specify) Doric tapered box supports: full-height on piers _fabricated metal squared -wood balusters _turned -wood balusters jig-sawn brackets _jig -sawn porch frieze _ turned -work frieze _X_flat roof: screened in Windows: X wood sash aluminum sash _X_double -hung Local casement fixed decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: single-door primary entrance double-door primary entrance _4_printary entrances with transom with sidelights specify other Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _wood shingle _wood siding _decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _gable _X _hipped — flat/with parapet — gambrel dormers: (specify N) — gable _lipped shed specify others Roof Materials: — wood shingles specify other Slides 2 Priority Medium _X_composition shingles tile _metal (specify hype) box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chinuieys: — specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify N and type) _garage barn 1 shed specify other specify other Landscape Features: X sidewal s _terracing drives well or cistern _gardens X deck in back County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: St Marv's Cath. Church Address: 105 Nagle Owner: Same Legal Desc.: Lt 1-4. Blk 3. Tauber Addition Property Type: Institutional Integrity of: © location © design History of Property: Information included Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Michelle Patton & Jenni McDermott Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:25, 3:2 -3 Designations: NR RTHL I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/ /W) Stories: 1 1/2_specify # (1,1 1 /2.2,etc) Construction: Game _X _solid brick (color - red) _solid stone (specify color) ! pecify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding X_red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _tern cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor, specify # of bays _X_symrnetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:9 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1954 Est. Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Church Present Use: Church Subtype: setting L1 materials U workmanship © association U feeling _cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash single -door entry _X_double -door entry* recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door(specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _loading door windows Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local specify other Upper floor, _ specify # of bays ... Ily arranged .. • . 11y arranged windows: 24_spccify # flat-arched _X_segrnetally arched round-arched Stylistic Influence: Slides 4 Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs X wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other ' roman pillars. side doors also L, 0 500 College Main Owner: Donald Eppler18210 Spellbrook Drive, Houston Erected: date and campus location uncertain; style suggests.around 1900 Sold: date uncertain, probably 1948 -49 according to records in Tax Assessor - Collectors office Identification: as a campus house by George H. Boyett, whose father purchased the house and moved it. Style: small size, Queen Anne with neo- classical features; apparently in close to original condition, few modifications Previous residents on campus: ? 415 Tauber Owner: Howard C. Nelson, 12410 Cobblestone, Houston Erected perhaps 1910 -15; this dating is from design evidence Sold probably 1953 -54 according to tax records Identification by Bardin Nelson Style: cottage, considerably remodeled and modified since moved Previous residents on campus: ? Churches %St. Mary's Catholic Church The Bryan Council ry Knights extension efforts lead to th construction and dedication of St. Mary's Chapel in 1926 on University Drive. The expansion of enrollment and increased faculty and staff at Texas A&M University resulted in the construction of a Catholic Student Center at St. Mary's, 103 Nagel in 1954. A new St. Mary's Chapel on Church Streeet was dedicated four years later in 1959. A &M United Methodist Church The first structure of the church's physical plant was the Wesley Foundation. It was built in late 1923. It was used as a temporary structure to serve until suitable facilities could take its place. This occurred 40 years later, giving a new interpretation to the word `temporary'. The educational building was occupied in 1946. The Gothic sanctuary was completed in 1951. The fellowship hall and connecting link between the educational building and the sanctuary were completed in 1967. The thiefive oak trees on University Drive and the two on Lodge Street near the church sanctuary were donated and planted by Prof. A. Mitchell. The approximate date of planting was 1936. First Baptist Church In process of collecting information. University Lutheran Church In process of collecting information. A &M Presbyterian Church The present sanctuary was originally a U.S. Army Chapel in Victoria, Texas. In 1948, the church building was moved to its present location. The present educational wing was built in 1950. In 1962, the sanctuary was remodeled, using a design provided by Preston Bolton, architect and former member of the congregation. In 1980, extensive work was done on the educational wing and the congregation voted to remodel the sanctuary and the office wing. 6 County: Brazos City/Rural: Colleee Station Name: Address: 415 Tauber Owner: Howard C. Nelson Legal Desc.: Lot 9 Blk 4. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Residential Property Type: Residential Subtype: Integrity of: © location LI design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship History of Property (same as 416 Colleee Main) Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Mike Mierzwa & Jake Vaughn Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 2:4. 3:27 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS Local DESCRIPTIONS: Location: _X_ original location _ moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _specify # (1,1 1t2,2,etc.) Construction: _X _frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) 'may other Plan: _[-plan modified L-plan _center passage plan (specify # of rooms deep) _2 -room plan T -plan _?