HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-79 Various Correspondence OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Office of Civil Defense OI.. 2 Staff College Battle Creek, Michigan award) fIiJ _game Study CourJe cerfi /icafe 10 WILLIAM R. VANCE f or the Jail ifactory complefion o/ a courJe o rut lion / //J�� CIVIL DEFENSE. U.S.A. * �'�"""€' J l�ourJe, (/ n 2irecfor, Gxlen3ion . cc�� raining �Ue eUate. December 1 1 , 1959 JZ irecfor. _S'tall C r W 4� � BR.AZOS N <<�. COUNTY o JAKE CANGELOSE JOHN W. HILL County Director and Chairman Texas ABM University Director Civil Defense & Emergency Planning FRED SANDLIN County Courthouse GEORGE L. HUEBNER Bryan Director Bryan, Texas 77801 College Station Director May 6, 1970 As an official of our local government your responsibilities in addition to routing government administration includes emergency operating conditions which can be initated at any time by a natural disaster, man made disasters or civil dis- orders. Although we would like to believe that these calamities can- not occur here, I can assure you that we are just as vulnerable as any other area. As an official of our local government I feel that you should have a basic background in "Emergency Government Responsibilities". Inclosed you will find an enrollment card for a Home Study Course in Civil Defense. This course is not difficult and I believe you will find it very informative. County Judge W.R. Vance has already completed the course and indores it highly. This study course is free of charge and you should be able to complete it in a short period of time. Please fill out the enrollment card if you have not already taken this course or one similiar to it and return it to us as soon as possible in the enclosed envelope. Your cooperation and assistance will be sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, Jay* Canglose Co my Director Brazos County Civil Defense '' LIST OF NAMES WHO WERE SENT HOME STUDY Lo q( L COURSE CARDS e y D.A. An son r.J Jerome Zubik Anestacio Herrera Parker Joe Faulk 3 Harp.on Bell Bill J. Cooley James H. Dozier Joesph J. McGraw C.B. Ryan Dan R. Davis Dr. C.H. Ransdell os J.W. Hamilton Mclvin H. Lucdkc -- - --- Joe Ellisor ') Ed Powell w_ __ -_ Jack --Cornish,- L.P L.P. Dulaney ? --- Ho -lland Winder- 43 Fred Sand-l-i-n --- Walter Parsons PI— Pe.te._EckPrt 1f Don Dillion Dr. Geo. Huebner -Ran. _Boswell Bill Elkins Alton Bowen W.T. Riedel E.F. Sevison Keith Langford 1- Y . TO THE LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR: Thcl studcnt, listed below, has successfully completed "INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING" home study course. Please note statement checked. TO THE STUDENT: Please check statement which best describes your feelings. I would be interested in further practical training in the use of Radiological Monitoring Instruments and a possible volunteer assignment now. I would be interested in further practical instrument training but no volunteer assignment except in an emergency. I would not like further Radiological Monitoring Instruction or a volunteer assignment. I am undecided. NAME: (Please Print Full Name) PHONE: HOME ADDRESS: CITY, STATE AND ZIP 7 e 6 • 7 " 7 Y/ June 17, 1970 Staff College P.O. Box 2000 Battle Creek, Michigan Dear Air: nclosed is a group of Local officials from Brazos County, Bryan and College Station, who wish to enroll in the Civil D.Ifense Home Study Caurae. 1 wmld appreciate, if possible, being notified when they ho7e completed the course. Sincerely yours, Jake nglfte County Directo Brazos County Civil Defeue September 7, 1970 Director Civil Defense, U.S.A. P. 0. Box 2000 Battle Creek, Michigan 49016 Dear Sir: Your informal postal card stating that you have no record of my completing the final examination in civil defense is acknowledged. I regret that I do not have a data processing machine to reply in kind. I did complete the course and took the final examination. Actually, a certificate was mailed to me but was returned to you because it was incorrectly made out. I took course as student no. 35752 (address label said 0042773). Frankly, if this is the way your office is handled, I do not care to hear farther from you on the matter. I took the course to be of help to my city. This is what matters. Just keep the certificate and put it in your data processing machine. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson, Mayor DAA :Ias cc: Jake Cangelose;, E 0 g ?, t% BRAZOS H i I COUNTY • JAKE CANGELOSE JOHN W. HILL County Director and Chairman Civil Defense & Emergency Planning Texas A &M University Director FRED SANDLIN County Courthouse GEORGE L. HUEBNER Bryan Director Bryan, Texas 77801 College Station Director January N 1973 Dear Enclosed is a Home Study Course for Radiological Monitors which I believe would serve as an excellent refresher course and bring you up to date with Civil Defense preparedness activities. If you should desire to take this course, please fill in the application card and mail direct to Battle Creek, Michigan and fill out the enclosed postcard for our files so that we can properly credit you with your Radiological Monitoring training background. Due to the long period of time since you have had your training, I highly recommend that if possible you enroll in this refresher course. If we can be of assistance contact us at 822 -7373, extension 219, 8 AM to 12 noon, Monday thru Friday. Si r, erely, ci 2 c e ng ose ounty Director Brazos County Civil Defense ASSIGNED---TRAINED RADIOLOGICAL MONITORS Jan 1973 ASTIN BLDG. Marvin Monk 507 W. 31st BOWIE ELEM. SCHOOL Rodger B. Watkins , 2507 Memorial BRYAN UTILITIES Sigal S. Rosier 405 May CENTRAL BRAZOS VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Coleman Marsh 435 Ehlinger CITY HALL John E. West 1804 Echols FANNIN ELEM. SCHOOL W.O. Davis 1111 Winter S.F.A. CIVIC AUD. Sylburn Anderson 4011 Tanglewood Mrs. Otilia Marin 400 N. Sims TEXAS HWY. DEPT. Guy R. Ward 1203 Garden Lane U.S. POST OFFICE Joe Marin 400 N. Sims VARISCO BLDG. Mrs. Inez Berger 1111 E. 23rd WOOLWORTHS Walter Riddle 3016 Maloney ACADEMIC BLDG. Dr. Charles McCandless 212 Redmond C/S BIZZELL HALL Clyde H. Blum- 212 Pershing C/S BOLTON HALL Albert J. Druce- 4312 Nagle CHEMISTRY BLDG. Dr. Fred Sicilio 1112 Ashburn C/S CYCLOTRON Lorenzo Wilborn 1307 Haines C/S FRANCIS HALL Dr. Leonard Burgess 404 Timber C/S GEOLOGY BLDG. Oran M. Taylor 1211 E. 26th NAGLE HALL Dr. Allan C. As hcraf t 201 Elm St. PET'. 4I L3M.ENG. Dr. Robert G. Cochran Rt. 4 C/S PLANT SCIENCE BLDG. Dr. Charles S. Miller 1104 Timm , S,/S PLANT SCIENCE BLDG. N. J. Pritchard 1809 Beck UOS.D.A. BLDG. Hayward A. Moncrief ; 209 Fleetwood Fr att �p ,fE �FA q • y W VI• F lA Texas $tf p.epartnunit of pealal JAMES E. PEAVY, M.D., M.P.H. COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH BOARD OF HEALTH HAMPTON C. ROBINSON, M.D., CHAIRMAN FRATIS L, DUFF, M.D., Dr. P.H. AUSTIN TEXAS 78756 ROBERT D. MORETON. M.D., VICE- CHAIRMAN DEPUTY COMMISSIONER , ROYCE E. WISENBAK ER, M.S. EN G., SECRETARY N.L. BARKER JR.. M.D. CHARLES MAX COLE, M.D. MICKIE G. HOLCOMB, D.O. JOHN M. SMITH JR., M.D. December 17, 1974 JESS ENN AVNE WES TR RO pH D.D.S. Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Bryan, Texas 77801 Dear Mr. Canglose: Enclosed are names of people who have completed the home study course titled, "Introduction to Radiological Monitoring." If possible these people should be given training in the use of radio- logical monitoring instruments and enlisted for voluntary service in your area. If we may be of : °urther assistance please call on us. Cordially, Charles E. King, Director Emergency Medical Services Division By: Pa Tom E. Payne State Radiological Maintenance Officer be enclosure • .TO THP, LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE :DIRECTOR: The student, listed below, has successfully completed 'IIWTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGICAL .MONITORING" home study course. Please note statement checked. TO THE STUDENT: Please check statement which best describes your feelings. I would be interested. in further practical training in the use of Radiological Monitoring Instruments and a possible volunteer assignment now. j, l I would be interested in further practical instrument training but no volunteer assignment except in an emergency. 0,00 I would not like further Radiological Monitoring Instruction or a volunteer assignment. RECEIVED /-etk am undecided. 7._ p C T 2 01975 N? ME : 4.,Z1 ase Print Full Tram ) PHONE: HOME ADDRESS: CI , STATE AND ZIP // 8 . � ` _.