HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/04/1996 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 -- 5 :15 P.M. CENTRAL PARK 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD HISTORIC COMMITTEE Bill Lancaster, Chairman Sharon Menn Dennis Maloney Bryan MEMBERS PRESENT: Howard Mary Jane Hirsch Elton Abbott Aaron Ffrench, Old Main Society Liaison Bill Fox, Council Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Jasek Carol Wagner STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS PRESENT: Mike Luther Marianne Oprisko Elaine Vance, Vice President Brazos Heritage Society I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. by Bill Lancaster, Chairman. 2. SWEAR IN NEW AND RE- APPOINTED MEMBERS: Bridgette George was present to swear in the new and re- appointed members, Elton Abbott, Carol Wagner, and Sharon Menn. Sharon Menn was present and sworn in for her second term on the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC). 3. VOTE ON HPC VICE CHAIRMAN: David stated that according to the HPC by -laws, the Chairman was appointed by City Council, and the Vice Chairman appointed by the committee. Bill L. asked for volunteers. Mary Jane nominated Deborah Jasek, who wasn't present, stating that she had been very active on the HPC. Dennis Maloney seconded. With no other nominations, the motion was made and passed that Deborah would serve as Vice Chairman of the HPC. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (5/1/96): Bill asked if there were any changes to the May minutes. There were no corrections and they were approved as presented. 5. DISCUSSION OF HISTORIC HOME APPLICATIONS: The application for 112 Lee Avenue, submitted by Ethel Walton Burgess, was reviewed. Bat L. stated that it was Hershel Burgess who developed, not only the South Oakwood addition, but the North Oakwood addition in the southern part of Bryan. It was called North Oakwood because it was thought that it would be part of College Station. Bryan however, annexed it first. David said he didn't have a current picture of the house, but he had been loaned a framed, original rendering of the house drawn by Ernest Langford. David said he had the original blueprints also, which had been laminated, and therefore would probably be difficult to photocopy. Bill L. asked if a copy of Langford's drawing could be made, and David said yes, he would have it done. Dennis made a motion to approve the application. It was voted on and passed unanimously, to become historic home #33. Historic Preservation Committee Page 2 6. APPOINTMENTS TO SUBCOMMITTEES & SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Bill L. explained that the subcommittees were: Historical Tourism, Oral History, Research, Photo Document and Education. Bat L. asked for a recommendation from the HPC to continue with the subcommittees as they were. Dennis asked about adding an Appearance Subcommittee. Bill L. said the City had a Community Appearance Committee. Dennis said he was talking about a subcommittee of the HPC that could get community support for period lighting, brickpaver sidewalks, enforcement of ordinances, etc. Bill L. said it was a good idea. David added that the previous year Dennis headed up the research on period lighting and signs in Southside. Dennis said his interest was in seeing emphasis placed on physical preservation, enforcement of ordinances, squeezing out slum lords and encouraging renovation. Bill L. asked Dennis if he'd like to head up a subcommittee like that and Dennis said yes, he was very interested. Bill L. asked if anyone objected to adding that subcommittee. There were no objections, so the Appearance Subcommittee was added. Sharon agreed to help Dennis on that subcomittee. Bill L. asked if all members heading up subcommittees wished to continue doing so. Mary Jane said she'd looked over the accomplishments of the Historical Tourism Subcommittee from the year before, and she passed out a summary sheet, stating that she would like to get help from someone with this subcommittee. Bill L. and Dennis both said they'd be glad to help. Bill L. said the Tourism Subcommittee should work closely with the Chamber of Commerce's Tourism division. David said the City also had an ad hoc tourism committee looking for ways to bring tourism to the community. Bit L. said the HPC was not interested in all tourism just the historical aspects of it, but communication with the different groups was good. David stated that Steve Beachy was on the City's ad hoc committee, and he would make Steve aware of what was going on. Mary Jane said she wanted to meet with Bill L. and Dennis to decide if the HPC wanted to produce it's own brochure or update the one done with the Heritage Society. David suggested that if the subcommittee ever wanted to meet during the day, a room at Central Park could be used, if they would just let him know. Bill L. said he had been working on the Oral History Subcommittee with Gracie Calbert and Sylvia Martinez's help. He asked if someone would like to take over the leadership of that subcommittee. As there were no volunteers, he said he'd be glad to continue with it. Dennis stated that one of his customers was Dr. Jack Marsh, Jr., whose dad used to be a physician on campus. Dennis said he thought he could