HomeMy WebLinkAboutRadio Equipment Survey 1970 . ----i, % 1 f qJt BRAZOS COUNTY C!VIL DEFENSE COURTHOUSE BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 / !/ f r Q A / „at C., 1') r- • 1 n 1 ' 4 4 ,,,,,,,,,„ (,,,„,i, d457,„7--(q 96 , ; , , . t _ . . ,.., . - =v.+ -. . -2. 0 - _ , _ _ 4 Ltp,_7 _ , II /, 2 - - ' LaAA- *1■ - C# 1 1 \._ ,.....),- 4-2 _ ____ _____ '. c COLLEGE STATION POLICE DEPT. Located: Police and Fire Bldg. 1201 Texas Ave. Call Sign: KLI 926 Transmitter: 100 watt , Motorola Base Freq: T and 37.180 Receiver 42.9 Receiver Antenna: 60' above ground Remotes: one in same room Mobiles: 7 on 37.180 - 1 car has 42.9 receiver have teletype Have license for 155.415- no equipment, KRW 241 COLLEGE STATION UTILITIES Located: City Hall College Station Call Sign: KJH 276 Freg: 153.755 - at City Hall Transmitter: located at Police and-Fire Bldg. 60 watts Antenna.. Above 60 Mobile units- 15 Remotes Remote #1 Police Dept. and Fire Building Remote #2 Public Works Dept :, City Hall Remote #3 Utilities Dept, City Hall • COLLEGE STATION FIRE DEPT. Located: Police & Fire Building 1201 Texas Ave College Station Freq: 154.25 Receiver 154.24 Call Si g n:KTU 252 Transmitter -- 100 watt Motorola Mobile -- 3 Remotes 1 in same building Antenna: above ground Aggaiiii 6 ' • CITY OF BRYAN Fire Dept Base and Mobile - -60 watt Call sign: KKU 486 Freq: 154.250 Transmitter & antenna located. at Main fire station 100' above ground Remote controls: Fire Station #1 -801 NorLh Bryan St. Fire Station #2 -2813 Cavitt Mobile Units Fire Chief- 1- 30 watt motorola Main Fire Station-7 units/4-30 watt Matorola, 3- 40 watt _ Motorola. Fire Station #2- 2- units- 30 watt Motorola Reserve- 1 unit- 30 watt Motorola Portable (walkie - talkie) 2 units Motorola 5 watts. CITY OF BRYAN City Government: Base and mobile - 120 watts ;aCall sign: KEY 945 Freq: 45.16 Transmitter and antenna located at and on water tower 163' above ground, 325 above sea level. Remote controls: Inspection Dept. City Hall Water Dist.Dept. 208 Dodge St. Purchasing Dept. 2200 Fountain Street & San.Dept.- Corner Atkins and Fountain Auto. Maint. Dept. -2200 Fountain Public Works Dept. -City Hall Mobile Units: Purchasing Dept - 1- 15 watt Parks & Rec. Dept. 5 - 5 watt Street Dept.- 7 units /1- 10 watt, 1- 15 watts, 5- 30 watts :S.anitation Dept. -16 units/ 8- 5 watts, 8- 15 watts City Manager- 1- 5 watt Tax Dept. 1- 30 watt Public Works Dept.- 1- 30 watt Engineering Dept.- 4 units/ 1- 5 watt, 3- 15 watt Inspection Dept.- 3 units/ 1- 5 watt, 2- 15 watt Auto.Maint. Dept.- 1- 5 watt Water Dit:.Dept. -10 units/ 7- 5 watt, 3 -15 watt Water Prod. Dept.- 2 units- 15 watt 15 KW Generator at Utility Building 500 Gallon Capicity (6PF) CITY OF BRYAN Utilities Base & Mobile -- 100 watt Calf sign : KKI -572 Freq 48.06 Transmitter locate at water tower Antenna on top of water tower- 163? above ground- 325 bove sea level. Remote controls. Auto maint. Dept. 2200 Fountain St. Electric Production - Atkins St. Elec. Distribution- 2- total- Atkins St. Mobile units Utilities Dept- 4 units /2- 5 watt, 1- 10 watt, 1 43 watt Electrical Distribution- 21 -50 watt, 1- 40 watt, 2- 50 watt CITY OF BRYAN Police Dept. Located: City Hall Base & Mobile: 80 watt base Call sigh : KKD478 Freq: 155.190 T/R 155070 T/R Reciver: 42.90 Antenna 50' above ground '-io•`:Citizen Band: KDT -2577 - Messenger 25 Remote Controls: 1- GE- 2 channel- 155.190 1- for 37 155.370 - Motorola which goes to Sheriff '-s office transmitter 1- Remote- Motorola phone type on patrol Sgt's desk Mobile Units: Command- 2 Dumont 25 watt Patrol cars- 4 Motorola- 100 watts, 2 -GE- 60 watt Detective- 3 units- 60 watt GE's Fire chief- 1 - 30 watt Motorola Municipal court- 1- GE- 60 watt Animal control- 1- 60 watt GE Have teletype 18 KW Generator located at Police Dept. (100 PF) manual start,auto - changeover. Gas feed. UNIVERSITY FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Dept - A &M University Located: 600 University Drive (Physical Plant Bldg.) Base & Mobile - -base dual freq Call sign: KEO 308 Transmitter: 154.25 -- Receiver 154.25, 80 watts Dispatching at same location as University Maintenance Remotes: none 1- mobile unit 154.25, 154.040, Transmitter & Receiver Antenna above building -- 50' ground plan UNIVERSITY MA.INT Maintenance: locate 600 University Drive Call Sign: KE0355 Freq: 154.040- Operating 80 watts Receiver: 154.040, 154.25, 37.180 Remotes:- 3 in same building Mobile: 27 walkie- talkie -I} 3 pagers 154.040 5 hand held receiver 10 mobile units (1 of which in Fire Chiefs car) C8 :Unit- KDU 8335 Antenna: above building- folding dipole, 6 db gain Generator: 2KW gas, manual start UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT University Police Dept. Fre: 37.18 Rec. 42.9 receiver Call sign: KEU 919 Located: YMCA Building Transmitter: 88 watts Remotes-. none Emergency Power- none Antenna- atop