HomeMy WebLinkAbout18th Annual Conference 1979 Notes Texas Department of Public Safety 4. Division of Disaster Emergency Services ,4 0 400 William P. Clements, Governor +►r ' �� Wilson E. Speir, Director r M. P. Bowden, State Coordinator . ..4 . F ;6 OFT : a� n o; �. P tom = ' �: lir \ 1-, ,kli'.... " 1 °1! i liM'lyd dif If, - f I O\ ' , ._�_ d�y � s I A e � •N i rr 4 i ;r11 ;FPI W rii r r r � � ` . N Adjutant General's Department _ •A ^ ! - * l'..151-1 " lr 3 1' 1' �I'M 1�r'' chill Texas Department of Agriculture � ; Texas Aeronautics Commission P . •I.i.�e_i "'N' Irl#0111 - r � t '. s —r �, f 4. -,> .1 e ', • c Pr_ ' Texas Air Control Board �` ' � � ' American Red Cross Y ' ''' " > > j , Attorney General M State Auditor Texas Civil Air Patrol Commission Texas Department of Community Affairs Comptroller of Public Accounts State Board of Control preparedness conference Division of Disaster Emergency Services Texas Education Agency for Texas Employment Commission Engineering Extension Service Texas Forest Service General Land Office Department of Health State and Local Officials Department of Highways and Public Transportation Texas Industrial Commission State Board of Insurance Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Texas Department of Public Safety FEBRUARY 2022,1979 Texas Department of Human Resources HILTON INN Texas Railroad Commission Texas Department of Water Resources AUSTIN, TEXAS o ti moil <EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL g / c) _ 424iN PREPAREDNESS CONFERENCE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIA Hilton Inn - Austin 6000 Middle Fiskville Road Il lib 4‘110 Sponsored by The Governor's Division of Disaster Emergency Services, Texas Department of Public Safety TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1979 Group II - Forum Room, Douglas E. Kyle - PER- SONNEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 3:30 p.m. PRE - REGISTRATION - Lobby, Tiffany Ballroom PROGRAM - REQUIREMENTS AND PRO - to CEDURES 6:00 p.m. (Registration Fee 13.50, Luncheon Tickets 16.50) rot-ti up 111 - Caucus Room, Norman F. Walker, - WARNING AND COMMUNICATIO& WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1979 .A SYS s `_.--- "' - ---• -- • r ' iti roup IV - Diamond Room, John W. Christian - 7:30 a.m. REGISTRATION TRAINING, EDUCATION AND PUBLIC IN- 9:00 a.m. GENERAL SESSION - Tiffa y ` est, State Coor- FORMATION dinator Parks Bowden, presiding Group V - Statesman Room, Robert A. Lansford - OLOR GUARD - Texas National Guard n . PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, MANAGE- .,,, 1 . 2, a. EYNOTE ADDRESS -' . Gen. Wiffie L. S t, lI() 4 MENT,'MATCHING FUNDS AND PLANNING 1 i Adjutant General of Texas ) @�� ♦ - NATURAL AND NUCLR .� 9:45 a.m. ; R ESPONSE TO DISASTERS - Ate. B EA ill -Stewart, Ex- 5:00 p.m. RECESS `1J '" . ecutive Director, Texas Air Control Board 10:15 a.m. BREAK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1979 10:35 a.m. GENERAL SESSION - Tiffany West, Assistant Coordinator, Administration, Douglas E. Kyle, 8:30 a.m. GENERAL SESSION - Tiffany West, Training Of- presiding ficer John Christian, presiding LOCAL RESPONSE TO 32 INCHES OF RAIN 8:35 a TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPART - Cf. &U IN 24 HOURS - The Honorable Ernest D. Fincher, /y � MENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1 ' A County Judge, Shackelford County " Z PREPAREDNESS - 7 n . ' is, 'i- d 11:10 a.m. RESEARCH IN SEVERE WEATHER DETEC- "' ecutive Director I ( ° ,1.5" - a t TION -Mr. Don Burgess, Severe Storm Laboratory, 9:05 a.m.--..., OIL STORAGE FOR THE FUTURE - Mr. Fred 13 �Y`� Norman, Oklahoma E. Johnson, U. S. Department of Energy : 55 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS 9:35 a.m. FLOOD PLAIN INSURANCE - Mr. Dell Greer, i r t : 12:15 p.m. LUNCHEON - Tiffany Last, State Coordinator Regional Director, Federal Insurance Administra- Parks Bowden, presiding j z GZLd fAA './ ��F itlA' tion, Department g o o f�Housing and Urban Develop - ADDRESS - Mr. Gilbert Peake, Foreign Affairs ment l5 @LA/►' ) Editor, London Times e 10 a.m. BREAK 1 tit :45 p.m. GENERAL SESSION - Tiffany West, Deputy State 10:20 a.m. GENERAL SESSION - Tiffany West, State Coor- Coordinator Frank T. Cox, presiding dinator Parks Bowden, presiding THE NORAD STORY - Major Winninger and THE ROLE OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY Major Zacharias, North American MANAGEMENT AGENCY - To Be An- Command, Co!'orado Springs, Colorado nounc 4-c, 2:45 p.m. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY'S ENGINEERING 11:10 a.m. THE DIVISION OF DISASTER EMERGENCY EXTENSION SERVICE`S RESPONSIBILITY SERVICES IN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FOR PREPAREDNESS -Dr. James R. Bradley, - Colonel Wilson E. Speir, Director of Disaster \ Director �, y �, c t4-1-ii i . Emergency Services and Director, Texas Depart - 3:20 p.m. BREAK ( �j ment of Public Safety 3:40 p.m. DISCUSSION GROUPS 11:45 a.m. SUMMARY Group I - Capitol Room, Jesse R. Ward - POST 12:00 Noon '� ADURN DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL PREPAREDNESS CONFERENCE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIALS Wednesday, February 21, 1979 9:45 a.m. Response to Disasters - Steve Shaw, Air Control Board (Stewart in Houston) 1. Air polution - air stagnation advisory 2. Hazardous materials Emergency action center staff - 12 regional offices 104 staff Ozone major threat Transportation accidents of hazardous materials - rail cars Trend - increase in spills Control has improved - Training & procedures for local government Cooperative effort of all for disaster emergency relief 10:35 a.m. General Session - Tiffany West, Assistant Coordinator, Adm., Douglas E. Kyle, presiding Local Response to 32 Inches of Rain in 24 Hours - The Honorable Ernest D. Fincher, County Judge, Shackelford Co. Retired from Air Force, part time judge Asked to be county judge Wife wa s interim judge E.M.S. Funeral Home Jail inspectors lived in, jailers wife ran away $30,000 Coldest Winter - driest summer - drought terminated in Aug.3 County Agent was Lawrence Winkler - all S.W. conf. football He had been there 16 years and more Show & tell - about the flood -2- What to do if you have a problem bigger than your God, then you have a disaster . Flood - 33 inches Their plan dated 1963 Gave major,city council, chief of police, fire dept Only sheriff left 100 degree weather everyday 8 inches first day, really great after that it started to rain Slide - Map 30 inches 24,000 acres in flood runoff 60,000 acre feet - 19,500,000,000 gallons 35 miles per hour river flow City lake held 2,000 acre feet 9 lives lost - 3 still missing $16 million loss Did not have warning, the water came up suddenly Sewer line went 6ft. under ground, washed out to 4ft. above gr. River bed moved 30 miles per hour Slides - water up to 4 ft. Extreme soil errosion Jerked rocks out and moved them out S B officer Telephone cables - emergency telephone service gone with bridge Communications were out, used CB's Contacted area DPS People didn't know they worked for county agent Food, clothes and lodging Baptist church started, President of Ministerial Alliance He designated other ministers - homes, food, & clothing -3- Red Cross - They came in Need a protocol officer - all authority in someone else's field DES personell super FHS , SBA, Red Cross, others good help Had mobile houses come 60 days Clean up - local contractors and city People would not get out of cars, some were lost Rescue EOC - courthouse no standby plan, used plan from nearby town tGet people who know what they are doing. Biggest problem - who do we have and who don't we have County agent is public officer - if the press ever talks to me, you have failed Press worked well Biggest problem - Communication Radio from sheriff's office Survivors and loss Chain of command & authority Capable people Keep good records Don't be too proud to ask for help Romans 8:28 11:10 a.m. Research In Severe Weather Detection - Mr. Don Burgess, Severe Storm Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma Spotters now most active in identifying tornadoes Radar next best New improvement in radar slides Focus on area of relation by (adapa ?) radar Hook. Echo - fish hook area of rotation Rare example Shows precipitation and directing of the light -4- Tornado vortex signatures Color reflective picture of a Velocity Can be seen approx. 30 min. before striking 1. Rainfall intensity 2. Wind velocity - color code Doppler works in dark also when spotter may not be able to see Doppler will identify a hail storm, can estimate the updraft Helping air craft avoid storms Statistical Comparisons P 0 D - Probility of Detection RAdar Doppler P. 0. D. .47 .70 Positively ( ?) .40 .60 C S I .36 .62 Lead time for spotters 13.6 min. 15.4 min. Tornado CSA warning time 1.88 min. P. 0. D .64 .69 F A R .63 .25 (Stay in the bathroom in case of tornado.) I2 1:45 p.m. General Session - Tiffany East, State Coordinator Frank T. Cox, presiding The Norad Story - Maj. Winninger and Maj. Zacharias, North Am. Air Defense Command, Colorado Springs, Co. Cheyenne Mountain Montreal Olympics Texan drive AM Canadian - I know what you mean, I used to have a car like that myself. May now be necessary to fire on a warning rather that than as now on one or two impacts. 