HomeMy WebLinkAboutA Record Year for Tornadoes? 1975 • We've Been Asked A RECORD YEAR FOR TORNADOES? From Top Authorities Come Answers to Questions on Topics in the News From what's happened to date, it expects the season to get a slow start do hits, and people should take cover looks as if 1975 is going to be another in the North Central States this year without delay. bad year for tornadoes. Is that right? because of heavy snow pack in the Yes. In the first three months of this Dakotas and Minnesota. Melting Where is the best place for cover? year, about 200 tornadoes tore snow tends to sap solar energy need- It depends on where you are. If you through the Southern States. This is ed to form a tornado. In late summer, are driving in an automobile and you more than twice the number report- places like New England become vul- hear a tornado warning or spot a ed for the same period last year and is nerable. Then in early fall, activity funnel cloud, stop the car immediate - 50 per cent above the long -term again moves southward. ly. Don't try to outrun a tornado average. There were 35 people killed because you'll probably lose the race. in this period —which compares with Is research being conducted on Get out of the car and lie face down 3 deaths in the first quarter of 1974 ways to reduce the strength of torna- in a ditch or ravine. and 18 in early 1973. So 1975 is does, say through cloud seeding? starting off as a very rough year for Scientists are experimenting with What if you are at home? tornadoes. Basements generally offer the greatest protection. If you don't have Now that the final figures are in, one, seek shelter in an interior room how does 1974 —the year of the on the ground floor and get under a "maxi" tornadoes — compare with ear- sturdy table. Bathrooms usually offer lier years? ' ; good protection because of the maze The U.S. was hit by about 950 tor- orb" . of plumbing in the walls. Stay away nadoes last year. The National Weath- �� from windows, they will probably er Service described the early -April 4 . shatter. twisters of 1974 as the "most devas- tating outbreak of tornadoes ever re- _ What about schools and other s ; corded anywhere in the world." In buildings? about 18 hours, 148 twisters hit 13 '� �, If there is a basement handy, go for States, killing 307 Americans and 8 7, that. If not, then good bets are short, Canadians. More than 5,500 people interior hallways and washrooms on were injured and property damage �., the ground floor. If you're in a hall- was put at 500 million dollars. About way, P it should be one that opens to ;,. 50 of these twisters were classified as the east or north, away from the "maxi," or "super," tornadoes —the oncoming blast of wind. Tornadoes ones likely to kill. All this followed generally strike from the south or another bad year, 1973, in which west so stay away from those sides of more than 1,100 tornadoes were re- Twisters in first three months of 1975 the building. One other tip: Don't ported. That still is the record. numbered 200, and claimed 35 lives. take shelter in a gymnasium, audito- rium or in any other large room. How about deaths? ways to reduce the fury of hurricanes. These are some of the most vulner- There were 361 last year. In 1973 There also are programs to see if hail able parts of a building. If you are in a the total was 87. and lightning can be decreased by multistory building, get off the upper seeding storm clouds. Weathermen floors. What is causing all the turbulent don't see much hope in trying to seed activity? tornadoes, however. Twisters come What causes the most damage Meteorologists say the weather is and go so fast that it would be nearly when a tornado strikes? an unpredictable animal. Ups and impossible to get a plane in position Researchers rate tornado damages downs in tornado activity are expect- to seed before the tornado had al- in the following order: High winds ed. As for this year's upsurge, scien- ready spent itself. cause the most destruction by push - tists just don't know. ing in walls and windows and ripping There are tornado watches as well off the roofs. Flying debris is the What's the outlook for the rest of as warnings — what's the difference? second most deadly problem, fol- this year? A tornado watch issued by the Na- lowed by the collapse of the upper The heaviest months of twister ac- tional Weather Service means that portions of a building that fall into the tivity are February through June. Al- weather conditions are ripe for a first floor. The explosive effect caused len Pearson, klirector of the National twister to develop. People are urged by a rapid drop in pressure outside a Severe Storms Forecast Center in to keep a radio on for weather bulle- structure is rated as the fourth great - Kansas City, Mo., says April and May tins and to keep an eye on the sky. A est danger. Schools and other public are two of the worst months. As tornado warning is more serious. It meeting places that are designed to warmer weather comes to the North- means a funnel cloud has actually meet normal building codes do not ern States, tornado activity moves out been spotted. Once a warning has usually explode the way a windowless of the South and into the Midwest been issued, it may be just a matter of barn or shed sometimes does when and Great Lakes States. Mr. Pearson minutes or seconds before the torna- caught in the path of a twister. • U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, April 21, 1975 55