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' s•-• * v •■ * . 4 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JANUARY 18, 1969 HONOR GRADUATES Graduating with High Honors Murray Wentworth Burns Jerry Bob Pierce Roland Francis Lenarduzzi Troyce Frederick Williams Graduating with Honors John Loren Anderson Stephen James O'Neal Gerald Wayne Clark Michael Turner Reeves Joseph Anthony Foltin Nancy Ruth Ridgway Jane Marie Foster Marsha Lynn Schilling Patricia Darlene Krysinski Ronnie Ray Surovik Mark Titus McCasland Robert Augustus Taylor III Clinton John Machann Joe Richard Tillerson Richard Steve Machalek Herschel Wayne Tipton Nancy Ann O'Malley COMMENCEMENT G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM • Saturday, January 18, 1969 — 10:00 a.m. PROCESSION "March" Smart R. L. Hostetler, Organist INVOCATION Larry Schilhab Civilian Chaplain GREETINGS Earl Rudder President, Texas A &M University System GREETINGS L. F. Peterson President, Board of Directors Texas A &M University System INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER Earl Rudder President, Texas A&M University System COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS John Stevens Assistant President Abilene Christian College CONFERRING OF DEGREES Earl Rudder President, Texas A&M University System "THE SPIRIT OF AGGIELAND" Dunn Graduates and Audience led by Robert L. Boone BENEDICTION Ray Dillon Corps Chaplain RECESSION "March" Clark R. L. Hostetler, Organist NOTE: It is requested that the audience rise when the procession enters the auditorium and remain standing for the invocation. It is also requested that, after the benediction, the audience remain standing in place until the recessional line - reaches the rear of the auditorium. As a courtesy to the graduating class, all guests are requested to refrain from leaving until after the recession. • f Candidates for Advanced Degrees January 18, 1969 • Presented by Dr. George W. Kunze, Dean of the Graduate College Doctor of Philosophy FERIAL SAAD ABD EL- MAGUID Poultry Science B.S., University of Alexandria, 1960 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 Dissertation: "Influence of Egg Consumption and Energy Level on Perform- ance, and Livability of Layers and Upon Cholesterol Levels of Blood, Egg Yolk and Other Body Tissues" KHASHEA MAHMOOD AL -RAWI Plant Breeding B.S., University of Baghdad, 1960 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 Dissertation: "Gene Action in Intervarietal Crosses of Upland Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L." WENDELL RAY ARNOLD Plant Pathology B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1963 M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1965 Dissertation: "Studies on the Microflora, Aflatoxin, and p- Amino- benzoic Acid Content of Peanut Fruits from Mexico and the Influence of Selected Gases on Aflatoxin Production in Peanuts by Aspergillus flavus Link" LOUIS ANTHONY BARIOLA Entomology B.S.A., University of Arkansas, 1958 M.S., University of Arkansas, 1962 Dissertation: The Biology of the Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus lineolaris (Beauvois), and its Nature of Damage and Control on Cotton" GEORGE HORST WOLFGANG BEHRENDT Nuclear Engineering B.S., University of Washington, 1956 M.S., University of Washington, 1962 Dissertation: "Interaction of Micron -Sized Particles with Nonuniform Mag- netic Fields" IVAN LEROY BERRY Agricultural Engineering B.S., University of Missouri, 1960 • M.S., University of Missouri, 1961 Dissertation: "The Effects of Long - Wavelength Infrared Radiation on the Flying Activity of Stable Flies Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)" ELMO MONROE BEYER Plant Physiology B.S., Texas Technological College, 1963 Dissertation: "A Study of the Effect of Ethylene on Auxin Transport in Cotton and Its Relationship to Abscission" JACOBUS du PLESSIS BOTHMA Wildlife Science B.S., University of Pretoria, 1962 M.S., University of Pretoria, 1964 Dissertation: "Population Ecology of the Cottontail Rabbit, Sylvilagus flor- idanus, on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, South Texas" FREDERICK ALBERT BOWLES Oceanography B.S., Miami University, 1962 M.S., Miami University, 1966 Dissertation: "Electron Microscopy Investigation of the Microstructure in Sediment Samples from the Gulf of Mexico" JERRY CALDWELL Animal Breeding B.S., Auburn University, 1960 M.S., Auburn University, 1962 Dissertation: "A Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of °a1- Casein and 13- Casein in Bovine Species" 5 WALLACE GENE CANTRELL Physics B.S., Texas A &M University, 1958 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 Dissertation: "A Study of the Production and Propagation of High Energy Cosmic Ray Muons" MICHAEL REID CATES Physics B.S., Baylor University, 1961 M.S., Baylor University, 1962 Dissertation: "Nuclear Structure Studies in the Mass -90 Region with the ( Reaction" ZUI LIN CHANG Chemistry B.S., Taiwan Christian College, 1959 M.S., The University of Kansas, 1964 Dissertation: "The Utilization of Phosphonic Esters in the Knoevenagel Condensation" GEORGE NICOLAOS CHREMOS Chemistry B.S., National University of Athens, 1956 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1960 Dissertation: "The Synthesis and Infrared Spectra of Some Group VA Chalcogenides" THOMAS WRIGHT CLAPP Range Science B.S., Murray State College, 1962 M.S., North Dakota State University, 1965 Dissertation: "Modification of the Edaphic Factor by Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.)" JAMES ROBERT COLLINS Electrical Engineering B.S., Lamar State College of Technology, 1964 M.Eng., Texas A &M University, 1966 Dissertation: "The Mutual Impedance Between Concentric Curved Dipole Antennas Above a Spherical Conducting Surface" JOSE CARNEIRO de ANDRADE Civil Engineering B.S., University of Ceara, 1963 M.S., Rice University, 1966 Dissertation: "Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Shells of Revolution with Asymmetrical Stiffness Properties" EDGAR NATHANIEL DRAKE, II Chemistry B.S., University of Houston, 1960 M.S., University of Colorado, 1962 • Dissertation: "Diffusion Coefficients of Some Transition Metal Complexes" HAMED ABDEL AZIZ EL -FEKY Education B.A., Cairo University, 1955 M.S., Indiana University, 1965 Dissertation: "Counseling Provisions for Slow Learners as Perceived by American High School Counselors" DONALD EDWARD FRANKE Animal Breeding B.S., Stephen F. Austin State College, 1961 M.S., Louisiana State University, 1965 Dissertation: "Biometrical and Economical Relationships Between Growth Rate and Feed Consumption of Steers" WARREN RAY GRANT Agricultural Economics B.S., Texas A &M University, 1955 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1956 Dissertation: "An Economic Model for Evaluating Alternative Government Programs in Rice" ROBERT GRANVILLE GREGORY Civil Engineering B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1957 M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1959 Dissertation: "Elastic Analysis of Thick - Walled, Filament -Wound Cylinders Under Combined Pressure and Longitudinal Loads" 1 HANCE HENRY HAMILTON, JR Chemistry B.S., Texas A &M University, 1949 Dissertation: "The Reaction of Phosphorus Esters with Alkali Metals and Alkali Metal Alkyls" JOSEPH NOLAND HARVEY Education B.A., Northeast Louisiana State College, 1959 M.A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Dissertation: "Toward a System of Remote Observation Using Interaction Analysis" DAVID WAYNE HAYES Oceanography B.S., North Texas State University, 1961 M.S., North Texas State University, 1963 Dissertation: "A Study of the Distribution of the Lanthanide Elements in the Gulf of Mexico Using Neutron Activation Analysis" PATRICK MALCOLM HENRY Entomology B.A., Texas A &M University, 1961 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1964 Dissertation: "Methods of Estimating Cotton Insect Populations" MAHDY HUSSAIN HNOOSH Chemistry B.S., University of Baghdad, 1957 M.A., The University of Texas, 1966 Dissertation: The Synthesis of Some Organophosphorus Compounds and Studies of the Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of Their Free Radical Anions" JAMES THOMAS HOUSTON Civil Engineering B.S., The University of Texas, 1963 M.S., The University of Texas, 1965 Dissertation: "Development of a Research Rotary Kiln and a Study of the Effects of Degree of Thermal Transformation on Selected Properties of Synthetic Aggregates" BILLY FRANK IRICK Education B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1956 M.Ed., Texas A &M University, 1963 Dissertation: "An Analysis of Factors Related to the Loss and Retention of Freshmen Students at Tarieton State College for the Academic Years 1964 through 1966" MD. ABDUL KARIM Wildlife Science B.S., University of Dacca, 1953 M.S., University of Dacca, 1957 Dissertation: "Distribution and Seasonal Fluctuations in Abundance of Benthic Fauna in a Texas Artificial Pond in Relation to Selected Environmental Factors" HEUNG BAE KIM Plant Breeding B.S., Tong Gook University, 1957 M.S., Tong Gook University, 1960 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1966 Dissertation: "Inheritance of Resistance to Crown Rust and Certain Morpho- logical Traits in Crosses Involving Avena sterilis L. and Methods of Breaking Seed Dormancy in Oats" WILLIAM DOUGLAS LANGLEY Chemistry B.S., Texas A &M University, 1949 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1966 Dissertation: "A Gas Chromatographic Investigation of Secondary Alcohol and Ketone Utilization by Aerobic Microorganisms" ROMMON LOY LAWSON Physiology of Reproduction B.S., Texas A &M University, 1961 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1964 Dissertation: "The Relationship of Species Development, Semen Physiology and Post Mortem Evaluation to Reproduction in the