90o accuracy on air field or part of the field U.F.O. - calls every week - no proof Blue book of Colorado 2 :45 p.m. TAMU Engineering Extension Service's Responsibility For Preparedness - Dr. James R. Bradley, Director Henry D. Smith, fire training, spoke for Bradley Training - local agents & industry Preparedness responsibility An individual will preform as he is taught to perform Charles Paige - Fire training Courses Petroleum - Braden Fire Training - 60 acres Tamu Extension & Research Annex (Old Bryan Airbase) 50 acres Training Schools teach emergency disaster A. Search - rescue techniques B. radiological C. Hazardous chemical removal D. Training (DES)Disaster Emergency Services E. Task Forces F. Life saving -6- 3:40 p.m. Discussion Groups - Group I - Capitol Room, Jesse R. Ward, Post Disaster Assistance Procedures Group II - Forum Room, Douglas E. Kyle - Personnel and Administrative Expense Program Requirements and Procedures Group III - Caucus Room, Norman F. Walker, Warning and Communication Systems Group IV — Diamond Room, John W. Christian -Train ing Education and Public Information Group V - Statesman Room, Robt. A. Lansford, Program Development Management, Matching Funds and Planning - Natural and Nuclear Expect Sept. FY80 program paper - meeting in Sept. President should sign executive order by Apr. 1, and assign a director 1. Program - March 2. Management 3. Radiological Defense Mr. Payne present Fallout, Hazardous materials, nuclear power plants etc. 4.Communications and warning may want to plan on this area strongly 5. Test and exercises are main thing to keep the program on high 6. Public information - we haven't been doing enough of this. Need a good program. The public is who we work for One of the big enemies during a disaster is bad information. Bill Davis, Denton, Budget was 2 billion 5 years before election Cut to 108 million No siren or communications money could be reinstated by Congress. May know by Sept. We could let congress people we of our intrest. -7- Texas is the first state to hold program paper seminars. The paper changed and the papers this year were twice as good as the year before. It would be good to submit projects for sirens and Communications Anyway, I would show valid valuable projects an increase in P & S. money EOC Arms control and ACDA Mr. Warnake is against civil defense Leaked information to the press about the $2 billion Press approved concept but hadn't seen the amount News papers editorials - negative attitude and put president in the corner NCP - Nuclear Civil Protection Planning CRP and CSP Bill Donte, DES works on this CRP - assumes that crisis would build up over a period of time President advises relocation of risk areas 33 areas in Texas What km do host counties need? Still working on this CRP volunteer program Resource Management Including an inventory of heavy equipment that can move a lot of dirt. 6 feet high and wade around the buidling and 1 foot of dirt on the roof if strong enough - PF40 or better Need to keep population figures current Risk County Plans - How do you keep the risk areas functioning Key people move out to closer areas & then re -enter risk area during the day to work -8- Fighting for EOC money New test EOC's planned now only on that portion of the project after the shell is built. Rebuild and improv the existing bldg. Bringing it up 100PF easier to get material funds in renovation of the existing basement can renew application each year 50 -50 Resource Management Plan operation bulldozer for the State SGC Brown Highway Assoc. will enter into an agreement to supply Emergency and supplies for emergency for a fee Ashley Ellege has this contract - up dating resource management plan - will make a model available for local cities etc Insufficient blast shelter in all areas. Use the best we have. Need an up dated survey. Tom Payne - RDO Training in College Station in April Facts Excess property program Status not now known Rufus Woody coming -9- 8:35 a.m. February 22, 1979 '4 A4 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Responsibility For Preparedness - Capt. Lynn E. Stanley (chief of law enforcement training) No primary Has support role (D.P.SL Department of Public Safety, assistant law enforcement C.R.P. - State Parks for R. Vehicles Local P & W offcers available in major disasters P. & W. officers take their orders from the local D.P.S. 370 commissioned offcers with patrol vehicles some 4 -wheel dr. Have criminal justice High bank radio - all the same frequency now Probably available because of D.E.S support Have 3 air planes Have a oixoko wide variety of boats, 12 ft. to 21 ft. patrol boats Some larger for off shore Usually takes a small boat with a large motor If the Medina River is flooding, it takes a dual engine boat to go against the current Have some earth moving equipment in state parks. Field supervisors have the authority to move local or nearby men into a disaster areas P. W officers all get Emergency rescue training at TAMU firemans training school "In the time of crisis there are usually not enough of us to around - it takes a truly