HomeMy WebLinkAboutJames Russell Couch 100803SUMMARY OF POULTRY NUTRITION PROGRAM The present research program in poultry nutrition under Couch's supervision was initiated in September 1948. The primary objective of this program was to produce more meat and eggs and to develop rations whereby less feed would be required for the production of the meat and eggs. The first experiments were initiated with broilers in batteries with raised screen floors in our laboratories here at Texas A. and H. College. After these initial experiments were completed, field tests were set up at the broiler Substation No. 21 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Gonzales, Texas. It should be pointed out that the initial report on this work was presented at the State Finals of the Texas Chicken of Tomorrow Contest in Gonzales in June 19:19, before the Gonzales experiments were initiated. The work was reported later at the Texas Nutrition Conference in October 19119 byer• J. i• -.eed, Superintend- :rat of bstat I on No. 21 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment citation. report on the work was made at the lational !Meeting of the American Chemical Societ" in :'Pr 'ii 1950 and a further report vas given at the Annual Neeting of Texas "'eeri : in April 1950. It was felt that the fact that antibiotics along with vitamin 9 and the newer high energy rations had been proven to grow broilers fster, mere efficiently and with better feathering by June 1950. Therefore, Progress 7.eeort 1251 was issued by the Texas Agricultural experiment Station and a press release was prepared by the publicity departs nts of the Texas A. and i•:. College System. This press release was printed by the majority of the newspapers in Texas and es sts � =cke;i up by many pacers outside the state: It was eetirnated that from from this work broiler producers would save approximately 7 million dollars per year. The saving was made possible by the fact that antibiotics along with the newer type high energy rations produced a more rapid rate of krowth, required less � unt of gain, pr':duced more uniffedm birds and decreased death losses. this work were presented before the Vitamins and Metabolism Section of the Ameri.cah Society for the Advancement of Science, i;ew London, New Hampshire and before the Poultry Science Association, Nadison, Wisconsin, during August 1950. Antib are equally as important for turkeys as for chickens. The turkey phases of the work were carried out entirely in the laboratories of the Departments of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Nutrition at College Station, Texas. 'eroeress Report 1256 was issued by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in June 195(. The results of the chicken studies and the turkey studies were suMmarized and presented again at the First Cottonseed Meal Conference in New Orleans, November ican 195 Further reports of this work were given at the annual meeting. �f t Sou Dehydrators Association at Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 1951, Agricultur / .)Workers Meeting at Memphis, Tennessee and at the Annual Meeting of the Mid -West Feed Manufacturers Association in Kansas City, Missouri, in February 1951. The work was again summarized at the 6th Distillers Feed Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, in March 1951. The work has received recogntticn through the United States. This is evidenced by the fact that the program of research in the field of Poultry Nutrition is now receiving.. Errant -in -aid support from Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, New York; Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey; The American Dehydrators Association, Kansas City, '.•ii ssouri; The Corn Products Refining Company, Argo, Illinois; Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute, Indiana; schenley distillers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; National Cottonseed Products Association, Inc., D.11as, Texas; Dow Chemical CoE'ipaiy, t.1idland, Michigan; E. I . DuI: ont de i.emours and Company, Wilmington, i1°laware; Williams-Waterman Fund for the Combat of Dietary Diseases, New York, New York; U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc., Baltimore, via.ryland; National institutes of Health, ?ethesda, 1..aryland; Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois; Hid Continental Lah^ratorie• Kansas City, Missouri; and 5. B. Penick and Company, New York, N. The annual grant -in -aid support amounts to approximately $50,000 per annum. 0 It is estimated that approximately 10 million broilers have been raised in the Gonzales - Smiley area on the formula developed as a-result of this research program. It is impossible to estimate the number of chickens and turkeys that have been fed on modifications of formulas developed as a result of this research program. It is needless to say the program forms the background for most of the feeds found in Texas today and is responsible for many modifications made in feed formulas throughout the country. It is felt that it is exceedingly important to have research information that is accepted by workers colleagues in the field. Such recognition was made through tIe selection of Dr. J. R. Couch as the recepient of the 1951 AFMA award which ie made through the Poultry Science Association. This American Feed Manufacturers Association award was made for outstanding research in the field of poultry nutrition on biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 and antibiotics in poultry rations, and was based on the total number of research publications published by Dr. Couch during the years 19149 and 1950. A second requirement for the success of a research program is the acceptance of the findings by users in the field, which in this case were the Feed Manufacturers and the Poultrymen. Such acceptance was greatly facilitated through the extensive popular articles which Dr. Couch has written for Feed Magazines and Foultry Magazines. The program now has 11 graduate students. Six of which are studying toward the Ph.D. degree and five are studying toward the Master' degree. During the last three years, Dr. Couch has been chairman of the Texas Nutrition Conference. It might be pointed out that the registration of personnel attending the Nutrition Conference has more than doubled between the years 19119 and 1951. It is felt that a part of this increased attendance is due to the extensive poultry nutrition program which is being carried on in the departments of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Nutrition of the Texas A. and M. College System. VP. Name: Position: Family: Education: Employment: James Russell Couch 1931 - 1941. Station, T 1931 -1934. 1936 - 1 J. R. Couch Personal Data Professor, Departments of Poultry Science and Biochemistry and Biophysics. Date and Place of Birth: June 10, 1909, Alvarado, Texas Married Velma Holland, October 5, 1934. Four Childrer, Sandra, (Mrs. T. E. O'Connor), 31; J. R. Couch, Jr., 27; t. I 4 Robin and Robert (twins), 14. Alvarado High School, Alvarado, Texas. 1926. John Tarleton Agricultural College, Stephenville, Texas 1926-1929. Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. 1931 -34. B.S. Animal Husbandry. Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. 1931-34. M.S. Chemistry. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 1946 -68. Ph.D. Biochemistry and Poultry Nutrition. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College exas. Assistant. Poultry Husbandman. Associate Poultry Husbandman 1936 -1941. Poultry Husbandman 1941 -1946. U. S. Army. 1946 -1948. University of Wisconsin Graduate School. 1948 -to date- present position. Military Record: 1941. Entered U. S. Army as First Lieutenant, June 12. 1941 -43. Instructor in Infantry School, Ft. Benni ~:g, Ca- 1943 -45 , Military Training Division, Fifth Service Com- mand, Columbus, Ohio. 1945 -46. Assistant G -3, X1 Corps, Japan, 1946. Discharged, July 23, Rarik of Lt. Col. Present Status: Colonel, Army Reserve Corps, Retired. Organizations: (2) Poultry Science Association American Chemical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Texas Academy of Science Sigma Xi Gamma Alpha American Institute of Nutrition Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology American Society of Biological Chemists American Society of Bacteriologists Texas Academy of Science Phi Kappa Phi Recognitions, Honors and Awards: 1925 - Winner of Santa Fe 4 -H Club trip to International Livestock Show, Chicago. 