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'''' ' - '' ' : ', 1 i ' ....71''''. lir r Focal Photography 1 You and your date are invited to the opening of the Club Hula Haven Saturday evening, March 14 8 :30 - 12:30 Triangle Ballroom Honoring: Pam Adams June Bearden Peggye Breazeale Margaret Brown Joy Cooper Sue Hierth Patricia Hill Sherry Holland Susan Timm Dianna Weirus 1 4(.44444;_tt .s - St' -, 4 e L-- X- 10 P -4 #41 1d 7. 6--11*-- *' ^ e : "Ole ,- *.blit 111 - , 04 . k,,...*: .64■ - og■-•*i -it - ti- A. 'fit ' - -- -- -4.50-.**rtir-torpr •5,1...-",,-,, , * --0107*-111-11,--"Pif**,;:.khlitti.'410-la-4-- ."*i-trllb--m11r4--toin'- it__.•__4,4t.„..vi . _ssi.",,o,„*.....0._ ,_ , 460,0,4,....0.1„.40,1,.., _...w_r_v_rit4t—t_iveltrali-lif-r-ir-ir-ifttliti- •--.itrl, , , 1 *--40-vvr 00 . 4 , "*Agriv'w1 - [ -lkk-*ie-^'ia-lik-ej&r,-lv-tn---*P_'-oo--rv- --7,1intlr-40,-*Kt.An ' .40-Nr.-Niv-Ii-lt.:1*..e.*111,-,41*-*11-.111e410""41,11tilirillit7411111041e".4001 : 14^ - ii• - "li - iii - li , 1111e1,.. - 44t111 1 ."'W .- "et.'"1 1 1 . 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' ' + N • E p G..Kki �' v . • ,a .1 /t .' , i - t 3 f i • .• -m ' 1 i MG ciorroN S A Focal Ph ! phy VI 6 -5155 .44%, 4 ..y- �. • Alk ir i fillik it r _ 1 i w s 1 c . _ 1 . 1 11 . , . , t.' i f Focal Pho4ograp•' VI 6 -5155 (7! e Bunion Class of g2 31 Consolidated JJli School re the hono2 4 y our presence at the Arnim- Senior Ban and -910m to be held on Saturda the tenth 4 JIpnd nineteen hundred and sixt seven o'clock in the evenin at the Ramada inn R.s.v.p. 846 =4495 on 846 =8o88 Y - 1' ‘ _ ts, IT '.S v 41 Lt I� t ` S (14/ ,,, ' ! rt.; ( li r 4 ■ ). \ I' - 1 \ \\ill - ■ I \'y4I $ I . 1 — V , _,.■ ■ T . lir , , i \...—...■ --------' _ ... 6 ``' - y 1 F f . Ys 40 `£ P \ y y �� r I • ems, U . ' ; . ,l - • ,,, 0 *Ai Att . 0 . 0 a k il o f illiiiiir - , 1410 'ig - E • "— . M -- r CONSOL SENIORS Form a Given Sp a l idated - two A &M Consol- I Gill, Linda Rudder, Daisy i Frank W. Gould, J. W. Hunt, idated High School graduating Sloan, Walter Varvel, Timmy 1 Ben Liles, L. A. Maddox, W. seniors were honored Friday Wolters and Sharon Yeager. B. Mansfield, Jack T. Sloan, night by their parents with a Parents who h o s t e d the , A. formal dance at the Briarcrest event are: arvel, Yeager, , C Club. Guests were , Messrs. and Mmes. James Drs. and Mmes. Herbert W. members of the senior class I Y. A 1 e x a n d e r, Walter F. Hooper, Chester F. Meinecke and their dates. Music was Berndt, John C. Calhoun Jr. ' and A. G. McGill Jr., Texas furnished by the Citations. H. C. Carter, Samuel M. Cie- 1 A &M University President and The spring theme was intro- land, Nelson D. Durst, Joe G. Mrs. Earl Rudder, and Col. and duced in the foyer with two Fagan, C. H. (Bob) Godfrey, 1 Mrs. Raymond Lee. huges magnolia blossoms on the entry table, large pastel colored butterflys on the mir- ror, pastel tissue flowers and ribbon streamers over the en- try arch. The bandstand was I backed with two tissue flower bouquets connected by a pas - i tel ribbon swag and flanked with pots of pink paper flow- ers. The dance floor was outlined with ten pastel - colored porn- t pon trees. Multicolored pastel; ribbons repeated the colors of '.� the trees, looping them togeth- I �' er. An arrangement of fresh ,1 4f, � magnolia blossoms, presented �� �� by Mrs. Jocko Roberts, was � tt� • featured in the carpeted sitting , 44 V area off the dance floor. r The large serving table was I MO covered with a white linen or - ® _ I � broidered cloth appliqued and em- / ./ broidered with pastel flowers, complementing the tall spring ^� « flower centerpiece arranged in 1 ~ / 'm a Sheffield wine cooler, and lighted by vigil candles in can- delabra. Seniors honored were: Kim Alexander, K a r e n Berndt, Mary Beth Calhoun, u { C e Larry Carter, Cathryn Cleland, Margaret Durst, Peter Fagan, Larry Godfrey, Janet Gould, Carolyn „Hooper, Jackie Hunt, Susan Lee, Linda Liles, David Maddox, Sylvia Mansfield, Tommy Meinecke. Ruth Mc- Ruth 4Q T P A C Q i ■P -r- Z r - -4 4z CO 111111 . J r: 1. O -1 Q .., 1 Z�I. Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Alexander Colonel and Mrs. Raymond Lee Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Berndt Mr. and Mrs. Ben Liles Mr. and Mrs. John C. Calhoun, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carter Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Cleland Dr. and Mrs. Chester F. Meinecke Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D. Durst Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. McGill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rudder Mr. and Mrs. C.H. (Bob) Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Varvel Dr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Wolters Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Yeager honoring Kim Alexander Susan Lee Karen Berndt Linda Liles Mary Beth Calhoun David Maddox Larry Carter Sylvia Mansfield Cathryn Cleland Tommy Meinecke Margaret Durst Ruth McGill Peter Fagan Linda Rudder Larry Godfrey Daisy Sloan Janet Gould Walter Varvel Carolyn Hooper Timmy Wolters Jackie Hunt Sharon Yeager Friday, May the seventh eight until twelve Briarcrest Country Club This invitation admits You or You and Your Date Ruth T P T ,1 1 C ita tt. 1 ft to .' l t % ■ V . xat 1 • .. ..)) , i ......"•-• .40 . 3. 1 01 r