HomeMy WebLinkAboutRSVP Newsletter Volume 1 Number 1 1974 .,. - 6 r- ir/ . NNick,, r• r N rj(i h's ,,, < C,-. �t A- 'r \ Bryan - College Station) Texas January 1974 Volume I Number 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! MEMORIES OF YESTERYEAR RSVP is now 15 Months old! Many of you the halls" and sang too! And that hot have been with us for Most of that time. chocolate served afterwards soothed Do you remember when we had - hoarse voices and warmed all the way ' down! --- The "Kick -Off Coffee: November 30, 1972. That was our very first get- WHAT'S NEXT ? ?? The Spokesmen Seminar: together ihaugereting the birth of January S, 1974. We're going to make RSVP which at that time was under RSVP a household word and you are help - Paul Davis' Coordinatorship. Every- ing us to do itl Those who participate one was there wishing us the success in this seminar will fan out into the we have today. community and talk to individuals, -show slides (of you volunteers) to community -- Theda Callaway, RSVP Resource organizations and groups, select mater Specialist, as guest speaker on ial for radio and TV'spot announcements,' January 29, 1973 at Bryan Public assist with telephone coordination, etc.l Library. Two RSVP volunteers and 2 RSVP says "thanks" to all who are parti- volunteer stations told of their cipating. experiences with RSVP. That wonder - ful experience they talked about many Income Tax Service of you now feel. Counseling and assistance in filing for federal income tax will again be a free -- The Senior Citizen Recognition service offered by the RSVP Office. No Ceremony: May 22, 1973. Awards regular hours have been set for this were sure flying around on that day! .service. Call the office to make an What a great turn -out we hadl It was appointment and one of our volunteers f such a successful event that for a will be available. long time afterwards people could + }_ 8; still be heard talking about it. DRIBS AND DRABS OF DATA -- The Reception at the Bryan Public C Library: July 26, 1973. A new RSVP Since we're looking back on 15 months Coordinator looked over the volun- of operations, you'll be interested to teers -- and you looked right back! know that: The process of getting acquainted was -- RSVP has nearly 100 volunteers begun and still goes on. currently. -- RSVP volunteers have served more ---- The RSVP Picnic: November 13, 1973. than 15,000 hours during the past Somehow or other, the weather cooper- 15 months. ated, the volunteers came, the food -- There are 35 active volunteer was delicious, the games and singing stations. were stimulating and delightful! . --- The Caroling Party at Sherwood Nursing Home and St. Joseph's Hospital: December 11, 1973. RSVP'ers 'decked ITgun auaSuu og poo2 .giggaue ou sT gull 2uTt4gawos sT gT JOJ `Ue ogs ao `peMoaao '51 'N fpe5ieq `4u2noq eq gouuuo gI •eTgnoag aoj . agopTgue�gseq s pue `pas egg og 11 •2uTmgawos �iTTaaa axe gamg seuo egg eat; euTgsuns sseuTsnq uT TTTM pool saagsoj .2uTmgou .toj OuTq'ewos op geug esoug gng `auou egg uT ssauTddT1 sequaao gI *eTTws Iu aoj aauoTa aaa gnq good os axe auou pun '2uTggewos JOJ OuTggewos op ueo auoOiut?,� `gT ggnOtgTM 2uo1e gal Uao .