1930 -31 - Member Junior and Senior Livestock Judging Team, Texas A&M. 1951 - American Feed Manufacturers' Award for outstanding research in the field of poultry nutrition, on biotin, vitamin B12 and antibiotics in poultry rations. 1949 -1967 - Chairman, Texas Nutrition Conferences. 1966 - Elected Fellow Poultry Science Association. PERSONAL INFORMATION OT J. R. COUCH J. R. Couch was born June 10, 1909, on a farm near Alvarado, Texas and graduated from a high school at Alvarado in June 1926. He participated in 4 -H Club work for approximately 6 years which was climaxed by winning one of the Santa Fe 4 -H Club tr'ps to the International Livestock Show in Chicago in December 1925. This trip was won on a swine project. Couch attended John Tarleton Agricultural College for the completion of his freshman and sophomore work and entered the Arri and Mechanical College of Texas in September 1929. He graduated from this institution with a S.S. degree in Agriculture and a major in Animal Husbandry in June, 1931. Couch was a member of the Junior and Senior- Livestock Judging Teams during the period of his undergraduate work at Texas A. and M. Couch was employed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, September 1931, as Assistant Poultry Husbandman. During the next three years he took graduate work and worked full time carrying out experiments in the field of poultry nutrition and was granted alN.S. degree in Chemistry by the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, June, 1934. The title of his master's thesis was "Vitamin D Requirements of Chickens Grown in the Absence of Sunlight ". He was promoted to Associate Poultry Husbandman in the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station system September 1, 1934, and to Poultry Husbandman, September, 1936. Between the years of 1934 and 1941, Couch was responsible for planning, carrying out, writing up and publishing research in the field of poultry nutrition and in this capacity, had charge of a poultry nutrition laboratory. He was ordered to active duty in the Armed Services, June 12, 1941, as a 1st Lieutenant in the Infantry in the Organized Reserve Corps, and was discharged July 23, 1946, with the rank of Lt. Colonel. The periods of duty described below will cover only those in which he served for some length of time. He was instructor in the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, from September 19, 1911 through Nay 7, 1943, during which time he was in charge of an instructional team which varied from 4 - 7 officers and during which time approximately 250 officer candidate classes of 2110 men each and approximately 40 officers classes of 225 men each were processed through the school for instructional periods which varied from 13 -17 weeks. From November 9, 1943, through August. 6, 1945, Couch was assigned to the Military Training Division of the 5th Service Command, Columbus, Ohio, and had charge of an inspection team of from 2 - 4 officers with the responsibility of training, processing, and shipping overseas of Army Service Force Units which varied in size from an Army Postal Unit of 1 officer and 4 enlisted men to a Railway Battalion of 20 officers and 750 enlisted men. From October 18, 1945 to March 15, 1946, he was Assistant G -3 of the XI Corps in Japan and had charge of about 5 officers and 16 enlisted men, was second in command of the section and had the responsibility of operations in the Corps, the strength of which varied from 2 -4 divisions and 2 combat teams as well as a large number of service units. From September, 1946 through August, 1948, Couch was a graduate student on .a General Education Board grant at the University of Wisconsin, and was granted the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Poultry Nutrition in August, 1948. The title of his Ph.D. thesis was "The Nutritional Significance and Function of Biotin in the Nutrition of the Nature Domestic Fowl." He was employed by the Agricultural and iechanical College of Texas and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as professor of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Nutrition, September 1948. His duties at present consist of teaching one course in Poultry Nutrition, in Which the enrollment is approximately 25 students, during the first semester of the college year, and the teaching of two courses in Biochemistry and Nutrition in which the enrollment is from 12 -20 students, during the second semester. Couch is a member of the American Chemical Society, The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The Texas Academy of Science, Poultry Science Association, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, The American Institute of Nutrition, and The Federation of American Socfties for Experimental Biology. Name: Position: Family: Education: Employment: James Russell Couch J. R. Couch Personal Data Professor, Departments of Poultry Science and Biochemistry and Biophysics. Date and Place of Birth: June 10, 1909, . Alvarado, Texas Married Velma Holland, Octobc.r 5, 1934. Four Childrer; Sandra, (Mrs. T. E. O'Connor), 31; J. R. Couch, Jr., 27; Robin and Robert (twins) , 14. Alvarado High School, Alvarado, Texas. 1926. John Tarleto:n Agricultural College, Stephenville, Texas. 1926 -1929. Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. 1931 -34. B.S. Animal Husbandry. Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. 1931 -34. M.S. Chemistry. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 1946-48. Ph.D. Biochemistry and Poultry Nutrition. 1931 - 1941. Station, Te 1931 -1934. 1934-1936. 1936 -1941. 1941 -1946. 1946 -1948. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Colle €,t xas. Assistant Poultry Husbandman. Associate Poultry Husbandman Poultry Husbandman U. S. Army. University of Wisconsin Graduate School. 1948 -to date- present position. Military Record: 1941. Entered U. S. Army as First Lieutenant, June 12. 1941 -43. Instructor in Infantry School, Ft. Bennir_g, Ca 1943 -45, Military Training Division, Fifth Service C mand , Columbus, Ohio 1945 -46. Assistant G -3, XI Corps, Japan. 1946. Discharged, July 23, Rank of Lt. Col. Present. Status: Colonel, Army Reserve Corps, Retired. oin Organizations: ( Poultry Science Association American Chemical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Texas Academy of Science Sigma Xi Gamma Alpha American Institute of Nutrition Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology American Society of Biological Chemists American Society of Bacteriologists Texas Academy of Science Phi Kappa Phi Recognitions, Honors and Awards: 1925 - Winner of Santa Fe 4 -H Club trip to International Livestock Show, Chicago. 1930 -31 - Member Junior and Senior Livestock Judging Team, Texas A &M. 1951 - American Feed Manufacturers' Award for outstanding research in the field of poultry nutrition, on biotin, vitamin B12 and antibiotics in poultry rations. 1949 -1967 - Chairman, Texas Nutrition Conferences. 1966 - Elected Fellow Poultry Science Association. PERSONAL INFORMATION ON J. R. COUCH J. R. Couch was born June 10, 1909, on a farm near Alvarado, Texas and graduated from a high school at Alvarado in June 1926. He participated in 4 -H Club work for approximately 6 years which was climaxed by winning one of tthe Santa Fe 4 -H Club tr=ps to the International Livestock Show in Chicago in December 1925. This trip was won on a swine project. Couch attended John Tarleton Agricultural College for the completion of his freshman and sophomore work and entered the A,rri and Mechanical College of Texas in September 1929. He graduated from this institution with a S.S. degree in Agriculture and a major in Animal Husbandry in June, 1931. Couch was a member of the Junior and Senior-Livestock Judging Teams during the period of his undergraduate work at Texas A. and M. Couch was employed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, September 1931, as Assistant Poultry Husbandman. During the next three years he took graduate work and worked full time carrying out experiments in the field of poultry nutrition and was granted a4N.S. degree in Chemistry by the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, June, 1934. The title of his master's thesis was "Vitamin D Requirements of Chickens Grown in the Absence of Sunlight ". He was promoted to Associate Poultry Husbandman in the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station system September 1, 1934, and to Poultry Husbandman, September, 1936. Between the years of 1934 and 1941, Couch was responsible for planning, carrying out, writing up and publishing research in the field of poultry nutrition and in this capacity, had charge of a poultry nutrition laboratory. He was ordered to active duty in the Armed Services, June 12, 1941, as a 1st Lieutenant in the Infantry in the Organized Reserve Corps, and was discharged July 23, 1946, with the rank of Lt. Colonel. The periods of duty described below will cover only those in which he served for some length of time. He was instructor in the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, from September 19, 1941 through Nay 7, 1943, during which time he was in charge of an instructional team which varied from 4 - 7 officers and during which time approximately 250 officer candidate classes of 240 men each and approximately 40 officers classes of 225 men each were processed through the school for instructional periods which varied from 13 -17 weeks. From November 9, 1943, through August. 