HomeMy WebLinkAboutDisaster Services Group plans for local calamities 1981 Disasters services group f • • plans local calamities by TOM SOLOMON getting people off campus in a hur- will supply the necessary items Battalion Reporter ry and getting them some place such as food, shelter and clothing If floods, fire or tornadoes come where they can stay in the mean- to disaster victims until they can to the local area, some residents time, we're going to have a big get situated again. plan to be prepared. problem." The Disaster Services of Red Anyone interested in disaster Cross will hold an organizational would provide Services o organization meet meeting Nix said to come to the meeting at 7:30 tonight in 501 Rudder Tower. "We're setting up this meeting Brazos County badly needs an "What happens if we to involve as many people as we organized disaster readiness prog- can, Nix said, "whether they are ram, said Marti Nix, chairman of have a derailment and a professional people such as fire - the board of directors of the Bra- couple of chemical cars men and policemen, who would zos County Red Cross. break O en, and we have be involved in a disaster anyway, "Our community has grown p or just the average college student tremendously in size," she said. noxious gases? Just think who realizes there's a problem and "With the students in session nine wants to help." months out of the year it even of what is going to hap - grows more." pen to the University People who have first aid skills Civil Defense is involved with like cardiopulmonary resuscita- evacuating and setting up minimal area. If we have no effec- tion will be invaluable to the shelter for people who are eva- tive way of getting people group, she said cuating. But, Nix added: "We off campus in a hurry and have no strong, organized struc- y Students also can be very vale_ ture that will function when a dis- getting them some lace able. The group needs volunteers \ aster happens in this community." p that can type and learn how to fill h." where they can stay in out the forms that are necessary Nix cited the possibility of a rail- when a disaster occurs. Students road derailment as one disaster the meantime, were can help in the shelters during a that Bryan - College Station should going to have a big prob- disaster by passsing out sand - be prepared to handle. wiches or keeping the children in What happens if we have a lem. —Marti Nix, Bra - jerailment and a couple of che- the shelter occupied, Nix said. P zos County Red Cross ' It's just really important for nical cars break open, and we chairman. community that we get orga- lave noxious gases ?" she asked. cha 'Just think of what is going to hap- nized," r e ' saod. s )en to the University area. needed to coordinate relief should the disaster to happen to get organ "If we have no effective way of other disasters occur. The group nized," she said. l' L'�' THE PRI;:ti q, / c 7 g� departments, Bryan police dolt to' 'li1da1 hospitals; department, medical service Transportation - for Red ; Red Cross fields, REACT Unit, and . Cross personnel to augment from Texas A &M University Civil Defense in the move - A meetii'tg sponsored by safety and medical services. ment of victims; Com- the Brazos County Chapter Services of the Red Cross munications; Family Services of the American Red Cross and their interfaces with and damage Assessment; was held Oct. 21 to organize already existing organizations Records and Reports - kept , the Disaster Relief branch of were discussed. Areas defined by Red Cross of all services j the Red Cross in this area. were Mass Care - deals with rendered; Volunteers form Jake Cangelose, Director sheltering and feeding Disaster Support the large of the Civil Defense for the displaced citizens; Nursing group of citizens who have County, was present along and Disaster Health Services - offered their services and are with representatives from the provides immediate treat- trained to work during a sheriff's department, Bryan ment to victims at the shelters disaster. and College Station fire and arranges for transoorta- ,.., _ "N„. RED CROSS FORMS DISASTER Do COMMITTEE: "The Red Cross has a critical role to play in the event that a disaster strikes in Brazos i County," Charles W. Zipp, vice chairman of ao Brazos County Chapter, ARC, says. "Its most im- portant resource in meeting this reponsibility is peo- ple to do the many jobs associated with helping Z citizens affected by a catastrophe." v The chapter has scheduled an organizational meeting of its Disaster Committee for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in room 501, Rudder Tower, Texas A &M University. The meeting is open to all who are interested in being a part of this facet of Red Cross service, according to Zipp, who is, by coincidence, my next of kin.