of building (YMCA) Mobiles: 5 units- 30 to 50 watts 1 unit with 42.9 receiver 8 walkie - talkie on 37.180 BRAZOS COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE Located: Courthouse- 25th at Texas Ave. Call sign: KDN 949 Transmitter: 330 watts- Protected -uPF Freq: 37.180, receiver 37.180, 42.9 Antenna- DS -7602B Standard Dipole 6 db gain o0 130 above grounds o courthouse Remotes: 2 1- Sheriff office • 1- jail 4th floor Emergency power -- generator- 10KW- automatic gas fuel Mobiles - -- -units licensed CLAJJ- ^ KDN 949 9 County owned tranceivers on 37.180 of which 4 patrol cars has 42.9 receivers and one unit has 42.74 and 42.9 transmitters. Non- county owned units • 1 car on 37.180 BRAZOS COUNTY COURTHOUSE Courthouse: Civil Defense office RACES Station 2 way radio- base with KORA Radio station on 161.64- 30 watts, antenna gain 6 db- 150 A andrew- • on top of courthouse- 7 above ground. 1 -- CB Tranceiver KDU- 8335 fused to contact University Weather service. — ,a2 ,� v Au r T-- BRAZOS COUNTY -- GENERAL Radio Stations: WTAW *KORA TVV . KBTX KAMU Educational TV 2 Cable systems: Midwest Video Community Cable Co. Have RCC in Brazos County No units GUIDELINE FOR WRITING AN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ANNEX TO THE COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN I. PURPOSE This Communications Annex is designed to support the (County) Emergency Operations Plan. It outlines communications procedures and facilities by which the Civil Defense missions and functions of the operations plan will be carried out in an emergency. II. THE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER The Emergency Communications Center is located (County) within the County Emergency Operating Center (EOC), (Street) State of Texas. (City) • See diagram, page , for layout of the emergency communications center. III. FUNCTIONS A. The emergency communications center provides a fallout - protected area with communications facilities over which the county government is able to discharge its emergency functions during man -made or natural disasters. B. The emergency communications center includes or will include all those communications facilities necessary for the county to communicate to subordinate entities, as well as to echelons of the State government and to city governments within the county. Communications supporting mutual aid to adjacent counties are included. CD -85 - 2 - IV. ORGANIZATTTION AND AUTHORITY A. The County Civil Defense Director, under direction of the county government, is the overall authority for the EOC and its emergency communications center. B. The County Civil Defense Communications Officer, under supervision of the County Civil Defense Director, is directly responsible for the activities and establishment of facilities in the emergency communications center. C. Radio officers and operators from subordinate entities of the county government, while under direct control of their own office and operating their equipment in the EOC, will be responsive to (1) the guidance of the County Civil Defense Communications Officer to effect coordinated communications in an emergency; (2) to the procedures outlined in the County Emergency Operations Plan; and (3) to the procedures outlined in this Emergency Communications Annex. , V. DESCRIPTION OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT IN THE EOC A. Radio Services: 1. County Sheriff- -Base station on 37. f g o mhz which is used two -way between the County Sheriff and sheriff mobiles and other agencies. The County Sheriff base station is located in the EOC. 2. RACES Radio - -RACES radio station K 1< 1 IP operates in the Call ) County RACES Plan on frequencies: -3- LX2 73 /11 z- ‘/S /4S. X55 ar, •s4O The c o, q mcs frequency is used as county -wide net to the Cities of j 4 . _ � � , . The kcs frequency is used for State -area District Z net operations. C (( - c,7 3• tment -- Remote control on mhz. The re/dote operates a base station located in ci;e 1 fire station located at (Street) . The mhz frequency is (City) the county fire net to locations at 4. Cc -- • - g way Main enance - -T e Highway De.artme has an existing radio network, with base ation at ' 5t e et . The highway net,—operates on (City) / mhz mobile to mobile. B. Common Carrier Services: • 1. Emergency Broadcast Se-± - -Point of entry for EBS information is radio station j D P`- in 22 ^�-' - P f (City) announcement wilr o _. vim- -Patsric — Safety -- and /or__RACES networks.. __ -4- 2. Commercial Telephones - -There are telephones in the EOC. Area Code is . Office identity and telephone numbers are as follows Civil Defense Office Sheriff's Office Communications Officer Etc. VI. ACTIVATION, MANNING, AND STAFFING OF THE EMERGENCY COMMIUNICATIONS CENTER A. The Sheriff's Office and the dispatch point are in the EOC. The dispatch point is manned 24 hours a day. B. The Sheriff's dispatch position is a local warning center. C. When the county government receives a notice from the State govern men_t that an "Increased- Readiness Notice" is suggested, the following actions will be implemented by the Communications Officer upon direction of the Civil Defense Director: 1. Notify the County RACES Radio Officer to provide a single -man coverage of the EOC RACES station on a 24 -hour basis, and to have the county RACES net placed on standby alert. 