HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 A&M CHS v. Navasota Rattlers ' J 7 I 4 • ca 0 . .ri. diop -. • • O �.t • t ‘ s • TIGER HOPES — Senior Russell Welch is one of Consoli- dated's few returning lettermen, and along with end Larry Randolph, the only starters from last season's team that will be on hand for the season opener Friday in Navasota. Welch I � hit 16 of 43 pass tries for 248 yards, last year as alternate signal - caller. He shared scoring honors with left half John if Pedigo on three TDs and six extra points. (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis). rp t Qs • .1• • •• Injury-Hit � A ssets Are Scarce By JOHN WEST team that posted a 4 -7 record. Larry Randolph (158), Robert Eagle Sports Editor "We're going to make opponents Chenault, 158, left tackle; Sid- ' With hustle, attitude and de- adjust their defense," explained ney Coufal, 155, left guard; Roe - 1 sire as chief assets, A &M Con- the coach. "Ors defense, we're ber, 165, center; Brown, 158, solidated's 21 -AA Tigers round just going to have to out -gut right guard; Larry Parsons, 178, out pre - season practice tomor- them." right tackle, and Todd, 135, row before meeting Navasota The Bengals will be working right end. Friday night. , from an unbalanced line, slit Tf)14,Mv TAYLOR (158) a de- The injury- riddled team, only end "T" with Russell 'Welch, a fensive starter of the 1960 Tig- four lettermen (two starters) returing starter, in the man un- ers, is a likely candidate at this strong from last year, received der slot point to fill one of the injured 1 another staggering blow Wed- BEFORE THE growing sick- players' slots. David Parsons, nesday when senior guard Jack list ripped the starting lineup 155 pound senior, was named to Atwater was found scholastical- apart, Jones had 160 pound fill right guard . ly ineligible. Welch at quarterback, Jimbo Larry Parsons, with a broken EDSEL JONES. taking Con- Carroll and Burke (both 148) at finger in a cast, will probably solidated's helm without the left and right halves and Mc- play Friday, according to the benefit of spring training after Afee, 150 pound junior, at full. head coach Ed Logan's resignation, will Across the line, starting at Jones is assisted by Jack have only two of the four let- left end, were returning starter Churchill and Art Bright. termen to play Friday when Consolidated travels to the Rat- , tiers He had a light squad of ' 36 gridders report for openir • workouts. Senior Charles Roeber, ce::< ter, and junior Ozzie Burk right half, (remaining letter:'. men) are waylaid with injuries as are Trwin Todd, senior end, and Jim McAfee, junior full- , back. McAfee and Roeber are out with separated shoulders and are expected to miss two weeks of action. TODD recuperating from a minor back injury, is expected back in uniform next week, as is Burke Others sidelined are Butch Brown, second unit cen- t ter, who suffered a possible mild concussion in a scrimmage last night, and Danny Feldman, right end on the second Team. Jones' charges have put in o weeks of workouts and met , e Bryan High Colts last night in their first scrimmage. "We're really hurting for depth," commented Jones. "But if our buys gc to Navasota Fri- day night and put out on every play like they did last night, I'll be real proud of them —win. P atch-Work .,. On en Season Tonight By JOHN BADGETT Eagle Sports Staff A &M Consolidated's Tigers open the local 1961 football sea - in the lineup next week but guard, freshman David Par - McAfee and first string center sons (156); right tackle, junior Roeber are out for two weeks J. W. Parsons (182) and right with separated shoulders. end, Irvin Todd (135). son tonight on Brule Field in At left tackle is junior Rob- Tommy Taylor, a defensive Navasota against the Rattlers. ert Chenault (160), left guard, starter last year, and Tommy Game time is 8 PM. Sidney Coufal (155); center, Hughes will see action on de- For Coach Edsel Jones the soph Bill White (137); right fense, according to Jones. opener has provided a night- mare of preparation. Though the Tigers, defending 19 -AA champions, expect an almost evenly matched contest, seven gridders, including two of four returning lettermen, are side- tracked with injuries. ADDITIONAL problems have beset the Tiger mentor this week. Senior guard Jack At- water was found scholastically ineligible and second string center Butch Brown was re- moved from the squad for the remainder of the season with a mild concussion. In contrast Gerald Cook's Rattlers, who downed Consoli- dated in last year's season opener, 16 -0, claim 10 mono- gram winners and no major in- juries. Navasota finished 22 -AA competition in third place in 1960 and are rated no better than fourth in '61. COOK HAS named an ex -' perienced backfield of Mike Mason, QB; Huntington Swan- son, RH; Paul Grupa, LH, and Steve Harris, FB, to go against Jones' charges. Two light, fast lines are matched with the Rattlers hav- ing (from left end across) Thomas Mitchell, Jimmy Swan- son, Billy Patterson, Anthony Sledge, Michael Moore, Jimmy Grice and Jim Harrington up l front. Jones has had to dig into the freshman ranks for starters to- night to replace injured Charles Roeber, center, and Ozzie Burke, right half. the two re-