HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/11/1995 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1995 -- 5:15 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD HISTORIC COMMITTEE Bill Lancaster, Co- Chairman; Mary Jane Hirsch; Deborah Jasek; Dennis MEMBERS PRESENT: Maloney; Bill Fox, Council Liaison; Aaron Ffrench, Old Main Society Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: Joan Lamkin, Chairman; Steven Smith; Gary Halter; Sharon Menn; Carol Wagner STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Ty Bergman, Reporter for The Eagle I. CALL TO ORDER: Even though there was not a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. by Bill Lancaster, Co- Chairman, in Joan Lamkin's absence. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bill L. asked if there were any changes or corrections to be made to the minutes. There were none. The minutes were approved as written. (Due to lack of a quorum, these minutes will be officially approved at the December meeting.) 3. HEAR VISITORS: Bill L. welcomed Ty Bergman, a reporter for The Eagle. Mr. Bergman introduced himself, explaining that he was new to the area. Bill L. introduced and welcomed Aaron Ffrench, an Architectural Design student, joining the HPC as the Old Main Society liaison. Bill L. also explained that Carol Wagner would be joining the HPC as a new member. David explained that due to a conflict with another meeting, Carol would not be able to attend her first meeting. 4. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Bill L. asked the chairperson of each subcommittee if they had anything to report: Historical Tourism: Mary Jane said she did not have anything new to report, but that she liked Gary's idea of coordinating with the Brazos Heritage Society. Bill agreed that it was a must. He also added that Pat Hiler, the head of the Society, was making an effort to ensure that College Station was included in Society activities. Bill L. said that he'd given Ms. Hiler a Statement of Purpose so the Society would be aware of what the HPC was doing. Bill L. said copies of that statement would be sent out with the meeting's minutes. Bill L. commented that he had taken an interesting picture that could go into the Historical Tourism files. The picture was taken from the hog farm near where the Bush Library is being built, looking Historic Preservation Committee Pag6 2 back towards the campus. Included in the picture was the hog farm in the foreground, and beyond that the Bush Library, with Kyle Field in the background. Bill L. said that once the library and special events centers were complete, you wouldn't be able to see all three together. He said it was an interesting shot because it looked like Kyle Field was sitting right on top of the library, even though it was a mile away. He said he'd like to start taking pictures of scenes all around town. Mary Jane said that, at Joan's request, she'd taken some pictures since the last meeting. Some taken were of the cemetery at the corner of Marion Pugh and Luther Street, west of the railroad tracks. She said the cemetery was interesting, and that one of the graves was of a man named Foster, who was President of A &M in the late 1800's. She also took pictures of the Amtrak station and the railroad tracks. She asked if anyone was aware that there was an asphalt path named "Lilly Lane" along the railroad tracks from George Bush leading to the station. She said she'd never noticed it before, and she took a picture of the path. David stated that Union Pacific installed the path when the Bush's came in for the Bush Library groundbreaking ceremony. Bill L. wondered why it was named Lilly Path, and if it had anything to do with Lilly Dairies. Bill L. commented an actual historical tour would be difficult to do since College Station was not that old, but added that the HPC needed to hang onto the idea. Oral History: Bill L. stated that the Memory Lane for Early Education had been held the Thursday before. He said it was a good sized group of some of the older teachers who had taught in the area. Mary Jane said that she had been a moderator for the session and she thought it had gone very well. Bill L. said that he knew a lot of information was being overlooked with this project because there were people who weren't able to participate in the different Memory Lane interviews. He stated that because of that, he was tempted to do some one -on -one interviews with some of those people. Dennis asked if there was a list of people who were participating in the interviews, and Bill L. said that there was. Dennis asked if Homer and Rita Covington were on the list. David said he thought they'd been invited to one of the sessions, and Bill L. agreed. Dennis said they both had tremendous recall and that they probably had a lot of photographs since they were raised on campus. He stated that Mrs. Covington's stepfather, George McCullough, had been a big businessman in the area who had owned a lot of land on the other side of the railroad tracks. Bill L. stated that there would be more recording sessions to which the Covingtons could be invited. He told the members that any information which they could add, was welcome. Bill L. said he