2. Notify the County Fire Chief to be prepared to provide 24 hour county fire dispatch coverage from the EOC upon notice of "Highest State of Readiness" of the county government. 3. Notify other county departments that have telephone communica- tions dispatching service in the EOC to be prepared to provide 24 -hour county dispatch coverage from the EOC upon notice of "Highest State of Readiness" of the county government. - 5 - h. Notify the County Sheriff to be prepared to increase staffing of Sheriff's dispatch point on notification of "Highest State of Readiness" of the county government. 5. Ascertain that all communications equipment in the EOC is checked out for operational readiness. 6. Expedite all actions in process or in the developmental state for installing communications equipment in the EOC. 7. Ascertain that duty rosters, personnel assignments; and staffing requirements for the communications center are adequate- -and that personnel are knowledgeable of the requirements. 8. Ascertain that adequate supplies and communications materials are available in the EOC. 9. Step up training of communications personnel. 10. Establish emergency maintenance arrangements with appropriate offices to provide emergency service on 24 -hour call. 11. Ascertain that operational logs and message - handling procedures are adequate, and that all personnel are familiar with the procedures. D. When the county government receives a notice from the State govern- ment that the "Highest State of Readiness" is suggested, the following actions will be implemented by the Communications Officer upon direction of the Civil Defense Director: 1. Notify the County RACES Radio Officer to provide dual -man coverage of the EOC RACES station on a 2 -hour basis and activate the county RACES radio network. -6- 2. Notify the County Fire Chief to provide 24 -hour county fire dispatching coverage from the EOC. 3. Notify other county departments that have telephone communica- tions dispatching service in the EOC to provide 24 -hour dispatching coverage from the EOC. 4. Notify the County Sheriff to provide dual -man coverage of the Sheriff's dispatching point and the local warning center. 5. Continue and step up other actions not completed in the "Increased- Readiness Phase." E. When the county government receives an "Attack Warning" the Communications Officer will complete all actions not accomplished in "Increased- Readiness" or "Highest State of Readiness," when and where applicable. This action will be an automatic direction of the Civil Defense Director. All departments of the county government under the County Emergency Operations Plan will immediately fulfill their emergency communications assignments to the EOC without other notification. VII. COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS FOR PRIMARY AND SUPPORT FUNCTIONS A. As defined in the County Emergency Operations Plan, each county department has specific primary and support (P&S) activities to other departments to complete the total county emergency function. The communications in the EOC are delegated as follows to serve the various county departments in fulfilling their P&S functions during emergencies: - 7 - e57 1. Executive Group a. Direction and Control: Primary responsibility is 0 radio. b. Emergency Public Information: Primary responsibility is EBS. Support responsibility is T ms d t,/ 2. Disaster Analysis Group a. Intelligence: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is ;/- radio and police radio. (City) b. Radef: Primary responsibility is • radio. Support responsibility is radii and police radio. - (City) c. Damage Assessment: ` _N 0_21 Primary responsibility is radio. /.�► �� �.- Support responsibility is radio and police radio. f r `' (City) 3. Operations Group a. Law Enforcement: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio and police radio. (City) • - 8 - b. Fire and Rescue: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio and radio. (Cities) c. Medical: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio. d. Welfare: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio. e. Public Works: Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio. f. Shelter Operations: • Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio. 4. Resources Group Primary responsibility is radio. Support responsibility is radio.