American Pen - Raised Chinchilla" STEVE C. H. LIGH Mathematics B.S., University of Houston, 1961 M.A., University of Missouri, 1962 Dissertation: "On Certain Classes of Near- rings" JOHN WALTHAL LITTLE Zoology B.S., University of Kentucky, 1956 M.S., University of Kentucky, 1963 Dissertation: "The Development and Survival of Acanthoparyphium spinu- losum (Johnston, 1917) (Trematoda:Echinostomatidae) in Chicks Fed on Various Defined Diets" JOSE ARNOLDO LOZANO Biochemistry B.A., Pan American College, 1961 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1966 Dissertation: The Isolation, Identification and Biochemical Studies of Phenolic Acids from Distillers Dried Solubles" CARL HUBERT MALONE Oceanography B.S., Sul Roes State College, 1961 M.S., University of California, 1965 Dissertation: "Labeling of Sand Particles for Sediment Transport Studies • Using Stable Isotopic Tracers" BENJAMIN FRANK MAREK Petroleum Engineering B.S., Texas A &M University, 1959 B.A., Texas A &M University, 1959 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1967 Dissertation: "An Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Acoustic Wave Velocities in Sandstone" SHAWKY YASSIN MOHAMED Food Technology B.S., Ain Shams University, 1952 M.S., Mississippi State University, 1964 Dissertation: "The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Selected Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Characteristics of Egg White Proteins" PINAPAKA V. L. NARASIMHA MURTHY Poultry Science B.V.S., University of Madras, 1956 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1966 Dissertation: "Effect of Selected Dietary Factors on Performance and Inci- dence of Fatty Livers in Commercial Layers" WAI -KIT NIP Food Technology B.Ag., Taiwan Provincial Chung - Hsing University, 1962 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 • Dissertation: "Pigment Characteristics of the Seed of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench" REFFAT GOMAH OMRAN Plant Physiology B.S., Cairo University, 1958 M.S., Alexandria University, 1962 Dissertation: "Chilling Injury in Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.) and the Re- lationship of Chilling to Nitrogen, Amino Acids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids" JOE DAVID PREJEAN Zoology B.S. Stephen F. Austin State College, 1963 M.A. , East Texas State University, 1965 Dissertation: "The Effect of Intra - arterial Hydrogen Peroxide on the Healing of Standardized Ischemic Lesions in Rabbits" ALBERT ERNEST SMITH, JR Range Science B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1964 Dissertation: "Relationship of Carbohydrate Trend to the Morphological De- velopment of Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash. Tillers" GERALD ROBERT STEVENSON Chemistry B.S., San Jose State College, 1964 Dissertation: "Equilibrium Studies of Some Anion Radical Solutions by Electron Spin Resonance" GALE EUGENE STORY Plant Pathology B.S., Arizona State College, 1965 M.S., Northern Arizona University, 1966 Dissertation: "Investigation of Papaya Viruses and Association of a Myco- ' plasma -like Organism with the Bunchy Top Disease of Carica papaya L. in the Dominican Republic" CHARLES PAUL TURCO Biology B.S., St. John's University, 1956 M.S., St. John's University, 1958 M.S., St. John's University, 1960 Dissertation: "The Taxonomic Status and Comparative Morphology of Species of the Genus Neoaplectana Steiner (Nematoda: Neoaplectanidae) and the Susceptibility of Various Insect Pests to Neoaplectana glaseri Steiner, 1929" BENIGNO VILLALON Plant Pathology B.S., Texas A &M University, 1964 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 Dissertation: "The Effects of Depressed Root Temperatures on the Systemic Infection of Nicotiana tabacum L. and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. by Tobacco Mosaic Virus" GEORGE GOUDIE WILLIGES Plant Pathology B.A., University of Corpus Christi, 1955 M.A., Texas A &I University, 1959 Dissertation: "Pathogenic Variability, Pathogenicity to Selected Taxa of the Gramineae, and Some Physiological and Environmental Effects on Growth and Reproduction of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc." CARL EUGENE WOOD Wildlife Science B.S., Texas A &M University, 1962 M.S., Texas A &M University, 1965 Dissertation: "Relationship between Primary Productivity (C Method) and Phytoplankton in a Mesotrophic Lake" SYLVESTER EMORY YOUNG Range Science B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1964 M.