HomeMy WebLinkAboutHow to modify and report major modifications on a USAF bus 02021963 V CX31- AMATEUR RAJ 10 EMERGENCY CORPS. BRYAN, TEXAS Lynn Pridgen, K5JOT EC for Brazos CO. 104 Davis Street SUBJECT: To list an accurate list, and report of major and extensive modifications proposed on one (1) U.S. Air Force (Chev. 1955--29 pass.) bus. To: Mr. Jake Cangelose Civil Defense Director Brazos County, Texas ice AITY-14a4ar Let )( • - r • '•eVERi- - 7 -: oo. A rport Go-la-oeisas Dear Sirs: The following paragraphs contain a few of the mod- ifications proposed on one (1) US. Air Force bus men- tioned in the aboved paragraph. We recommend that these modifications be approved. 1. All seats in vehicle will be removed, accept the rear and driver seat, and stored in a suitable warehouse. 2. An opening will be made in the rear of the vehicle to accomodate a plug through which power (external) will be supplied to eggipment inside. 3. The front exit will be padlocked from the out- side. Entrance must be made through this exit. 4. Only three (3) Ignition keys will be made. Those having keys will be Jake Cangelose, Lynn pridgen, and Charles Burris. 5. Convenience outlets will be placed at numerous Places throughout the vehicle. These wires will be placed in i- conduit or larger. 6. Circuit breakers will be provided for on all equipment exceeding 5 amperes (AC). Equipment will be fused internally. 7. Two (2) one (1) quart, or larger, fire extinguishers will be placed at convenient places in the vehicle for precautionary purposes. ...._......._.._ __ AMAT^tJR RADDDEMERTMY CORPS. BRYAI` , T AS Lynn Pridgen, KSJOT EC for Brazos CO. 1011 Davis Street 8. The vehicle will be kept in goad running cond- ition at all times. 1 on the vehicle will be done only by qualified personel. 9. Metal tables with wooden (plywood((3%4)) tops will be constructed along the left hand side o•f the vehicle. Seats will be of the swivel variety and built into the tables. (See pictorial #1). 10. Chests will be constructed and placed along the right hand side of the vehicle for extra equipment. Among this extra equipment will be special rescue gear provided for by the State Civil Defense Organigation. 11. Navy type bunks will be provided on the right side of the bus to accomodate at least two people. 12. One medical first aid kit will be provided for on vehicle in accordance with state public safety rules and regulations. 13. External weatherproof outlets will be placed to the rear and on the sides of the vehicle to supply AC current to external equipment. 14. Sockets will be attached on the front to accomodate flood lamps. 15. One trailer hitch will be mounted on the rea4r of bus for the purpose of pulling a wheel- mounted 9.5 KVA or larger AC generator. 16. Pipe flanges and or brackets will be mounted near the rear and close to the bumper for the purpose of holding colapsable antenna masts. 17. Two (21 holes approximately 1 -3/4" in dia. will be drilled in the top rear of the vehicle for the purpose of mounting two (2) mobile whips. 18. :Srackets will be welded below the wheel well for one (1) set of metal saes for the rear exit. 19. Two (2) metal brackets will be welded under the vehicle to hold one small colapsable 10 foot extension ladder. veh20. Luggage racks will be built on the inside of the vehicle near the ceiling,. (2) AMAT+ i7R RADIO I ER00NCY CORPS. BRYAN, TEXAS Lynn Pridgen, KSJOT EC for Brazos CO. 104 Davis Street 21. An external socket will be provided for trailer directional signals. 