HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 A&M Consolidated HS Graduation & Accolades r 1 r n, i 1 2- sa -Pl. n 4 , i 9 adeeaeeoit Swicerie4 AB C onsolidated Senior High School College Station, Texas 1 __,-------",,--- -'-- i \ s \-''sN''' „-----'---' ./t \ ; i \ \ \ III I • , i . \ \ „ \ /' \ \ Sunday Evening, May 23, 1965 Thursday Evening, May 27, 1965 Eight o'clock e arolyn E ay e ooper ; . I r 0 b Qi x y b o co co co m 4 4 o co 4 N A o co co a. en m Po iS O C. .w r- 4 b O a .� ti c I 0 a o cn 0 O o 5 m O ct7 7 m ° .Z ti, co ° _ » 7 " M b A A., K O 'It .. A A n n r. p Q A .t w • '• c 0 a w O •-■ yy O 0 ti w • y " Hs � ° p v ° p co `41 ' -t c. c 5• c r co a Ky o p. y ° fi % c � d Col rt c •,' ... " c v . o r y w y ar 0 `A o °, -, ° p •� co O r. `O Z o eg y 0 6 � d CA 0 P . ...:4 w co H o o .w• O r. It r r r o �, o s y n b te a. a. c a. CD 0 tt — or .. CD �. o . ' a o •1 w ti K p p K m 0 b b b co • CO C. p V „ 0 n CO OD y• 5 w P4 .. 4. 5 ems. A . 5 A A O O• O O. 4 A t ti Vi • .-"',4 n y ;• .4 �b C*) = ° o c � A ft o 5: w t o co y R° Ottt2itt HxxC Q' 7� G . o o 5 O e� co c e p c 0 m m o ■y 2 n y . K r ° . A O Z ,y ° `,I,' ,., A !. (• .1 • rn s n R' 0 • o c a 9 M °c rn . a CO 1 1:1 ` a d h. o e E .. r. y n M A . 9 x 5 . a: • R° 0 n o a. y Pt ° '1 S3! co to O 0 Po S y. .4 Q n �., A t) o 9' CD p p r p et- (1) Q . . A ° x 0 ", `° 0.• p✓ cn 0 Ti ti p c._, n M Po tt co rd y ., o c9. 0 0 0 N O c 0 m IV b � , c co a 5; p ., ti ` . o "4 co CL f9 a. p + G CD a. p p `4 . cd .�. .ii p C ROLL Sare Kimmel Alexander William Charles Gilmore David Thomas Maddox James William Amyx III John William Gladden Sylvia Ann Mansfield Alexa Ann Avera Larry Lynn Godfrey Jane Emily Martin James Michael Beamer Christelle Marie Gooding Ruth Gordon McGill Thomas Dan Beauchamp Claude Darrell Gossett Fred Richter McNeil Karen Ann Berndt Carl Merl Gough Jr. Linda Louise Meiller Robert Gayle Bishop Carlyne May Gough Tommy Owen Meinecke Linda Lee Bloom Janet Florence Gould Sherry Lynn Mims Susan Elaine Boswell Isabel C. Gramatges Robert Lee Morris Janet Elaine Botner Billie Jean Greer Frank Rowl Morrison III Darrell Ronald Brown Virginia Gregory David Wayne Murphy Yolonda Jean Burkhalter William Birch Harris III Dora Charlene Ogle James Craig Butler Russ Parker Harvell David Leroy Parson Philip Charles Butler Georgia Ann Heritage Virginia Ann Patterson Paul Kenneth Calaway Jr. Jerry Edward Holbert John Vivian Perry III Mary Elizabeth Calhoun David Nilsen Holmgreen Dick Harris Pewthers Earl Franklin Carls Scott Allen Holt Sylvia Kay Price Richard Lee Carlton Carolyn Kay Hooper Robert John Reid Rex Travis Carroll Patricia Lynn Hornsey Randolph G. Richardson James Lee Carter Patricia Lee Hotchkiss Deborah Lynn Rose Larry Harold Carter Sylvia Ailese Houston Sally Diane