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1965 Dissertation: "Use of Tritiated Water to Determine Water Relationships in Pricklypear (Opuntia spp.)" Doctor of Education JOHN DAVID JENKINS Industrial Education B.S., Ball State University, 1959 M.A., Ball State University, 1963 Dissertation: "An Experiment to Determine the Effectiveness of Slides and Audio -tapes for Presenting Manipulative Demonstrations in Graphic Arts" RICHARD ALLEN WARNER Industrial Education B.S., Central Michigan University, 1949 M.S., Bradley University, 1952 Dissertation: "The Effect of Programed Instruction in Industrial Arts at the Junior High School Level" CALVIN LEE ZABCIK Industrial Education B.S., Texas A &M University, 1953 M.Ed. Texas A &M University, 1956 Dissertation: "The Development of an Experimental Criterion Program for Industrial Education" ROBERT LeROY JOHNSON Computer Science JOSEPH URLAN LeBLANC Computer Science DANIEL ELVIN LOCKHART Computer Science GLENN LEROY LOOP Computer Science ALBERT HUBBARD McLAIN Computer Science ROBERT LOUIS McLEROY Computer Science CLAYTON CASE MANKEY Computer Science MINER PEEK MARCHBANKS, JR Computer Science JAMES EUGENE MARTIN Computer Science JOHN RICHARD MEGOW Computer Science MITCHELL MILEWSKI, JR Computer Science FRANKLIN REID MILLER Computer Science FRANCIS RICHARD MURPHY k Computer Science PETER HALL OSTERGARD Computer Science MICKEY LEE RAY Computer Science HUGH JOHN RICHARDS Computer Science RICHARD ARTHUR SCHAAF Computer Science WALTER SCOTT SCHERING Computer Science LOUIS CHARLES SCHIAVO Computer Science JOHN HAMPTON GRIFFING SHINGLER Computer Science ROLF COLLEAUX SMITH, JR Computer Science DOMONIC PETER SORCE Computer Science FRANKIE EUGENE SPIELMAN Computer Science JOHN LeWAYNE STEWART Computer Science WILLIAM ROBERT TAUZEL, JR Computer Science RICHARD LEE TERWILLIGER Computer Science RICHARD WILLIAM TOBABEN Computer Science STEPHEN GEORGE WEATHERLY Computer Science HAROLD AYERS WEIGLE Computer Science LESTER ROSS WENKEL Computer Science SHERIDAN JUSTUS WEST, II Computer Science Master of Education REBEKAH ELIZABETH BAKER Education RICHARD WILSON BAUGHER Industrial Education JOANN ONDROVIK BOURGEOIS Education SHERYL ANN EXLEY Education MICHAEL PETER GUERARD Education • DON ALLEN HAFLEY Education MARYALICE HARBOUR Education JERALD WILLIAM HEDRICK Industrial Education GILBERT THEODORE HEIDEMAN Agricultural Education KAREN ANN HEILMAN Education LAVON RAYE HERRINGTON Education MIKE LESTER HERRINGTON Agricultural Education WILLIAM HOWARD LEHMBERG Agricultural Education LUCIAN M. McCARROLL Agricultural Education WILLIAM ALVIN McCLUNG Agricultural Education KATHERINE IRENE MAEDGEN Education MINA LOREE SANDERS Education ROBERT LEE SIFFORD Agricultural Education DERRELL LEN STEAKLEY Agricultural Education CHARLES EDWARD URBANIC Agricultural Education JAMES FRANK WARD Education Master of Engineering DAVID LEE ANDIS Civil Engineering JAIME ANTONIO ARBONA -FAZZI Electrical Engineering JAMES RAY BLACKBURN, JR Civil Engineering JOHN ROBERT BRASINGTON Chemical Engineering RONALD JAMES BURKETT Chemical Engineering ALBERT RONALD COLAN, JR Civil Engineering JOHN MARION EEDS Mechanical Engineering JOSEPH WALTER FLACK Mechanical Engineering WILLIAM RONNIE HINDMAN Civil Engineering HERBERT MARSHALL KLINE Industrial Engineering WITNEY ALLYN McFARLIN Nuclear Engineering WILLIAM EDWIN MARKHAM, JR Chemical Engineering FELIX F. MARTINEZ -ENVID Civil Engineering EL -SAYED MOHAMMED OMAR Civil Engineering AUBREY JACKSON RHYMES, JR Chemical Engineering JUAN HERMINIO SANCHEZ - LASSISE Electrical Engineering DHIRAJLAL M. SHAH % Industrial Engineering SURESHCHANDRA BHAGWANDAS SHAH Industrial Engineering VALLABH D. SHAH Industrial Engineering JAMES ANDREW STEWART Chemical Engineering KENNETH DeWAYNE WUNSCHE Mechanical Engineering Master of Science SAMUEL ERICK BAKER Meteorology JOSEPH RAYMOND BECK Aerospace Engineering EDWIN CLARK BERRY Entomology HARRY RICHARD BETZ Mathematics DONALD LEE CALDWELL Chemistry JOHN MICHAEL CALLAGHAN .Mathematics CHARLES RICHARD CONNAUGHTON Petroleum Engineering PATRICK JAMES CORBETT, JR Statistics JOHNNIE WILLIAM COSPER Plant Pathology MANUEL ISABEL CRUZ Aerospace Engineering HOWARD ORRELL DAVIS Animal Science CAROLEE KATHRYNE DORM Animal Nutrition JOHN HARDWICK DOUGLAS Biophysics PETER ANTHONY DUDLEY Physiology of Reproduction BIVIN HUGH DUNKLIN Biochemistry DAVID EDWARD ELLIS Mechanical Engineering HAROLD RAY EMERSON Veterinary Pathology ROBERT ALLEN FAULKNER Civil Engineering JOE ROBERT FOWLER Mechanical Engineering • JAMES MELVIN GABLER Computer Science HAROLD EVERETT GOEBLE, JR Mathematics FRED LYNN GOLDSBERRY Mechanical Engineering FRANK ARTHUR GRAVES, JR Computer Science JOHN COLQUITT HARPER Animal Nutrition TERUHIKO HORIE Economics ROBERT ALVIN HOUZE Education KAMALUDDIN HYDER Food Technology RONALD MELVYN JONES Soil Chemistry MICHAEL AUSTON KERLEY Biology KENNETH WAYNE KORB Civil Engineering MYONG SAE KUK Chemical Engineering PAUL DWIGHT LANDUA Sociology ELMER VIRGIL LARSON Physics • MICHAEL FRANCIS LEVER Sociology ROBERT GAVIN McANDREW, III _Nuclear Engineering GENE ROARK McCLURG Physics JOHNNY JAMES MacFARLANE, JR Entomology THOMAS HAROLD MILLER Educati W. RICHARD MOORE Oceanography JEAN -GUY CLAUDE NOEL Recreation and Resources Development CARLOS NORIEGA COELLO Poultry Science di i RALPH PAUL OFCARCIK Food Technology