� r .. . Texas Department of Health Resources Fratis L. Duff, M.D., Dr.P.H. 1100 West 49th Street Members of the Board Director Austin, Texas 78756 (512) 454 3781 Robert D. Moreton, Chairman Raymond T. Moore, M.D. William J. Foran, Vice- Chairman Acting Deputy Director N. L. Barker Roderic M. Bell November 10, 1975 Johnnie M. Benson H. Eugene Brown Bill Burton Charles Max Cole Francis A. Conley William J. Edwards Sterling H. Fly Jr. Raymond G. Garrett Bob D. Glaze Blanchard T. Hollins Hon. J. Louis Odle, Director Raul Jimenez Maria LaMantia Bryan Civil Defense Philip Lewis P.O. Box 1000 Royce E. Wisenbaker Bryan, Texas 77801 Dear Judge Odle: Enclosed are names of people who have completed the home study course titled "Introduction to Radiological Monitoring." If possible these people should be given training in the use of radiological monitoring instruments and enlisted for voluntary service in your area. If we may be of further assistance, please call on us. Cordially, Charles E. King, Director Division of Emergency Medical Services By: e Tom E. Payne State Radiological Maintenance Officer ONAGERS • cb [ enclosure 4 NOV 14 75 e`, " t N, x p`< U ��f BRAZOS • COUNTY • O JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TWA ABM UNIVERSITY OIRECTC E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN.TEXAS 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRK" January 19, 1979 Mr. Charles E. King Texas Department of Health Div. of Emergency Medical Services 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 Dear Mr. King, Enclosed are five applications to be enrolled in the Home Study Course (HS -3) INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING. Bryan Fire Dept: 1. David E. Turek 2. Charles W. Nichols 3. Olen Pope ' 4. James Bland TAMU Engineering Extension Service - Police Training School: 1. Bill Cooksey We appreciate the interest of these men. Sincerely yours, • ,. I l e Canglose County Director and Chairman JC /lp Enclosures Following a presentation of the loss NEW SELF - DIRECTED STUDY information, workshop members COURSE divided into ten groups to identify problems which could affect specific A revised self- directed study course, services, i.e., radio, print media, Radiological Monitoring, is now utilities. available from FEMA's Office of Training and Education. It provides More than half of the people attend- the technical background needed for ing signed up to serve on one or serving as a local Radiological both of two task force groups being Monitor in nuclear attack emergen- formed in the region. One task force cies. Fundamentals of fallout fadia- deals with emergency public infor- tion are covered as well as tech - mation, and the other is concerned niques and procedures for using with public awareness and educa- • specialized instruments in the detec- tion. tion and measurement of radiation. This workshop was the first of UNDER DEVELOPMENT several similar earthquake preparedness activities under way in The following two self -study courses Washington State. The possibility of are being developed and are conducting a similar series of scheduled for release in early workshops in the Anchorage- October. Fairbanks area is also being Emergency Management USA is a discussed. g y g course for the general public. It pro - Virginia vides general information about Aerial Firefighting Techniques natural disaster, technological dangers and threat of nuclear war, An exercise in aerial firefighting the phases of emergency manage - techniques was held recently in ment, and the development of Virginia. Participants included the emergency plans to ensure the safe- Virginia Division of Forestry, the Of- ty of individuals and families. fice of Emergency and Energy Ser- i vices, and the National Guard. The Emergency Manager — Orientation to the Position is Guard helicopters used specially designed for the local emergency designed 150 - gallon buckets, which manager. It outlines the basics of were filled in a nearby river, to bring comprehensive emergency manage - a fire in the dense pine forest in ment and takes an in -depth look at Providence Forge, Virginia, under the four phases of emergency control. management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and Contributions to State and Local recovery. Notes are welcome. Please send in- formation to Jane Sornberger, FEMA These two courses replace the Office of Public Affairs, Washington, former Civil Defense USA and Civil D 20472. Defense Director /Coordinator Jane Sornberger courses. For more information about self- directed study courses contact FEMA Office of Training and Educa- tion, Washington, D.C. 20472. cet (; 1 6 11A4( 1 14441 F - ��� 29 / / , , `.-K,A., I r /4 *11/44 ZjA..d../..1 CIVA4 C ` i . r 1 / tA 7 Vi b /c.S --- — c'2-1/veih* kit/ / e::,...)....-.q.;),J llbd': ),„c-- ,E).,--- r ', d C.,:&- 1 z z..,,,,,, 1 ' A -.- --Qiu4 .- it • RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING HOME STUDY COURSE I HAVE ENROLLED IN THE HOME STUDY COURSE . I DID NOT ENROLL IN THE HOME STUDY COURSE NAME : ''l � 1 T ADDRESS : (U(O 131 s i c 8Y P `^ r) 770