HomeMy WebLinkAboutTornado Warning and Emerergency Meteorolgical Plan 1970 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL I FENSE COUNTY COURTHOUSE BRYAN April 1970 TORNADO WARNING AND EMERGENCY METEOROLOGICAL DIVISION PLAN ANNEX: J) CO 4J H .0 O •r-I Z •r-1 .N a b0 0 CO 0 0 0 r24 1--1 44 0 � . � � 0 � Z W •r-1 u o r-i W < d 41 P- w rl 0 0 W 4.J --0- 0 a ? a v cn a) cd A O z + � 0 Pa $_. v u cd 019 0 P' H Sa C..) 0 4..) o m • t 0 .•y p U G N CJ a 0.i ^ 0 .�a z Z A bD cn H H ) - CO •ra cd 0 m I } En a I pa t •rd p N v up a I G 1 N I■ O 0 1 Ea v Ty ] A U cd 1 + >+ 0 34 I •ra ••■ W O > A 0 C/) I"... •r-I Z CA 0 0 W H w W u Sa 14 cd Q > 1 .c •.-1 u 0 a) ca H a . I to H 1 3 3 t 0 O ..� .- 4-1 U 1 U I u-4 v ra ° v I > a i w g4 0 • t 0 1 r O 0 CO (ID • • CO .. CU -1-i -1-i (I) 4-.) r w v a) Cr) m En A A A v 1-1 1 ra I CU w OD •r-1 d • 1 Z Z 0 U H H P.4 --9.■ I H bD m 0 •r RS 0 x A I1 H ' U] 0 0 a) 4- i W y H • � m •r-1 z u .0 O W . cA O 0 bD G H G 0 0 0 •■l •r-I • Sa U U a CA w ° 3 C CU v CO — 41 " - w b0 u — 4-- r • 0 •r.1 0 • w 0 . P-1 bp CL) En A p u CO 4-1 al "Y . w i0 O C` 0 Z z • EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS TAMU COMMUNICATIONS FAA SHERIFF DPS CENTER Leroy Johnson 846 -8784 322 -2525 345 -4311 846 -8785 822 -2345 822 -6111 845 -4567 Control tower 846 -4419 Williams (H) 846 -4383 EMERGENCY UNITS RADAR STATION POLICE Huebner 845 -6645 Radar Room 845 -6013 Bryan 822 -1596 (H) 846 -5475 Meteor. Dept. 845 -6011 College Station 846 -8364 Kluth 822 -1600 Moyer (H) 846 -5130 (H) 846 -7960 Clark (H) 822 -6270 Campus Youngblood 823 -8010 Lightfoot (H) 825 -2542 Security 845 -2345 (H) 822 -4081 (PMVASO1A) SCHOOLS A&M WEATHER STATION CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICIALS Bryan Lightfoot 845 -642' County Bowen (H) 846 -0676 — Canglose 845 -6013 822 -1655 (H) 823 -0524 323 -5441 HOSPITALS Burns 345 -3126 323 -5442 (H) 846 -4130 823 -5443 Bryan 822 -1340 Bryan St. Joseph's Sch.. 022 -6641 822 -1347 Sandlin 823 -0071 822 -5614 822 -1348 (H) 846 -5308 822 -2721 822 -1349 Texas A &M Allen Academy 823 -0066 St. Joseph's Hill 845 -2533 023 -0067 822 -3776 (H) 346 -4531 823- 0068 822 -3777 College Station College Sta. 822 -3778 Huebner 845 -6645 Riedel 846 -5110 822 -3790 (H) 846 -5475 846 -8225 Boswell 846 -33068 846 -4870 (H) 846 -7034 FIRE DEPT. NEWS MEDIA JOHN RAUCH Bryan 822 -1213 KBTX -TV 846 -7777 WTAW 846 -7788 Rescue Units #2 Station 822 -1939 846 -5728 Watkins (H) 846 -7176 845 -2122 Central Sta. 822 -2722 KORA 322 -1240 Thompson 823 -5745 845 -2723 (H) 846 -9092 822 -4812 College Sta. 846 -4567 Mistovich (H) 822 -6547 KWCB (Navasota) Jones (H) 822 -1133 825 -6484 Additional listings: BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE Tornado Warning Plan April 1, 1969 I. GENERAL The Brazos County Civil Defense Tornado Warning and Meteorological Division, established under the authority of Brazos County, Bryan, College Station, and Texas A&M University, has the basic mission of providing a tornado warning plan and meteorological support in the event of a national emergency. To provide a comprehensive tornado warning plan, this division has co- ordinated the use of meteorologists at Texas A&M University and the cooperation of federal, state, county, and city offices, volunteer spotters, and Citizens Band and RACES communication units for tornado detection and warning. The Texas A&M Radar Control Room is the nerve center of the tornado - watch operation with the Texas A&M Communication Center providing a 24 -hour communication point for receiving reports and handling emergency and warning communications. II. SEVERE WEATHER ALERTS Whenever a severe weather alert is issued for this area, the following procedures will apply: A. FAA and DPS, upon receipt of severe weather alert or reports of severe weather in the outlying areas, will notify the Tornado Warning Officer or his deputies on the radar phone. B. If the Radar Station is closed, FAA or DPS will immediately contact the communications center and give them the information. C. Tie Comminications Center will then notify the Tornado Warning Officer or his deputies. D. The Tornado Warning Officer or his deputy will activate the Radar Station and go on tornado watch if needed. E. Detection agencies and tornado spotters will maintain a "tornado watch" and if a tornado is spotted will immediately call the Radar Room, giving location, direction of travel, name, and unit number or telephone number. F. If close in "on -spot watch" is needed in areas where no spotters are located, the Tornado Warning Officer or his deputies will contact the Civil Defense Citizens Band Communications Officer, who will send a dispatcher - 1�Yl. I.lr1M6Mlb'R:('. 