22. A map board will be mounted on the right hand side of the vehicle. This will be part of a desk combination. 23. A small plywood table will be mounted on the right hand side of the vehiclefor the purpose of a work- bench. 24. Ceiling fixtures (florescent or incandesant) will be mounted at convenient locations along the top center of the vehicle. 25. One small winch will be located under the front bumper. 26. The following list of equipment will be mounted inside the vehicle: A. One DX -100 transmitter (175 watts input). B. One BB -10 single sideband adapter. C. One BC -342 or 348 three (3) band receiver. D. One Halli. 620R, 80 -10 meter receiver. E. One Heath CB -1, 10 meter tranceiver. F. One Western- Electric Model 14 RTTY machine. G. One 5 tube homebrew teletype converter. H. One 100 watt homebrew RTTY transmitter. I. One Equipment chest containing the following; 1. One drill set (4".). 2. One hammer- (ball_peen). 3. One claw hammer (16 oz.). 4. One tri -comb. square. 5. One set of allen wrenches. 6. One set of Bristol wrenches. 7. One set of open end wrenches. 8. One set of screwdrivers. 9. One set (8) of socket drivers. (3) AM= WDIOEMERr7NCY CORPS. BRYAN, TEAU3 Lynn Pridgen, K5a72 EC for Drazos CO. 10L Davis Street 10. One center punch. 11. One 100 watt soldering gun. 12. One AO troublelamp with 25' on cord. 13. One 51b. spool of 60/40 rosin solder. 14. One set of small files. 15. At least one set of spare tubes for each piece of gear. 16. One box of misc. resistors. 17. One oox of misc. condensers. 18. Two sets of headphones. 19. Two J-38 telegraph keys. 20. One GE hot.-tube puller. Zolicj. Two speaker consoles. K. One BC-221A Frequency meter. L. One "iqars" SWR bridge. M. Misc. AC relays for antenna changeover etc. N. One 12"-14" AC fan for circulation. 27. 6ide windows will be partially blacked out. This will not include the rear windows. This will complete most of the moaifications planned for this vehicle. Any further revisions will be made in triplicate and submitted to the office of the Emergency Coordinator of that of Brazos County Civil Defense Dept. for approval. It is requested by the Office of the Emergency Coordinator that provisions should be made to supply this vehicle with a large AO 68 cpcle generator of the one (1) KVA variety. These plans have been approved by the Emergency Coordinator and it is requested that they be approved by Civil Defense and AFFRR6 so that immediate action can be taken. The necessity of this vehicle is important, and any anion that can be taken would be deeply appreciated. (See next Page*0) (4) AMATEUR RY0I0 MPTROENCY CORPS. BRYAN, TEXAS Lynn Pridgen, K5JOT EC for Brazos CO. 10h Davis Street /A/Approved / /Disapproved ,X/Modified 4, e.AMPI Office of the EmerGency Coordinator-Lynn E. 2ri.,7-3 _ 7 /A/Approved / /Disapproved /k/modified County RACES RADIO OFFICER-tharles Burris( 4,40.0 A(SEPE / /Approved / /Disapproved / /Modified 3razos County Civil Defense Office-(Director) (Assistant) / /Approved / /Disapproved / /modified Commandant's Office, 9412TH AIR FORCE RESERVE RECOVERY 3WADREIN-Major Miller or representative 2 Pebruary, 1963 (5) AYArfEUR RADIO 721ERGENCY CORPS BRYAN, TEXAS LYNN PRIDGEN-K5J0T-EC -TA2-44322 Charles Durris y Asst, Jim Trrunt Asst // John