_bungalow plan _shotgun plan _asymmetrical plan specify other Foundation Materials: pier-and-beam stone brick specify other Exterior Wall Surface: _X weatherboard siding drop siding stucco stone TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:31 Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Campus House _board/batten siding _fieldstone veneer brick (specify color) _wood shingle synthetic siding specify other Porches: _specify # of bays _S_specify N /S/F/W elevation _X _shed roof(side) hipped roof _gable roof inset _turned-wood posts _square posts _chamfered wood posts _brick piers box columns classical columns (specify) _tapered box supports: __full - height on piers _fabricated metal _squared-wood balusters turned -wood balusters _ jig -sawn brackets _ jig-sawn porch frieze _turned-work frieze specify o Windows: wood sash aluminum sash double-hung • Stylistic Influence: casement xed decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) specify other Doors/Entries: _ 1 _single -door primary entrance _ double -door primary entrance 2 primary entrances with transom with sidelights specify Gable End Treatment: same as wall surface stucco _wood shingle _wood siding _decorative bargeboards windows vents Roof Type: _X_gable —hipped _flat/with parapet _gambrel dormers: _ (specify #) _gable _hipped shed Roof Materials: _ wood shingles USGS Quad # Est.1915 Additions: `icy other specify others Cottage association Slides 2 ❑ feeling Priority Medium composition shingles tile _X_metal (specify type) A-plane _box eaves _exposed rafter ends jig -sawn brackets stick brackets specify other Chimneys: _specify number _interior (specify placement) _exterior (specify placement) brick stone _with corbelled caps stuccoed Outbuildings: (specify N and tYPe) __garage barn shed specify other specify other Landscape Features: sidewalks terracing _X_drives, earth well or cistern — gardens County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: M &M Grill Address: 207 University Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Retail Legal Desc.: Lt 1. Blk 8. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Restaurant/Retail Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ setting U materials U workmanship History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Mike Mierrzwa & Jake Vaughn Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:0 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: X_ frame _X _solid brick (color - red)rear _solid stone (specify color) specify Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _X_stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding, sides _X_red brick, back buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _2_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * RTHL Site #:30 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1965 Architect/Builder: Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local _cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows X_aluminum sash _X single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door ('specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood X metal __rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X_loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _1_specify # of bays _ synunetricaUy arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: _2_specify # flat-arched _ segmetally arched round- arched Art Deco association Additions: hood moldings Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof flat roof (specify materials) ❑ feeling Slides 2 Priority Low _lintels voussoirs wood sash X aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) _X_Bay type windows Parapet: _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _chimneys of flues specify other Other All siding County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Aegieland Flowers Address: 209 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 2, Blk 8. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Restaurant/Retail Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location U design U setting U materials U workmanship History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Mike Mierrzwa & Jake Vauehn Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:1, 3:1 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S _ building faces (N /S /EJW) S tories: _2_specify # (l,l l/2,2,etc) Construction: _X frame _X_solid brick (color- red)rear _ solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: _X_stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding, sides _ red brick back buff brick polychromatic brick _ wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction : ;pocify other Ground Door: _2_specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * RTHL Site #:29 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1965 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local _cast iron pilasters fixed sash display windows X aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door {specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood _X _metal rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _l_specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged window,: _2_specify # flat-arched _ segntetally arched round-arched Additions: association U feeling Roof: _ hipped roof fable roof flat roof (specify materials) Slides 2 Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash X aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) _X_Bay type windows Parapet: _(specify # of parts) _corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters _pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _chimneys of flues pecify other Other All siding t I t I i i l t t t County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Double Dave's Pizza Address: 211 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 3-4. Blk 8 Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: location U design History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Mike Mierzwa & Jake Vaughn Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:2 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _l_specify # (l,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: X_frame addition _X_solid brick (color - red, white paint) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _X_open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding _X_red brick buff brick polychromatic brick wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _ l _specify # of bays symmetrically arranged _1_ lly arranged RTHL TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:28 