6, 1945, Couch was assigned to the Military Training Division of the 5th Service Command, Columbus, Ohio, and had charge of an inspection tease of from 2 - 4 officers with the responsibility of training, processing, and shipping overseas of Army Service Force Units which varied in size from an Army Postal Unit of 1 officer and 4 enlisted men to a Railway Battalion of 20 officers and 750 enlisted men. From October 18, 1945 to March 15, 1946, he was Assistant G -3 of the XI Corps in Japan and had charge of about 5 officers and 16 enlisted men, was second in command of the section and had the responsibility of operations in the Corps, the strength of which varied from 2 -4 divisions and 2 combat teams as well as a large number of service units. From September, 1946 through August, 1948, Couch was a graduate student on .a General Education Board grant at the University of Wisconsin, and was granted the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Poultry Nutrition in August, 1948. The title of his Ph.D. thesis was "The Nutritional Significance and Function of Biotin in the Nutrition of the Mature Domestic Fowl." He was employed by the Agricultural and ?"echan cal College of Texas and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as professor of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Nutrition, September 19118. His duties at present consist of teaching one course in Poultry Nutrition, in which the enrollment is approximately 25 students, during the first semester of the college year, and the teaching of two courses in Biochemistry and Nutrition in which the enrollment is from 12 -20 students, during the aecond semester. Couch is a member of the American Chemical Society, The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The Texas Academy of Science, Poultry Science Association, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, The American Institute of Nutrition, and The Federation of American Socfties for Experimental Biology. SUMMARY OF POULTRY NUTRITION PROGRAM The present research program in poultry nutrition under Couch's supervision was initiated in September 1948. The primary objective of this program was to produce more meat and eggs and to develop rations whereby less feed would be required for the production of the meat and eggs. The first experiments were initiated with broilers in batteries with raised screen floors in our laboratories here at Texas A. and M. College. After these initial experiments were completed, field tests were set up at the broiler Substation No. 21 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Gonzales, Texas. It should be pointed out that the initial report on this work was presented at the State Finals of the Texas Chicken of Tomorrow Contest in Gonzales in June 19;19, before the Gonzales experiments were initiated. The work was reported later at the Texas Nutrition Conference in October 1949 by . r. J. -.eed, Superintend- ent of substi t on No. 21 of the Texas agricultural Experiment Station. report on the work was made at the 1 Meeting of the American Chemical Soc et "r 1950 and a further report as given at the Annual Neeting of Texas :'eed : fac turers in April 1950. It was felt that the fact that antibiotics along with vitamin 9 and the newer high energy rations had been proven to grow broilers f2.ster, rn' efficiently and with better feathering by June 1950. Therefore, Progress '.ecort 1251 was issued by the Texas Agricultural Sxperiment Station and a press release was prepared by the publicity departs: nts of the Texas A. and h. College System. This press release was printed by the majority of the newspapers in Texas and �=.ckeo rp by many pni:ers outside the state: It was etitimated that from the from this work broiler producers would save approximately 7 million dollars per year. The saving was made possible by the fact that antibiotics along with the newer type high energy rations produced a more rapid rate of F required less feed per unt of gain, pr•:duced more unifi\om birds and decreased death losses. 3erorts of this work were presented before the Vitamins and Metabolism Section of the Americah Society for the Advancement of Science, sew London, New Hampshire and before the Poultry Science Association, Madison, Wisconsin, during August 195 Antib otics are equally as important for turkeys As for chickens. The turkey phases of the work were carried out entirely in the laboratories of the Departments of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Iutrition at College Station, Texas. Progress Report 1256 was issued by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in June 195C. The results of the chicken studies and the turkey studies were summarized and presented again at the First Cottonseed Meal Conference in New Orleans, November 1950. Further reports of this work were given at the annual meeting of the American Dehydrators Association at Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 1951, at the Southern Agriculture Workers Meeting at Memphis, Tennessee and at the Annual Meeting of the I4id -West Feed Manufacturers Association in Kansas City, Missouri, in February 1951. The work was again summarized at the 6th Distillers Feed Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, in Parch 195 The work has received recogni.ticn through the United States. This is evidenced by the fact that the program of research in the field of Poultry Nutrition is now receiving grant -in -aid support from Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, New York; Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey; The American Dehydrators Association, Kansas City, Missouri; The Corn Products Refining Company, Argo, Illinois; Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute, Indiana; ochenley ,iistillers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; National Cottonseed Products Association, Inc., Dallas, Texas; Dow Chemical eoripa►,y, :•?idland, Michigan; I. DuPont de i.erourJ and Company, Wilmington, al.aware; Williams -Waterman i'und for the Combat of Dietary Diseases, New York, New York; U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc., Baltimore, viaryland; National institutes of Health, iethesda, i•.aryland; Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois; Mid Continental Lah^ratorie. Kansas City, Missouri; and 5. B. Penick and Company, New York, N. The annual grant -in -aid support amounts to approximately $50,000 per annum. It is estimated that approximately 10 milliop broilers have been raised in the Gonzales - Smiley area on the formula developed as a result of this research program. It is impossible to estimate the number of chickens and turkeys that have been fed on modifications of formulas developed as a result of this research program. It is needless to say the program forms the background for most of the feeds found in Texas today and is responsible for many modifications made in feed formulas throughout the country. It is felt that it is exceedingly important to have research information that is accepted by workers colleagues in the field. Such recognition was made through tqe selection of Dr. J. R. Couch as the recepient of the 1951 AFMA award which is made through the Poultry Science Association. This American Feed Manufacturers Association award was made for outstanding research in the field of poultry nutrition on biotin, folic acid, vitamin Bla and antibiotics in poultry rations, and was based on the total number of research publications