HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarker Application 100803Coffege Station -(Historic 4-1rese ion Committee APPLICATION FOR COLLEGE STATION HISTORIC MARKER This application is for a: IdHistoric Home Marker ❑ Historic Building Marker Address of Historic Structure: 5-� J60,,,. Tk" It-70'+0 Owner's Name: �- Owner's Address: 2 e (� Lo e- A v e \a" Owner's Phone Number: t411g 6 _tj y3& 7 F1+- O If this application is for a home, was it formerly located on campus? /UO Describe historical, architectural or other significance of tie structure: 3 Y Poe-'4-4 c v c &.'v b3-7 kj.?— 5 L^ w4�' i41 fn G a-y►-� JL, � �i' +� Vw lt,1f • �i cL Vn �.�C'O hip s � Irr�� � � �._ i C�-�� PC CN w eQ.10C. T O. CBox 996o •, College Station, 5exas 77842-996o (409) 764-3773 I v✓� 30f;rt EN 16r,4-t4 �v2, fb- 4K od vie. 50 A..4C �� m`L77 '�.1� 4\ �z ERY OLD HOMES 'RESENT DAY HOMES OR BUIL INGS OF INTEREST [TE OF OLD BUILDING 10 PLACE WHERE DUEL WITH KNIFE AND RIFLE WAS Cl WHERE HORSE THIEF TOOK RE UGE AND WAS SHOT TO DEATH IN UPST IRS BEDR( ' To Wheelock Cemete site of confederate, - aad—D-unn's oti "on ryor anch. TO HEARNE Site of Hearne or sem i Cameron House W r! . L Hedrick Home 0, ' Old Public School - Community Center TO BENCHLEY O E•+ v Cn 7 U U c a u O O V o to o ® c 0 Love Drug Store 04 EM ®o MEMO O M Q Q d v, c c4 TOWN SQUARE fa 0: .4 OF 0f3° WHEELOCK y v v a =4 Site of Wheelock Academy 0 Union Church HISTORICAL MARKER T ®CHomeurry IN Im ® Site of Court House• �r VILSitr AIJ011 of CaptaiinAW...-,4,�.......Company, in the ..,,-2, Regiment, (6ct4Z ,G Brigade,) o4 —4tr*- ....Volunteers, commanded by Colonel.3�i . called into the service of the CONFEDERATE STATES in the Provisional Army, under the provi- sions of he Act o f Congress ,passed February % 1861 by from�pthe.'�.,. day o£1862, (date of this muster,) for the term of. 4/la.7/.lQihci...aT�z.v.. unless sooner discharged. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 27, 2b and 29 March 1964, 96 boys and girls and adult leaders commemorated the muster of Company I, 21st Texas Cavalry Regiment, the only unit from Brazos County to fight for the Confederacy. In addition to the traditional memorial roll call, the reconstituted Company I visited the factory site near Hearne and the Cavitt House at 'Wheelock. fon honor, that this �f�vluster Roll exhibits the true (l ICJ K• state of Captain Company of the �^5 S� �7J dai�1GL� for the period ere�ioned, that each man / answers to his own proper name ��f7P. ��✓ ��% /�-j�� in person; that the remarks set 'r opposite the name of each officer and soldier are a c c u r a t e and just. . Commanding the Company WILLITM F"�M clwrri' L L_ T=AS AGENCY Brn.r.= FEBRUARY 1055 On Sunday; 23 Ja==T 19559 Linda Cleveland was a happy, normal, fourteen year old girl, a cheer leader in her school, a natural leader in her group and a joy and in- spiration to everyone who knew her. Today she is in Heaven with all GOD'S children. Bow did this heartbreaking tragedy come about? Well, we said Linda was a normal fourteen year old girl so, quite nstu ally, she had been visiting in the home of a friend the night before. She was reading Sunday comics before going to Sualay School. Nov, her hostess was quite normal too and being of the same age she was Rill of child- ish pranks and laughter. Wanting -to play s joke on Linda who was sitting on a kitchen stool she walked to the door, pointed the gum and said, "Look, Tindal". She was sure the gum was empty so she pulled the trigger and here was another case of "I didn't know it was loaded." Parenta, if you must have a gum, don't subject your children to living a life time with the thought on their minds of useless man-aauughter. Take some precautions. Hiding the gum v= not solve the problem but don't leave it out vnere it will be convenient to their inqusi.sitive and playful fingers. Don't leave it loaded! Take some part of it off if possible so that it can, not be fired. Don't, leave aummta3.tion lying around. You are inviting trouble. Even if you take all of these precautions, there is still one other. Teach than about gums because, even if you do not own one, same other care- less parent vill. Teach them that all gums are dangerous, that one should never point a gum at someone unless