HomeMy WebLinkAboutRACES Communications plan 1961 _ g-C e A 0 0 A- if v ACes eZAA1 /1) . RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE PLAN FOR BRAZOS COUNTY TEAS 26 July 1961 Pursuant to authority contained in Federal Communications Commission Rules, Part 12, A11 existing provisions of sub -part A, "Rules Governing Amatuer Radio Stations and Operators ", through section 12.162, and sub -part B, "Rules Governing Radio Amatuer Emergency Service ", submitted herewith is the RACES Plan for Brazos County, Texas • This Plan will cover the area within the boundaries of this county, including towns and communities, except as specified by civil defenese authorities. I. GENERAL A. DESCRIPTION: The Radio A Civil Emergency Services (RACES) is a phase of Amatuer Operations for Civil defense communications purpose only. Primarily, it is designed as backup communications for telephone and teletype landline communication systems applicanle to Civil Defense. Races communications will be utilized for the purpose of communications at points of disaster, and whereever needed, at the discretion of Civil Defense authorities. Its purpose is to releive overloaded circuits and to replace circuits temporarily out of operation, as well as to furnish communications from areas where communications are not normally available. B. DEFINITIONS: 1. A Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Station is an Amatuer Radio Station authorized to operate in the Radio A Civil Emergency Service for Civil Defense Communications. 2. Civil Defense Communications are those Communications or Signals essential to the conduct of Civil Defense activities of duly authorized civil defense organizations, including communications directly concerning safety of life, preservation of property, maintenance of law and order, alleviation of human suffering and need, and dissemination of warnings of enemy attack to the civilian population in case of actual or impending attack, or in any disaster or other incident endangering the public welfare. Such communications may also include transmissions necessary for the establishment and maintenance of Radio system and communications essential to the Training of Civil Defense personnel. C. RESPONSIBILITY 1. Civil Defense Director a. The legally appointed Director of Civil Defense for this county is responsibile to local govermental authorities for protection and aid to the civilian population in the event of armed attack, or of any disaster or other incident endangering public safety. b. This RACES Plan and all future amendments will bear the signature of the Civil Defense Director. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN Brazos County Page 2 c. The Civil Defense Director for This County is NAME: Jake Cangelose ADDRESS: 402 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas 2. Civil Defense Communications Officer a. The Civil Defense Communications Cfficer has the direct responsbility under the Civil Defense Director for the provision, organization, Maintenance realness, and utilization of Communications to be used by this Civil Defense Organ - ization in the performance of its lawful functions. b. The Civil Defense Communication Officer for This County is: NAME: Chester A. O'Donnel ADDRESS: 315 Lee St, College Station, Texas 3. Civil. Defense Radio Officer a. The Civil Defense Radio Officer is Directly responsible to the Communications Officer for the provisions, organization, Maintenance, readness,and utilization of Radio Communications facilities for Civil Defense use. He is also responsible for Training of Operators in the Standard Operating Procedures. b. The Civil Defense Radio Officer for this County is: NAMES James Richard Kluth ADDRESS: 701 H College Station, Texas QUALIFICATIONS: Amatuer Radio Opr KSEPH, Cleared For Secret. 4, Alternate Radio Officers and Net Control Officers are: Name: Charles E. Burris Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 705 Old Hiway 6,College Station,Tex ( Amatuer Radio Opr KSEPE) NAME: Edgar D. Davidson Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 206 Gordon St, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr KSHXD ) Name: Lee L. Piraino Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 200 Academy St, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr W5DPP) Name: John B. Beckham Jr Position: Net Control Officer for Brazos County address: 200 Academy, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr K5KIC ) NAME: Leonard F. Woodworth Position: Asst Net Control Officer for Brazos Co Address: 403 N Haswell Dr, Bryan, Texas (Amatuer Radio Opr WSAZH) 5. RACES OPERATORS: a. Each RACES Operator is responsible to the Radio Officer or Alternate Radio Officer, through his Net Control Officer, for the operation of his assigned radio station, This will include sending and receiving of authorized traffic, using proper procedures, knowing and adjusting his assigned equipment where applicable, keeeping logs and records of Transmissions, receiptions and traffic. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN FOR BRAZOS COUNTY Page b. Races Operators to be utili in this plan are to be properly investigated as per paragraph I,e,of this plan, and a certificate issued to each operator in accordance with FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub Part Paragraph 12.241 D. ° A pp licabil ity of Ru les Governing Radio Amatuer Stations " and Op erators : In all cases not specifically covered by regulations contained in FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub-Part B, Licensed Amatuer Stations authorized for operation in the Radio Amatuer Radio Civil Emergency (RACES) shall be governed by the provisions of FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub Part A,"Rules Governing Radio Stations and Operators °, and advisory Bulletin # 122 (Revised October 1, 1959), which are not in conflict herewith. In case of conflict, the rules governing Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Services (RACES) shall govern in respect to any station operated in that service. E. Loyalty and Reliability Investions: 1. Facilities Available for Investigation completions: A. federal Bureau of Investigation b. Texas Hiway Patrol c.Brazos County Sherifls Department d. Bryan, Texas City Police Department e. College Station, Texas City Police Department f. Co- Workers g. Friends h. Neighbors i. Enployeers j. Former Employees • 2. All operators will be investigated by placing calls to the local law enforcement agencies concerning law violations. Operators must complete a prepared form listing names of friends, former employeers, neighbors, etc. All references will be checked and upon satisfactory completion of investigation, completed forms will be filed by the Radio Officer. F. Certification and Authorization: • 1. A completed Federal Communication (FCC) Form 482 for the Radio Officer is submitted with this plan. • 1. A Completed FCC Form 481 -3 for the Radio Officer and His alternates is submitted with this plan. 3. A certificate fulfilling the requirements of FCC Rule Part 12, Sub Part B, Par 12.241, will beissued to each operator - Station under this plan. G. Liaison and Coordination: Full cooperation will be made with similiar networks in this and adjacent areas so as to provide efficeint sharing of frequiencies to avoid or eliminate interference. This Civil Defense Organization will resolve all RACES Frenquency sharing problems within its own area of operations. This organization will resolve with Civil Defense Organizations in other areas, any mutual RACES Frequency - sharing problems, present or future. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN FOR BRAZOS COUNTY Page JL II. ORGANIZATION: A. RACES NETWORKS: a. The Network Name is: Brazos County Civil Defense Net b. The Area to be covered by this Net is: Brazos County and Cities listed therein. A map of Brazos County, lexas is attached to this plan. c. The Purpose of this net is to provide Radio Communications for Civil Defense Communications Purposes only. d. List of Frequiencies to be used in the Operation of this Net Are: 1. Training: 28.72 2. Operation on Call of the Civil Defense Director is: 28.72 MC, fl. 115.68MC, 220.660 MC, 222.60 MC e. Cali Signs of the Net Control Station is : K 5 WIC NCS:: John B. Beckham K5WIC 1015 James Parkway, College Station, Texas ALTERNATE NCS: Leonard F. Woodworth W5A.ZH 403 N Haswell St, Bryan, Texas f. Call Signs will be assigned by the radio Officer or his alternate in such a manner that. there will be minimum possibility of confusion: Call Signs will be The Unit Type; WIC 6 B 1, WIC 6B 2 etc. g. The'Tactical Call Sign for Brazos County is: Aggie Zero One. h. No Codes or ciphers will be used. 1. Types of equipment, emmision, Power source, power output, location and other other pertinent information will be kept on file with the Brazos County Radio Officer for use when needed. j. List of all Fixed stations and other possible places of operation will be kept on File with the Brazos County Radio Officer for any possible use. Brazos County Civil,Defense Radio Station (Main) will be