&0mg gugg 1OTa os axe auON • aaaa.X0J sgseT sewTgawbs SZIS 2IO2 SIHZ 111 gT jo liaowew egg pue LseTJ e uT sueddeu • gI •aA.T2 oqM esot} VuTtlsTaaAodwT gnougTM gT eATaoaa oUM esomg segoTaue gI •uonw seguaaO gT qnq `2UTLgou sgso3 a1Tws d ZX.n11 Ski XVN I10X - snolaNONY • goeC oad s g juao pue s gaa uu uT _�;:- aogonagsuT d11S�I ua se aaa.ua0 LIgiueH • - ravioli ogg O4 aOTAaes SOAT3 Sp ouSe l ;axed og sT equotunwWOO 'M•V •sell `uMO .1au uo sa)T.aaas aaag og `aagweweu •.4.TUnwwoo aug UGAO pue -unToA livaw 2uTwaoJaed og uotgTppe III -- c suorgugs aeagultIoA `aaggTunuo3 LaosTnpV `J,Jegs dASU `SaeequnTon. waoJuT aaggeq •TTOUno3 .4:4Tunwwo0 dguno0 sozaag egg pInoO aaggeTsMau ATaegaanb e xutmg em Jo aoTAaes aauunu peoH egg g2noaug •aeuTmsuns egg `uoTgeaaa Mau 9Tgg jo d=tus uoTgagaoeltuuag sapTnoad osTa pue - aogTpo egg LJGA0 axeg, 04 auoawos paau OM 9WJO,J uoTquginsuoo 2uTaedaad aagua0 id1dH ITEM idluli idI3H 2 UT�aId -ICI 0u'� ga sxaoM ssoU •all - - •paella sTug Jo squaTdTol . . ,c- ;:;;::;:; 888 rP; -aa uaaq aaeu splouliau •m:b .,saw puu ssol) •eaaug JiaueH •all `S.1guaoaa gscll •aeegufToA dasul e1TiM aegg nap aTegg gTsTA og go2 ue Jo aToTgae pue eaugaTd 02nd guoaj a Jams •guaTaO amg uT 5uTT0nea4 sxaaM seangeaj ssaad Tetao'Otd eq4 `tlq.uow tzUs; L quads Saul • .TTggoag -agoT2 uaaq osTu aaaq dugaaquad 'Z'M 'salj puu •alg -- HJa \ION 1HI, .IO sussJ,NA'IOA Imam' • wp.l og peaae;aa eau gum., seseo weTgoad ' 7L6T • og suoTgn1os pUij og 2uTAiag NOOM `91 ZJ'enUer. `.& p9oUpeJi sT auTTpuep ifagua a sanom uuw 0101 so SST segonap OR . egg `liaant.. gnq •gTwgns og usTM no.A 'se isweTgoad e aeggo woaj .i8Ma uosaed aed seTague Jiuew se g.deooa T1TM am;, `e0T,I,JO TeaaaJoU 'Y uoTgawa0JuI w91J •.Ragua _ anoJ mgTM aoT jjo ano Jq dogs ao Ella -- .10199011 '.11 no 1.1 JOS anp -aa 2uoT zTLZ ga sn T • ao j u1xoo1 e t 3 all uoTgeo a - aa111WT19 -glad sTug TTeMeH gaunt sT aTgTg Sgog8O 'wogs v 'smogs aug jo pueTsT 2uTgue1OUa amg pagTsTn Jo auo uo gan2 e aq pTnoo aureu 2uTuuTM 09 8 1019908 •g gaegoj, •saw pue 'ali -- egg sgTwgns oTM aeogunIon au 41 esoogo OuTgsTanog aaow aoj uopuo2 og an dTeg no.ii g .Sgm Iewuu a anew ,I,�o sum at.is TT4 xoadLTTl og awTg pug ,uana g GM PUV .xej snug pagoaTas �ilpaeu 014S •dT .1g uTTaMaH aam woa3 uaaq 0Auu douenbeaj aou autg aqg aaugTaN Noeq ggJnoaq egs 13T1M TOT a 2uTaeaM - '.AI OOPTA g.saMPTN uo Mous uoTsTAOTag 2UT uaas Sigueoaa sum TTasseH .gex 'saki -- -uaow �apUol� e �uTgsom aq moos TTTM dASU, •0•Q uT seATgeguaseadeu Jo esnoH all; uT sa0J M8T egg Jo OUo ZS"3ZN00 MOHS SRI se pagoaTas uaaq sum pue `wexa aug egg passed `eaa2ep Mel sTu peATao ;,;tea_; ;*;; =, -, -ea 1iEgueoea uos sjxoawoM.'I I •aN •nod dTau.og oIgeTTena aq T1TM :ewT4 gxau `saaegun1oA ano jo auo `xOcwof •1•1 • x i noA JO.' goads sTgg a.A .10$e.1 UU0 OM • `UOT4e3 sTug ugTM aouugsTssa paau •sTug peace pue aaaq gu2Ta dogs uegJ, noA JI, •suoTg9enb Sue anew noli IT 2uT L„s2uaq egg jo asEeO e 1102 noh aAeH -piing oosTa8A egg jo OTe wood 4 dogs .10 zTLz - M ge a °TJJO d.ASai 0 L44 TTeD •1801. 1(111 II Ov'au moaa u0Tga3TTdda egg MOUaa og paau no.S. ` aaad gsuT sTug JOJ paTTJ noS jT UOa51 ** -!HC 8 ' `1e L{OaeY11iq paTT3 eq g.snw swao,T 0 us 'TH V 1eg tg TO uoegS e eTTOO Ogg pue 'JOG.; 1t 1 TO PTO ueliag egg 3o seoTjJo xeg -union dAS"ti use osTe sT pue eagg1untio0 egg egg uT pue asnougano0 Sguno0 soz8 .1g egg 3O aegwaw a SUTawaa aqs igno you gnq uT aoTJJO STaossessv xeJ, egg ga eTqui ens `uMOp paddegs sau `J 1.101\1014 ueT1TT'I 'sail eau swaoJ 0sa1J, •uoTgdwaxe x811 sTug aoj `uawoMaTa10 