HARRY MAX OHLENDORF Wildlife Science EDUARDO JOSE PANTIN Animal Science EDWARD CARMACK PARK, JR Geology JERRY EDWIN QUISENBERRY Plant Breedin JAMES CARROLL READ Plant Breeding SIM ADAIR REEVES, JR Agronomy O. L. RICHARDSON, JR Animal Breeding HELEN BROWNE SCOTT Sociology BASAVARAJU PURNA CHANDRA SEKHARA -RAO Dairy Science THOMAS ORVILLE SLOAN Mathematics THOMAS MILBURN SOBEY Nuclear Engineering LUTHER JAMES STARR, JR Industrial Education JAMES EVERETT STEENBERGEN Interdisciplinary Engineering JOE RANDALL STEWART Range Science OWEN DOUGLAS SVETER Geology GOVIND MOTILAL TALATI Entomology PAUL THOMAS TALLAMY Food Technology EDWARD HAROLD TEFERTILLER Agricultural Economics RONALD NORBERT TOMAS Biology MICHAEL McKENZIE TOWER Aerospace Engineering HAROLD THEODORE WIEDEMANN Agricultural Engineering WILLIAM BRADLEY WILSON Nuclear Engineering LAWRENCE CRAIG WOLKEN Economics RICHARD ARTHUR WOLTERS, JR Nuclear Engineering NAZMA YEASMEEN Education Master of Urban Planning RICHARD ALLEN RICE Urban and Regional Planning ROBERT PRESTON WELSH Urban and Regional Planning Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees January 18, 1969 Presented by Dr. Horace R. Byers, Academic Vice - President COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Dr. H. 0. Kunkel, Dean of the College of Agriculture Bachelor of Science Agricultural Economics Joseph William Brewster Temple Herbert Wayne Loeffler Doss Gary Edwin Eldridge Houston Francis Xavier McKenna, Jr Boerne John Patrick Hall College Station Thomas Eugene Natho Cuero Johnny Lynn Johnson Mt. Pleasant Eddy Joe Williams Jacksboro William Curtis Liles Bryan Charles Lambert Zotz Windthorst Agricultural Education Peter Lee Adams Fredericksburg Gene Elwin Lanier Nacogdoches Bobby Gene Brunson Crane Seth Paul Martin, III Mason Charles Randolph Cox Beaumont Hector Mena Valerio Santo Domingo, Eddy Don Edmondson Cross Plains Dominican Republic Claude Anton Hoff Windthorst Norman Keith Ragland Wills Point Arthur James Isbell Odessa David Lee Thomas Wharton Jack Stevens Jones Junction James Paul Weber New Braunfels Pierce Cobb Key, Jr Webster Thomas Andrew Wilton, Jr Frank Edward Kocurek Schulenburg College Station Robert Franklin Kruse Houston Thomas Joseph Wooldridge Royse City Agricultural Engineering Walter Charles Bausch Benders Mohamed Ali Ghaffari Tunis, Tunisia Mohsen Benarab S. Fax, Tunisia Kenneth Warren Pollard, Jr Coolidge Mohamed Ben Jemaa College Station Agronomy Boubaker Chouchane Chabia Tozeur, Leonard Mike11 McIntosh. Bryan Tunisia Carlos Lorenzo Pellerano Santiago, Jack Ronald Coleman Huntsville Dominican Republic John Fred Gaulding, Jr Winnie William Robert Porter Henderson Francisco Miguel Gonzalez Billy Ray Schuette Moody College Station Stephen Oakley Spafford. Rockwall Charles Steven Green. Bryan Winston Furrh Trench Marshall John White Howell Tulia Jack Lynn Webb West Liberty, Ohio Harold William Koop, Jr Bryan William Lewis Wooten Electra Gary Alan McElvaney Channelview Animal Science Mohamed Abdelkafi College Station Alvin James Kowalik San Antonio Ranza David Adams San Angelo Gary Wayne Maruska. Taylor William Blair Anderton Dallas James Michael Milam. Uvalde James Earl Ballard. Del Rio James Sullivan Myers Garland Johnny Joseph Bordello San Antonio Robert Edgar Overstreet Floydada John Wayne Bennett Longview Samuel Jackson Parks College Station Josh Willson David Moscow Dennis Steele Simons Edna Walter Andrew Deutsch Houston Jose Ulises Sol Coral Gables, Fla. Richard Clark Garner Hallettsville Charles Lyn Stewart. Carta Valley ' Jack Clifford Harrison College Station Billy Gordon Tamplin College Station John Michael Hubert Cleburne Gary Lee Walker Bryan Terry Reed Isbell Ballinger James Granville Watkins Houston Lee Vernon Johnson Farmersville Roy Michael Watkins Bryan Kenneth Cochran Jones, Jr Belton, S.C. David James White Bryan Dale Stanley King Wharton d r .................._._.....................„.,..n_„........uri. Dairy Science Roy Eugene Edgington Fritch Kelvin Jay Kelkenberg Clarence Center, New York Entomology Alvin Leon Anderson, Jr Crosby James Byron Carlson Edcouch Larry Eugene Bennett Houston Paul Bain Martin Devine Emzy Ray Boehm Taylor Robert Martin Miller Springfield, N.J. William Eugene Buxkemper Rosebud Thomas Lynn Thompson Bryan Plant and Soil Science Eugene Hamer Paschal, II Duane Roland Roberts Angleton College Station Poultry Science Willie Milberger, Jr Bryan Charles Edward Sewell, Jr Blackwell David Palmer Parkin Ft. Worth Range Science Elmer Albert Birk, Jr College Station Charles Edwin Richter Laredo Michael Allen Foster Pratt, Kansas Ritchie Ples Stimpson, Jr Auburn, Ala. Gary Lynn Graham West Columbia Charles Allen Wade Rising Star Albert Durrell Hicks Amarillo Recreation and Parks William Ellis Garner Tulle David Dean Snodgrass Mt. Home Leon James Kuhn Cat Spring William Andrew Thompson Alford Eugene Massengale Cleburne New Braunfels Sociology Carolyn Anne Clark