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Some Bas Instruct for Mak Wine at Home,
More Variations on the Theme of Ambros Cakes
Dear Mildred Woods: week. Strain, bottle and store as coconut (1/2 cup) to make "co-
Last year, some time in July above. conut milk "; cool.
or August, there were some re- Peach Brandy Drain well and measure 1 cup,
Y minus 2 tablespoons of the milk.
cipes for wines. Would you re- Peach Brandy is easy. In a wide- 3 egg whites, unbeaten
print them, or any new ones you mouth half- gallon jar, put a 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
might have? And also, how to half -inch layer of sugar, tuck in 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
make peach or apricot nectar? a layer of peaches which have Sift dry ingredients into short -
A Faithful Reader been peeled but not stoned ening.
Rogers (these should be ripe but not Add 3/4 cup of the coconut milk
Poor Faithful is probably in a soft). Cover well with sugar, and mix until flour is dampened.
carefully filling all the crevices. Beat two minutes in mixer at
state of thorough disillusion- Continue layering fruit and low speed.
ment with me —I've had her sugar, ending with sugar on Add egg whites, flavoring, re-
letter a couple of weeks and top. Seal, let ripen for 6 maining 1/4 cup coconut milk and
only just found an hour to scan months. Use the juice as a the 1/2 cup coconut (previously
cordial, and the fruit is wonder- drained from the milk) and beat
the microfilm. I report, cross ful to serve with ham and 1 minute more.
eyed, that 'tweren't July, Au- game Pour into two round 9" layer
gust, September or October. At pans, :bottom lined with paper.
least not last year! Though I, Concerning Nectars Bake in oven preheated to 350 de-
too, vividly remember the din- The nectars you ask about are green 25 -30 minutes or until done.
cussion which started over pos- made just as you would pre- Cool.
sum grapes or muscadines or pare fruit juices for jellies, ex- Frost with desired icing and
some such and ended with a cept that instead of straining off 'sprinkle with rest of the can of
most engaging letter from a the juice, you press both juice coconut.
member. Tune's up for search - and pulp through a fine sieve, (Mrs. A. V. Dorothy Heckleman
ing for it this week so I'll just the food mill—or let the blend- Ozark
give the general basic rules— er do it. You can use peaches We are delighted to welcome you
and I seriously doubt if there and such that are too mellow "officially" to the lodge and
are any "new ones" though for canning, but the fruit must thank you for this new approach
there are many minor varia- be perfectly good and pare it to the Ambrosia Cake subject.
tions on the old. carefully, trimming away any We have still another "initiation
Concord Grape Wine blemishes or over -ripe spots. fee to record in this matter,
Simmer any fruit (using water from Mrs. Hoyt Warmack of
Wash, stem, pick over 20 as required) until soft enough Camden. Both of you were
pounds of grapes. Put them in a to puree. Put the nectar back in very prompt in sending them
large stoneware crock and pour the kettle, add the measure of along on the heels of the first
over them 6 quarts of boiling ones we published and I have
Sugar required by the given
water. When cool enough to fruit or our taste) reheat, been keeping a prayerful grip
handle, squeeze with the hands y on them with one hand while
without crushing the seeds (the stirring until dissolved and juggling assorted subjects with
grapes need not be mashed ton cook gently to the desired the other.
pulp). Cover crock with a clean thickness. Seal hot in sterile
Ambrosia Cake (IV)
cloth; let stand 3 days. Strain
the juice through muslin, squeez- 3/4 cup vegetable shortening
ing lightly. Add 10 pounds of More Ambrosia Cakes 2 cups sugar
sugar and stir. Cover and let Dear Milly and Harriet: 3 1/2 cups flour
stand 1 week. Uncover and skim This is the first I have written 3 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
carefully. Strain, bottle and cork although your column has been 1 cup water
1 teaspoon orange extract
one of the main pleasures of the
tightly. Lay bottles on their sides p whites
in a cool place, away from light. Gazette. The recent accounts of 6/2 6 egg tablespoon salt
If you prefer, you can make Melly s visit to Denmark were Cream shortening and sugar in
the wine without water. In this read with deepest interest and large mixing g bowl. Add unbeaten
then shared with a friend Who
case, mash the 20 pounds of clean egg whites one at a tune, beating
grapes with wooden paddles, came from that goad country at .after each addition. Sift flour,
Cover the crock with a cloth and a tender age. salt and baking powder together.
let stand at room temperature Out of the several answers to Add these, the water and extract,
for 1 week, stirring once or twice the request for "Ambrosia all at once. Beat at medium
during that period. When Cake," there seemed to be none speed two or three minutes. Pour
straining off the juice, Do Not similar to the recipe given me into three greased nine -inch pans
Squeeze the bag. Return juice to by an Ohio niece about two years and bake at 350 degrees for 35
crock adding sugar (up to 10 ago. I wonder if it will ring a or 40 minutes. Caution —do not
pounds, depending on your sweet bell for any other readers: over bake, and let cool before
tooth) which you have dissolved Ambrosia Cake (III) frosting.
first in some of the grape juice. 2 1/2 cups sifted Swansdown Frosting
Cover with a cloth and let stand 1
another 7 days. Now fill bottles, cake flour 4 egg whites
but do not cork them tightly. 3 tablespoons Calumet baking 1/2 teaspoon orange extract
Store away from light (you can powder 1/2 cup sugar
slip paper bags over the bottles) 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 cup orange juice
2-1/2 pints whipping cream
for 1 month. Now taste, and add 1 teaspoon salt 2 boxes Angel Flake coconut
dissolved sugar if you desire to. Sift these together, then back Beat egg whites till stiff. Add'
Firm the corks and put away for into sifter. sugar, extract and orange juice.
3 months before using. 1/2 cup shortening (I use Cris - Whip the cream and frost each
This grape mash can be used co ) layer, first with egg white mix -
for a second batch of wine. When Put in mixing bowl, stir to ture, then the whipped cream,
you strain off the first juice soften. and garnish with coconut.
have ready, and cooled, a syrup Let stand in refrigerator sev-
made by boiling 4 pounds of 1 1/4 cup milk eral hours before serving.
sugar in 1 gallon of water for 10 1/2 can (3 1/2 ounce size) new And isn't that a voluptuous top -
minutes. Pour this over the pulp; Baker's Angel Flake coconut off ?!
cover with a cloth and let stand a Scald milk and add the above Milly Woods