HomeMy WebLinkAbout3rd Class restricted Radio Permits 1965 11_044-4 / ,t,rd September 28, 1965 F(Z ,v 4 ( Jake Cangelose L T To ) George L. Huebner LL l t't'sv Chester O'Donnell Gentlemen: A On Sunday the 26th part of our discussion included the appropriateness of using unlicensed persons as operators in the RACES service and who may authorize operators. The RACFS liaison net met at 1700 the same day so I asked Frank Cox for clarification of these points. He reaffirmed the fact that there was no provision for unlicensed operation and that certification of operators must be made by the local Civil Defense Radio Officer. At this time he refered me to the RACES 'Blue Book" pages 66, 67, and 68, and to the FCC Rules and Regulations 97.203. Concerning the licensing of operators, 97.203 states in part: "(a) No person shall operate a station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service unless (1) that person holds a valid radio operator license of the proper grade, as described in this section..." In the section of this paragraph concerning radiotelephone operation it states: "...any station in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service may be operated by the holder of any class of amateur or commercial radio operator license issued by the Commission other than a Temporary Limited Radiotelegraph Second Class Operator License or an Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Authorization..." It goes on to prohibit the lower classes of license from performing certain adjustments or from using equipment that requires such adjustments in the normal course of operation. It should be pointed out that while the local Civil Defense Authority certifies the Civil Defense Radio Officer, the Radio Officer must be a licensed operator, and it is he who must make the recommendation page 2 to the Commission for operator authorizations. This is shown in 97.173- - Qualifications of Civil Defense Radio Officer: "No person shall be considered qualified as a civil defense radio officer until he shall have been found to satisfy the following minimum requirements: (a) He shall hold either (1) a valid commercial radio operator's license of either first or second class (radiotelegraph or radiotelephone) issued by the Commission or (2) a valid amateur operator license issued by the Commission, other than the Technician or Novice Class." Also under 97.175 -- Duties of Civil Defense Radio Officer: "(c) The recommendation to the Commission for the granting of authorizations to individual amateurs for operation in this service, and certification to the Commission as to the loyalty to the United States and reliability of such individuals and the certification required in accordance with 97.181." I hope that I don't give the impression that I don't want to see our various RACES units established. I do. It is just that I feel it my duty to point out the legal requirements for these units. These requirements are not hard to meet. We therefore have no excuse for not going about this in the right way. One other thing that Frank Cox pointed out is that it is a mistake to consider the use of CB in time of war. At this time these frequencies revert to military use. To plan to use CB for fallout shelter communications would leave us with a service which would become unavailable at the very time that it was needed. I would therefore recommend that crystals be obtained for any units to be placed in shelters so that they could use RACES frequencies and that licenses be obtained for anyone who is to operate them. I have enjoyed working with all of you so far, and I look forward to the day when we will have a good emergency operating center. Very truly yours, stia 1 • ).), District 62 RACES Radio Officer