HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrange Apricot Ring/Beef Loaf with Wine 1 6 -ounce can frozen orange- (You'll need 2 cups apric( juice concentrate puree.) Combine reserved sy 2 tablespoons lemon juice up, the gelatin, and salt; heE Orange Apricot Ring 1 7 - ounce bottle (almost 1 cup) to boiling, stirring to dissolN g P g lemon -l car bonated gelatin. Remove from hea 2 1 - pound cans (4 cups) beverage g apricot halves Add apricot puree, orange col 2 3 -ounce packages orange- Drain apricots, reserving 1 centrate, and lemon juice; st . flavored gelatin cups syrup. Puree apricots in to melt concentrate. Slowl Dash salt blender or put through sieve. Continued on next pa 963 Make -ahead magic Cc ' � BEEF LOAF WITH WINE 2 pounds lean i/9 teaspoon freshly I ground beef ground black ._ 1/2 cup soft bread pepper crumbs 2 teaspoons fresh 1 /z cup chopped onion or 1/2 teaspoon 1 pureed clove of deeded tarragon basil) garlic (optional) 2 eggs Red wine . 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 cup melted butter Mix first 8 ingredients together with '/a cup wine. Pack into a loaf pan that has pour the carbonated beverage been lined with waxed paper and chill. po side a pan. to ke babe Turn out on a baking sheet and score top down the mix gently pa with up melted butter and ' cup of wine. Bake down motion. Pour into 6%- loaf in a moderate oven (350 °F.) 1 hour, cup ring mold. Chill till firm, basting occasionally with the butter -wine about 6 hours or overnight. mixture. Serve with mushroom sauce or Unmold. Fill center with let- sour cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings. tuce leaves —each person helps himself. Around salad, arrange clusters of green grapes, cuts of plums, pineapple slices, lemon - dipped avocado slices, or other fruit of your choice. Pass may- onnaise which has been folded into an equal amount of whip- ping cream, whipped. Makes 10 to 12 servings.