HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Heart of the Brazos Valley (gp2ual ui salnutui g -s) oapin puopouio.id DQg .3 sdno.i2 put smogs avail .ioj (gpguaj ut sounutui g -s) oapin ieuopouio.id HAD . g (42uaj uT saanuiw g -S) oopTA p uo!louioid aoiaunuoj jo .raquing3 . Q (qp5ual ui salnuiuz g -S) luauTUL1va1ua put 5uiutp poo'I - put (salnului g -S) jtoo'I - suioo.i I010111/101011 Jo3 - suie.15o_14 jBuojouio.id 11100J-ui .g .sajnpoui [ uoguonpo pump° gyy j SL pa.ta.io uioo.issejo am .10j uoiSJOA i>?uo!wonpg 'g Ipuaj ut smog 0M 5utuun.i Agdi.z5otg s,gagy put swing ua}i jo ales aq� uT paonpo -'d . 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This will be an engaging and entertaining book (hardback with 176 pages), rich with information and stories about the people, cultures, and key events that helped shape our community. The author will be Henry Dethloff, a retired history professor from Texas A &M University and author of several history books on Texas A &M and other regional historical topics. B. Special edition book to include advertisers for hotel/motel use ifi approximately 2,200 local rooms. Content of "The Heart of the Brazos Valley" program & book A. People: Pioneers, Visionaries & Community Heroes, Cultures B. Business & Industry C. Education D. Religion E. Government F. Transportation & Communications G. Health Services H. Art & Entertainment • Distribution A. The extended program will be aired through the Cox cable system via a rotating schedule on BISD, CSISD, Bryan and College Station channels. B. Educational programs distributed on VHS tape or DVD C. Hotel/motel programs distributed via Cox cable with dedicated channel or in -house channel. D. Chamber, CVB, and EDC programs distributed on VHS tape or DVD E. Books to be sold at retail outlets F. Internet web site (www.heartofthebrazosvalley.com) hosted by Cox Communications and maintained by Frame by Frame. This will link to all partners and supporting organizations. Partners and Financial Supporters The City of Bryan The City of College Station Brazos County Texas A &M University Cox Communications Insite Publishing George Bush Presidential Library & MuseumNina Herd Astin Foundation Hotel/Motel Assoc. BISD, CSISD & private schools Private Sector & Corporate Underwriters • Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Economic Development Foundation • Estimated Costs The process for film production and book production is very similar, and because of that we have divided this cost estimate into four categories: production (items 1 -3) and duplication categories (item 4). 1. Pre - Production - Research and scripting 2. Field Production - Location shooting 3. Editing/Post Production 4. Duplication Film Production Estimates For a project of this magnitude, a budget of $500,000 for just the documentary would not be unusual. But, due to Frame by Frame's interest and belief in the project, cost adjustments have been made. Frame by Frame will shoot this project on 16mm film, not video, to provide the best images possible for this project. Broadcast masters are included in the price of each program listed. A. Documentary program (2 hours in length) $120,000 • B. TAAS Educational modules 10,000 C. In -room programs - Local history (5 -8 minutes) 5,000 Local things -to -do (5 -8 minutes in length) 5,000 D. Chamber video (5 -8 minutes in length) 5,000 E. CVB video (5 -8 minutes in length) 5,000 F. EDC video (5 -8 minutes in length) 5,000 Total Film Production Estimate $155,000 Video Duplications Estimate: (1st edition) A. Documentary program (2,000 VHS copies, 1,000 DVD copies) 14,000 B. TAAS Educational (50 VHS copies, 50 DVD copies) 550 C. In -room programs (Initial DVD copies) 550 * Additional editing cost for new advertisers will be billed to those advertisers. D. Chamber video (50 VHS copies) 300 E. CVB video (50 VHS copies) 300 F. EDC video (50 VHS copies) 300 Total Video. Duplication Estimate $16,000 • Royalties on Future Video sales: Frame by Frames reserves a 15% royalty of each copy sold of the documentary program. This royalty is based upon gross sales and does not apply to the first 2,000 VHS and 1,000 DVD copies. • Book Production Estimate: A. Hardback book - 176 pages, photos & text - Research, writing, editing, publishing cost $40,000 B. In -room hardback book -184 pages, photos & text - * Setup and design cost for advertisers will be billed to advertisers. Total Book Production Estimate $40,000 Book Printing estimate: (1st edition) A. Hardback book - 176 pages, photos & text - (5,000 copies) $20,000 B. In -room hardback book (2,200 copies) $10,000 Total Book Printing Estimate $30,000 Royalties on Future Book Sales: Henry Dethloff reserves a 15% royalty of each copy sold of the documentary book. This royalty is based upon gross sales and does not • apply to the first 7,200 copies. Total Package Estimate $241,000 Estimated Schedule of Completion Completion of book printing and video duplication is targeted for late fall of 2000. Current plans are to begin pre - production in June, editing in July and the final version completed in November. Marketing By utilizing the networks of our partner organizations such as Cox Communications, Insite Publishing and the Chamber of Commerce, we'll have the ability to reach the entire community. In addition, The Bush Library, Texas A &M University, a hotel /motel in -room channel and an internet web site offer this project exposure way beyond the borders of our community. 1 Funding Request Brazos County $50,000 The City of Bryan $50,000 The City of College Station $50,000 George Bush Presidential Library $5,000 The Brazos Heritage Society $10,000 (Funded by "The Nina Herd Astin Foundation ") Private Sector and Corporate Underwriters $76,000 Total commitment $241,000 Estimated Schedule of Payments 1. Pre - production - $50,000 due June 1st 2. Field Production - $50,000 due July 15th 3. Editing/Post Production $50,000 due August 15th 4. Duplication $91,000 due October 15th Basic EleMents included in Preservation Ordinances. Is yoiu ordinance doing an effective job of preserving your historic resources in your community. How would you change it to do a better job? ' 1) Statement of Purpose 2) Definitions 3) Preservation Commissions 4) Commission Powers and Duties 5) Criteria for Designation Historic Properties and Districts 6) Procedures for Designation of Landmarks, Historic Districts and other sites, structures, etc. 7) Reviewable Actions and Procedures and Standards for Reviewing Them • 8) Economic Hardship 9) Penalties 10) Appeal Process The following elements are not usually found in ordinances adopted in the past. However, they are issues facing us in the 21 Century. Does your preservation ordinance address them effectively or not at all? What other issues face preservation in the coming millennium? 11) Traffic/automobile dominance 12) Environmental settings 13) Interim protection 14) Design guidelines 15) Demolition by Neglect 16) Surface Parking Lots l7) Uses of Historic Properties 18) Paint color review 19) Interior Rehab Review 20) Conservation Districts 21) Signage and Street Amenities 22) Others ?? Related Ordinances — are they working with your preservation ordinance to effectively preserve your community? ti 1) Tax Incentive Ordinance 2) Development Ordinance 3) Tree and Shrub Ordinance 4) Signage Ordinance 5) Building Code Ordinance 6) Others ? ??