Beckham Jr, Asst. VI6-6560 TA2-3194 I716 Net Frequencies-28.875 & 30870mc. Modifications of plans for converting one (1) U.. Air Force Bus (Chev. 1955--29pass). Item 5: If conduit is not available, submarine cable will be used. Item 17: Two (2) holes, 1-3/4" in dia. dill be drilled either on the top rear or rear or front side of the vehicle in order to mount two (2) mobile whips. Item 22: A map board, desk combination will be mounted to the rear of the vehicle and across from the emergency door. One seat will be reversed and left in its place as a seat for the desk. Item 27: Windows will have black curtains, sliding-type, to cover lower windows. Item 28: Figure 111 shows possible change in vehicle outside installations. Item 29: Figure 1V shows possibIo floor plan aftrer • \ . . . V COUriV.43.4agqiRadifOrfiCer P .; 1 - r' L C,L44,4/JamLr- / f •- arl-e-^ . Burris, K5EPE I )u) 7 13 n n 4. CT T -Y w \ \ O - Q,pw q V) n ris Z" C vs b � v �� e c7 ' \\\ 4, d m ,, N pi...ham•■••■• 4 b .e Z o r 1 c cli 'T al 4' F. rN � m a. 70 -t) .--' ' : F 't i 11 p o . _ -4 7° - c r. ro r1 ', CCD ' % Q _ - '11 1 I ' ' e e T # . i ,A1041 Ito! ) j _., , rT\ eiN .‘.,.._...\,- -"( \ - ' e■ a. r ___ f (=-_).- — c ,-----) C.....0 - C . M CD ,. • . • - - f:.: . _ . A.' (1'. - --1 1:7 1 ' 1 r ( r 4 , 0 lb .... zN y r r Fr r \ �—� -—rte• `17 t . . :;.- a ...', i : t i ii.. ,, LI , co ......._ _____:, ,,.. i .„-, ,,., _ :. , t -.4) I M j F /? , .ate, F I Q P- i ON 1 IV P ; y..) .4--- cri --- .' • , : - Iro JP .41.....:______ tit ® ` \:-.—__\ . p_______,Iji ei i ' IE__. (- j 1 '' P 0 I om / E ' '■ ‘1 ) 'll'H .,,..? E Tr) p - 5 1, r r. AMTE'UR RAD 10 ~ NE'RGENCY CORPS BRYAN, TEXAS LYNN PRIDGEN- K5JOT -EC - TA2 -4322 1/ Charles Burris Asst. 1/ Jim Hunt, Asst. // John Beckham Jr, Asst. v16 -6560 TA2 -3194 716 -5290 Net Frequencies- 28.875 & 3,870mc. oL /I 5� _, L, 4 11G r3 i 1 ,000 9 4. i l -P.9J` Y1/ ► :: d j1'J F 0 re , IV o 4. if 1—'7;3 E-----7Tr )c "./ 2/ X .., 0._ s E 4 ,t4 i t` "' r r ul C �' a o rn -A A ^ s d W ✓N V r 1/ t q , 4 s / h A 'C m , • II I/ ` ' i k t ` ;1 ' I •, f -- - f 3 75 r) r! R ` Iuoin,' m v i o!► rim. -k ° %. 7 tri - t 70 in 1. Z T LII4 y it' T e 0 I r 0 '1 As Z of v c y- h T rb VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT OPERATIONAL RECORD DATE TYPE /REGISTRATION NR I AOMINISTRAT,^:r, NR I _ DISPATCHING ORGANIZATION W 0 TOTAL (Fuel O W Z W W gallons) f TOTAL (Oil quarts) LL K F" ACTION TIME MILES © O DO Q 0 1 ST OPERATOR IN REPORT TO OUT OPERATORS SIGNATURE _ DISPATCHER SIGNATURE TOTAL 20 OPERATOR IN REPORT TO • OUT OPERATORS SIGNATURE DISPATCHER'S SIGNATURE TOTAL 3D OPERATOR IN REPORT TO OPERATORS SIGNATURE OUT DISPATCHER'S SIGNATURE TOTAL 4TH OPERATOR IN REPORT TO OUT OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE DISPATCHER'S SIGNATURE I I TOTAL NOTE: Items checked by driver certify appropriate Maintenance Service has been performed. Signatures of the dispatcher, operator, and user certify that vehicle was dispatched and used for Official Government Ilusiness ONL Y. AFTO FEBRM 50A PART Columns f through h completed when specified by the Military Deportment conceived. TIME CARGO LOAD ARRIVAL CARGO/ LOAD / WAITING TRAVEL RELEASED BV—SIGNATURE DESTINATION ARRIVE DEPART MILEAGE PASS UNLOAD TI ME TIME TIME a b c d �__ s f q h i FROM TO 1. TO 2. TO 3. TO 4. { _ TO 5. TO 8. TO 7. TO B. TO 9. TO 10. TO 11. TO 12. TO 13. TOTALS