Evansville, Ind. Grover Paddon LeBourveau Mathis William Ray Faulkner Bryan Richard Steve Machalek Temple Wildlife Science Danny Boyd Boone Austin Alan Lyle Hamilton Hampton, Va. Bryan Cody Booth Junction James Leonard Hochstedler Temple Arthur Milton Bowers Palacios William Francis Jennings....College Station Leslie Charles Carruth Dallas Johnny Ray McFadin Utopia Charles Allen DeYoung, Jr Victoria Dugan Scott Sabina Houston Larry Randall Ditto Breckenridge David Eugene Shumaker Orchard James Herbert Everitt San Antonio James Eugene Stanfield Brownwood James Martin Fay, III Portland James Adrian Steele Dallas Benny John Gallaway College Station John Clayton Wood Mineral Wells COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dr. John E. Pearson, Dean of the College of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting Henderson Lee Buford, III Odessa Richard Harold Miller Bryan Henry Taylor Hall, II Houston Gerald Douglas Sheppard Bryan Russell Wayne Hallaran Bryan Benjamin Franklin Smith Santa Rosa, Edward Lee Hollahan, III La Marque New Mexico William Montague Huffington Coolidge James Robert Story Pampa Larry Mike Jordan Kermit Paul Darrell Tindle Belton Edwin Lane Langford Benders Grady Wayne Vela Houston Robert Alan Keesecker Galveston Joseph Leon West Brazoria Finance Gary Alton Boyd. Bryan Gregory Alan Peyrefitte New Orleans, Ronald Eugene Corley Bryan La. Daniel Alfred Corry Henderson Joe Delwin Pope San Antonio Waymon Giles DuBose, Jr San Angelo Hal Clinton Pruett, Jr La Marque Jerry Arnold Fergeson. Houston Don Eliot Readhimer Sumter, S.C. Michael Lee Hill San Angelo Bill Deene Sallee Dallas James Arthur Holden. Newgulf Alan Jay Sprung Edna Donald Nash Lera La Marque Grover Clifford Tice Houston Gerald Ray Nelson Houston Management Daniel Lloyd Bailey College Station Richard Elliott Harlan Dallas Alejandro Bernal Reynosa Tamps, Michael Lee Hinson Mart Mexico Franklin Wyatt Jeanes Dayton Noel Gene Blocker Bryan Larry Martin Kimsey Dallas Stephen J. Break, Jr Houston Thomas Michael King College Station Robert Gaylord Brubaker, Jr Dallas Donald Leslie Lolling East Bernard Robert William Clapper Anahuac Robert Bemis McJilton, Jr Ft. Worth Ronald Wayne Clark San Antonio John Henry Moehlman Bryan Donald Lee Craighead. San Antonio Lawrence Joel Neveux Tyler Lloyd Alton Davis, Jr Victoria Charles Neely Prater, II Midland Collin Lloyd Flood College Station Joseph Haller Wellborn, Jr Houston John Leslie Frey Austin Hayden Ernst Winkler Dickinson Joseph Andrew Goodrich Dallas Marketing Rodney Wayne Adamek Elm Mott Paul Frank Perrone Bryan Arthur Birdine Cathcart, Jr James Lynn Reeder Fort Worth College Station Richard Nicholas Rimato Bryan Randy David Eberts Compton, Calif. Marsha Lynn Schilling College Station Wayne Lee Harkreader San Antonio George Richard Spangle College Station Newton Ross Holman Taylor Edwin Anthony Staples, II Bellaire Thomas George Kitchen Morristown, N.J. David Lee Stevens Wimberley Milton Rode11 Mathis Bryan Jack Rodney Thompson, Jr Houston Thomas Charles Nierdieck Sagerton Jeffrey Warren Fort Worth David Alan Pendell College Station COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Mr. Fred J. Benson, Dean of the College of Engineering Bachelor of Architecture Robert Rudolph Brill Dallas Harold LeRoy Hagemeier Canyon Bachelor of Science Aerospace Engineering William Robert Adkinson, Jr Metairie, John Michael Haynes College Station La. Michael Lee Hewlett Cleburne John Loren Anderson San Antonio Roy Clifton Hopkins, II Rickmansworth, • Kenneth Charles Anderson Robstown Herts, Eng. George Victor Baca, Jr Bryan Robert Paul Howard Florham Park, N.J. Frederick James Becht Tulsa, Okla. Quentin Neal Killian Hurst Carol Dudley Bourne Marquez Richard William May River Edge, N.J. Richard Lee Brown, Jr Bryan Lonnie Charles Minze Houston Jimmy Logan Daniel Sherman Ehrhard Mittendorf, III Lancaster, Ruben Ernesto Delgado San Antonio Calif. James Dorvel Franks Houston Joe Richard Tillerson Celeste James Edward Glynn Garland Thomas Eugene Upton Abilene Anthony Warren Groves College Station • Architectural Construction Luther Malcolm Allen Bryan Ronald Walton Massey Dallas Dale Ross Bolyard. La Marque David Ray Mullen Waco James Arthur Callaway Bryan James Ralph Thompson Houston George Robert Eeds Waller Eldon Gayle Tipping, Jr Snyder Rene Ciro Espinosa Brownsville Robert Miles Towns Carrollton Daniel L. Hoke Austin Steven Wayne Warnick San Antonio John Walter Kunzman Bryan Chemical Engineering Donald Lynn Allen San Antonio Michael Marion Pederson Brookshire John Gordon Miller Midland Ralph Sanders Stevens Houston Joseph Michael Parker Houston Greg Morris Thompson Durango, Colo. Civil Engineering Gary Milton Adams Tyler Robert Leslie French Decatur Mohammad Jaafar Amini Charles Robert Glagola Pensacola, Fla. College Station Charles Edward Kindel College Station Richard Edward Bartoskewitz Marion James McFarland. Del Rio College