HomeMy WebLinkAboutTeague Nominations Local Bo S Service Academies y Ta p Local Youths Nominated local young men have been nominated to service academies BY Teague and four others have been named as alternates. Donald Wave Duncan, son of Six outstanding Bryan- Captain and Mrs. B. T. Duncan of I College Station students have College Station has been nominat- been nominated for military ed for an appointment to the U. S. ;academy appointments by U. Air Force Academy and John D. S. Congressman Olin E. Tea- Badgett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. gue, Sixth Congressional Dis- H. Badgett of College Station has trict. been nominated for an appointment Nominated for the U. S. to the U. S. Naval Academy at Air Force Academy were Don Annapolis, Md. J. Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Currie, 1901 Wayside, Don J. Currie, son of Mr. and las an alternate; Donald Wayn Mrs. Jack W. Currie; David Har- i Duncan, son of Capt. and bet Kent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack ;Mrs. Baxter T. Duncan, form- T. Kent; and Dennis P. Tewell, erly of College Station, as a son of Master Sergeant and Mrs. principal; David Harbet Kent, Thomas R. Tewell, all of Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. all have been named alternates for Kent, 823 S. Rosemary Drive, a nomination to the Air Force as an alternate, and Dennis Academy. P. Tewell, son of M. -Sgt. and Ronald Scott Lemon, son of Mr. s. Thomas R. Tewell, 604 and Mrs. Lyons S. L y m o n s of y Lake, as an alternate. Bryan, was chosen as an alternate ofr ominated for the U. S. for a nomination to the N a v a 1 val Academy were John D. Academy. gett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Congressman Olin E. Teague of H. Badgett of College Sta- the Sixth Congressional District ‘s, as a principal, and Ron- Scott Lemon, son of Mr. confirmed the announcements. d Mrs. Lyons S. Lemon of an, as an alternate.