the intention is to kill that person. Teach thaw to clear the action the instant they pick up a gum. We must do something in America to belt the destruction of our most vital resource — our people. The National. Rifle Association is doing something about -this problem boot in the Senior and Junior Divisions. Of the hundreds of thousands of shooters who have c =i programs and of the millions of ronn:is that bave been fired by them aincs 1926 not one single casualty has resulted. Surely this must prove that taking precautions helps. You know as well as I that human life and suffering, mental anguish and heartbreak can- not be measured in pecuniary terms and no attempt will be made to do so. Stop for a uaoaent with me if you will, however, and consider the direct costs brought about by the 3i8-handling of just one .2.2 round that cost approximately one cent. Special nurses . . . $ 332.00 Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540:13 Doctors 651.00 Pimeral 1,006.00 Total . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 32, 529.13 All this was spent and axw a, mt would have been spent to save the life of Linda Cleveland who after nine days of suffering ended her heroic fight for life and was laid to rest in her snow white casket dressed in that beautiful little party dress created by her mother's nimble fingers. Zou say, "How tragic! Bow I pity those left behind." You never think it could happen to you. Take too precautions, wi„ you? Check those loose fire -arms first and remove the possibility. Second, remember that there are man3► other causes of accidental death, that it can strike you or some member of your fmily and provide the means whereby the i :evi:able bills will be paid. Don't allow the burden of grief to be added to that of sorrow and heartbreak. And remember too that ACCID gTTS•DONIT MU?MI T°EY ASB CA=! One f'ral request: We have sweet memories of Linda. ?ray for the other .._t+,1e girl. She reeds our .rayers and GOD t S help. 'd" 2D, // *% DISPENSAR r LAKE ntluuipj POND NGE HODS TM �f] C e Ge RANG OVE J.O.T.S. PRESTON HOLLOW e0WS E .P SHELTER / / H M / N_ / I PARKING 1 FEW$ (?]f OUSTON G is BRIDGE OLD 602 GRAD'S MALL BORDY11 E LANDING / 014TH JOAN'S GROVE MANIC[ RING C AMYX CROSSING �r DAVEY CROCKETT RING D t OUBLE JENNY'B STONE AIKEN CORDWOOD STACK SANOLIN$ bt • STONE SHEEP WALL PEN !r , CS . ' 'a rrCROSS �bb� „1T NORTH COOP ELLIE'S BIG BERTHA u ANDI'3 PIANO MCRRITTy MANfOE RING F 0"*_�SQUIRING RIN3 B jt r RICHARdS K.D. CHECK POINTS SCALE TURKEY CREEK ROAD Q Sd ad 200' DOCTRINE OF MAPS M_ a, YARD v SHOTGUN HOTGUN PUMP _ RANGE J0..5 DAN BEARD INDIAN VALLEY STASNY COVERED BRIDGE _::� TINA'S% i BANK,, �9) PII INTERNATIONAL RAIL ROAD GATE I dw THURMAN SIIELTER WAD['S TREE CtD MILTREE I ! i STABLES PARKING MIKE'3 1. Definition; This is a picture of'a small part of SOUVENIR MAP OF the earth's surface. _PLEASANT ACRES 2. It has one dimension only but elevation from the bottom of the lake can be shown on a topographical map. Other kinds of maps are; roadmaps, airways, relief, geological and others. 3. International symbols show more with less clutter and they can be read in any country. ti 4. Old Grads Hall has been named for all past participants while the use of other names means "above and beyond" measured in terms of money or service or both. 5. Mike Greer architect associate of Emmett Trant pre)ared the map and Rick Raney another of his associates designed the entrances -- FL11S ;Foster entrance walls and signs). IR ' -- `200 FEET _ 200 FEET DO STEPS 80 STEPS - .�. yii ORIENTEERING VRnwra t STARTING POINT rV SHADOW STICK AND 2�. 'g, POINTER STICKS T� �- MEAIG� I aD=``�=_ _ _ SAND TABLE ' HEHT AN L: �-0 3 /ji- WITHfifUfF MODEL _r = _- 4 DISTANCE/-,- OF CAMP AREA =`��� A• _ '�_� .. - _ �' \ U : �•�y _ _ _ -` =,1' M` alw - _ = ' ':ic a v4 y ;..:`��►f±w; ` r.";a+D - - r _ IQ AIM CAMP LAYOUT ` 4 _ [4P SKET /NG - COMPASS 50 `� / i� GAME 40 - , GENERAL INSTRUCTION AND a =�_ _S� DEMONSTRATION SECTION FOR BOYS 8 � 20 STEP j,�,•y� r�r sw SILVER COURSE .y.* ±�\\�v .. r ��`_ DOLLARf �{ ., SAME, till - .DIRECTION %/.1/ . HUNT 00 TFOR ALL LACQUERED BOYS -Al QISK WITH j : .- I/ HAUDLE � fe O�YY O i y LETTER CW ��� n,�,:•a REVERSE&DE � - ,�n.o• 3v CF THE DMK The Pathfinder ORIENTEERING®Area