Station Jose Santos Martinez Corpus Christi Fahri Yuce Baskurt Bryan John Joseph Mauro, Jr Florham Park, Reese Weldon Brown, III Tyler N.J. Murray Wentworth Burns Utopia Donald Reagan Ray Alice Javier Cardoze. Panama City, Panama Patrick George Rehmet Alice Donald Wellington Caulkins Houston Leo Lozano Rodriguez, Jr San Antonio Sheng - Hsiung Chen Peikang, Yun -Lin, Andrew Lonnie Sikes Bryan Taiwan Ronnie Ray Surovik Brenham Ralph Landon Cooper, II De Ridder, La. Charles Brent Watts Jefferson Clarence Travis Daugherty San Antonio James Neal Weise Columbus Agapito Diaz San Benito Kerry Charles Williams_...Cockeysville, Md. Electrical Engineering Harold Lawrence Ericson, Jr Bryan John Donald MeLeroy Dallas James Marion Harris Edinburg Cary Allan Trlica Pleasanton Glen Dale Hecox Schertz Alfred Moore Williams Channelview James Frank Hughen Cameron Holly Douglas Winniford Dallas Steven Bryce Johnston Muskogee, Okla. Geological Engineering Don Jones Currie Bryan Industrial Distribution James Wilson Criswell, Jr Temple William Ronald McLeroy Dallas Jose Antonio Dodier Laredo Richard Warren Mariette Charlotte, N.C. Stephen Mears Loomis New York, N.Y. Robert Allen Meister College Station Industrial Education John Wallace Armstrong, Jr Richard Kerney Wolf Georgetown College Station Industrial Engineering Francis Leon Coldewey Corpus Christi Walter Douglas Turner Corsicana Dana Harrison Taylor Montgomery, La. Jorge Luis Valdez Tamps, Mexico Frank William Tilley Jacksonville Jimmy David West Luling Industrial Technology Edward Lee Bailey Somerville James Turner Hopper San Antonio Larry Lee Blankenburg Houston Daniel Lee Jansky College Station Robert Bryan Boldt. Tyler Patrick Louis Krenek El Campo Philip Gregory Burke College Station Johnnie Wayne Leonard. San Antonio Kenneth Eugene Burton Waco Amador Enrique Reyna Roma Leonard James Buse Houston William Rodriguez D'Hanis William Lee Connell Trinity James Herman Springfield Texas City Jeffrey George Crockett Dallas John Frank Swahn Richardson Thomas Paul Czajkowski Lebanon, Mo. James Richard Walling Sherman William Michael Ferguson...College Station Landscape Architecture Richard John Adams Houston Kenneth Abel Mattoon San Antonio Charles Creig Dodson College Station Walter Lee Weaver, Jr San Antonio Mechanical Engineering James Harvey Averett Dallas Jerry Lynn Philips Winnsboro Franklin Weldon Barrier College Station Joseph Charles Prevost Austell, Ga. Elbert Lynn Broyles Lubbock Fritz Quebe Houston Donovan Russell Cumbie Rockdale Michael Turner Reeves Gladewater Thomas Owen DeBord Port Lavaca Ralph Alfons Schmidt Schulenburg Donald Leonard Donkervoet Wayne, N.J. Gordon Edmund Sommers. San Antonio Carl Vincent Feducia Shreveport, La. Russell Clark Sutton Houston Harold Eugene Garner College Station Emil George Swize, Jr College Station Homer Glenn Garner Gladewater Douglas Frederick Walters Randolph Richard Louie Gummer San Antonio AFB James Cameron Hutton Hurst Richard Roy Watson Houston James Kenneth Kiser San Antonio Charles John Whatley Port Lavaca Michael Charles Kostelnik. Corpus Christi Floyd George Whitehouse, III Pearland Reid Peters McNally, Jr Houston Mitchell Arlen Woodard. Houston Michael Douglas Mann San Antonio Nuclear Engineering James Edward Adams Temple Petroleum Engineering Neal Joseph Broussard, Jr Dickinson Charles Mark McCall College Station John Thomas Corcoran College Station COLLEGE OF GEOSCIENCES Dr. Earl F. Cook, Acting Dean of the College of Geosciences Bachelor of Science Geology John Anthony Martin Galveston John Edward Meyer Midland Meteorology James David Belville Texas City Kenneth William Ziegenbein New Ulm Thomas Michael Hicks Odessa COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Dr. Frank W. R. Hubert, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Bachelor of Arts Economics Richard Mitchell Stribling....Corpus Christi Education Stephen Scott Stewart Cooper J English Carolyn Francis Bond Bryan David Arnold Schlueter Dickinson John Evans French San Antonio Laura Nell Smith Kilgore Clinton John Machann Caldwell Alice Leatherwood Williams Jacksboro Nancy Ruth Ridgway Dallas Jon Randolph Young Crosby History Jane Marie Foster Bryan Marc Allan Sheiness Alice Keith Payson Johnstone Killeen Calvin Charles Simper Shiner Richard Mitchell Niemi, Jr Houston Gary Anderson Walker Crawford James Ellison Parker Dallas Modern Languages Sture Alexander Ansel, Jr San Antonio Political Science Michael Jay Blum College Station Aris Garza Lopez Bryan Michael Edward Butler Big Spring Ronald Jay Robbins Bergstrom AFB, Dennis Harold Clark Big Spring Austin Bachelor of Science Education Connie Sue Burnside College Station Sandra Boyd Rose San Antonio Patricia Darlene Krysinski Bryan Charles Allan Truesdale Temple Alice Graves Liles Bryan Jay Stuart Wellman Bryan Sylvia Ann Mansfield College Station Mary Frances Badgett Wilson Judy Patterson Meister College Station. College Statio Neal Wayne Rockhold Ft. Worth Physical Education Richard Stewart Backest Denison Donald Wayne Hubert Riviera James Kenneth Batson Hearne Larry Lynn Lee Grapevine James Canute Hermes, Jr Hallettsville Tommy Don Tomlin Tyler Psychology Jan Wedding Edwards..........College Station Michael Charles Kleibrink....College Station Norman Edward Frost Ft. Worth Karolyn Kaye Smith Lampasas Robert Abraham Juda Berwick, Pa. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Dr. Horace R. Byers, Acting Dean of the College of Science Bachelor of Arts Mathematics Roberto Martin Alvarez- Velarde....Caracas, Frank Reinald Hugh Katterman Tucson, Venezuela Arizona Louis Steven Camilli El Paso William Rhea Kelley Baytown Hector Armando Cardenas Richardson Mark Titus McCasland Midland Robert Albert Hartye, Jr Alexandria, William Walter McEntire San Antonio Virginia Hugh Michael Richards Dallas Brian Grant Honey Galveston Bachelor of Science Chemistry Abdelkrim Chihi Jendouba, Tunisia Microbiology Richard Michael Semingson Belton, Mo. Physics Walter Balamy Aschenbeck, Jr Wharton William Spargo Gross Dallas Robert Layton Baron College Station Zoology James Wesley Chancellor Houston Robert Howard Newding Galveston Gerald Wayne Clark Brownsville Stephen James O'Neal Hearne Dennis Edmund Coakley Beaumont George Kenneth Orton, Jr San Antonio Glen Harold McClain Cleveland Tom Christopher Welsh Houston Edward Francis Melcher College Station Troyce Frederick Williams Galveston TEXAS MARITIME ACADEMY Admiral James D. Craik, Superintendent of the Texas Maritime Academy Bachelor of Science Marine Engineering Thomas Allen Craig Flagstaff, Ariz. Hershel Andrew Michael Galveston Marine Transportation George Sullivan Laven Parker, Colo. Billy H. Young, II Port O'Connor 1 COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Dr. A. A. Price, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Berton Alan Gore Seabrook Allen Richard Sartain Groves Bachelor of Science Veterinary Science John William Allen Van Horn Roland Francis Lenarduzzi Houston David Arthur Armstrong Panhandle Mack Trapp McClister San Antonio Jimmie Don Aycock. Bryan Joe Daniel Mc llhany College Station Gerald Wayne Baca Bryan Charles Frederick Miller Snyder William Brice Baker West Monroe, La. Nancy Ann O'Malley...__ Houston Freddie Joseph Barton Crosby Frank OndroVik, III College Station Michael Glenn Burk Bryan Johnny Lee Peirce Lubbock John William Cadenhead Brownwood Johnnie Lawrence Perkina....College Station James David Carter Conroe Jerry Bob Pierce Royse City Gary Dennis Cash College Station Pamela Isabel Pitzer College Station Henry Lee Chenault College Station Marvin Theodore Ratliff, Jr Del Rio Donald James Cleary College Station Thurman Albert Reitz Brownwood Gary Wayne Cooper Weatherford William Remmert Ricks Beaumont Jeffrey Matthew Cooper Irving David William Rosberg, Jr Bryan Linda Collins Cork Bryan William Bryan Rumbo College Station Billy Gene Crenshaw, Jr Port Arthur Allen Richard Sartain Groves Bayer Gene Dunn Ralls George Howard Sepulvado Orange James David Elmore Fort Worth Linda Darlene Sowell College Station Gerald Paul Etheredge Bryan Melton Gordon Sowell College Station Joseph Anthony Foltin Hockley Martin Gillen St. Germain Metairie, La. Dwight Lewis Gailey Bryan Lacy Clifton Stephens. Ft. Worth Thomas Sumpter Gerald Amarillo Grady Kent Stowe Vernon James Edward Gieb Ft. Worth Robert Augustus Taylor, III Bryan Gregory Eugene Gill Elizabeth, La. Timothy Gene Terrell Edna Robert Dale Granberry San Antonio Larry Paul Thornburg.... Pasadena William Thomas Hamilton._..College Station Hershel Wayne Tipton Jacksonville Stephan Earl Hebert Lafayette, La. James Neal Tucker Paducah Gary Edgar Hefner Allen Corliss Ann Valeta... Ross James Edward Hopper Weslaco Alfred Clement Wehner Port Arthur Robert Winston Hudgins, Cleburne Kenneth Don White College Station Terry Ottomar Hugo Dilley Morris Sheppard Wilkins Morgan Alvin Duvall Jett, III College Station Tommy Martin Willis College Station Douglas Mike Johnson.._._._..College Station Eli Milton Williams_..._ Keithville, La. Jesse James Jones College Station William Marshall Williams Beaumont John William Kahle College Station James Albert Wilson Arlington Dorothy June Kane Fort Worth Michael Reginald Wirtz Bryan John Henry Kothmann, Jr San Antonio William Clarence Wood. Bryan Eric Anderson Lange San Antonio Haskell Lynn Yandell College Station Terry William Lee. College Station "THE SPIRIT OF AGGIELAND" BY MIMMS -DUNN Some may boast of prowess bold, Of the school they think so grand, But there's a spirit can ne'er be told It's the spirit of Aggieland. Chorus We are the Aggies — the Aggies are we, True to each other as Aggies can be. We've got to fight, boys, . We've got to fight! We've got to fight for Maroon and White. After they've boosted all the rest, They will come and join the best, For we are the Aggies — the Aggies so true, We're from Texas A M U