published by Dr. Couch during the years 19149 and 1950. A second requirement for the success of a research program is the acceptance of the findings by users in the field, which in this case were the Feed Manufacturers and the Poultrymen. Such acceptance WS greatly facilitated through the extensive popular articles which Dr. Couch has written for Feed Magazines and Poultry Magazines. The program now has 11 graduate students. Six of which are studying toward the Ph.D. degree and five are studying toward the Master' degree. During the last three years, Dr. Couch has been chairman of the Texas Nutrition Conference. It might be pointed out that the registration of personnel attending the Nutrition Conference has more than doubled between the years 19149 and 1951. It is felt that a part of this increased attendance is due to the extensive poultry nutrition program which is being carried on in the departments of Poultry Husbandry and Biochemistry and Nutrition of the Texas A. and M. College System. FOR RELEASE Dr. James R. Couch has been awarded the prestigious Golden Feather Award by the Texas Poultry Federation at their Annual Convention in San Antonio, July 26, 1986. The Golden Feather Award is given each year for outstanding service to all segments of the state's poultry industry. Dr. Couch was born in 1909 in t Alvarado, Texas. He attended Texas A &M University from 1931 to 1934 where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees. He received his Ph.D. in 1948 from the University of Wisconsin in Biochemistry and Nutrition. Dr. Couch joined the Departments of Poultry Science and Biochemistry and Nutrition at Texas A &M University as Assistant Professor in 1948 and became Professor Emeritus in 1974. During his years at Texas A &M University Dr. Couch authored or coauthored over 280 scientific publications. He also has written a large number of popular articles. Dr. Couch had approximately 120 graduate students over his career span. Couch receives award James R. Couch ti is • - Dr. James R. Couch of College Station received the Texas Poultry ;,; Federation's Golden Feather Award on July 26, during the federation's annual convention in San Antonio. The award is presented each year in recognition of outstanding service to the state's poultry industry. Born in 1909 in Alvarado, Couch attended Texas A &M College from • 1931 -34, earning both bachelor of science and master of science degrees. ▪ He received a doctorate in biochemistry and nutrition from the University 4, of Wisconsin in 1948. Couch joined the faculties of the Texas A &M's departments of poultry science and biochemistry and nutrition in 1948. Following his retire- ment, he was named professor emeritus in 1974. • Sherwood, R M. and J. R. Couch, 1933. Feeding for efficient growth and prevention of slipped tendons in chickens. Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 476. Couch, J. R., G. S. Fraps and R. M. Sherwood, 1935. Vitamin D requirements of chickens grown in the absence of sunlight. Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 521. Couch, J. R , G. S. Fraps and R. M. Sherwood, 1937. Vitamin D requirements of grow- ing chickens as Affected by the calcium content of the ration. Poultry Sci. 16:106 -108. Sherwood, R. M. and J. R. Couch, 1936. Wheat gray shorts for the prevention of slipped tendons in battery brooder chicks. Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 525. Sherwood, R. M. ■ and J. R. for growing chicks. Sherwood, R. M. and J. R. chicks. Tex. Agric. PUBLICATIONS Snell, E. E., E. Aline, J. R. Couch and P. B. Pearson, 1941. The effect of diet on the pantothenic acid content of eggs. J. Nutrition 21:201 -205. Sherwood, R. M., J. R. Couch, L. E. James and C. W. Carter, 1943. Effect of sulphur on chick nutrition. Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 633. Couch, J. R., L. E. James and R. M. Sherwood, 1947. The effect of different levels of manganese and different amounts of vitamin D in the diet of hens and of pullets. Poultry Sci. 26 :30 -37. Couch, J. R., H. L. German, L. E. James and R. M. Sherwood, 1947. Coarsely ground versus finely pulverized oats for young turkeys. Poultry Sci. 26:176 -179. Sherwood, R. M. and J. R. Couch, 1948. Vitamins and Vitamin Deficiencies. Diseases of Poultry, pp. 157 -202. Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. Couch, J. R., W. W. Cravens, C. A. Elvehjem and J. G. Halpin, 1948. Relation of carbohydrate to intestinal synthesis of biotin and hatchability in mature fowl. J. Nutrition 35:57-72. Couch, J. R., W. W. Cravens, C. A. Elvehjem and J. biotin to congenital deformities in the chick Couch, J. R., W. W. Cravens, C. A. Elvehjem and J. of biotin by the hen's egg. Poultry Sci. 27: Couch, 1939. Comparative values of various protein feeds Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 569. Couch, 1940. Values of various protein feeds for growing Expt. Sta. Bull. 588. G. Halpin, 1948. Relation of . Anat. Rec. 100 :29 -48 G. Halpin, 1948. Daily uptake 823-825. Couch, J. R., M. L. Sunde, W. W. Cravens and C. A. Elvehjem, 1949. Effect of oats, oat products and fat on the intestinal synthesis of biotin in the mature fowl. J. Nutrition 37 :251 -262. 2. Couch, J. R., W. W. Cravens, C. A. Elvehjem and J. G. Halpin, 1949. The effect of the injection of biotin and insulin on congenital deformities in the chick. Poultry Sci. 28:276 -282. Couch, J. R., V. H. Barki, M. L. Sunde, W. W. Cravens and C. A. Elvehjem, 1949. The utilization of lactose by the mature fowl. J. Nutrition 38 :105 -113. Couch, J. R., W. W. Cravens, C. A. Elvehjem and J. G. Halpin, 1949. Studies on the function of biotin in the domestic fowl. Arch. Biochem. 21 :77 -86. Couch, J. R., F. Panzer and P. B. Pearson, 1949. Occurrence of conjugase in egg yolks. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 72 :39 -42. Couch, J. R., H. L. German, D. R. Knight, P. Sparks and P. B. Pearson, 1950. Im- portance of the cecum in intestinal synthesis in the mature domestic fowl. Poultry Sci. 29:52-58. Olcese, 0., J. R. Couch and C. M. Lyman, 1950. Vitamin B12 concentrates in the nu- trition of the mature domestic fowl. J. Nutrition 41:73 -88. Olcese, 0., J. R. Couch, J. H. Quisenberry and P. B. Pearson, 1949. Congenital anomalies in the chick due to vitamin B12 deficiency. J. Nutrition 41:423 -432. Bacigalupe, A., J. R. Couch and P. B. Pearson, 1950. Effect of sucrose, lactose, galactose and fructose on the fecal excretion of biotin, riboflavin and PGA in the mature cotton rat. Am. J. Physiol. 162:131 -135. Sherwood, R. M.,and J. R. Couch, 1950. The effect on chick growth of supplementing a vegetable protein diet with an APF concentrate. Poultry Sci. 29:501 -507. Couch, J. R., Orlando Olcese, P. W. Witten and. R. W. Colby, 1950. Vitamin B12 content of blood from various species. Am. J. Physiol. 163:77 -80. Sanders, B. G., S. 0. Brown and J. R. Couch, 1950. A feathering syndrome in chicks produced by feeding optimal levels of lysine in the absence of arginine. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 74:114 -117. Reed, J. R. and J. R. Couch, 1950. The efficacy of different APF concentrates for chicks. Poultry Sci. 29:897-902• German, H. L. and J. R. Couch, 1950. The effect of feeding varying levels of de- hydrated alfalfa leaf meal on the growth of chicks and poults. Poultry Sci. 29:841 -845. Couch, J. R. and H. L. German, 1950. Pteroylglutamic acid studies with the mature fowl. Poultry Sci. 29:539-544- Couch, J. R. and Orlando Olcese, 1950. The vitamin B12 content of chick tissues as influenced by the diet. J. Nutrition 42:337 -346. Olcese, Orlando and J. R. Couch, 1950. Effect of injecting vitamin B12 into eggs from.hens fed a diet low in vitamin B12. Poultry Sci. 29:612 -614. 3 Skinner, J. L., J, H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1950. High efficiency and APF concentrates in the ration of the laying fowl. 'Poultry Sci. 30 :319 -324. Colby, R. W., F. A. Rau and J. R. Couch, 1950. Effect of feeding an "animal pro- tein factor" concentrate to young lambs. Am.. J. Physiol. 163 :418 -421. Couch,t J. R., 0. Olcese, B. G. Sanders and J. V. Halick, 1950. Vitamin B12, APF concentrates, dried whey, fish solubles and liver fraction "L" in the nutri- tion of the mature fowl. J. Nutrition 42 :473 -485. Halick, J. V. and J. R. Couch, 1951. Antibiotics in mature fowl nutrition. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 76 :58 -62. Atkinson, R. L. and J. R. Couch, 1951. The effect of feeding an APF concentrate and fish solubles on the growth of Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys. Poultry Sci. 30 :81 -85. Richardson, L. R., P. W. Witten and J. R. Couch, 1951. Diet of mother and vitamin B12 content of tissues of infant rats. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 76 :265- 267. Elam, J. F., L. L. Gee and J. R. Couch, 1951. Effect of feeding and penicillin on the life cycle of the chick. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 77 :209 -213. Anthony, W. B., I. W. Rupel and J. R. Couch, 1951. Vitamin B12 in blood of mature dairy cows liberally fed grain, alfalfa hay, silate and pasture forage as mea- sured by Lactobacillus leichmannii 4797 (ATCC). J. Dairy Sci. 34:295 -298. Reed, J. R., Jr., R. L. Atkinson and J. R. Couch, 1951. Dried whey as a source of unidentified factors for the growing chick. J. Nutrition 43 :01 -513. Atkinson, R. L. and J. R. Couch, 1951. Vitamin B12 and APF concentrate, aureomy- cin, streptomycin, liver "L" and fish meal and fish solubles in the nutrition of the poult. J. Nutrition 44:249 -263. Anthony, W. B., J. R. Couch and I. W. Rupel, 1951. Vitamin B12 in blood of newborn and colostrum -fed calves and in colostrum and normal milk of Holstein and Jersey colds. J. Dairy Sci. 34:749 -753. Elam, J. F., L. L. Gee and J. R. Couch, 1951. Function and metabolic significance of penicillin and bacitracin in the chick. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 78: 832 -836. Atkinson, R. L. and J. R. Couch, 1952. Crystalline antibiotics in the nutrition of poults kept on raised screen floors. Poultry Sci. 31 :115 -118. Doctor, V. M. and J. R. Couch, 1952. Bioautographic analysis of blood for growth factors active for L. leichmannii 4797. Proc. Soo. Exptl. Biol. Med. 81:222- 224. Doctor, V. M. and J. R. Couch, 1953. Occurrence and properties of a conjugated form of Leuconostoc citrovorum factor. J. Biol. Chem. 200 :223 -231. 4. Elam, J. F., R. L Jacobs, W. L Tidwell, L. L. Gee and J. R. Couch, 1953. Possible mechanism involved in the growth - promoting responses obtained from antibiotics. J. Nutrition 49 :307 -318. Lyman, Carl M., Wan -Yuin Chang and J. R. Couch, 1953. Evaluation of protein quality in cottonseed meals by chick growth and by a chemical index Mtthod. J. Nutri- tipn 49 :679 -690. H41ick, J. V., B. L. Reid, C. L. Brown and J. R. Couch, 1 953. The vitamin B12 con- tent of egg yolks as influenced by oral and parenteral administration of the vitamin. J. Nutrition 50 :331 -340. Jacobs, R. L., J. F. Elam, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1953. Dehydrated al- falfa leaf meal as a source of vitamins and unidentified factors for the mature fowl. Poultry Sci. 32:812 -816. Elam, J. F., R. L. Jacobs and J. R. Couch, 1953. The effect of prolonged feeding of antibiotics upon the performance of laying hens. Poultry Sci. 32:792 -795. Atkinson, R. L., B. L. Reid, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1953. Antibiotics, methionine and unidentified growth factors in the nutrition of Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. J. Nutrition 51:53 -64. Doctor, V. M„ Patricia G. Sparks, H. 0, Kunkel and J. R. Couch, 1953. Manometric studieA on oxidation of choline by avian liver homogenates. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 82:257 -258. Elam, J...F., R. L. Jacobs, Jean Fowler, Fred Hale and J. R. Couch, 1953. Effect of feeding chloromycetin mycelial meal upon the growth and fecal microflora of swine. J. An. Sci. 12 - 9 2 3. Doctor, V. M., B. E. Welch, R. W. Perrett, C. L. Brown, Sabit Gabay and J. R. Couch, 1953. Metabolic interrelationship between folic acid, vitamin B12 and the citrovorum factor. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 84 :29 -32. Jacobs, R. L., J. F. Elam, G. W. Anderson, L. L. Gee, Jean Fowler and J. E Couch, 1953. Further evidence as to the possible mechanism involved in the growth - promoting responses obtained from antibiotics. J. Nutrition 51 :507 -514. Doctor, V. M., J. F. Elam, Patricia Sparks, Carl M. Lyman and J. R. Couch, 195 Studies on the conversion of folic acid to citrovorum factor by avian liver homogenate. Arch. Biochem. Biophysics 48:249 -255. Reed, J. R., Jr., J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1954. Use of supplementary methionine at low levels in broiler rations. Poultry Sci. 33:41 -47. Reid, B. L., J. F. Elam and J. R. Couch, 1954. The effect of oral and parenteral administration of antibiotics on growth and fecal microflora in the turkey poult. Poultry Sci. 33:307-309. Elam, J. F., R. L. Jacobs, Jean Fowler and J. R. Couch, 1954. Effect of dietary clostridia upon growth - promoting responses of penicillin. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 85 :645 -648. 5 Jacobs, R. L., J. F. Elam, Jean Fowler and J. R. Couch, 1954. An unidentified growth factor found in litter. J. Nutrition 54:417 -426. Doctor, V. M. and J. R. Couch, 1954. An unusual example of symbiosis in bacteria. Arch. Biochem. Biophysics 51:530 -531. Ferguson, T. M., R. L. Atkinson and J. R. Couch, 1954. Relationship of vitamin E to embryonic development of avian eye. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 86: 868 -871. Ferguson, T. M. and J. R. Couch, 1954. Further gross observations on the B12 de- ficient chick embryo. J. Nutrition 54:361 -370. Welch, B. E. and J. R. Couch, 1954. Vitamin B12 and sub - optimal levels of panto - thenic acid in chick nutrition. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 87 :121 -123. Welch, B. E., R. W. Perrett, J. H. Clements and J. R. Couch, 1954. The relation of vitamin B12 to egg yolk storage of folic acid. J. Nutrition 54 :601 -608. Doctor, V. M., J. R. Couch and J. B. Trunnell, 1954. Factors influencing conver- sion of folic acid to citrovorum factor by chick liver fractions. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 87:228 -231. Reid, B. L., H. K. Daugherty and J. R. Couch, 1955. The stability of vitamin A in mixed feeds and premixes. Poultry Sci. 34:603 -608. Couch, J. R., Wan -Yuin Chang and Carl M. Lyman, 1955. The effect of free gossypol on chick growth. Poultry Sci. 34:178 -183. Atkinson, R. L., T. M. Ferguson, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1955. Vitamin E and reproduction in turkeys. J. Nutrition 55:387-397. Welch, B. E. and J. R. Couch, 1 955. Homocystine, vitamin B12 choline and methio- nine in the nutrition of the laying fowl. Poultry Sci. 34:217 -222. Jacobs, R. L., J. F. Elam, W. L. Tidwell, Jean Fowler and J. R. Couch, 1955. Effect of antibiotics on reproductive performance and antibiotic - resistant organisms in the digestive tract of the hen. Antibiotics Annual 1 95 4 - 55, p. 5 Camp, A. A., H. T. Cartrite, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1955. Further in- formation concerning unidentified chick growth factors. Poultry Sci. 34;559- 566. Atkinson, R. L., T. M. Ferguson, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1955. Dehydrated alfalfa tddal, condensed fish solubles, distillers dried solubles and dried whey as supplements to an all- vegetabae protein turkey laying diet. Poultry Sci. 3 -735. Reid,,B. L. and J. R. Couch, 1955. Factors affecting the in vitro conversf.on of folic acid to citrovorum factor. Arch. Biochem. Biophysics 56:388 -393. Rigdon, R. H., J. R. Couch, Doyle Brasheer and R. Taher Qureshi, 1955. . Effect of vitamin B12 on selenium poisoning in the rat. Arch. Path. 59:66 -72. Atkinson, R. L., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1955. Further studies on unidenti- fied growth factor sources of Brad Breasted:,Brgnze turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 34:855 -861. Camp, A. A., H. T. vitamin A and 1138. Harms, R. H., B. L. as a criterion 1125 -1133. 6. Mangrum, J. F., T. M. Ferguson, J. R. Couch, F. K. Wills and J. P. Delaplane, 1 955. The effectiveness of furazolidone in the control of hexamitiasis in turkey jSoults. Poultry Sci. 34:836 -840. Camp, A. A., H. T. Cartrite, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1 955. Debeaking in commercial broiler production. Poultry Sci. 34:371 -375. Dannenburg, W. N., B. L. Reid, E. E. Rozacky and J. R. Couch, 1955. An . inorganic chick growth response. Poultry Sci. 34:1023 -1026. Redd and J. R. Couch, 1 955. Storage of vitamin A in chick livers of stability, availability and dietary level. Poultry Sci. 34: Cartrite, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1 955. Supplementary choline in the diet of the growing chick. Poultry Sci. 34:1134- Chang, W. Y., J. R. Couch, C. M. Lyman, W. L. Hunter, V. P. Entwistle, W. C. Green, A. B. WAtts, C. W. Pope, C. A. Cabell and I. P. Earle, 1 955. The nutritional value of prepress- solvent cottonseed meals. