HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Care Team - various news articles 1977 - 81 Page 8 THE BATTALION E THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 • T ra i ned to a ssist By MARGIE SANTAMARIA fire (with other first aiders) and qualifications. Some are Emergency tober of 1976 and was recognized by . Heart attacks, sprained ankles and football games. Medical Technicians (EMTs), or the University as an official club that :heat exhaustion are just a few things Ideally, we will have four team Emergency Care Attendants fall, Borron said. the Texas A &M Emergency Care members present at every home (ECAs), while others are certified "The club's main objectives are to -Team (ECT) is qualified to treat. football game, said Jim Persons, standard first aiders, Borron said. provide first aid services to the senior physical education major and Dr. Claude B. Goswick, director community and campus organiza- The team, composed of 35 stu- president of the club. During the of the Beutel .Health Center serves tions, stimulate interest to further dents, administers emergency care last home football game many as ECT club adviser. first aid and health care education, `during campus events and activites. people suffered from heat exhaus- "On May 10, 1977, two team and promote emergency prepared- ' Last year,the ECT helped the tion and the ECT was there to help, members who were working with ness on campus, Borron said. American Heart Association screen Persons said. Mid -Texas ambulance service were "Although we are primarily 2,400 people for hypertension in responsible for saving my life," geared toward student organiza- two days, said Steve Borron, ECT "This year we seem to have a Goswick said. He had suffered a tions, we can and have been asked ;squad leader. They also covered good percentage of people that are heart attack and the students as- by community organizations to help `:rugby games, fencing tournaments, pre -med, pre- nursing or pre -vet sisted in cardiopulmonary resuscita- them," Persons said. ;;the A&M Rodeo Association's majors," Persons said. tion. Applicants for membership must rodeo, the Elephant Bowl, the Bon- Team members have various have a current first aid certification _ Due to a shortage of volunteers and then be approved by the Ad- and equipment, the ECT is not able missions and Operations Commit - to aid all organizations seeking their tee, Borron said. The committee is services, Goswick said. made,up of charter officers, new of- "Right now there is sufficient ficers, the faculty sponsor, Laura medical equipment to outfit one Kitzmiller of the Health and Physi- squad," Borron said. cal Education Department, and the The team is divided into three to team adviser. five squads consisting of six to ten members and each squad is coordi- s nated by a squad leader. The club receives book store funds to help buy equipment, but donations are always welcome, he added. "Anytime they should need more equipment we (the Health Center) are glad to help," Goswick said. ' Since the team has no emergency vehicle, the Health Center makes their vehicle available to the ECT when it is not in operation, Goswick said. The ECT was chartered in Oc- ■ , e e l s y .4 ..0 O, p p^O y U Q E U C G' — ,# as N C-, O F % ' 1-. ' Q C C O t� a as L. 0 - 0(0• � - Q y c t f /� 11 N .p N ca O t VJ E a Q y o 3 a o G C.3 L.) w� 1. 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MSC Aggie Cinema, "The Blue Lagoon," and "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask," midnight, Rudder Theatre. FRIDAY - SATURDAY, APRIL 3 -4... University Interscholastic League Literary Contest to be held at Bryan High School. Speech and debate events schedul- ed for Friday pm with events in journalism, number sense, spelling, etc. scheduled for Saturday. SATURDAY, APRIL 4... Brazos County area bicyclists and other physical fitness afi- cionados are being invited to participate in the A &M Wheelmen "Headwind Hundred" century ride. Riders should wear bright clothing, bring water and high energy snacks and meet at 6:30 -7 am at Texas A &M University's Rudder Foun- tain. A $4 entry fee will be charged on ride day to cover ex- penses. SATURDAY, APRIL 4... The Texas A &M Emergency Care Team, a University - recognized student organization, in cooperation with the Society of Fire Service Instructors, will host the 1981 Emergen- cy Care Symposium at Texas A &M University beginning at 8:30 am. For more info, call the Emergency Care Team at 845 -4321. SATURDAY, APRIL 4... The Bryan Public Library is offering two free movies at 2 pm. They are "Yankee Doodle ", a short movie for young children, and "Angle and Big Joe ", '/ hour movie for