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1955 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Restaurant Subtype: Stylistic Influence: U setting U materials U workmanship Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS Local cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _l singledoor entry double-door entry (old doorway blocked) recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: _X _wood metal _ rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: _X_on alley loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor: specify # of bays symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged windows: _ may it flat-arched _ segmetally arched round- arched association U feeling hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ I _(specify # of parts)front _X corbelled brickwork _ decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters _pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof __gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other Additions: Slides 2 Priority Low County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Bill's Barber Style Shoo Address: 215 University Owner: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/EJW) Storks: _1 specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _X_open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding X_rt tea cotta ornamentation _party wall construction :Tecify other Ground floor: _ 1 _specify # of bays _X_symmetrically arranged _asymrnetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:27 USGS Quad # Legal Desc.: Lt 5. Blk 8. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Barber shot) Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location U design ❑ setting lJ materials Li workmanship © association History of Property Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Surveyor: Michael Mierzwa & Jake Vaughn Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:3 through Roll/Frame Slides 1 Designations: NR RTHL HABS Local cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door Opecify placement) X transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: X wood metal _rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X on alley loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays symmetrically arranged • _ .Ily arranged windows: may # flat-arched segmetally arched round - arched Est. 1955 Additions: Roof: hipped roof gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) ❑ feeling Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: Metal Sign _1 _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _chimneys of flues specify other Other 1 County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Old A &M Campus Theater Address: 217 University Dr. Owner: Don Ganter Legal Desc.: Lt 6. Blk 8_ Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Being Restored, theater Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location © design © setting © materials © workmanship History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: X_original location _moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _X solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _X_open plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding _X_red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor, _1_specify # of bays _l_symmetricatly arranged _a.., .. • . lly arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:26 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1930 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Theater Surveyor: Jake Vaughn & Michael Mierzwa Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:4, 3:0. 4:18 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows aluminum sash single-door entry double -door entry _4_reces ed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: theater style _X _wood metal rod supported chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor: _1_specify # of bays _X_sym metrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: _ may # flat-arched _segtretally arched round- arched el Additions: Art Deco association Slides 6 Local Priority High _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: whole bldg _2_(specify # of parts) X_corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters _pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof flat roof (specify materials) U feeling _chimneys of flues specify other Other timber interior County: Brazos Site #:25 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual Est. 1930 Name: Fitzwilly's Architect/Builder: Address: 303 University Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Apartments Legal Desc.: Lt 12, Blk 1, Boyett Subdivision Present Use: Restaurant/bar Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Ir Integrity of: © location © design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship C History . of Property: Historically used as faculty housing Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie Droddy Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:6, 4:36A through Roll/Frame S. NR RTHL HABS Local I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: I Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (l, I /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) _X_solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) X_stucco _ synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor. ___specify # of bays __symmetrically arranged X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FO, * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * cast iron pilasters _X display windows aluminum sash _single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (front) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: , wood metal rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X on alley loading dock X loading door X windows specify other Upper floor. _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asynunetrically arranged windows: 20_specify # _X_tlat- arched _ segmetally arched round -arched Additions: i tion ❑ feeling }Goof: _X_hipp roof gable roof C. i oof (spec .aterials) Priority Medium _hood moldings 1 uuels wk oovd sash X al:urinum sash m-rai casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Pu;ai _(_. ify # of parts) c. : ied brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice rzu:ted detailing _date and name (specify) ___c