would like to gather a series of aerial photographs taken at least every five years. Deborah said that if the HPC could pay to have a copy made, she could get a copy of an aerial taken in the 1940's when A &M was restricted air space. She said the pilot's brother had the picture and that the pilot had kept a copy of the photo because he had been an A &M graduate. Bill L. commented that he didn't know which department took aerial photos, or how often they were done, but he knew the photos went back to 1932. Deborah stated that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) did some aerial photography. David commented that copies of aerial photos could probably be gotten from the local TxDOT office. Bill L. said that the copy of the aerial photo he'd brought to the meeting had been given to him by Bill Kling, and that wherever Mr. Kling had gotten that copy, there were others available. Dennis stated that Mr. Kling most likely had some aerials himself which the HPC could get copies of. Bill L. agreed, saying that Mr. Kling had provided copies to the HPC in the past. Research: Gary was not present to give an update, however, Bill L. stated that he knew Gary could use some help in identifying buildings, subjects, etc. for historic markers. He asked David what the status of the historic marker for the interurban railway was. David stated that he'd checked on it and that it would be delivered by November 14, for the dedication ceremony, but that it had not arrived yet. Bill L. asked where the marker would be placed. David told him at the corner of Spruce and Historic Preservation Committee Page 3 College Main, on the east side of College Main going north. David said copies of the program would be mailed to everyone and that the dedication would begin at 10:30 a.m. Bill L. stated that at the last meeting Gary had mentioned that since a lot of older buildings had been torn down, future markers applied for would probably have to be for sites. David said the HPC had been dealing with ideas for subject markers which were 75 years old, however, he'd talked to Pat Hiler and she thought a subject only had to be 50 years old. She had told David that since her home had a plaque on it and she knew it wasn't 75 years old, then perhaps the state had lowered the standards to 50 years. David said he would try to find out what the age limits were for the state markers. He added that if the state had lowered the standards, then some of the older College Station homes would qualify for state markers and the HPC could begin working on those. Photo Document: Sharon wasn't present to give an update. Bill L. stated that this would be an ongoing, never - ending project. Education: Bill L. asked Deborah for a clear picture of what Joan intended for the Education subcommittee. She said the subcommittee's purpose would be two -fold: 1. First, to document some of the history -- go back and dig out some of the articles, narratives, and information -- which had been gathered for state markers and putting/keeping this information together; 2. Come up with a way to use this information when appropriate, to educate the public on the history of the city and county. Bill L. asked if the subcommittee would have anything to do with the history of public education. Deborah said no, that had pretty much been done already since Black Education and College Station both had markers for education. She said her understanding was that it would more involve the gathering of research which had already been done. Bill L. asked if the development of a library would fall into this category. Deborah said it would be a library or file of information which could go into the city's public library under the heading of local history. Bill L. commented that education was really what the HPC was all about -- the gathering of historic information. David said that once completed the information could be used to help teachers develop a curriculum which could be taught in the local schools. Deborah stated that her subcommittee tied into all the other HPC subcommittees, and involved sifting through all of the information gathered by them and putting it together into a workable format that could be used by others. Southside Signage: David said that one of the other city departments had sent someone to Dallas for a conference and they had taken some pictures of signs in the West End area. From a maintenance and pricing standpoint David said it looked as though the HPC would have to do some type of a decorative topper which could be added to the current street signs. David said that with Streetscape there were definite guidelines which would have to be followed as far as poles -- shape, color, etc. Dennis said he'd given it a lot of thought and he felt that the best colors to use would be black with white lettering. Black didn't fade as fast as the greens, blues, or reds, you didn't have to worry about matching colors when it came time for touch -ups, and black looked old. Deborah commented that on campus, some of the old buildings that are standing, still have the old lights, and they are black. Dennis said that black paints - the industrial enamels -- are far superior to any of the other colors. Bill L. asked