44)1 t - 4 r .. .+sN C.3 •4.A.... k �, -2- operator to the Radar Station and activate the local Citizens Band club mobile units to move into predetermined watch locations or other stations as needs arise for weather intelligence reports. G. Unusual weather condition reports received by the Department of Public Safety, Sheriff's Department, Texas Highway Department, or other law enforce- ment agencies will be relayed to the Tornado Warning Officer either at the Radar Station or the Communication Center. H. The Brazos County RACES officer will alert all RACES units; infor- mation on weather conditions in areas roughly southwest to northeast of Brazos County within a range of approximately 75 miles will be relayed to the RACES officer. The County RACES officer will keep the Tornado Warning Officer in- formed of unusual weather conditions in outlying areas such as: a., large hail; b., high winds; c., extremely heavy rainfall. III. TORNADO WARNING A. When the Tornado Warning Officer, either by radar detection or spotters' reports, determines that a tornado warning should be issued, he will take the following action: 1. If the tornado path threatens the cities of Bryan or College Station: a. Notify the Communication Center to activate the public warning signals and put the tornado warning plan in operation. b. Call the local news agencies for an emergency broadcast of the impending danger. 2. Local police units, sheriff department units, and Department of Public Safety units, when applicable, will supply their headquarters with current in- formation on funnel path and direction of travel. 3. Department communication officers will keep the Tornado Warning Officer advised of pertinent information for advance warning of the tornado path. 4. All emergency Civil Defense units such as rescue, Citizens Band, RACES, medical, etc., will report to their division officers and stand by for emer- gency assignments. IV. RURAL TORNADO WARNING 1. When determined by the Tornado Warning Officer that a tornado threatens an area outside the cities of Bryan and College Station, he will immediately: • -3- a. notify the local radio and TV stations to issue an immediate news bulletin advising the threatened area of the impending danger. b. notify Communications Center to advise all key agencies but will not activate the cities tornado alarm systems. c. the Tornado Warning Officer will notify the Sheriff's Department, Department of Public Safety and the County Civil Defense Director. d. Sheriff's Department and D.P.S. units will proceed immediately to the threatened area to give assistance and supply intelligence reports. • e. the Sheriff's Department will alert the Brazos County Emergency Corp to stand by for possible assistance. f. All agencies of city and county CD units will stand by for Emergency Assignment. Although this plan has been carefully reviewed and all aspects taken into consideration, it must be recognized that emergencies do not always occur ac- cording to plan. All persons engaged in emergency activities should remember that good judgement and a careful analysis of the situation is always important before a decision is made. In many instances the Situation Gives the Order under emergency conditions. Dr. Vance E. Moyer Tornado Warning and Meteorological Division Chief Dr. Robert A. Clark Deputy Mr. James W. Lightfoot Deputy approved by: Jake Canglose County Civil Defense Director Fred Sandlin Bryan Civil Defense Director John W. Hill Texas A&M Civil Defense Director George L. Huebner College' Station Civil Defense Director