get Dr. Marsh, Sr.'s old medical books, but the HPC would have to have some place to put them. He added that he would like to interview Dr. Marsh, Jr., who was still practicing in Bryan, because he knew a lot about College Station and campus life. Bill L. told him to go ahead and interview him, and to pick up the equipment to do the interview from Sylvia at the Conference Center. He said there were some prompting questions which he could get from Gracie to guide him with the interview. He told the members that if there was anyone they wanted to interview on a one -on -one basis, to feel free to do so. Bill L. stated that the Oral History Memory Lane for Campus Kids would be coming up. Bill L. asked for a volunteer to lead the Research Subcommittee, since Gary Halter was no longer on the HPC. Bryan asked what would be involved, and Gary told him that it would involve gathering information for ideas for State Historic Markers. Bill L. said that Gary Halter would probably be happy to share information that he had, if Bryan would like pursue it. Bryan said he'd talk to Gary. Historic Preservation Committee Page 3 Sharon said that she'd been taking pictures for the Photo Document Subcommittee which would be turned in to the library for safe - keeping. Marianne Oprisko asked if the pictures were being stored on print or CD ROM. David said that at the present time the HPC didn't have the technology to put them on CD ROM. Marianne said that colored film and slides did not keep unless frozen, but by using a special film, and sending it to Kodak, you could get a photo CD back. She suggested talking to either a photo shop or the library to see what they were using. Elaine Vance stated that the Bryan Library had archivists working on old photos, but she didn't know if they were being stored on CD's. Elton said that it cost about $1.00 per picture to do that. Elaine suggested contacting the Bryan Library to see what they were doing. Bill L. asked if A &M had been involved with that type thing. Marianne said she didn't know, but she knew a lot of professors who were using digital cameras and getting away from print film. Elton stated that unless the HPC used one of the more expensive digital cameras, the resolution wouldn't be good enough -- it would only be T.V. resolution. Marianne said Minolta had a fairly inexpensive camera out that would give slide resolution. Elaine asked Sharon what was being photographed. Sharon said the lay of the area and what's here now, so that it could be compared with what was here before, and what will be here in the future. Bill L. stated that the HPC wanted to collect any scenery-type photographs, both old and new, that people would be willing to share. Marianne recommended taking pictures of the newly annexed areas of the city, because those areas would be quickly changing. Bill L. said he felt Deborah Jasek would be happy to continue with the Education Subcommittee. Bill L. asked if there was any further discussion on subcommittees. Marianne asked what subcommittee she would be on. Bill L. asked her if she was actually on the HPC, and she said yes, she had been told she was. David Gerling explained to Marianne that originally she had been appointed to the HPC and the Community Appearance Committee both. The week before, however, he'd been notified by the council office that she was not going to be on the HPC after all, just on the Community Appearance Committee, and apparently they hadn't notified her of the change. 7. OTHER COMMITTEE CONCERNS: Bill L. introduced and welcomed the two new members of the HPC, Bryan Howard, and Elton Abbott. He told Elton that he would be sworn in at the next meeting. Bryan said he was working at A &M in the Career Center, but explained that he had a Ph.D. in archeology and would be in town while his wife finished school. He wanted to get involved with the HPC to stay in his field. He stated that most of what he'd done was historical archeology, but he'd dealt with historical architecture as well. He said he'd noticed that most of the focus of the HPC was on recent history, and he wanted to make everyone aware that there was quite a bit of ancient history in the area, which the HPC may want to develop on later. Dennis said a subcommittee should be formed for that. Mary Jane suggested incorporating that with the Research Subcommittee. Marianne asked Bryan how ancient he was talking about, and he said 2,000 years. Everyone agreed that this was a very good idea. Bill L. told Bryan to feel free to pursue research into the ancient history as well. Marianne added that there was also history of the area dating back to just after the Texas Revolution, which was being overlooked. She had gotten information from her landlady, just before she died at age 96, that there had been large ranches in the area at that time. Bill L. asked who her source had been, and she said Mrs. McSwain. Bill L. asked Elton to tell the HPC about himself. He said he'd been in College Station since 1975, and had worked in the College of Architecture and the College of Medicine at A &M. He said he was currently with Charlie Burris, a private architectural studio with four registered architects and three interns. He explained that all three interns were currently Master's degree