HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 04.02.1979 Brazos County Civil Defense Meeting April 2, 1979 4 :30 p.m. Courthouse PRESENT - Brazos County -Judge R. J. Holmgreen, Bill Cooley, Sheriff Bobby Yeager. Bryan -Joe Ellisor, Charles Phelps, Don Van Huss, David Turek. College Station -Bill Koehler, Ed Feldman, Jim Beamer, M. A. Newton, Douglas Landua, Harry Davis, Charles Yeager. TAMU -Harry Stiteler Jr., John McDonald. Civil Defense -Jake Canglose, Ed Burns, Carroll Bell, Warren Heffington, Ben Wormeli. PRESIDING - Jake Canglose, chairman. PROBLEM - Planning the program for the Disaster Exercise scheduled for Sunday April 8 at 1:00 p.m. In recent meetings an Operations Plan outline has been prepared. This will involve all the agencies of the governments of Bryan, College Station, Brazos County and Texas A &M University. Also, the Bryan and St. Joseph Hospitals will participate. The proposed plan was reviewed in some detail and all of the agencies were involved in the activities proposed. The parti- cipation was active and productive. A copy of the plan is attached. Planning activities will continue in an effort to actively involve all the agencies in a way that will clarify the pro- cedures that will be effective in the event of an emergency. /A2-/ )144/vtioce-3-044„--w) t Y4 Lit {' 77i--fr,\AA (4;e1 Minutes Cont'd. During March the "Severe Weather and Tornado Warning Plan" was updated. The annual "SW &TWP" meeting was held March 22 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lecture Room 126 of the O &M Building on the Campus of Texas A &M University. A packet of pertinent literature was given to each person that attended and mailed to those invited but unable to make the meeting. Judge Holmgreen, Mayor Smith, and Mayor Bravenec signed a Proclamation naming April "Severe Weather and Preparation Month ". The South Knoll and Stephen F. Austin schools showed tornado warning slides and films to their classes. "The Digest" recognised the good work of Judge William R. Vance in a current issue. OPERATION PLAN Exercise, Sunday, April 8, 1979, 2:00 p. m. I The operation consists of three parts: 1. An exercise of College Stations notification plan. 2. A field exercise for Police and Fire operations in conjunction with Texas State Guard personnel. 3. A simulation exercise for Emergency Operations Center personnel. II The purposes of the operation are: 1. To find out if our notification plan works and how long it would take us to have an EOC effectively operating. 2. To find what would be the problems in the field of evacuating a substantial area and estimate how long it would take us to do it. 3. To find out what aid and materials we could muster in what time to assist in an evacuation. III Personnel involved will be: 1. Police and Fire Departments as per departmental directives. 2. Public Works, Administration, Parks and Recreation: TO RESPOND TO NOTIFICATION AND COME TO EOC:* City Manager Tax Assessor Director of Public Works City Planner City Engineer Mayor (or planned alternate) Parks and Recreation Dir. Asst. City Mgr. (or planned alternate) Personnel Director Building Official * these people should be at the Municipal Courtroom at 1:30 p. m. whether or not they are called. TO RESPOND TO NOTJJ ICATION BY GIVING THE CALLER THEIR ESTIMATED TDIE OF ARRIVAL - -- BUT DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE FURTHER: Council Members City Attorney Public Works Dispatcher Water /Sewer Superintendent Street Superintendent -^ include in your estimate the time it would take you to call the people you would need to operate in an emergency. IV Schedule 12:40 p. m. -- Police dispatcher begins notification procedure. 1:30 p. m. -- EOC personnel in place at Municipal Courtroom. 2:00 p. m. -- First report of major accident at Southwood Dr. and FM 2818. -- Texas State Guard in place at scene. -- Public Works OIC in place at scene. -- "Casualties" in place at scene. On Arrival -- Police or Fire officer estimates situation, issues orders or calls as necessary. -- Defines evacuation area and directs State Guard commander as required. As per Scenario -- Ambulance supervisor dispatches casulaties to emergency rooms to meet pre - arranged schedule. 3:00 p. m. -- Field operations and EOC operations cease. -- Police Scene Commander provides information to State Guard Commander for his critique at armory. -- Police and Fire units return to stations for critique. -- EOC operations critique 3:30 p. m. -- Conclusion of exercise V Other agencies to participate: Bryan Fire Dept. -- field exercise, EOC exercise Bryan Police Dept. -- field exercise, EOC exercise Bryan Administration -- EOC exercise and observer Texas State Guard -- field exercise Brazos County Sheriff -- EOC exercise and observer Dept. of Public Safety -- observer Brazos County Civil Defense -- observer Texas A & M C.D. Director -- EOC exercise and observer * as feasible and appropriate to situation. St. Joseph Hospital= field exercise support, conducts own emergency Bryan Hospital J� room exercises EMT Association VI Supply, transportation and communication 1. Supply: a. Printing, door brochure for Guard personnel by County Civil Defense Director. b. Barricades will not be available at scene. 