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 32:103 -1p9. Ferguson, T. M., R. H. Rigdon and J. R. Couch, 1955. A pathologic study of vitamin B12- deficient chick embryos. A.M.A. Arch. Path. 60:393 -400. Kurnick, A. A., B. L. Reid, R. L. Svacha and J. R. Couch, 1955. Effect of dried whey on growth, egg production and hatchability. J. Nutrition 57:345 -352. Harms, R. H., A. A. Camp, B. L. Reid, E. L. Grant, B. G. Creech and J. R. Couch, 1956. Evidence for a substance in fish solubles which enhances vitamin A stor- age in chick livers. Poultry Sci. 35:285 -291. Ferguson, T. M., R. H. Rigdon and J. R. Couch, 1956. Cataracts in vitamin E -defi- ciency. An experimental study in the turkey embryo. A.M.A. Arch. Ophth. 55: - Kurnick, A. A., R. L. Svacha, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. Further evidence for an unidentified factor required in a purified diet for normal hatchability. Poultry Sci. 35:658 -662. Creech, B. G., B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. Evaluation of a dicalcium phos- phate supplement as a source of phosphorus for chicks. Poultry Sci. 35 :654 -658. Camp, A. A., B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. Growth promoting activity of ash when fed in practical diets to chicks. Poultry Sci. 35 :621 -627. Ferguson, T. M., H. P. Vaught, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. The effect of amino acid supplements to the dietlof Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults fed various levels of protein and productive energy. Poultry Sci. 35 :1069 -1073. 7. Ferguson, T. M., H. P. Vaught, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. The effect of vi- tamin E, dehydrated alfalfa meal and condensed fish solubles upon hatchability of eggs from Broad Breasted Bronze hens'mafintained on litter. Poultry Sci. 35: 872 - Harms, R. H., B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. Further studies on a factor obtained from condensed fish solubles which enhances vitamin A storage in chick livers.. Poultry Sci. 35:1254 -1258. Ferguson, T. M., H. P. Vaught, L. D. Matterson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1956. Growth of Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults fed a 26 percent protein diet with different levels of productive energy. Poultry Sci. 35:1305 -1308. Anderson, G. W., S. J. Slinger and J. R. Couch, 1956. Coliforms as related to the hemorrhagic syndrome. Poultry Sci. 35:933-936. Reid, B. L., A. A. Kurnick, R. L. Svacha and J. R. Couch, 1956. The effect of molyb- denum on chick and poult growth. Proc. S : Exp. Biol. and Med. 93:245 -248. Ferguson, T. M., R. H. Rigdon and J. R. Couch, 1957. Thyroid in B12 deficient chick embryos. Endocrinology 60:13 -21. Ferguson, T. M., J. B. Trunnell, B. Dennis, P. Wade and J. R. Couch, 1957. The in- fluence of vitamin B12 deficiency on the uptake of I131 by the thyroid gland in adult and embryonic chickens. Endocrinology 60 :28 -32. Ferguson, T. M., H. P. Vaught, L. D. Matterson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1 957. .The effect of different levels of productive energy, protein and methionine upon the growth of Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 36:124- 128. Reid, B. L., A. A. Kurnick, R. L. Svacha and J. R. Couch, 1957. Molybdenum in poultry nutrition. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 94:737 -740. Creech, B. G., G. L. Feldman, T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1 957. Exudative diathesis and vitamin E deficiency in turkey poults. J. Nutrition 62:83 -96. Feldman, G. L., R. L. Atkinson, B. G. Creech, T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1957. The effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal, dried brewerp yeast and condensed fish solubles on the reproductive performance of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 3 - 797. Creech, B. G. and J. R. Couch, 1957. The performance of laying hens as affected by continual feeding of streptomycin and penicillin at high levels. Poultry Sci. 36 :452 -453. Anderson, G. W., M. M. Hauser, M. L. Wright and J. R. Couch, 1956. The effect of _dietary enterococci and chlortetracycline hydrochloride on the intestinal flora and growth of chicks. Canadian Jour. of Microbiology 2 :733 -739. Atkinson, R. L., A. A. Kurnick, T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1 957. Protein and energy levels for tuey starting diets. Poultry Sci. 36:767 -773. 8. McDaniel, A. H., J. D. Price, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1957. Effect of energy and protein level on cage layers. Poultry Sci. 36:850 -854. Camp, A. A., B. G. Creech and J. R. Couch, 1957. Corn glutein protein as a source of amino acids for the growing chick. Poultry Sci.,x13:828 - Kurnidk, A. A., B. L. Reid, R. N. Burroughs, m on Stelizner a the growing E ffect of distillers dried soluble s and molybdenum Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 95:3.53 -35 Price, J. D., A. H. McDaniel, D. N. Smith, Jr., J. H. Quisenberry, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1957. The effect of energy and protein levels on egg production, feed efficiency and some lipid constituents of blood and liver of caged layers. Poultry Sci. 36 :1316 -1321. Narain, Ram, C. M. Lyman and J. R. Couch, 1957. High levels of free gossypol in hen diets: effects on body weight, feed consumption, and egg production. Poultry Sci. 36:1351 -1354. Camp, A. A., H. T. Cartrite, B. L. Reid, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1957. Corn steepwater solubles as a source of unknown growth factor(s) for growing chicks. Poultry Sci. 36:1354 -1359. Camp, A. A., J. R. Couch and J. H. Quisenberry, 1957. Respons.e to diethylstilbestrol of growing chicks fed various protein levels. Poultry Sci. 36 :171 -17 §. Creech, B. G., M. M. Rahman, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1958. Exudative diathesis in chicks. J. Nutrition 64:5 -66. Narain, Ram, C. M. Lyman and J. R. Couch, 1958. Effect of increased proteinrlevel. in the hen diet on the transfer of gohsypol- cephalin to the egg. Poultry 37:093 -8 9 6 . Reid, B. L., M. M. Rahmai, B. G. Creech and J. R. Couch, 1958. Selenium and develop- ment of exudative diathesis in chicks. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 97:590 -593. Rigdon, R. H., G. Crass, 5. h M. Ferguson edof.a 1958. Mf in young chickens with production Path. 65 :228 -235. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson, G. L. Feldman and J. R. Couch, 1958. Air sacs in the turkey. Poultry Sci. 37:53 -60. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson, G. L. Feldman, H. D. Stelzner and J. R. Couch, 1958. Spontaneous hernias in the axilla of the turkey. Poultry Sci. 37:169 -173. Feldman, G. L., T. M. Ferguson, R. H. Rigdon, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1958. The effect of dinitrophenol on the lens of chick embryo. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 98 :646 -648. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson, G. L. Feldman, H. 0. Wheeler and J. R. Couch, 1958. A study of the mechanism of the experimentally induced pendulous crop in'.the turkey. Am. J. Vet. Res. 19:681. -688. 77- 81 9. Kurnick, A. A., B. L. Reid: and J. R. Couch, 1958. Trace elements in poultry nutri- tion--a review. Soil Sci. 85 :106 -116. Manfre, Anthony S., H. O. Wheeler, G. L. Feldman, R. H. Rigdon, T. M. Ferguson, and J. R. Couch, 1958. Fungi in the crop of the turkey. Am. J. Vet. Res. 19: 689 -695. Harms, R. H., J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1958. The effects on broiler pig- mentation of incorporating milo, dehydrated alfalfa meal, and diphenyl -p- phenylenediamine (D.P.p.D.) in the diet. Poultry Sci. 37:143 -147. Murthy, V. M. R., R. N. Burroughs, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1958. Liberation and determination of riboflavin in natural feedstlzffs. J. Ag. & Fbod Chem. 6 :129 -130. Mohan, V. S., B. L. Reid, and J. R. Couch, 1959. Chemical method for estimation of niacin in poultry feeds and premixes. J. Ag. & Food Chem. 7 :42 -44. