HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreparedness Products Ad 1960's Permapak, Inc., 40 E. Robert Avenue, Salt Lake City 15, Utah Phone 486 -9671 PIE R . ����t ��� , Gam. PIONEERS IN PREPAREDNESS PRODUCTS To Civil Defense Leaders: For several years our company has specialized in food storage, survival kits, and camping foods. We have sold tens of thousands of kits. In recent months, quite understandably, we have been swamped with orders and, unfortunately, fell almost three months behind in shipping. By hiring many new employees, buying several new machines, and working three shifts daily on a 24 -hour basis, we have finally begun to see "daylight" and our orders can now be shipped within a few days after being received. We wrote a letter several months ago addressed to Civil Defense personnel, but delayed sending it for fear we might fall farther behind. As you will note by the accompanying brochure, we have several kinds of survival kits; other types, somewhat more appropriate for fallout shelters specifically, are in the final stages of planning. We shall send you additional details as soon as final specifications are determined within a few days. Following is a partial list of the products we sell which seem to have direct re- lationship to Civil Defense preparedness. Extra literature is available upon re- quest. Family Survival Kit Canned Water Toilets AWL Kari -Kit Blowers Stoves Tri- Supply Emergency Chest Filters Water Purifiers Life Pack Exhaust Vents Fallout Shelters Chow Belt Rate Meters (Fiberglass & Steel) Perma -Pak gives a 10% discount on bona fide group orders from $50 to $150 and a 15% discount for orders over $150; when 100 or more kits are ordered at a time, 20% is allowed. Hundreds of groups have taken advantage of these generous terms. We now have dealers in many parts of the nation, but there are still areas where we need representation. If we have no dealers in your area and if you know of someone who might wish to represent us, please ask him to contact us. Our dealer discounts are somewhat limited, but because our prices are so low, a substantial extra volume of business usually results. Sincerely, // Ken -th W. Porter Vice President and Sales Director Products for Survival , Camping and Storage