students in Historic Historic Preservation Committee Page 4 Preservation Architecture, and that the firm was very interested in that area. He said they were currently working on an old building in Bryan across the street from City Hall which would be used as a branch of the First National Bank, and that they were working with the State Historical Commission to preserve that facility. He said he had a personal interest in visual imaging and computer animation, stating that he designed the Visitor's Center in Rudder Tower -- the video wall theater. Mary Jane said that there were a lot of old houses in College Hills, and wanted to know if the HPC was actively seeking to get the owners to apply for historic home markers. Bill L. said no, adding that the HPC should publicize more. Dennis said he'd spoken to many of the residents in the College Hills area before, and a lot of them had expressed interest in the historic marker program. Dennis said he would be happy to go out and knock on doors to get that done. He said he'd make it a part of his Appearance Subcommittee. Marianne told the members that the Community Appearance Committee was trying to push the gateways idea, especially in the older communities. She said it was all set up, and matching funds of up to $7,500 were available. Bill L. said that the HPC had discussed it in the past. Dennis said that the problem was there were no neighborhood associations formed that could collect dues to match the funds, and there were no real geographical areas where gateways could be placed, since areas overlapped. He said he would like to see coordinated period lighting, and perhaps pavers sidewalks throughout, to separate it from the other areas. Marianne said that if the HPC wanted to call period lighting and pavers their gateways, that would be fine, and they could get the matching funds. However, neighborhood associations would have to be formed, with 60% of the homeowners (not the renters) willing to sign up for the lights. Also the maintenance for the lamps would have to be provided for, and they would have to provide the matching $7,500. Elaine suggested contacting the Bryan Historical District to find out how they went about setting up their district. Bill L. wondered if encouraging the formation of the neighborhood associations should come from the HPC. Dennis asked if the HPC should form a College Station Historical Society or District Association. Bill L. said yes, it needed to be done, and asked if a written message to the residents in the area to begin the process would be appropriate. Dennis said yes, or a notice in the paper. Marianne said that the effort needed to be coordinated with the Community Appearance Committee, because they were planning on doing the same thing. Marianne suggested forming a homeowners /renters association -- comprised of whoever lived in the area -- since there weren't enough actual owners living in the area to get the 60% needed. Dennis said he didn't believe that would work. Bill L. said the idea needed more research, and perhaps he and Dennis could get together before the next meeting and decide on what direction to take. David stated that a visitor had come in, and Mike Luther introduced himself as one of the property owners on Welsh. He wanted to make the HPC aware of his intentions to be actively involved in keeping Welsh Street the way it was; that he wanted to apply for the historic home designation for his house on Welsh and that he wanted to get as many of the residents on Welsh as possible, to do the same thing. He said the best way to get any of those things accomplished was to become active with the HPC. Bill L. said the committee was glad to have him attend. 8. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Historical Tourism Subcommittee Mary Jane Hirsch, Chairman GOAL - To promote tourism in the city using historical sites, buildings and/or subjects. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 1. Survey available historic information. 2. Develop a list of historic sites, structures, buildings, homes, subjects that might be of interest to visitors. 3. Become aware of surrounding area — especially College Station, TAMU, Brazos County, and Bryan with any significant dates or activities 4. Generate a list of activities which might include, walking, biking, and driving tours to visit places of historic interest. 5. Enlist the aid of Conference Center Advisory Board and Staff. 6. Develop a list of places to distribute information - hotel/motel, Conf. Center, Chamber of Commerce, visitors' packets. PAST DISCUSSIONS 1. Possible sites to be included in written information: C.S. cemetery with oldest headstones explained small cemetery at Luther and Marian Pugh (west of tracks) - grave of Foster, long ago Pres. of A &M - well maintained Southside Historic District Northgate historic homes Richard Carter Park 2. Austin Convention and Visitors' Bureau (ACVB) has sent a letter to the County Historical Society stating that ACVB is interested in developing a Presidential Corridor between Austin and College Station. We may want input in any brochure they develop. 3. Suggesiiori: Anything we do should be coordinated with Brazos Heritage Society. They may update the brochure , "A Guide to Historic Brazos County ".