Ross Charles Jacob Castle Martha Jane Houze Linda Lynn Rudder Cathryn Cleland Jacquelyn Kay Hunt Jonathan Sharon Charles Ray Courim Johanna Karen Johnson Christine Louise Schroeder Jean Anne Davis James Robert Jones Jana Shaffer Janet Gayle Dayton Carolyn Dianne Kemmer Rosemary Sharp Margaret Rose Deason Karlene Knebel Daisy Mary Sloan Donald Charles DeLucia Bernice Margaret Krenek Sallye Jane Sorenson Tom Charles Denton Susan Elizabeth Layman Kathleen Jane Sperry Michael F. Doran Susan Carol Lee Barbara Sue Staten Kay Vasser Douglas Diane Louise Leipper Elizabeth Ann Stelly John Thomas Duncan Kathleen Elizabeth Lewis Walter Andrew Varvel Margaret Nell Durst Linda Louise Liles Daniel Truett Whitt Jr. Katherine Anne Edwards Michael Irving Linger Alice Putz Van Winkle Claire Beth Elkins Bruce Lolmaugh Timothy Mark Wolters Donna Jean Files Harold Glenn Luedecke Fred Willard Worley Peter Gail Fagan Claudia Radle Luedke Gail Dianne Venuti Sandra Carol Free Sharon Ann Lynch Sharon Ann Yeager tri ti g \ t=i P k , ..=n 1.4 IA 2 4 . \tit 3.4 V: At a ( 1 i rd, (t4 v.. 4 . 4 4-4 41 ch. = lt 4 - 4 % t:4 itt 1 t. f % 1 A 1 H 04 0 • • • • .k Niff -_^ ~ ` ` ' . _ _ `' ■ , _ - -_ `/ _`-� _`. �,. �~, . . ,,,..i ,,,,-..i ,:----7 000 111 E,) ) ,I ' ':61(/`:‘' Li):1 15:1 J - 1:: k „,..„, am , .1.7,/ A ' ---- ' 1 ' C - -7 1 rein rl 6 H.:- L I L.-H . 0.14'0 117 FP. iMrlin.__.L.,, vt T,,.' -- '1 --__, _ . . @arolyn (0 ay ekoojer (n��n �Jhe venior @laassss� A and Consolidated L�JZs 4;1.l announces its C ommencement !xercises Jursda evenin //l evenin (Ma twent seventh (/ lineteen hundred sixt 4ve Weigh ei o'clock 2Je Uchool uditorium O accalaureate ( May 2ar eig1i Q/1. i V, 1 .. 4uditorium E Music x�smw: A„A iiv 000MOM •.G; ,c tle outstcnc'ing Class of 10G5 being for the first -nd i» tLne 1!i s -nd .7ane ,lood and a totally a7fected st_Le of ,1J_Ad do heceby t-'co the usu_l. ')e(I in h nd for the bc )i s:.,ch goods :nd .)closgn-s as h._,ve been in %air ossess n for : _2 st fou: ye .rs to the mem'..)ers of the unsus;ecting Junior of 1;C6 this 10th d-y of ,;)ril in the yc-r 1D05. le, ves his o.1 the b„s'cetball team to ) C,,r1ton leaves second Base his s1 i shorts to JiTh Ro.cLson. Li'sons lc vos is discus and ties to .,ac :olc)mb; acid ljs shoi UL to .L.t Colliha;1. 13. d Fcnry 1eve their attendance records to Lary Ruth .c.tkins ar ath-T Sderry le_ves hr othc to no Juniors. 31_1:. Gil—lore gives ir. 3ircham to Chorles 31-ja iansfcld leaves Joe :lite. Ch. ]as Castle lisv,s his saneal:, to David 3russe. )arjc, 2;ad' leavLs his s-rvice to t'ne T.F. to Davi(' .;oorc. _ :cr F. .n 1 3ooncv'llc CeIcter to Jerry D,w's. Bloom lecv s the r side of the road to X, Fisher. o dsho) an.d Lin. ud 'er lc-ve ticir dou')10 d t to Steve reEcott and Linda illi,ms. Lee leaves her .lay romance to Susie lrotin. Rut cCi11 leav the dont in her car to ,nne i,acLurray. Da )orn le ves his hair cut aV s c-t rs to "Shar;" twican leLxs his fo I.D. to To:.1.1y C-rturi Icowr. lcavLs Martin a ft li). luti r le-vcs ,is st to r. aircha. 