HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 Brazos County CD Organization and Operations Outlines May 6, 1975 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS OUTLINES General The Brazos County Civil Defense Office established under the author- ity of the cities of Bryan, College Station and Brazos county in accordance with local city ordinances, county court orders and the Texas Disaster Act of 1973 (Senate Bill No. 786) has the responsibility of emergency planning and implementation of emergency actions to cope with emergencies threatening life and property in Brazos county, the cities of Bryan and College Station. The Civil Defense Council consisting of the mayors of Bryan and College Station and the county judge9known as the Brazos county Civil Defense Councillforms the governing body of the Brazos County Civil Defense office. Civil Defense directors can be appointed by the local political subdivisions chief executives to carry out emergency planning and operations. Scope of Operations The Brazos County Civil Defense Office under the authority and direction of the Brazos County Civil Defense Council has the following duties: 1. Emergency planning with all local government heads and departments to cope with any local emergency or disaster. 2. Establishing and maintaining a local warning system for national or local emergencies. 3. Establishing a local tornado warning system. 4. Comply with local, state and federal laws, and /or guidelines for maintaining a strong capability for coping with any national emergency or natural disaster. 5. Education of general public concerning warnings, procedures, and emergency actions during emergency situations. 6. Planning and carrying out disaster relief operations as directed. 7. Recommend for implementation mutual aid agreements between local government agencies and departments for coping with local or national disasters or emergencies. References: Texas Disaster Act, 1973 (Senate Bill 786). Brazos County Court Order, April 13, 1959, Vol. 1, p. 243. City of Bryan Ordinance, July 12, 1959. City of College Station Ordinance, September 25, 1961. BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART • NOVEMBER 1971 • LEGAL ADMINIS TP.ATI VE CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL • PUBLIC INFORMATION� DIRECTORS STAFF MILITARY LIASON EMERGENCY BROADCAST S Y S N J • OPERA DES, HEALTH RADIOLOG I CAL C -4[MNPOWER DEFENS E MEDICAL MORTUARY WELFARE EDUCATION & TRAINING FOOD PUBLIC FALLOUT HOUSING SHELTERS REGISTRATION FIRE & RESCUE REHABILITATION POLICE & WARNING RATIONING RURAL ( EVACUEE CONTROL RESCUE . FIRE COMMUNICATIONS WARNING TRAFFIC & SECURITY FIXED TRANSPORTATION I COMMERICAL PUBLIC WORKS • .� SHELTER RACES & AMATEUR TORNADO WARNING UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING METEOROLOGY SERVICE GAS • • •