if Dennis was discussing the pole or the sign itself. Dennis said the whole sign -- black pole and blade, with white reflective lettering. Historic Preservation Committee Page 4 David said that the HPC needed to decide if it wanted to do four separate, larger structures at the four corners of Southside, or if they wanted to spread out the money and have more signs inside the area. Dennis said the HPC should pick out something that it liked that would still be around in thirty years and go with it. He said he'd rather have four (or however many the HPC could afford) quality, aesthetically - pleasing items that would last, rather than a lot of the less- expensive items that wouldn't last. He added that the HPC could always add more signs as money permitted. He commented that if the HPC decided to do banners, then again, black with white lettering would be the best. He also commented that if no wording was used, either on banners or street signs, just the image of the depot alone would be an adequate indication that the area was historic. Also, without using any wording, the HPC could order a larger quantity and wouldn't be limited as to where in the city the signs /banners could be used. David stated that if the HPC decided it wanted to use banners, then it would have to work with the Community Appearance Committee because they were already developing a banner program. Bill L. asked if anyone knew what the status was on the widening of Texas Avenue. He said the HPC was supposed to meet with the Community Appearance Committee at some point to give its input on items to go in the medians. David said he hadn't heard anything else about it. Bill Fox stated that the widening project itself had been put on hold until spring 1996. Deborah said that was due to the fact that not a lot of bids were received for the project because there had been a lot of bidding going on for other road construction projects at the same time. Dennis asked if the Community Appearance Committee was doing banners for the whole city and if they were, why couldn't the HPC come up with its own banner for historic districts. He commented that if the HPC didn't do banners it didn't really matter to him -- he didn't want to interfere with what Community Appearance was doing. He stated that as long as the HPC could have the street sign topper with the depot on it he'd be happy. He did not want the HPC's symbol designating historic districts to be the City of College Station logo as seen on the water towers. David said the group needed to decide if it wanted to use the 1883 depot or the depot that most people think as being the first (which was actually the third). Dennis asked which depot most identified the City. David and Bill L. said the bigger depot was most widely used. Everyone agreed that was the one that should be used. Bill L. asked what was happening with the College Station Library. David said he was not actively involved in working on that and he wasn't sure what stage it was at. Bill L. said that the HPC needed to give Linda Piwonka ideas for their section within the library. Bill F. said the last he'd heard the City was still trying to negotiate the land. He commented that one of the sites being considered was on 2818 across from the High School. He wasn't aware if the deal had been closed on or not. Bill L. asked if the money for the library was part of a larger bond project. Bill F. said that it was part of a $22 million bond issue and when that passed, the authorization to proceed was given. Bill F. said if city staff was in the process of selecting architects, etc., he wouldn't be aware of it . 5. OTHER COMMITTEE CONCERNS: Bill asked if anyone had any other concerns. David said he had a couple of items. He told the members that the Interurban Trolley dedication was on Tuesday, November 15, 1995, at 10:30 a.m.. He told the members that if they wanted to go everyone could meet at Central Park and go together in the van so there wouldn't be a parking problem. He stated that any members wanting a ride needed to call Pam. David informed the members that new stationery for the HPC had been ordered and he passed around a sample. ay 'aull awes ley Suole pies quaogaa .way of dn aq pinoM lm pue 'sluapnls ayl of eapm ley luasaad mom ay pies pmnea •uo!Pnalsuo0 ay op pino0 sluapnls ay 'Sinop seM ay leyM Maul ley aaayl aosmnaadns e seM 0aay1 se Suol se ley palms aH ivawlaedaa uompnalsuoJ ay pue sluapnls w'gv 2umsn auop uopanalsuoa ayl jo laud lad 01 algmssod aq fAw 1m ley lnq 'aq pinoM lodap ay; }o uo!pn suoa ayl aleaogela Moy mow' l,upmp ay ley paluawwo0 sluuao •slemaafew ay 2umleuop 111!M Suole '1m lung pue 1no 1uaM sluapnls uo!PnaIsuo0 ay uayl pue 1m paAsap peg sluapn15 ay }o auo •ueAa8 um slooyDs alppmw 0111 }o auo Jo} uomlmned e lung ley dnoa2 ay pal puama} sly aeaA auo pue 'laafoad e op of aney sluapnls ay Jew( /W/o leyl paumeldxa aH •Wigy le luawpedaa uomlanalsuoJ pue $umpl!n9 0111 um puau} e pey Ray awq auo 1e ley saagwaw ay plot sluuao •aans ao} Sumyp(ue mow' pinoM auoAue aao }aq aun f aq 4Igegoad pinoM 1m pies pnea •padoq p,Xayl aaayM paaeld aq of lodap ay Mop pinoM Xlmsaanlun ay }m lno pum} pinoM ssep ay; aao }aq syluow }o aldnoa e aq mom 1! }m pa)lse sluuao •luawMOpua