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson, V. S. Mohan and J. R. Couch, 1959. In vivo produc- tion of a ceroid -like pigment in chickens given gossypol. A. M. A. Arch. Path. 67 :94 -101. McDaniel, A. H., J. H. Quisenberry, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1959. The effect of dietary fat, caloric intake and protein level on caged layers. Poultry Sci. 38013 -219. Whiteside, C. H., T. M Ferguson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1960, The effect of dehydrated alfalfa meal, dried brewers east, condensed fish solubles and fer- mentation residue on the repzloductive performance of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 39: Willingham, H. E., B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1959. The effect of feeding different levels of free gossypol to hens that are devoid of carotenoid pigments and the subsequent effect of egg discoloration. Poultry Sci. Reid, B. L., H. D. Stelzner, R. E. Davies, R. L. Svacha and J. R. Couch, 1958. Or- ganic unidentified growth factors in feed ingredients. Proc. 13th Distillers' Feed Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sterner, H. D., R. E. Davies, M. D. Stasnly and J. p. Couch, 1959. Unidentified growth factors in corn distillers dried solubleb -- present status. Proc. 14th Distillers' Feed Conference, Ctincinnati, Ohio. Baruah, J. N., R. E. Davies, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1959. Effect of lactose on the utilization of phosphorus from colloidal phosphate by chiks. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 102:722 -705. Feldman, G. L., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1959. Dinitrophenol induced cata- racts in the chick embryo. J. Expt. Zool. 140 :191 -206. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1959. Spontaneous cataracts in tur- keys. Am. J. Vet. Res. 20:961 -965. Ferguson, T. M., J. R. Couch and R. H. Rigdon, 1959. Histopathology of animal reactions to pigment compounds- chickens. Proc. of the Conf. on Chem. Structure and Reactions of Gossypol and Non - gossypol. pp. 131 -141. So. Regional Res. Lab., New Orleans. Baruah, J. N., R. E. Davies, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1960. Utilization of phos- phorus from colloidal phosphate by chicks and laying hens. Poultry Sci. 39: 843 -849. Baruah, J. N., R. E. Davies, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1960. Phosphorus avail -' ability from the ash of unidentified factor sources. Poultry Sci. 39 :840 -842. Davies, R. E., B. L. Reid, A. A. Kurnick and J. R. Couch, 1960. The effect of sul- fate on molybdenum toxicity in the chidk. J. Nutrition 70 :193 -198. Creger, C. R., R. H. Mitchell, R. L. Atkinson, T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid and J. R. Couch, 1960. Vitamin E activity of selenium in turkey hatchability. Poultry Sci. 39:59 - Wheeler, H. 0., B. L. Reid, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1960. Differences in susceptibility of Broad Breasted Bronze and Beltsville Small White turkeys to dietary - induced pendulous crop. Poultry Sci. 39:263 -267. Isaacks, R. E., B. L. Reid, R. E. Davies, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch, 1960. Restricted feeding of broiler type replacement stock. Poultry Sci. 39:339 -346. Baruah, J. H., T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid, R. E. Davies, C. W. Deyoe and J. R. Couch, 1960. A microbiological method for the evaluation of availability of phos- phorus. J. Ag. Food Chem. (in press). Camp, A. A., C. W. Deyoe, R. E. Davies and J. R. Couch, 1960. Results from recent experiments with methionine as an additive to broiler feeds. Poultry Sci. (in press). Deyoe, C. W., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1960. Studies on the amino acid composition of turkey lens. J. of Ophth. (in press). Creger, C. R., R. H. Mitchell, M. L. Jones, R. L. Atkinson, J. H. Quisenberry and J. R. Couch. The effects of oral administration of diethylstilbesterol and dienestrol diacetate on growth rate and efficiency of feed utilization of Beltsville Small White turkey broilers. Poultry Sci. 39:1042 -1045. Creger, C. R. and J. R. Couch, 1961. Reproduction studies in the mature fowl I. Corn and soybean oil meal as sources of unidentified growth and hatchability factors. Poultry Sci. 40 :299 -302. Creger, C. R., M. E. Mitchell, R. L. Atkinson and J. R. Couch, 1960. The effects of different protein and energy levels on the growth of turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 39:1350 -1354. Eoff, H. J., R. E. Davies, T. M. Ferguson and. J. R. Couch, 1960. The effect of tranquilizers on egg production and egg shell quality in caged layers. Poultry Sci. 40:1315 -1321. Feldman, G. L., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Ccu. ^h, 1960. D'..n_'.tropheno1-.Lnduced cata- racts in the avian embryo. Am. J. of Ophth. 49 :.11.68/82 - 1174/88. Feldman, G. L. and J. R. Couch, 1960. Stad.ies on the cxi 3.ativem tabol.ism of the chick embryo 1 and 2. Poultry Sci. 39017-520 (1) . 39 :521. -.523 (2) . Ferguson, T. M., A. A. Swanson, J. R. Cou and. P. Rigdon, 1960. Experimental studies on cataract formation. Am. J. Ophth. 49 :1165/79 - 1167/81. Narain, R., C. M. Lyman, C. W. Deyoe and J. R. Couch, 1960. Effect of protein level of the diet on free gossypol tolerariae in chicks. Poultry Sci. 39 :1556 -1559. Rahman, M. M., C. W. Deyoe, R. E. Davies and J. R. Coach, :.960. Selenium and exudative diathesis in ch!c. . j. Nu.:rition 72:71-76. Rahman, M. M., R. E. Davies, C. W. Deyoe and J. R. Couch, 1960. Selenium and torula yeast in the production of exudative diathesis in chicks. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med.. 105 :227230. Rahman, M. M., R. E. Davies, C. W. Deyoe, B. L. Reid. and J. R. Couch 1960. Role of zinc in the nutrition of growing pull- t:•s. Poultry Sci. 40 :195 -200. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Coua:!, 1960. Pendulous crop in turkeys. Am. J. Vet. Res. 8 5:979 -986. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch., 1960. Spontaneous occurring muscular necrosis and encephalomala.c'!a In the turkey. Poultry Sci. 40 :766 -771. Treat, C. M., 13. L. Reid, R. 4. Davies and J. R. Couch, 1960. . Effect of animal fat and mixtures of animal and vegetable fats containing varying amounts of free' fatty acids on performance of cage layers. Poultry S.•t . 39:1550 -1555. Wheeler, H. 0., B. L. Reid, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1961.. Vitamin uptake studies on organisms isolated from crop contents cf turkeys with pendulous crop. Poultry Sci. 40 :900 -904. Wheeler., H. 0., T. M. Ferguson, R. H. Rigdon and J. R. Couch, 1961. Alcohol content of blood from turkeys fed diets containing glucose or starch as a source of carbohydrate. Poultry Sci. 40 :522 -525. Whiteside, C. H., T. M. Ferguson, B. L. Reid. and J. R. Couch, 1961. Molybd.enu.m, zinc and unidentified factor sources in the diet of caged layers. Poultry Sci. 40 :314 -318. Creger, C. R. and J. R. Couch, 1961. Reproduction studies in the mature fowl II. Poultry Sci. 40 :1.299 -1305. Narain, R., C. M. Lyman, C. W. Deyoe and J. R. Couch, 19614 Paper electrophoresis and albumin /globulin ratios in the serum of normal chickens fed free gossypol in the diet. Poultry Sci. 40 :21-25. Ferguson, T. M., C. H. Whiteside, C. R. Creger, M. L. Jones, R. L. Atkinson and J. R. Couch, 1961. B- vitamin deficiency in the mature turkey hen. Poultry Sci. 40:1151 -1159. Mitchell, R. H., C. R. Creger, R. E. Davies, R. L. Atkinson, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. The effect of restricted feed- ing of Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys during the holding period on subsequent reproductive performance. Poultry Sci. 41:91 -98. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson, and J. R. Couch, 1962. Spontaneous occurring muscular necrosis in the chicken. Poultry Sci. 41: 446 -453. Eoff, H. J., R. E. Davies, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. Studies on the influence of terephthalic acid and broad spectrum antibiotics on egg production and egg shell coloration in caged layers. Poultry Sci. 41:1036 -1041. Rigdon, R. H., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. Muscular dystrophy in the chicken, a pathologic study. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 20:446 -453. Whiteside, C. H., T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. Hematological studies in mature turkey hens fed diets deficient in B vitamins. J. Nutrition 78 :162 -166. Jones, M. L., C. H. Meinecke, C. W. Deyoe and J. R. Couch, 1962. Effect of high levels of aureomycin, neomycin, spiramycin and tylosin on infectious synovitis in mature turkeys. Poultry Sci. 41 :234 -236. Jones, M. L., C. W. Deyoe, R. E. Davies and J. R. Couch, 1962. Effect of phosphorus on growth and hock disorder of turkeys 8 -23 weeks of age. Poultry Sci. 41:1925 -1928. Creger, C. R., M. A. Zavala, R. H. Mitchell, R. E. Davies and J. R. Couch, 1962. Organic and inorganic supplements in a purified type diet for chicks. Poultry Sci. 41:1928 -1931. Eoff, H. J., R. E. Davis, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. Effect of source of calcium and phosphorus on antibiotic potentiation and egg production of caged layers. Poultry Sci. 41:1065 -1070. Eoff, H. J., R. E. Davies, T. M. Ferguson and J. R. Couch, 1962. The effect of feeding various levels of calcium and phosphorus on the performance and absorption of chlortetracycline of caged layers. Poultry Sci. 41 :1071 -1078. Condren, H. B., R. E. Davies, C. W. Deyoe, M. A. Zavala Madero, C. R. Creger and J. R. Couch, 1963. Studies on the Effect of 1,2 di- methyl- 5- nitroimidazole on Growth Reproduction in Turkeys and its Residual Concentration in Tissue. Poultry Sci. 42 :585 -594. Colvin, L. B., R. Sivaramakrishnan, and J. R. Couch, 1962. Detection and determination of 1 ,2- Di_methyl- 5- Aminoi_midazole. Chemist Analyst. 52 :9. Deyo, C. W., R. E. Davies, R. Krishnan, R. Khaund and J. R. Couch, 1962. Studies on the taste preference of the chick. Poultry Sci. 41:781 -784. Deyoe, C. W., L. E. Deacon and J. R. Couch, 1962. Citrus bioflavonoids in broiler diets. Poultry Sci. 41:1088 -1090. Williams, W. P., R. E. Davies, and J. R. Couch, 1963. The utilization of carotenoids by the hen and chick. Poultry Sci. 42:691 -699. Co G. J., T. M. Ferguson, C. R. Creger and J. R. Couch, 1963. The effect of dimetridazole on blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, body temperature and hatchability of chicks. Am. J. of Vet. Med. 24:1063 -1065. Hulett, B. J., R. E. Davies and J. R. Couch, 1964. Changes observed in egg yolk cholesterol, serum cholesterol and serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase by feeding cholesterol and vegetable oil to mature hens. Poultry Sci. 43:1075 -1078. Ferguson, T. M., E. M. Omar and J. R. Couch, 1964. Muscular Dystrophy in Avian Species. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 22:902 - 910. Issack, R. E., R. E. Davis, T. M. Ferguson, R. Reiser and J. R. Couch, 1964. Studies on Avian Fat Composition (1) Effect of Dietary Fat on the Fatty Acids of the Triglyceride and Phospholipid Fractions of the Blood Plasma and Adipose Tissue Lipids of the laying Hen. Poultry Sci. 43: No 1. (2) The Selective Utilization of Fatty Acids by the Chick Embryo. Poultry Sci. 43: No. 1 Deyoe, C. W., M. A. Zavala Madero, R. E. Davies and J. R. Couch,1964. The Effect of Flavour on the Growth and Feed Utilisation of Broiler Chicks. British Poultry Sci. 5: No. 3 245 -248. McGhee, Flin, J. R. Couch, and C. R. Creger, 1965. Copper and Iron Toxicity; Research Note in Poultry Sci. 44:310. Collins, G. J., C. R. Creger and J. R. Couch, 1965. Effect of Dimetri- dazole on Growth of Neurospora sitophila and Lactobacillus casei. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 119:164 -166. Omar, E. M., T. M. Ferguson, C. R. Creger and J. R. Couch, 1965. Enzyme Activities in the Developing Muscle and Liver of Normal and Genetically Dystrophic Chick Embryos. Soc. Exptl. Biol Med. 118: 225 -227. William 0. Cawley 907 Stanfield Circle Bryan, Texas 77802 BRYAN, TEXAS - Pioneer Poultry Nutritionist James Russell Couch, 81 died Wednesday, January 23, 1909 in a local nursing home following a long illness. Born June 10, 1901, i Alvarado, Texas, Dr. Couch's career spanned the development of the poultry industry from backyard flocks to the modern industrialized poultry complexes of today. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1931 from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and immediately on graduation was employed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as an Assistant Poultry Husbandman. Dr. Couch was named a Poultry Husbandman in 1936, after receiving a Master's degree in Chemistry in 1934. Called to active military duty in June 1941, Dr. Couch served with the U.S. Army at the Infantry School, Ft. Benning, GA. and in Japan. Returning from World War II, he entered the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin in August 1946, where he received his doctorate degree in August 1948. Immediately, Dr. Couch returned to Texas A &M University, where he launched a 27 year extensive research program. During his tenure, he graduated some 60 Ph.D. and 56 M.S. students. Dr. Couch was the author or co- author of 280 scientific publications. He also wrote hundreds of articles for the popular press. Prior to 1950, poultry production was concentrated in small farm flock. The feed industry relied heavily on the "Big Five" formula containing one part each of meat scraps, corn, wheat bran, oats and wheat middlings for poultry. When Dr. Couch came on the nutritional scene it required some 15 -18 weeks to finish a 2 -1/2 pound broiler for market. By the end of the 1970's this grow -out period had been reduced to less than 8 weeks producing a 5.0 pound bird. Always on the cutting edge of poultry nutrition technology, Dr. Couch was one of Texas' first internationally acclaimed researchers. He was a featured speaker at professional meetings in Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia. Dr. Couch also attracted graduate students from five continents. With his students, Dr. Couch pioneered research on "unidentified growth factors ", pigmentation, embryonic development, synthetic vitamins, vitamins A, E and B in poultry nutrition, and trace minerals. His good friend, colleague and former Dean, Dr. H. 0. Kunkel wrote "self- confident, flamboyant and inevitably controversial, Russ Couch made many significant contributions to the nation's poultry industry." Dr. Couch was a member of many professional and honor societies. He was elected a Poultry Science Association (PSA) Fellow in 1966. He received the PSA's American Feed Manufacturer's Award in 1951 and the PSA's Distinguished Nutrition Award in 1964. Dr. Couch was the 1974 recipient of the Texas A &M Former Student's Distinguished Achievement in Research Award. On his retirement in 1974 he was given Professor Emeritus status. Dr. Couch received the highest honor the Texas commercial poultry industry can bestow on an individual when he was presented their 1986 "Golden Feather Award." Dr. Couch is survived by his wife of 56 years, Mrs. Velma Holland Couch and two sons, Dr. J. R. Couch, Jr., Springfield, IL., Robert Couch, College Station and two daughters, Sandra Couch O'Connor, San Antonio and Robin Couch Hermann, Houston, and three grandsons and a granddaughter. -30- James Russell Couch Funeral services for James Russell Couch, 81, of College Station will be held at 3 p p.m. Friday at A &M Presbyterian Church in c College Station. Officiating will be the Rev w.; j Tom Estes of A &M Presby ,terian Church. Burial will be at College Station i Cemetery. Arrangements s .are by Memorial Funeral 1 Chapel of Bryan. ` Couch died Wednesday :mo o rning at a local nursing COUCH 1 Born In Johnson County, Couch was a resi- f :dent of College Station for 60 years. He received a bachelor's degree in science from 1 . the Agricultural and Mechanical College of 'Texas and was employed by the Texas Agrlcul- 1 aural Experiment Station as an Assistant Poultry Husbandman upon graduation In 1931. He received his master's degree in 'chemistry in 1934 and was named a Poultry Husbandman In 1936. He was a retired ,colonel in the U.S. Army and was a veteran of World War 11. He received his doctorate from the University of Wisconsin in 1946. Couch was a professor of Biochemistry and Poultry Science at Texas A &M University and the au- thor or co- author of 280 scientific pub- lications, in addition to hundreds of articles for the press. He was a member of A &M Presbyterian Church in College Station. Survivors include his wife, Velma Couch of College Station; two sons and a daughter -in- law. James R. Jr. and Pamela Couch of Spring- field. I11., and Robert A. Couch of College Sta- tion; two daughters and sons -in -law, Sandra and Col, T.E. O'Conner of San Antonio and Robin Ann and Ed Hermann of Houston; a brother, Col. J.B. Couch of San Antonio; a sis- ter, Imogene Chaney of Dallas; and four grandchildren. - Memorials may be made to the Velma & Russell Couch Scholarship Fund in care of 12 . Texas A &M University Development Founda- St tion, College Station, 77843 and the building n' fund of A &M Presbyterian Church in College r Station.