eegg1wuoO .SaosTnpd aewa0j ano 0TTJ og a1gT2TTe 0 .113 noA' uaTg 02u aryl& jo jooad Moms UPO puu `JaAo ao 59 aaa `auou •dTgsaapeGT pue s'eOpT Mau sT1 anoS u10 noli . I •seoTjjo xeg diguno3 pue og pa8Ma0 j x001 all • eeggtwwo0 liaosp py .14 TO egg ggTM uoTgdwaxe xug puegs ewog dASU egg JO uawata1O sa aegoueg •O'M 000`8 p anoA JOJ 0TTj og ga aoj g •na}J jo gueuigutodda aqg gnoga 2 uTTTag -- VuTquedea 1g.aoM s,gT gnq `09801aa guawaounouuu a1Ra51 0111 uaas exam .haw nox sM0U any 'Tn paean eAug li'ew nag Jo .ivaj 22SlIWW00 X2i0SI.AQb dASU NOIZdW5XSI Xbs 000'e$ • RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM of the Brazos County Community Council 310 Varisco Building Bryan, Texas 77801 X322 -2712 Shirley Plapp, Coordinator Naomi Esau, Adm. Secretary "EVERYWHERE IN LIFE, THE TRUE QUESTION IS NOT WHAT WE GAIN, BUT WHAT WE DO." Thomas Caryle January 7, 1974 RSVP JOB OPPORTUNITIES Junior Museum of Natural History, 3200 S. College Need volunteers to teach classes (biology, natural history, geology, backpacking, bicycle repair, astronomy, etc.); set up exhibits; lead museum tours (on demand); small repair and monthly cleaning of exhibits; cataloging and weekly typing; and volunteer to help write newsletter and newspaper reporting. Public Schools (Bryan and College Station) Volunteers to work in library, cafeteria, nurse's office; serve as teachers! aides and resource people for enrichment programs; do clerical work and bookbinding. Expanded Nutrition Program 508 Varisco Building Volunteers to teach youth lessons on nutrition, sanitation, meal preparation — one hour training session for each lesson. Bryan Day Care Center Hwy. 21 West /Brushey Day Care Center Hwy. 60 Volunteers to serve as grandparents; repair toys, equipment and sew doll clothes; serve as playground aides; teach language arts and conduct arts /crafts classes. First Baptist Day Care Center A&M Methodist Day Care Center 200 N. College Main, C.S. 417 University Drive, C.S. Volunteers to act as grandparents; assist 4 year olds in the handling of tools; drive for field trips; tell stories; mend dolls and toys and do other small jobs. Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center 3300 East 29th Street Volunteers to work in areas of arts and crafts; help sterilize and fill whirlpools; do laundry; assist with patient treatments; straighten examining booths and do some clerical work. Family Planning Center 405 West 28th Street Volunteer to operate filmstrip for clinic one morning per month and two evenings per month. Road Runner Service 309 Varisco Building Volunteers needed to provide transportation to Doctors' offices, hospitals and service agencies for personsunable to secure their own transportation. Red Cross Sunny]and Shopping Center Volunteers are needed to find eligible candidates for new Supplemental Security Income program under the Social Security Administration. Girls' Club o f gf yan, 306 W. 24th Street /College Station, 400 Holleman Volunteers to help give parties on special occasions, help head up arts /crafts, sewing, and cooking classes for girls ages 6 -14. County Extension Office Brazos County Courthouse Volunteers needed to write monthly newsletter on nutrition, low cost foods, and recipes. Volunteers to serve on Food Stamp Committee for purpose of evaluating and coordinating the Food Stamp Program.