HomeMy WebLinkAboutBonfire 1971 cto uoo ot ettX =X=4s1.=4=4tottottottoctc -- 4) 3 - r W. H. Fredrikson is a Ph.D. candidate at Texas A &M. This year was his first exposure to a Fightin' Texas Aggie Bonfire. Around Such Things Traditions Are Made li 0 3:30 A.M. Has it moved? Mud, slip, slump, pant. Can't be late. Wind, rain, pain. GO-GO "Beat Texas" Just rest a few minutes, Water soaked embers of a fizzled No Class today, A holiday, Catch my breath. 0 out fire. A HOLIDAY! What am I doing here? OH REST — No cigarette— matches Hands raw, face wind- whipped, Sweet blessed rest How much longer before soaked. relief ? stung Guarding Guarding What? by branches, soaked, cold .. . For GOD's sake, it wouldn't burn. Let's go men, Did mere man create such a thing? Chattering teeth, stomping feet, Unload this truck. The band plays, Shaking, Shivering. RAH RAH The crowd roars, li 0 How's your foot? Heave— The flames leap for the sky. Looming in the darkness of night, Is it break time yet? The flag dances away The object of affection; Break time! HA. But alas, The spires of logs CLIMB Still raining, wind, The fire's dragon breath The white flag flaps in the Norther' GOD shine some light on our Engulfs On dancing feet, work And brings the flimsy garment Beckoning— Challenging Give us some sun. Down. "Can you make it ?" ASHES o Does the flag mean surrender? Third tier —more to go Wednesday draws near. Heave -Ho How much sweat, tears, blood, More logs to stack. Went up there? It can't be! Time already ... Haul it to the top. Does anyone know? ii Am I paralyzed? Work, WORK, Does anyone care? Can't move. Arms, legs, body GOD my back. How long did it take, ACHEeeeee. Who said, 40 minutes or so, The chow line moves— "Make it bigger, to consume — to undo — (1 food —Yuk —got to eat— Higher ?" What it took thousands strength. Ease the gnaw in my The white flag flaunts, A week to do. Belly. "Are you finished ?" Was it a waste? 0 Let's go men, Are we finished? Who can say Load this truck. Done? AROUND SUCH THINGS Heave, push, pull, strain. No more work ... TRADITIONS ARE MADE .. . L Together once more Fun, fun, FUN W. H. Fredriksson 0 Over the top Have a date, November 23, 1971 1.011=341=0=11=41=41=41C=X3=411=41=XX=X THE ASSOCIATION TEXAS AREA COUNCILMEN President: Northeast Texas Region: Thomas F. NATIONAL COUNCILMEN Leslie L. Appelt '41 Lanier '43 /Linden. W. A. Jones '501 Carlo Baldassari '33/San Francisco, Off Houston Texarkana. James H. Arnold '62 /Sulphur ;'. �`�•• ;'�� President - Elect: Springs. Walter H. Goodenough '61/ California. Hubert E. Braunig Jr. '40/ �. +; N New Orleans, Louisiana. Paul P. Cheat - J. R. Latimer Jr. 44 Denison. William R. Black 43 /Brecken ham Jr. '43 /St. Louis Missouri. Jere W. rm.� ": _ ; Dallas ridge. Delma R. House '56 /Tyler. Jack Higgs Jr. '47 /Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1 p'% ° ` Past President: R. London '46 /Corsicana. Lawrence D. r '. ,I '' S James L. Sewell '27 White '47 /Fort Worth. Allan W. New- Perry A. Luth '42 /Los Angeles, Califor- tfX�s Dallas berry Jr. '57 /Dallas. nia. L. Jack Nelson ' 41 /Shreveport, -- Executive Director : South Texas Region : Raymond H. Louisiana. Norman A. Olansen '49/New _ _ Richard Weirus '42 Lindholm Jr. '45 /Kerrville. William J. York City, New York. Joseph E. O'Leary College Station Beck '42 /San Antonio. A. J. Specia '431 '42/Washington, DC. Maxie J. Triola '53/ PROGRAM VICE PRESIDENTS San Antonio. S. W. (Bill) Cauthorn '60/ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Activities: Melvin Maltz '47 /Houston Del Rio. Charles R. Rankin '50 /McAllen. Community Affairs: Charles D. Kirkham William G. Wheeler '49 /Victoria. '50 /Dallas Southeast Texas Region: Jaro G. NOVEMBER 1971 High School Relations: John D. Janak Netardus Jr. '52/El Campo. R. Wade VOLUME 52 NO. 9 '57 /Dallas Lorenz '47 /Lake Jackson. Clarence J. Fund Raising: Don Garrett '50/ Schier '38 /Sealy. Thomas H. Kennerly The Texas Aggie is published every San Antonio '63/Houston. William S. Dixon III '48/ month, except June and August, by The Membership: Benjamin J. Lednicky Jr. Houston. Ted W. Mohle Jr. '52 /Houston. Association of Former Students, Texas '62 /Houston Wallace J. Dixon Jr. '49 /Galveston. A &M University, Box 7368, College Sta- Public Relations: John E. Whitmore III Charles H. Cook '49 /Beaumont. Thomas Lion, Texas 77840. (713) 846 -8713. Sub - '51 /Houston N. Mainer III '58 /Huntsville. R. Travis scription: $10. Second Class Postage paid REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS King '50 /Nacogdoches. at College Station, and at additional Central Texas: Charles H. Maguire Jr. West Texas Region: James E. Cook mailing offices • Editor: Jerry Cooper '63 '43 /Stephenville '53 /Amarillo. Charles A. Weinacht '58/ Northeast Texas: Clarence F. Gilmore Pecos. R. R. (Dick) Anderson '46 /Wich- '44 /Dallas ita Falls. Larry L. Reeves '60 /Lubbock. THE COVER South Texas: J. Lamar Walker 'y0 /Alice John A. Holland 'S1 /El Paso. Charles The traditional Thanksgiving Bonfire, a Southeast Texas : Dan W. Spears Sr. F. Underriner Jr. '50 /Midland. M. M. massive stack of logs gathered by Texas '50 /Houston (Mack) Stallings '36 /Abilene. Gene M. A &M students, was put to the torch at West Texas: Joe Hiram Moore '38/ Hirschfelt '54 /San Angelo. 7:30 p.m. Nov. 24. This dramatic picture Midland Central Texas Region: Dr. Davis L. is the work of Lee Clayton '72 and Out of State: Paul K. Walker '37/ Ford '59 /Austin. J. C. Forehand '59/ Robert Barker '71. Information on re- Washington College Station. Jack R. Dehm '50 /Waco. prints can be obtained by writing them International: Felipe Garcia - Moreno '46/ Thurman J. Bates Jr. '52 /Killeen. at P.O. Box 7332, College Station, Texas, Mexico City Thomas C. Yantis '44 /Brownwood. 77840. Students - Former y Students Build Closer Ties PAGE 1 , yomfflo ggime NOVEMBER 1971 g t «. $ J; ,, 1 i ' 1 �` . \ ,, • al Alk_