tneys of flues shy other C' ' r- patio on backside County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Dry Bean Saloon Address: 305 University Owner:: Legal Desc.: Lt 11. Blk 1. Bovett Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location © d History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Mark Photo Data: RolUFrame 1:6, 4:36 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/FJW) Stories: specify # (1,1 I /2,2,etc) Construction: _X _frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open Plan Exterior Walls: _stone (sPesify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick _X _buff brick polychromatic brick _X_wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _ l _specify # of bays _X_symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:24 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1955 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Subdivision Present Use: Saloon Subtype: Stylistic Influence: esign ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling RTHL _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows and wood sash aluminum sash _X_single -door entry _double -door entry _recessed central entry (specify It of doors) stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: X_ wood metal _rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: _X_on alley _loading dock _X_loading door windows Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame HABS specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: 'may # flat - arched _ segm ctally arched round-arched Local Slides 4 Priority Low _ hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: front _1 _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) X wood Roof: hipped roof _gable roof _X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: The Dixie Chicken Address: 307 University Owner: Don Ganter Legal Desc.: Lt 10. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ setting History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie Droddv & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:7, 2:35 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _l_specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Cotutruction: frame solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _X_wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground poor. _2_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * RTHL Site #:23/22 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1955 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Pub Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through RolUFrame HABS Local _cast iron pilasters _display windows aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: • X wood metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced X_ posts specify other Rear Elevation: _X on alley _loading dock X_loading door X windows specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged X_asymmetrically arranged windows: 20_specify # _X_flat- arched _segmetally arched round - arched Additions: ❑ feeling Slides 3 Priority Low hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash X aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _X_(specify # of parts)side/front wood _corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice _painted detailing _date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _X _gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other. wooden porches front and back t t t County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Dudley's Draw Address: 311 University Owner: Richard Baffling Legal Desc.: Lt 9. Blk 1. Bovett Property Type: U Integrity of: © location History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:8, 2:34 Designations: NR 1 DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _1 _specify a (1,1 1 r2,2,etc) Construction: _Game _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open Plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _polychromatic brick X_wood siding _terra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction spady other Ground floor: _ 1 _specify a of bays _synuoetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:21 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1948 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Subdivision Present Use: Pub Subtype: _ Stylistic Influence: design U setting U materials U workmanship association U feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters fixed sash display windows _X_aluminum sash _X singledoor entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify a of doors) _stairway dooe.(specify placement) _X_transorn (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood X metal _X _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _specify N of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: specify flat-arched _segmetally arched round - arched Local Slides 2 Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _X _metal casement windows' (specify light configuration)diamond specify other Parapet: on side _I _(specify a of parts) _corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed-metal cornice _painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof __gable roof _X_flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues y other Other 'lower floor only wooden proch front and back County: P City/Rural Station Name: Ti . Address: _13 Ur. iv ersity Owner: Legal Desc.: I_t'. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Pub Property T, Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: El location U design U setting U materials U workmanship History of Pry.; , rty: Areas of Si;,,,i ^,nce (include justification): Bibliograi de oral histories): Surveyor: Photo Dat Designatic Location: _X_original moved (s _S_building Stories: _I_y Coast ructio frame solid brie solid stoc _X _cinder b: Plan: _open pia' Exterior W. stone (sr t • stucco _synthetic f "_ :ng red brick buff brick __polychro c brick wood sid terra con. _'rncntation __p.vtywa .tion _X_painted _r) Ground tlo _I _specify k _symnxtr _asyrnme Eleanor :rame 2:34 NR IDESCRII't')ON OF BUILDING: I JW) ',etc) color) color) ,aged ,angel TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site # :20 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _X _aluminum sash _X_single-door entry _double door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door-(specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood _X metal _X rod supported chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: _on alley _ loading dock _X loading door windows specify other Upper floor. _specify # of bays _rymrnetrically arranged _ Ily arranged windows: _ specify # flat-arched _segroetally arched round - arched Est.1948 Additions:_ association U fe Slides 3 Local Priority La _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement wind (specify light configuratic specify Parapet: _ l _(specify # of parts) _corbelled brickwork _decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing _date and name (specii Roof: _hipped roof _sable roof X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues :) Other back - wooden a County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: King of the Roadhouse Address: 317 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 9. