HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Settlement for Thomas and Teresa Bravenec Estate 1952 RECEIPTS $10040.00 Amount received for farm and road. 106.25 " " " rent for b months and 20 days. 1.64 Final receipt from farm cooperative. 550.00 Amount received for house in Collee Station. -174.47 - BbiaLCO transferred from Bryan Bea, 4.00 fAmount received for cook stove. 0.1,149.68 WINSE,AND La68UWA4TS 004/0 Refund to Joe to eiffset price paid for road. fiL5B.02 8% Administraller's fee -*ditch was given to Tracy and Francis as appreciatio4mfor their interest and personal care given mother 04 father during their last days. ;:-.5.60 Recording and Affidavits. 55.76 Csldwell Abstract Co., 15.00 Attorney fee (Alexandr). " (Hilliard) #1750.00 $976.Uu paid each of th e foilowing, Will', Vinc Joe, John, . Tom, Frunk, Trscy, Henry, Francis And Eddie. 5.00 Snook Cemetary. 14.15 Recording (John Toupal) W 60.00 Monument. _ 66.60 Cement aurbing to graves. 8.J4 Houston Chronicle (Advertisem,zt) . P46.80 422.88 paid each of the fo1lo'4ing, Ail. Vine, Joe, John, . . Tom, Frank, TragYi_41, F 4114 Eddle ..—.i. '........2......:... 4111,149,6C Vine, John, Tom, And Iddie gave their u2.8e Checks to Tracy and Francis as their appreciation fcr the interest and personal care they gave mother and father during their last days. . . . . , . -----------___ . • ! . • . [ • • . . _,