HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Evaluation Report IRIS - 71 FINAL EVALUATION REPORT CDEX-71 November 1-5, 1971 I. CDEX-7i II. Type of Exercise - EOS III. Participants: A. State of Texas B. Federal Agencies - OCD C. State Agencies 1. State Highway Department 2. Department of Public Safety 3. State Welfare Department 4. State Health Department 5. Parks and. Wildlife Department 6. Water Development Board 7. Adjutant General's Department D. Local Governments 1. Amarillo - Potter County 2. Baytown 3. Big Springs - Howard County 4. Brazos County 5. Collingsworth County 6. Corpus Christi 7. Dallas City - County 8. Denton City - County 9. El Paso City - County 10. Fort Worth - Tarrant County 11. Galveston County 12. Jefferson County 13. Killeen 14. Orange City - County 15. San Antonio 16. Sherman 17. Waco - McLennan County IV. Subsystems Exercised: A. Warning System B. Communication (RACES) C. IRIS D. Command and Control V. Plans and/or Procedures Exercised: A. State Emergency Operation Plan B. Local Government Plans and. CSP's VI. Identification of Significant Events and Major Problems: A. All local governments were well pleased with the contents of the scenario messages, the realism portrayed by individuals and the accomplishment of the exercise. 13. Most all local governments had very good representation of local officials during the exercise, and very good publicity through local news media was obtained in most cases. C. The State Defense Council had a very effective work session during the attack phase and all participants acknowledged the fact that coordination exercises such as this are most beneficial. D. The State as well as local governments were very satisfied with the participation of RACES personnel and the system itself. We are encouraged that such a system can work effectively during an emergency and with the constant training and improvements it will provide a reliable means of communication. E. Most local governments recognize the importance of such exercises and recommend it continue on a yearly basis. Some have indicated they would do this on their own, others are looking for the State and. Federal offices to direct such exercises. The many and frequent changes in local government staffs supports the need for annual exercises to insure new personnel of their functions and duties during times of emergencies. F. One local government located on the border recognizes the potential of problems with a neighboring county during an emergency. It recommends some kind of agreement or understanding with the neigh- boring county. (In this case Mexico). G. Several local governments experienced some difficulty in the short time allowed for the attack phase. It is difficult to compress problems in this short period of time (3 hours) and yet cover the entire event adequately. It is not necessarily recommended that the "play period" be extended, rather some other approach be made to more realistically approach the problems. This also was experienced at the State level. In all reality, the first three hours after an attack would not produce very many operational events. Consideration might be given to writing the problems in 11-1- hours or days to give the true time lapse, especially for the RADEF personnel. H. Some local governments realized the need for refresher training for key personnel, i.e. RADEF monitors, plotters and etc. However, these are isolated cases and do not represent a majority. One local government reported that the most repeated statement during the critique following their exercise was; "We need more training and exercises." 1. Enclosed are copies of two evaluation reports received from local governments. These two reports are typical of those received and represent a good analysis of the exercise. Summary: It is the general consensus of all participants at both State and local level that this exercise was very beneficial to all and that future training of this type would always be welcomed. EXERCISE STRIKE PATTERN FOR R5 MX-71 Texa r, (CST) Place Name _ Time L<'t - Long 3MT Surface 1M•MT Air Beaumont 0910 3008/9512 X Fort Worth 0910 3253/9728 X Bryan 0917 3034/9655 X Baytown 0920 2947/9507 X Big Spring 0920 3212/10)35 X Wellington 0920 3443/10012 X San Antonio 0921 2910/9830 X Sherman 0921 3338/9709 X McAllen 0923 2620/9814 X Waco 0925 3138/9714 X Amarillo 0927 3521/10150 X Corpus Christi 0930 2740/9724 X Galveston 0932 2934/9525 X Dallas 0937 3258/9656 X Killeen 0940 3059/9744 X Orange 0940 3000/9356 X be ltan. (bALLAS—pkwartry stteEl3J e1 Paso