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivsion Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) X cinder block - specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _X_wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _ t specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:20 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1948 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Present Use: Pub Subtype: Stylistic Influence: setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through RollFrame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _X_aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _rod supported chain supported wall braced _X cast concrete - specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X_Ioading door windows specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: spe flat- arched _ segmetally arched round- arched Slides 3 Local. Priority Low Roof: hipped roof gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) Additions: hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ I _(specify # of parts)side corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing _date and name (specify) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other back concrete porch C :iy Brazos C . _ Iia:ral: Cotten Station T . Freebird's f. ?ress: 319 University C :.. L I)esc.: Lt 9. BIkI. Bovett Subdivision P: y Type: Commerical h ity of: © location ❑ design F. ): y of Property: Arts of Significance (include justification): E ::;, ,raphy (include oral histories): c F TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:19 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1948 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Present Use: Restaurant Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling : Charlie & Eleanor Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 ta: RolVFrame 1:9, 2:33. 3:21 through Roll/Frame NR RTHL HABS :i'JPTION OF BUILDING: r. n;: = cinal location :AA (specify date) 1 ing faces (N /S/E/W ) S # (1,1 l/2,2,etc) C - ;tlon: solid brick (specify color) solid v..one (specify color) specify. other Pi 71: _ open 1'.an • rj)r \1'a11s: — stone (specify type) a. UCCO __ _ ithetic siding _ rd brick t f� brick _ polychromatic brick nod siding _ t c:ra cotta ornamentation _ >. any wall construction specify other G. d floor. _ cif # of bays un ztrically arranged — asymmetrically arranged cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows X_aluminum sash _X_single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) _transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: • wood _X_metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: specify # flat-arched _segmetally arched round- arched Slides 3 Local Priority Low _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ l _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: hipped roof _gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other 1 Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/E/W) Storks: t_specify # (1.1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) _X_very little beick on front_ stucco _synthetic siding red biick buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify Ground floor, _ 1 _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * County: Brazos Site #:18 USGS Quad # City/Rural: Colleee Station Date: Factual Est.1948 Additions: Name: TX Aegie Bookstore Architect/Builder: Address: 327 University Contractor: Owner: Historic Use: Legal Desc.: Lot 7 -8. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Bookstore Property Type: Commercial Subtype: Stylistic Influence: Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling History of Property Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:9, 2:32. 3:21 through RolUFrame Designations: NR RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows X_aluminum sash _single-door entry double -door entry _X_recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered canopy: wood X metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock _X_loading door windows specify other Upper floor: specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: may# flat-arched _ segmetally arched round -arched Slides 5 Local Priority Low _hood moldings _lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ 1 (specify # of parts)cap stone brick corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof _gable roof flat roof (specify materials) it chimneys of flues specify other Other. Field stone veneer brick bottom County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Northeate Cafe Address: 329 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 7. Blk 1, Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location ❑ design ❑ History of Property Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:10 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X original location _moved (specify date) _S_butiding faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1f2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) _X Under block - specify other Plan: _ open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding _X_red brick buff brick polychromatic brick wood siding terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _ l _specify It of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:17 USGS Quad # Subtype: setting ❑ Date: Factual Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Present Use: Restaurant Stylistic Influence: materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS Local _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows aluminum sash _X_singlc -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway 400j f specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered canopy: wood metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: on alley _loading dock loading door windows specify other Upper floor. _ l _specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged . _... • lly arranged windows: _8_specify # _X_flat- arched segmetatly arched round - arched Est.1948 Slides 2 Additions: PrioritvLow hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash _X_aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork _ decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: hipped roof _gable roof _X flat roof (specify materials) ❑ feeling chimneys of flues specify other Other Wood siding: decorative tile sidewalk County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Count's Address: 335 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 1. Blk 1. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: ' location History of Property: El Surveyor: Charlie & Eleanor Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:11. 3:23 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S /E/W) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: open plan Este rior Walls: _ stone (specify type) _X_ brick painted stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick polychromatic brick _ wood siding _tern cotta ornamentation _party wall specify other Ground floor. _l_specify # of bays _synrrnetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * design El Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Site #: 16 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1925 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail/office Present Use: Bookstore Stylistic Influence: 2 -Part Commer 1al blk materials ❑ workmanship association LI feeling Subtype: setting Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _X_aluminum sash single -door entry double-door entry _X_rccessed central entry (specify #)2 _stairway door (specify placement) _X_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood _X_metal _rod supported _chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: on alley loading dock _loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor. _ specify # of bays __symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged windows: 13_specify # }C flat - arched _segmetally arched round - arched Additions: Slides 5 Local Priority High _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash _X_aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof __gable roof _X_tlat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify Other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Campus Photo. Ouantum Cow. Steve 5 Address: 401 -405 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lt 1 -2, Blk 2. Bovett Subdivision Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: IN location © design © setting History of Property: Location: _X_original location moved (specify date) S_building faces (N /SfEIW) Stories: _2_specify # (1,1 1/2,2,etc) C onstruction: X_frame _solid brick (specify color) solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _ stone (specify type) X_stucco synthetic siding _X_red brick X_buf brick polychromatic brick,yellow _wood siding _ terra cotta ornamentation _X_party wall construction specify other Ground floor. _3_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Surveyor: Mark Cornett & Charlie Droddv Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:12 -13. 2:9. 3:4 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS Site #:15 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1925 Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: RetaiVOffice Present Use: Multi- business _cast iron pilasters _X_fixed sash display windows _X _aluminum sash _4_single -door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _X_stairway door (front) X (specify visible or covered canopy: • - X wood metal _X_rod supported _ chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: X_on alley _loading dock _ loading door windows Subtype: Stylistic Influence: 2 -Part Commercial blk materials ❑ workmanship association feeling specify other specify other Upper floor. _ >3_specify # of bays symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged windows: >25_specify _X_flat- arched segmetally arched round-arched Additions: Slides 6 Local Priority High _X_hood moldings X lintels voussoirs wood sash _X _ aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _I _(specify # of parts)all aroung bldg corbelled brickwork X decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _ gable roof X flat roof (specify materials) _chimneys of flues specify other Other frieze_ cornice. articlave 1 County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: University Bookstore Address: 409 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Lots 8 & 9. Blk 2. Bovett Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: location ❑ design History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:14. 3:9 through Roll/Frame Designations: NR RTHL HABS I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: original location _moved (specify date) _S_building faces (N /S/EIW) Stories: _ l _specify # (1.1 I /2.2.etc) Construction: X_ frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _X_synthetic siding red brick _X _ buff brick polychromatic brick _wood siding terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction specify other Ground floor: _2_specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged Site #: 14 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1940 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Subdivision Present Use: Retail Subtype: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association ❑ feeling cast iron pilasters 27_fixed sash display windows I aluminum sash _3 single -door entry _double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: 2 wood metal rod supported _chain supported wall braced Rear Elevation: _on alley loading dock loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: specify # flat-arched _ segmetally arched round - arched Stylistic Influence: 1 -Part Commercial Slides 3 Local Priority Low _hood moldings lintels _voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash _metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: (specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: hipped roof _gable roof X_flat roof (specify materials) chimneys of flues specify other Other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: New A &M United Meth. Address: 417 University Owner: Same Legal Desc.: Lot 10 & 11. Blk 2. Property Type: Institutional Integrity of: ❑ location History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:15. 