HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 10.30.1962 • BRAzos COUNTY CTVIL DEFENsF FILE COP OCTOBER 30, 1962 Trant called. Evans and Lanford -Architect dept. Wants to know if advisable to work up a series of lectures on fallout protection- on radio and TV series.ije will be present at meeting. uct.30 Suggestions for Civil Defense Council meeting- Judges office )PM. 1. More pay for a salaried man and premission fur part time typist when needed: 2. Recommendations to hire new man. 3. Money needs: Races--radio 8cariteuila Ai:300.00 Radio roams and all telephone connections. 4. Auxiliary Police 60 men trained 5. Shelter: Trant--also key buildings- check modifications. Shelter Program--200 Meeting Oct. 30 Sandlin: do we want to participate in shelter progran? Sandlin-says Mayors and Judge approves. 40 to 75 Security guards. Go Bryan Police Dept. Go ahead on hiring new man and possible part time secretary- hiring committee appointed-Sandlin- Boswell and Zinn. _ . 1 6 , . 3 0 CIVIL DEFENSE BRAZOS COUNTY 4 4:4'r ri A l, i efrlidedia 4611.2-/er . i t/n ta 4 '`'` 1117 4 AI efla XLamZd—a- 1 fieZ44..pa — 4,94.) • txk C po-*_r±: ____AtrL24,A,1_ TV Sa—ii ' di■-• _46 (- 1 4-44 . --ei 4 - _ ....a._; , / 4 -....... - 1 ,. /41 1 Z 22 1' 0 1 . t 1 2 Cr- -- t..4a) 1 ,P, 4.11 4 da• A--e-6-34.4eut—rx-414).--syL4 ---...) / 7 71,1-4- tr - - 72-' 1 el--c.4_, • '.., w i _ /ems . • 3 00 tiv 6 i S A.-aer -- li /. , 1 0 • d � / - ^ ' i. r o t 9 1 I - 2 ; racer-- ' \ - / I /"lw ∎ 4 1 C� })D — - - _