HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/1998 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee Historic Preservation Committee Wcgular Meeting College Station Conference Center 1300 George Push Drive Wednesday, December 2, 1998 -- 5:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney, Co- Chair; Bill Lancaster, Elton Abbott; Joan Perry; Russell Duke; Margaret Griffith; Dock Burke; Shawn Carlson; Rebecca Berry MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Jasek, Chair; STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Mike Luther I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Dennis Maloney, Co- Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved as written. 3. HEAR VISITORS: Dennis welcomed Mike Luther. He said he would like to make a request regarding Fred Weick. He said the original flight path that Fred Weick flew from College Park to go to work every morning, is in the path where FM 2818 moves from Wellborn Road and curves back to the airport. He thinks it would be appropriate if FM 2818 could be cross -named the Fred Weick Flyway. Mike Luther suggested a project for the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) that would recognize the teachers and role models that were involved in the old Consolidated school system. Many of those teachers have been gone 30 or 40 years now from the system, but were outstanding educators who made a lot of contributions and should be remembered. He said it might help motivate the children to see plaques on the rooms with teachers' names on them. Each room can carry a dedication of a key teacher. By going through and documenting the achievements and the histories of the teachers involved, the HPC would be adding another level or chapter in the historic preservation process. The members discussed the idea. It was decided that the school district would have to be involved. David said there was a small amount of money that could be used to have plaques made. Criteria decided on: a. Nominee would not have to be deceased, just retired; b. There would be a call for nominations, with information gathered to support the application; c. The number of plaques awarded per year should be limited. It was suggested that a photograph of the teacher be displayed along with the plaque and a short biography. The plaques could be displayed together in a central location, outside an auditorium for example. Elton suggested a joint meeting in January with the Historic Preservation Committee Page 2 school board and the HPC. Everyone agreed and Elton said he would make the contact with a member of the school board he was acquainted with, as well as Dr. Jim Scales. David wanted to know if the plaques would be displayed in just one school and Dennis suggested having it at the high school. Elton suggested letting the school district decide where it should go. 4. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF HISTORIC HOME /BUILDING_APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED: New: None were submitted. Pending: Dock Burke submitted information to complete the application for his home at 502 West Dexter. 5. STREET NAMING HISTORY PROJECT: Dennis said an updated list had been left at every place and told members to get any additions or changes they wanted to make, to Pam. The list will continue to be updated until everyone is happy with it. Dock Burke had updated the list to include all the information on the cow names. Pam told members that she had gone through the list and given descriptions /definitions from the to as many street names as possible. In that way if there was no reason behind a particular name, then at least there would be a description of some sort. Dennis suggested renaming the College Station Conference Center, or something in College Station, to honor Bill Fitch. A few changes were made to the streets list. It was decided that the pages should be numbered and the streets alphabetized. There was discussion about a small one -story museum which had been located on campus where Langford Architecture Center is now. Bill stated that to his knowledge, some of the artifacts, including a mummy which had been on display, went to Houston when the museum was destroyed. The HPC went through two of the four new maps provided by the City's GIS Department, and gave as much history as was known on the streets discussed. Bill suggested that the HPC could go to Laura Fitch and probably get information on the history behind the names a lot of the College Station streets. David said that some of the senior citizens from the Washington Chapel Baptist Church or from Lincoln Center might also be able to give some information. It was decided that on the newer subdivisions, unless there was a significant street name, it would suffice to just list the name of the developer of the subdivision, and the general theme of the street names in that subdivision. b. OTHER COMMITTEE CONCERNS: Elton said he was on a committee for the Chamber of Commerce which was working on permanent special attraction facilities for the area, and the HPC had discussed historically oriented attractions before. He said the committee was sponsored by the hotel /motel tax fund and is trying to get people to stay overnight when they come to visit the George Bush Library. He said they were in the brainstorming stage, and if anyone had any ideas of permanent attractions they would like to see, to let him know and he would carry the ideas back to the committee. 7. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.