HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntro to amateur repeaters INTRODUCTION TO ALTATEUR REPEATERS Receiver Transmitter Tower Tower (channel 2) received signal is relayed to transmitter (channel 1) j_so: two miles away by direct tele line. 111$, 4 Eobile unit #1 The repeater is transmit on automatically 4 " chan A. 2 activated by lait l's transmissien and simultaneously rebroadcasts it on channel 1. Mobile unit 2 receives the signal on channel 1 transmits his reply on channel 2, and the cycle is reversed. The amateur repeater is a means of greatly extending the range o f Ill Vi oi nem. eouinment commonly used for local emmunieations. The nominal range -of such equipment between mobile units • is about 15 miles, but this is increased to 100 miles by the repeater (50 miles in any direction from Bryan-College Station). This greatly increases the utility of the equipment for all types of local conmunications. The repeater is a non-profit amateur project sponsored only by the amateurs and concerned local agencies, such as Civil Defense. Whereas the equipment cannot be used directly by CD personnel, the Radio Amateur Civil llmergency Service nrovides reliable comnunications for Civil Defense as has been demonstrated in many instanc=. •