3o. . leaves his s'cateboard to Laurence Ii7rdnia Greory le:.vcs h r y lite cnt slocL to Dorot ly Cre Gosse;:t le_ves th c oLr. h' iqcr1nd Turnta'Ace st lr v s :hirly 51u-'cr her on re- uest \TiinL ,atterson lo,Lvcs her Lccent to nn a1 olin Joo2er lc 1, swin ! to Crol .hiting. :clot 3otn 1:-vcs hr mo:cn to ;velyn LcylJn. • Jaisy Sloan z dle to Deb:A° Coo r. .athr en Clel.:..nr1 le_ vg's her soft h. it to Janet Jolt. James ::rter leaves 'pis 1953 limousine to lake Coo2er. Chris Goodin; leaves her petiteness to Jah Barris. Carlyn Gough 1 _;gives her voice to Cindy :ous-res. Tr-vis Cz_rroll le_.vcs his alertness to .r -? is Kemler. e:z.:ier and Jac':ie :Iunt leave their lawn chair and stool to +cison and Linda Isbell. Claire Elkins lei ;v s her "racket" / � to Lire Ilensarlinr . r • •■ � .. � t .: r� f__ l _"�'� �i P2 4 (d/6 - _i.. , Q� r �: f I '1,! „ ���.J_ Susan 3o:%.ell leaves :3onnie share her :,a*:,e -uo kit. Don J _Luc i.a his romp. n is ua, to David i.,orley. ;dr')r__ra ... c. atcn 1cav: h:r curls to -agcy Owen. Donna 2i] es leaves her voice to Lillian Surovik'. JeE Greer and . nary 7,0th Calhoun leave their dar ring s;ot :_ 1 . c ont of Henderson :Iail to ,'lice 3erry. 3o) ,1.(t: lc_.vcs his hardkerchi of to illi c -d :ponds. Xis .',.:.c ° 'er and Georc_ is •ierit r'c leave slu :,:'.)er parties to 3cc?cy 3icii .o. Diann, t css leaves h r double date to Cynthia Castle, Jim crye; leaves s one hone to ':ie'. Landman. C� rl ";our l 1:. -yes his tea and ,cct rolls to puke Miller. Jerry i -rives his driver's license to Rich Runklcs. John : errs leap -s-- all of his _roker !;inni: s to John 3aldauf. Danny :hitt lc v::s the Clark room to Scott Hervey. Fred :orlcy le_ves his _ 1._ybovs to David Creech. Timmy ..o1L ors cjives his boots, sunglass- s, and co.:bov hat to Geor ;e Crea or. Russ = lur.ell leaves his Wi r1 ;ool to 2d Gol: th. Cur.;;.;' :: is ami :r le-vcs her hair -dos' to Loretta Covin .t)n. Jana leav s her s : i.z,.:,ing s !it to :wren 3ovkin. Sall. fc : 3nson le_v. s her ch cken ,ox Lo Sus, Cul ep''er. Jet Gould le_.ves the b- _11 jaries to Sh , �; ' : i ., err i� 01.,. Sh..rcn Ycarn:r leaves her h•. it coloring to 3ec!cv :Go c:ik. Joanna Johnsoe le•.._ves her CCrades to ;ally Robison. Larry CzIr'cer le_.vcs his '27 fla ' s to John 3;;rivane'c. alter- Varvel leaves a Mac': tsar': . r. Yolon 'a 3urlch alter 1 ...v s her ho :Ic .1. ' :i n ; :�sitions to Jane Jou' :e . ihc :_ry + - 1i ".i is aid DaV-I'' ..ur > .y leaf- m 7 sion s to 3eckv Cn1y Upham. :und...; �. i sc:_ ior class le vcs 1 i,artin