HomeMy WebLinkAboutHenry Alsmeyer, Sr. appointed administrative officer 1963 JOHN M. BARRON F. T. 001 District Judge Clerk of Diehie► Count W. C. DAVIS � A. B. SYPTAK Canny y Judos - 1� County Clerk A. NOLAN j ' D. BROOKS CORI. Je. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 County An cruet' GEORGE Ol1NN RAYMOND 6. BUCHANAN Commiuioner Precinct No. 2 Tex Aataux Colbchr CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD c V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 9 Count' Treasurer W. A. STASNY BR A Z ' OS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Cammi :sinner Precinct No. I 11.L'L!J ►7 V lJ+ T a i County School Superintendent F. J. VITOIIL • H. 1. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peon, Milne► 1. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Mace No. 2 Sheriff Justin of Peace, Preund Brazos County Civil Defense Offio Ten. 30, 1963 Thought you might be interested in this for news item; MR. HENRY ALSMEYER, SR. WILL TAKE OVER THE °QSITION OF ADMINISTRATiv OFFICER FOR THE BRA ZOS COUNTY CYTII, DEFENSE' OPTIC$ BEGINNING F B . 1, He will fill the position left vacant by Col. R.H. Lock who resigned to accept e position with the State Of Alabama. Mr. Alsmeyer, who is retired from the U.S. State Denertment, comes highly reccommended for the position. His nest exneriena.- includes service in en advisory cepecity in the point four program and foriegn service in Guatemala, Phillipnes, Haiti and Iran. His service in these countries was for the purpose of implementing .. an efficiint agriculture program. lnr. Alsmeyer is a class of , 23 graduate of Texas A&M and served during World War I with the AEF. His office will be locatel in the County Courthouse Adjacent to the The Dept. Of Public Safety. We feel fortunate to have a man of his caliber in this position. Other changes in the civil defense operation include the appointment of Dr. George L. Huebner es head of the Communications itunirmk Division. Dr. Huebner, a noted Research Scientist with the Dept. of Oceanography & Meteorology, is eaexafxthe ammat&ead one of the best elctronic and ocmmunicatiosis men in our area. He will fill the position left vecent by Mr. Chester OODonnell who resigned after three years of efficient service Working with Dr. Huebner will be, Mr. Leonard Harris, District Traffic Manager for Southwestern States Telephone Co., Mr. Casey Janes of KORA, serving as Conelrad Officer, Mr. Charles Burris, RACES Officer and Mr. J.R. Youngblood as Citizen Bend Officer. Mr. EMMETT IRANT,JR. was appointed to fill the position of Ohairmen of the Public fallout Shelter Program. Mr. Tent, owner Of Trent Associates, was retained by the Corp Of Engineers to conduct the Fallout Shelter Survey in this area. We fell fortunate to have someone with Mr. Trants ability and training to serve on our staff. Serving as his assistant will be Mr. Joe L. Rembstedt. Thanking You in Advance, Sincerely, / i ' Canglo , Director Irezos County Civil Defense Office 4