apueualumew e spaeMol 'uo!pnalsuo0 spaeMOl auoS aney pinoM ya111M 'Aauow 9111 lnd uayl mom Aayi •aalse} 101 e lilnq lodap ay; pue panoadde eapm 0111 laS p,Aayl ley 1Ia} sluapn15 0111 •W'gb 011! anl2 uayl pue lodap ay pllnq 'aopeawo0 a pue aaau!Sua ue aamy o1 2ulo2 seM ssep 0111 pores aH 1! llmnq aopealuoa Iewaou e }I ue111 aaA11 aq pinoM lodap 0111 plmnq weld lealsAyd ay aney of 1soD ayl 1e111 lno punoj pey pue 'llmnq lodap e Sumney uo yaaeasaa wow auop pey sluapnls ay ley pawls pmnea •lm Ind Ol aaeld Jaylo ou seM amyl }m aleSylaoN pa15anns Apo pey ay ley pue 'sluapnls ay /q papualum aaayM pinoys lodap ay ley luawaade lelol um seM ay ley II!8 plot ApeuuaN aW •lno pa)laoM Alalewlfln lodap ay Moy of se spuey s,W'gd um seM 1m luasaad le ley pue '5001 s,auoXue uo Sumddals jo uomlualum ou pey 011 Mil IIIB PI°1 XpeuuaN uo!pnalsuoaaa lodap Egg j 9111 }o luawaDeld ay SulpeSaa XpeuuaN qnH of pamel Ray ley palms xo3 1118 •Sumlaaw lxau 0111 aao }aq uS!sap a jo adAl awos 111!M dn awo0 0l /al pue ways laeluo0 Ray pies pmnea •pu3 1SOM ay um 5111!1 11I!M pey an,Aayl swalgoad jo adAl 1eyM lno pum} 01 sellea Sulaaeluo0 auoawos palsanns sluuao •aeal pue aeaM 01 aauaq dn puels pinoM NS!! jo adAl 1eyM DdH 0 111 1101 O1 alge aq pinoM Aayl pue tuppoM Ilmis aaaM ley sfAI plo luaaa}}mp ay; }o aagwnu e pey Aayl 1 111 pies ayS weld wPgV ay le auoawos Ol >Ilel of eap! pooS e aq ly8mw 1m s111k le Tool of Apeaa 108 JdH ay uayM leyl palsanns yeaogaa wed smog' um 901 2uplool - anbmlue yiM Sumney seM ' 0y1 ley swalgoad awos pauolluaw pmnea aanl0nals pue aaueualumew 1loq }o Swaal um 5111 !I ienpe ay le Tool of fsaq aq Allew mom 1! plus sluuao •uominllod NS!! uo uMOp lna Lp!9M paMOys leyf saumze2ew awos 2umney pauolluaw pey Aae) ly2noy1 ay ley Sumppe 'paade wee! •apmsylnos ao} suds hails ay 01 Onoayl aol awes ley Aaaea Ol lead aq mom 1! p!es sluuao peayaallal JdH 0111 ao} °Sol a 2umleaa0 snyf 'apap ay u!ylmM paaalua0 seM 1! leyl os lodap ay1 aaMOI pue a pinoM aagwnu anbeld ay1 aaayM leno ay anowaa aD!}}o IIeW/lulad Alp ay pey ays 'peayaaffal Mau 0111 ao} seapm dn SuplaoM seM ays uayM leyl pappe ayS •sanbeld alaolsmy s,Apj ay1 uo pasn Asap awes ay AIIenpe awn peayaaual ay1 }o wouoq ayl le sac)! 0y1 ley p01e1s we .suds ay uo aas o1 palueM ay 1e9M seM ley pies sluuao .suds hails /saauueq ay Jo} puma' um pey auokaana wyM seM Peat JdH Mau ay1 uo IogwXs 0111 }m palse auel Aaej •1! ow! )pOy0 pays pores yeaogaa •leluualuaa may se awml awes ay le aa'pew ay ao} uomleampap alums a op 01 eapm pool e aq pinoM 1! 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These boards, commissions, and committees exist so that council decisions may be made from an informed position and in a public forum consistent with council policy. The Historic Preservation Committee, as its title suggests, aids the council in collecting and preserving the history of the City of College Station. The HPC has nine members, currently chaired by Mrs. Joan Lamkin. In addition to the nine committee members, City Councilman Bill Fox acts as City Council Liaison. There is also a liaison from the Old Main Society, an officially recognized group of students and faculty from Texas A &M University. The Old Main Society makes recommendations to the university administration for the preservation and /or reuse of older buildings on campus. The HPC is currently structured into five subcommittees. A brief description of each of the subcommittees should provide some insight into the projects in which the HPC is involved. HISTORICAL TOURISM -- To promote tourism in the city using historical sites, buildings, and /or subjects. We need to become more aware of and to promote the idea that, with the completion of the Bush Library, there will be considerably more tourism traffic in our area. The city needs to identify additional historical areas of interest, gather and develop historical data appropriate to each of them, so that they may be described in tour brochures. A brochure was prepared a few years ago by the Brazos Heritage Society that included homes of historical interest in College Station. ORAL HISTORY -- To collect and suitably store historical material from citizens, particularly older citizens. Any such material should be readily available for review by interested people both now and in the future. The oral history project has been broken into some fourteen parcels or "memory lanes" as we have dubbed them. Some of these parcels include the Northgate area, Southside, Eastgate, Early Campus Residents, Early Public Education, etc. We have already had recording sessions for the parcels mentioned except for the Early Campus Residents. RESEARCH -- To determine sites and /or subjects which might qualify for State and /or City historical markers and to assist in preparing the applications for any such historical marker. A marker has been placed at the site of the railroad station from which College Station took its name. Another one has been placed on school district property describing the transition of the public school from the university campus to its own campus in the community. Another one has been prepared and will soon be put in place commemorating the trolley that daily transported university faculty and employees from Bryan to