established in the Brazos County Court House. k. Estimated No of Portable & Mobile Stations expected to be used: Nine(9) B. LONG -HAUL COMMUNICATIONS: Long Haul Communications will be through the facilities of State Races Net. III. OPERATIONAL TRAINING It is the responsibility of each RACES Operator to qualify himself to operate in accordance with the US Civil Defense Amatuer Radio Alliance (USCDARA) Standard Operating Procedures Manual. The Radio Officer will delegate to the Net Control Officer the responsibility for organizing training networks for the purposes of training RACES Operators. SUBJECT: RCES PLAN BRAZOS COUNTY Page 5 IV: ORGANIZATION CHANGES Any changes in this plan pertaining to the operations or personnel will be submitted for approval as as amendments to this plan. APPROVAL: ; 27 ." 4 " --4 " --7. / X2 21 Cou ty Radio l Tatar 4W'e a ex. APPROVED: County Communications fficer APPROVED: ---� County Civil De nse Director APPROVED: State Radio Operator APPROVED: State Civil Defense Director APPROVED: Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Attachments: 1-. Brazos County Map BRAZOS couNTr CIVIL DSif, BRAZOS COUNTY BRYAN TEXAS Date SUBJECT: Brazos County Civil Defense RACES Alert nom TO: The Brazos County Civil Defense Director Mr Jake Cangelose Brazos County Court ouse Bryan, Texas The follovin;77 is an alert diagram for the alert of the RACES ()partitive and Officers of the Brazos County RACES Plans CD DIRECTOR 44AZOS COUNTI ./. : : ,/ : Brazos County Co Officer \ Chester O'Donnell E 5 K 1 0 ."■. ...,,,, . 1 i i Edgar DDavidson James R. Kluth Charles L. Burris Lee L Pktaano I 1 Joe Bonifazi }orris 1 Stone John B Beckham Jr John Badgett i (NCS) iNgeil Brice Britton O. L. Bate L F Woodworth I 1 (AsstNCS) NMI& 1 i Cicel Stallworth Bon Dale Jim Nash 1 Roy Burnheart James Lynch T 0 Walton Sr 1 I Marion Scarmardo Henry allielealli John Barnett i Argolis aearoardo Roil of adresses and business address vtth her and business phones atcched to this letter. JAMES R. YLUTH Radio Officer Brazos County RACES ANNEX A to Brazos County Civil Defense RACES Alert Plan. Page 1 NAME ADDRIISS(Home and Work) Phone (Business & Home) Jake Cangelose 402 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas TA 3:f6421 Dept Oceanography AMC VI 6 Chester °Donnell K5KIG 315 Lee St, College Station, Texas VI 6-4256 Bryan Police Dept TA 2..1205 Edgar D. Davidson K5HID 206 S Gordon St, Bryan, Texas TA 2-.3418 National Guard Armory ,Bryan,Tex TA 2..1600 James R. Kluth K5EPH 701 Highland, College Station, Tex VI 6.-6353 National Guard ArmorY Tk 2.000 TA2-1600 Charles E Burris K5EPE 705 Old Hiway 6,Colloe Station VI 6...6560 Dept of Meterology, TexAMC VI 641791 Ext 58,60 Joe M Bonifazi KCB}[ Kurten, Texas TA 2.3096 Self Employeed-Farmer Pancher Morris B Stone K54,EV 70e Maryem St, College Station,Tex VI6-7871 Or VI6-6520 John B Beckham Jr K5WIC 1015 James Parkway,College Station,Tex VI 6-5290 Student A&M Consolidated "igh VI 6-4813 Part Work-A&M Golf Course VI 6-5110 Brice Brittion W5UJO 103 S Ennis St, Bryan, Texas TA 3..3378 Barron Brittion Inc 1213 S College,Brtan TA 2-1305 0.L. Pate K5G Harvey Road, Brian, Texas TA 2-0508 Fire Station,Bryan AFB, Bryan,Tex TA 2-a681 Lee Piraino W5DPP/K5WFC 200 Academy, Bryan, Texas TA 2-.4053 Lee Radio W 25th St,Bryan, Texas TA 2.-1611 L. F. Woodworth WWII 403 N aaswell,Bryan, Texas TA 2-6040 Dept of Oceanography&Meterology TexAMC VI 6..4791,Lxts 60 or 58 Cecil Stallworth K5CCE 2021 Neuches Lane, Bryan, Tex TA 244511 Greisser Meet, Bryan, Texas TA 2-1423 Don Dale K5Vai 1008 Windinc: Rd,College Station,Tex VI 6. 1313 Texas Ave, Bryan, Texas TA 2..3732 Roy Burnheart 115EAL Alien Mil Acad,Bryan, Texas TA 2..1428 Marion Scarmardo K5KXC 800 N Parker St , Bryan, Texas TA 244515 &armada Grocery Store TA 2-8539 Angelia Scarmardo K5KID 800 N Parker St, Bryan, Texas a 2-4515 Scarmardo Grocery Store TA 2-8539 AEX A To Brazos County Civil Defensem RACES Plan Page 2 NAME ADDRESS (Home and Work) PHONE (Business & Home) Henry Menefee W5RAS 2614 Maloney St, Bryan, Texas Te.6577 2 Way Radio Service TA2-3733 Jean Burris K5WJJ 705 Old hiway 6 Station VI6-6560 John Badgett K1VI 208 Pershing St,College Station VI 6-.4238 Student A&M Consolidated High. School VI 64110 Dr T 0 Walton Sr Munson Dr., College Station Texas VI 6-4034 903 HLyay 6 VI 6 WILL OPMATEW5 AC Texas A&M Clud Radio Station John Barnett K5GYU Room 9 Mitchell Hall-Call Housing Office VI6-5713 Part Time Work KBTX TV VI 6 Can Call MSC fixt 25 VI6-8721 Jim Nash KSBDC Room 76 Hall-Call Housing Office V16.5713 (Xn Call MSC Eat 25 V16