2. Transportation: a. Texas State Guard transported to and from scene as arranged by County Civil Defense Director. b. Transportation of "victims" to scene by EMT Assn. c. Supplementary transportation of "victims" to emergency rooms by Public Works Dept. (2 sedans and drivers) 3. Communications: a. Police and fire radio as per departmental directives. b. Public Works radio on regular frequency ANY REAL SITUATION MESSAGE ON THIS FREQUENCY WILL BE PREFACED WITH "STOP ALL SIMULATION" NO OTHER SIMULATION TRANS- MISSION WILL BE PERMITTED UNTIL THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CT,EARS THE FREQUENCY FOR OUR USE. VII Scenario for both field and EOC operations has been carefully developed by Police and Fire Departments to exercise and demonstrate both capabilities and shortcomings. Extra problems, overload situations or "jokers" will not be inserted into the scenario except as situations may naturally or logically arise in dealing with scenario problems. 6 • Former Brazos o�aty Judge Honored i For Civil Defense e Efforts ` -: = - Former Brazos County Judge Health - Mental Retardation Center and William R. Vance was honored Dec. 4 as chairman of Brazos County Civil , in Bryan by members of the Brazos r 4. , , County Civil Defense and Emergency Defense from 1967 through 1978. A Planning Council for his efforts as the graduate of Texas A &M University and .t' e . county's chief CD officer in develop- of the University f Texas School of <t` & ' ing a model civil preparedness plan for y� Brazos County. Vance received laurels Law, Vance is a member of the State from area civil preparedness officials and Brazos County Bar Associations. and certificates of recognition from He served in varying capacities with ' , -% the Governor's Division of Disaster Emergency Services, the Brazos Coun such organizations as the Greater ty Civil Defense and Emergency Planp- Bryan United Fund, the American ing Council, Texas A &M University Cancer Society- Brazos Chapter and and the cities of Bryan and College Station. State Coordinator M. P. the Brazos County March of Dimes. William R. Vance Bowden presented Judge Vance the / III I/// 1111/1/ i11 ///////11111/////!/fl///IN/!!/� / _ DES certificate. After accepting the �/ honors Vance acknowledged the ef- BRIEFs forts of " "literally hundreds of residents of Brazos County" who have Civil Preparedness News volunteered their time for civil defense �/I �1 N1 /�i�/N/r From Throughout Texas and emergency planning. g Vance, 38, served as county judge Personnel at the Veterans Administration Hospital and from 1967 through 1978, and is now in Hillcrest Hospital in Waco received kudos from McLennan County private practice in Bryan. Among his Civil Defense Director Rufus Cleghorn for their response to a many civic activities, Vance has sery simulated medical disaster. The train derailment drill, termed a suc- ed as chairman of the Brazos Valley cess by observers, helped determine Hillcrest's ability to handle an Development Council, a member of the Brazos Valley Community Action overflow situation and the VA medical staff's response to this type Agency executive committee, chair- of medical emergency. The "Hillcrest personnel and organization man of the Brazos Valley Mental were superb," Cleghorn said. "They got through with all of their pa- tients in a remarkably short time and it looked like they knew what they were doing all the time. • • • Safety Aide Rule" is The Mineral Wells Zonta Club donated $500 to the Palo Pinto A "Chemical now available Safety the National County Civil Defense Office to help finance a two -way radio loop with the Fort Worth-Tarrant County Civil Defense Office. Two other Safety Council in Chicago. The device, individuals in the community have pledged $100 each toward the which summarizes the health and fire proposed communications system, estimated to cost $3,000. hazards of common industrial chemicals and mixtures, has bean • • • recommended for use by the En• Former Cuero Mayor Jack Edgar, now that city's Civil vironmental Protection Agency, Preparedness Coordinator, reported the comrnunity's recent Manufacturing Chemists Association, simulated disaster drill "came off as smooth as silk," concluding and the National Fire Protection that "in the event of a real emergency, the City of Cuero is well Association. prepared." The simulation involved a severe thunderstorm -- spawn - The NSC notes the original slide ed by a hurricane strike near Corpus Christi -- which, in turn, rule was printed Ins the and be slide walloped the community with flooding and a tornado that caused a dated and reissued soon. The cast of train derailment and explosion. Groups participating in the exercise da da varies sue l the nof included the Cuero Police Department, Cuero Water and Street ty ordered. In August of 1978, a single Department ' County Sheriff's Office, Southwestern Bell slide rule cost $3.50 while 100 of the Telephone Co., Cuero Community Hospital, the American Red slide rules cost $1.16 each. For further Cross, Cuero Fire Department, Cuero Housing Authority, Arkansas - information -• or to obtain one of the Louisiana Gas Co., and the local citizens band radio club. slide rules .. contact the National e • • Safety Council, 444 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The Universal City Civil Defense Search and Rescue Unit spon- sored a bake sale to help purchase more equipment and keep up repairs on existing faciilties. Phaaeconttnueon next page