HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1999 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee Jfistoric Preservation Committee ReguCar (Meeting CoOCege Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive Wednesday, February 3, 1999 -- 5:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Jasek, Chair; Dennis Maloney, Co- Chair; Bill Lancaster; Russell Duke; Margaret Griffith; Dock Burke; Shawn Carlson; MEMBERS ABSENT: Elton Abbott; Joan Perry; Rebecca Berry STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Kelly Robic, Director of Public Relations, CSISD I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:21 p.m. by Deborah Jasek, Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of January, 1999 were approved as written. 3. HEAR VISITORS: Debbie welcomed Kelly Robic, Director of Public Relations with the College Station Independent School District (CSISD), who was present to get information on the Historic Preservation Committee's (HPC) proposed Teacher Recognition Program to take back to the School District. 4. . • • . . • . • k .:• ; _ „• David told Ms. Robic that the original idea had been to name school classrooms after teachers, but everyone later agreed that a wall of honor would be easier to do. Debra added that the teachers recognized would be the ones who'd gone above and beyond just teaching. David said a plaque in etched brass would probably be less expensive than a bronze plaque. The cost and who would paid for the plaques, would be a consideration. It was possible that the project and costs, etc., could be shared by both the HPC and CSISD. Deborah said a recognition ceremony needed to take place at the initial unveiling. Announcing the nominees chosen during Texas Public Schools week, would be a good idea. She said she would talk to someone at the TAMU Athletic Department about the cost and sources for the plaques similar to those they've purchased for the 12th Man Foundation. After some discussion the HPC decided that the program would be open to all educators, principals, etc., of both private and public schools. For display purposes, a single wall at the high school would offer the most exposure, with the specific wall being decided on by CSISD. Initially nominees would be taken from the first three decades of the school district, 1920 -1940, and then the 1950's and 1960's would be done. Each year a few more would teachers would be added to the wall, and you could always go back to the earlier time periods to get nominees. Nominations would probably be taken quarterly, with about 25 candidates chosen from the first round of nominees. The number of plaques added for Historic Preservation Committee Page 2 the following years would be determined later. There would be a separate plaque for each person with a brief history on it, their picture, the years they taught, etc. Deborah said a list of people from the first decades should be drawn up, to make it easier to choose nominees. David stated that he'd received a program from the 1996 Lincoln High School Reunion, which listed all the teachers, faculty members, deceased faculty, and students. Ms. Robic said she'd take all information back to the district. Dennis asked her to check on the financial aspect, how things would be paid for, and if it will be a joint project with the HPC. He also asked her find out if there were old employment records that the HPC could access to gather names, information, etc., on teachers back in the 1920's. Deborah said that CSISD did have those records dating back to the 1920's, some being handwritten. Ms. Robic said she'd get back to the HPC with feedback once she'd shared the information with Dr. Scales and the principal. She said they may want to come talk to the HPC themselves. She said she thought it was a great idea, and left business cards for the members in case they had questions for her. 5. : •■ • . •: .•/ 0 ► •► u l 10. Three historic home applications had been submitted. Elton Abbott had submitted an application on his home at 1208 Munson Avenue. Margaret made a motion to approve, Shawn seconded, the application was voted on and approved for plaque #52. A second application for what was once the Letcher Gabbard home at 207 Lee Avenue, had been submitted by current owners, Bob and Michelle Walker. This home was approved for home plaque #53. The third application had been submitted by Shawn for Mildred Jones' home at 1212 Munson Avenue. Shawn explained that this home was one of three houses immediately south of Elton's home, and that all three of the houses had been built by Mildred (Millie) Jones' husband. The application was voted on and approved for plaque #54. 6. STREET NAMING HISTORY PROJECT: David stated that he'd talked to David Mayo, a surveyor who was Bill Fitch's right hand man, and Debbie Keating, who used to work for the City in the earlier years. Both should be able to provide insight into the street names and why they were named the way they were. Dennis said Mrs. Raymond Callaway Jones who used to be the city secretary would also be a good person to talk to. Bill added information to two of the street names already on the list. Antone and Clement were children of the Dobrovoiny family who owned the dairy farm on Anderson Street which was the driveway of their farm. The barn sat on top of a hill which is located about where Grace Bible Church is now. Leonard Road should be Lenert Road. (See updated list attached.) 7. OTHER__COMMITTEE CONCERNS: Margaret brought the letter she'd agreed to write for the HPC, which would be sent to the Mayor and council. The letter was requesting that the HPC be notified, and allowed to put forth recommendations, concerning any proposed zone variance changes, infill development, changes to parks, changes to zoning, changes to existing streets, and changes to drainage in the historic neighborhoods. Margaret asked for input from the members, and wanted to know if the historic districts had been officially designated with specific boundaries. David stated that they weren't districts, but areas, and the boundaries were broadly defined. A conversation ensued regarding how specific the boundaries for Southside, Eastgate and Northgate should be. The HPC defined the current boundaries for: 'w'd 017:910 pawnofpo bu!4.eew 8141 :N211101< '8 'pane s0 71ooq tio.s!U A4uno3 soz0.18 uooa0w eq. w!44 6UVU6 pe4sa66ns wod •looq 844,4 4o} uo!1.b1.s 868poo ;o sAop Auoe eq 4o /u 844} 44.41m w!44 Aiddns 044 04. .1eplo4 J8JJ03 p .1O44p!d 8444 Homo Oar 6u!n!6 pe4se66ns a!ggea 44�!nn dle44 0,4 Addoq eq pinom 044 Uo!Unn '440.10asa.1 ewos 0)101 pinom puo 'ssepo .1d snonu!.luoo 0 eq pinom 41 •40444. a )1!i 6u!441.ewos 4.1O }s 04. pap! pooh 0 8q pinom 1! p!ps lI!8 puo 'ou p!os p!Aoa • 0444 a)!!1 6u!44IAu0 p044 OdH 844. j.! mow' 04. pa4UOM 1p8 •04.0 'uMop u .1o4 s6u!pl!nq 'u! 4UOM s4.884s '+pnq e 4eM s6u!pl!nq U844M Pals!' 4. Z99 L u! 6u!uu!6eq s4Uana Abolouo .144p 0 sons 8.18444 ko4.0ea!a 4.uepn4s .1ew .10d (II.Ny1 8 444 4o 4uo 4 844.40 40444 pe104s II!8 'IIOH uoAng 48844g uo4.snoH uo los esnoq 844. p!Os 14000 puo 11!8 'aas 04 euo/aane .1o; o4ogd 844. 1.446no .1q 844 puo 'sndwoo uo p840001 SOM L! 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