College Station during the early part of the century. Since College Station is relatively young, so many of the existing structures are not old enough to qualify for historical markers, particularly State and Federal markers. For the time being, at least, we can identify sites of historical events and mark those that have had a significant impact on the development of the community. PHOTO DOCUMENT -- To establish an organized collection of photo documents. The function of this subcommittee can be considered two -fold. One is the ongoing collection of old photos with historical significance. The other is identifying and photographing various sites, as they appear today, where we know there sill be significant change in the near future. For instance - George Bush Drive and the site of the Bush Library. Apparently neighborhood or street corner scenes are unusual -- at least, it is difficult to locate photos of neighborhoods as they appeared before some major change or development took place. It seems appropriate that the HPC build a file of neighborhood scenes as they appear today, especially in those areas where the direction of growth is occurring. There are excellent aerial photographs of the area available from as early os the late 1920's. It would be appropriate that we have a file of aerial photos taken every five years or so to have a record of the time and sequence of the overall development of the city and the surrounding area. EDUCATION -- To identify and develop a list of College Station resources available for school /civic organizations. The results of all the efforts of the HPC - collected data for specific projects, reports, and photographs - must be categorized, indexed, and labeled in a suitable library and made available under appropriate security for public review. The City of College Station is currently planning a library within its next building program. It is the desire of the HPC to have its own archival section included in that new library. One project of the HPC currently underway consists of plans for constructing a duplicate of the original (1883) railway depot. A gift from the TAMU graduating class of 1994 has made funds available for the project. HPC and representatives from the Class of "94 are working with university officials to select a site for the building. It is the desire of HPC to use the site of the original depot across Wellborn Road from the West entrance to the university at the Albritton Tower. Another very long range project, and probably a very ambitious one, is locating one of the original trolleys used between Bryan and College Station between 1908 and 1929. The trolley could be refurbished and displayed at an appropriate site. Still another current project is defining a historical residential district and building an attactive entrance to the area. We would also like to install vintage or period street light lights and street signs in the area. Generally, the historical district would be the oldest off - campus area just south of the university campus. It is certainly the desire of the HPC to work closely with the Brazos Heritage Scoiety in locating, researching, describing, and developing any areas of historical significance in the Brazos area TEXAS George (. 13ush • Governor °y' ", -- _ 11 HIS r Joh., 1.. Nau, Ill • Chairman ri +�0 `�' �I H I T �� I C A L C ilrtis 1,...11 • Executive Director --- C O 14 M j S 5 1 ON The State Agency for Historic Preservation October 31, 1995 Dr. Charles Schultz, Chair Brazos CHC 1200 Goode St. College Station, TX 77840 RE: LINCOLN SCHOOL /BLACK EDUCATION IN COLLEGE STATION 27" x 42" marker w/ post Job # 04296 Received: 10/04/95 Dear Dr. Schultz: We have received the above - referenced marker application. The application will be reviewed and evaluated by the Texas Historical Commission staff in the order in which it was received. Currently, there is a three to four month wait between the time subject marker applications are received and evaluated. Should additional information be needed for the review, we will contact you and any parties listed below at that time. After any deficiencies have been corrected, we will send copies of the application to the members of the State Marker Review Board, who will make the final determination of the topic's acceptability for marking. We will notify all parties as soon as the Board makes its decision. If the topic is approved for marking, payment will be requested at that time. If not approved, the application will be returned along with a letter of explanation. Because of the variables involved in the marker process, and because we must coordinate our orders with the schedule of the contracting foundry, we suggest that the date of the marker dedication not be set until the completed marker is received. We appreciate the effort made to record this topic. Should there be any questions about the status of this marker application, please contact me at 512/463 -5853. Sincerely, %279 -v ci'l G��� Egin . Kaase Office Manager Local History Programs pc: David Gerling Stephen C. Beachy P.S. Please submit a photograph of the proposed marker location. P.O Box 12276 • Austin, TX 78711-2276 • 512/463 -6100 • Fax 512/475 -4872 • TDD 1- 800 -735 -2989