3:12 Designations: NR I DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _original location _moved (specify date) _E _building faces (N /S/E/W) Stories: 2 1/2 - specify # (1,1 l/2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: _ open Plan Exterior Walls: stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X polychromatic brick _ wood siding terra cotta ornamentation _X _party wall construction Yellow specify other Ground floor. _6_specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_ Jly arranged 42_ stain glass TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:13 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1951 Est. Additions: Church Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Church Bovett Subdivision Present Use: Church Subtype: Church Stylistic Influence: Gothic design ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship © association ❑ feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame 3:13 :15 :17 Slides 6 RTHL HABS Local Priority Medium cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows 68_aluminum sash _3_single -door entry 8 double -door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _rod supported _chain supported X wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X on alley _loading dock _loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _6_specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _X_asynunetrically arranged windows: _59_specify # Xflat- arched _ _ segrnetally arched round-arched X _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash 4 metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _ (specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _ hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other mty: Brazos ity/Rural: College Station fame: TX. Aggie Credit Union cress: 501 University •.. ner: .egal Desc.: ' petty Type: Commercial :grity of: ❑ location © design {istory of Property: Originally used as seas of Significance (include justification): , ibliography (include oral histories): urveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu h Data: Roll/Frame 1:163:14 i ignations: NR "SCRIPTION OF BUILDING: ovation: original location - loved (specify date) • uilding faces (N /S /E/W) . es: 1/2 • specify # (l,l 1 /2,2,etc) onstruction: ame Aid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other . pen plan i_rior Walls: _stone (specify type) ucco • ynthetic siding red brick _buff brick olychromatic brick 'ood siding _wrra cotta ornamentation _party wall construction specify other std floor: )ecify # of bays _symmetrically arranged asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:12 USGS Quad # Date: Factual 1950 Est. Additions. l Architect/Builder: Norton & Mayfield Architects Contractor: Historic Use: Bank Present Use: Bank Subtype: 1 -Part Stylistic Influence: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling a Bank in 1949. restaurant use...Rehabed in 1994 for use as Bank Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through Roll/Frame RTHL HABS cast iron pilasters _fixed sash display windows 7 aluminum sash t single -door entry t _double -door entry _recessed central entry (specify # of doors) _ stairway door (specify placement) _t_transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal rod supported chain supported X wall braced Rear Elevation: _X on alley _loading dock loading door windows specify other specify other Upper floor: _specify # of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged windows: _4_specify # X flat - arched _ segmetally arched round- arched Local Slides 2 Priority Medium _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) Roof: _hipped roof gable roof X _flat roof (specify materials) _ chimneys of flues specify other Other County: Brazos City/Rural: College Station Name: Cycle Spectrum Address: 505 University Owner: Legal Desc.: Property Type: Commercial Integrity of: © location ❑ design History of Property: Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories) Surveyor: Hoffmann & Lattu Photo Data: Roll/Frame 1:17 Designations: NR DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _original location moved (specify date) S building faces (N /S/EJW) Stories: !_specify # (1,1 1 /2,2,etc) Construction: frame _solid brick (specify color) _solid stone (specify color) specify other Plan: open plan Exterior Walls: _stone (specify type) stucco _synthetic siding red brick buff brick _X_polychromatic brick _X_wood siding, weatherboard terra cotta ornamentation party wall construction Pink specify other Ground floor: specify ti of bays _symmetrically arranged _asymmetrically arranged TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM * Site #:11 USGS Quad # Date: Factual Est.1930 Additions: Architect/Builder: Contractor: Historic Use: Retail Present Use: Retail Subtype: Stylistic Influence: ❑ setting ❑ materials ❑ workmanship ❑ association ❑ feeling Date surveyed: 2 -18 -95 through RolUFrame RTHL HABS _cast iron pilasters _4_fixed sash display windows 6_aluminum sash single-door entry double-door entry recessed central entry (specify # of doors) stairway door (specify placement) transom (specify visible or covered) canopy: wood metal _X_rod supported _chain supported wall braced specify other Rear Elevation: X alley _loading dock _l_loading door windows specify other Upper floor: _ specify # of bays _ symmetrically arranged _ asymmetrically arranged windows: specify flat-arched _segmetally arched round -arched Local Slides 1 Roof: _ hipped roof _X_gable roof flat roof (specify materials) Other Priority Medium _hood moldings lintels voussoirs wood sash aluminum sash metal casement windows (specify light configuration) specify other Parapet: _(specify # of parts) _ corbelled brickwork decorative brickwork metal letters brick letters pressed -metal cornice painted detailing date and name (specify) _ chimneys of flues specify other