HomeMy WebLinkAboutsixteen Area Students to Receive Degrees } Sixteen Area Students To Receive �De rees Sixteen area students are can- College Station and John David i date for a master of science in s didates for degrees at different Busiek of 3502 Carter Circle, electrical engineering. ' 8 c o 11 e g e s and universities Bryan, will receive their doctor Janette Rychlik of Bryan will L throughout the state and in Ari- of jurisprudence degrees from receive her BS degree in home i in zona. the UT Austin School of Law at economics, and Marvin Milton U T AT AUSTIN the close of the spring semes- Porter Jr., also of Bryan, will `lea ter Saturday. receive a BS degree in agricul Michael Jacks Mainer of 702 The new J. D. degree replaces tural science. o • Esther and Pauline Elizabeth the bachelor of laws degree. Westbrook of 1117 Ursuline Ave., UT AT DALLAS Daniel t both of Bryan, are candidates Pamela Adkins Porter of 600 an is a candidate for a degree ad. for bachelor of arts degrees at East 29th St. will receive her of doctor of medicine at the L commencement services Satur- bachelor of science degree in UT Southwestern Medical School 'eich day. home economics teacher educa- at Dallas. M. John David Badgett of Og tion at commencement exercis- MANAGEMENT SCHOOL . Bt. Pershing in College Station es Saturday. Bernard Francis Blackburn, !ker, ohn Julian Sebesta of Snook Martha Skinner Taylor of Col- son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. are also candidates for BA de- lege view Apartments, College Blackburn of Bryan, has been cher, green. Station, is a candidate for a BS awarded the Bachelor of For - ouch- degree in elementary education, eign Trade degree by the Thu Karen Elizabeth Hillier of 798 and Jean Marie Martin of Col- derbird Graduate School of In I ` 2 Esther, Bryan, and Allen Coul- lege Station will receive a BS ternational Management in seer ter of 204 Fairview, College Sta- degree in psychology. Phoenix, Ariz. . tion, are tentative candidates for TEXAS TECH Blackburn is a graduate of bachelor of fine arts degrees. Manning DeWitt $mith of Col- Texas A &M University where a rter Richard Michael Dooley of lege Station is a degree candi- he majored in Liberal Arts. ,.R Af • N • - - - T .• w .. • 1