joint effort to get the work done." -10- 10:00 a.m. Break - Allen Clark from the governor's office Went to West Point, and Vietnam where he stepped on land mines, lost both feet. Was in green berets. Early supporter of Clements Liason duties to D.E.S. Seven assistants of equal rank. Special assistant organization. Duties that respond directly to critical situations. Very sharp young man. Expressed support of Gov. Clements' wothwhileness of the Civil Defense work. Cox - clothes don't make the man. Safety 10:20 a.m. General Session - The Role of The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Joe Winkle Federal F E M A Disaster Relief No changes seen Services fixed by law Administrative procedures may changefor the better Kyle Thompson C R P Pa gge s 130, 131 Presidents budget in 1979 about civil defense CRP is an important part 5 major agencies & 3 others Mitigation Crime, Insurance, Terrorism 2400 people in the budget 500 million Estimate by Kyle Thompson Expect to take most of the rest of this fiscal year to complete this merger. -11- 1. President must appoint a national director 2. About 3125 an order will be issued creating FEMA, (Executive order) 3. Possibly July 1 the initial reorganization may be completed in major Understood that the 2nd draft is now out F E M A Transition 1C®°1N\ FEMA task force trying to get this done iz EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL PREPAREDNESS CONFERENCE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIALS 'T? Vis-dne.selar, February 214 1979 9:05 a.m. Frederick Johnson - Department of Energy Asked how long he could talk, they told him as long as he wanted, the people would be leaving in 30 min. anyway! World situation Bad news - Energy We are in trouble There is nothing left in the warehouse If another embargo and in 90 days our gov't. will be on its knees Produce 8 million barrels daily. Import ? Storage - will last 100 days May need Sam Houston to march again We use 1/3 of the worlds oil We have the best of everything Too 400 million years to put the oil in the ground The sun will "nova" in a billion years Oil problem due to the irresponsibility of American use of oil Hydrocarbon In New Orleans the whole runs Difference between new & Federal 1 barrell - 42 gallons Petrochemicals ( rugs, clothes ) Our total need We have a wealth of other Nuclear Energy If man is to survive anything has to go it it stands in the way 3% of pertr;;_eum hac 75 yrs ago Coal cities gas coal oil coke 46% for automobile gasoline 3% kerosine trailors F ... 8% jet fuel Shale oil - German went to jets because they didn't have gear boxes for the planes Rails use coal - went to trucks for gas 2% lubricants 5% residual fuel 4% asphalt e require imports of petroleum Solar Energy Coal, shale, crude oil, gas,wind power, water. Thermal heat garbage (for methane) grain, solar, tidal basin We are the hub of an energy wheel. It will take a lot of guts and work to harness these spokes with a rim and make an effective wheel - our dependable long term energy supply We don't have a superport or supertankers. 1. We must get a source of direction of our energy 2. Need singleness of purpose Hope - 1/2 the hay, 1/4 bale Clean up the plant during the day, plant saved more on energy. 2/22/79 9:35 a.m. Dell Greer from Dallas, Flood Plain Insurance, HUD Regional Director, Federal Ins. Adm. j -14- 11.10 a.m. The Division of Disaster Emergency Services In Disaster Preparednes C1/1°jj! Col. r, Director of Disaster Emergency Services and Director, Texas Department of Public Safety It Get legislature for budget appropriations Committee hearing - rewriting budget request Chief Jim Barnes F E M A D P S close working Write D.E.S. Protection of lives and property of the people of Texas Serve and improve the lives of our fellowmen Service of the public service employees in an decreasing public support. Reduce waste Gain in Disaster Preparedness Hope to enlarge trainers Hazardous Training Services Nuclear Materials State Health Dept. R D 0 ( Parks Bowden out of hospital on 2/21/79 - had bug.) CRP Pilot project, San Antonio State Resources Manual Plan - being prepared EBS Coordination - write private industry about energy Kerrville, Albany, Amalia - 32 lives 36 inches rain in 18 hours - 36 lives lost Relief workers - quickly done Carelessness accidents Grain elevators - could be prevented -15- Traffic deaths total 4,000 lives in 1978 in Texas Nationally over 50,000 Violating traffic laws 80% violate 55 mph Texas worst- DWI - Not even entry on drivers license. The cancer of crime Violence Property Narcotics and Drugs Multi billion dollar business Need a law authorizing wire tapping to get the leaders of crime 11.35 a.m. Parks Bowden came in. Frank Cox - Summary and Thanks "We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future."