HomeMy WebLinkAboutDaniel Hernandez appointed Affirmative Action Officer 11.1978News A. A&M DieI anHernandez a ointed Affirmative Action Cfficer,,,,. i 478 Daniel R. Hernandez, formerly as- sistant director of admissions, has been named affirmative action offi- cer for The Texas A&M University System. A lifelong resident of Bryan and former Bryan city councilman, Hernandez joined the Texas A&M staff following his graduation here in 1974. He succeeds Cynthia Irby in the position which was estab- lished four years ago to formulate programs insuring equal oppor- tunities for all personnel and pro- spective employees. The following is a statement of his thoughts con- cerning a successful affirmative ac- tion program. In view of the fact that institutions of higher education play a vital role in cor- recting effects of past discriminatory prac- tices, by educating individuals' minds, it is critical that institutions be free internally from any equal employment barriers in ;order that their contribution to our "way of life" will not be hampered. In assuni equal opportunities for minority group, women and the physically handicapped in higher education, we are tapping grckt human resources and skills. The estab lishment of an affirmative action plan j higher education is not in conflict with ti, hiring of the best qualified individual for, position. It requires personnel decision affecting employees be based on abilib and need rather than non-job related fat tors. The greater realization of an indi- vidual's potential benefits persons par- ticipating in the academic experience a well as in the non-academic. Therefore affirmative action and higher education work hand in hand, since both are stri% ing to expand, develop and utilize the it dividual's potential to its greatest degree Finally, the institutions of higher educe tion must maintain credibility with the public in order to be effective. Therefon in implementing an affirmative action plan they not only assure equal employ ment opportunities but also maintain their status and prestige. Role of Affirmative Action Officer "Experience in administering equal opportunity laws over the past 30 years has shown that many discriminatory prac- tices of the past remain so deeply em- bedded in basic institutions of society that these practices continue to have ex- tremely unequal effect on certain groups in our population, even when the em- ployer has no conscious intent to dis- criminate." (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, D.C. ) The affirmative action officer's role is to develop and coordinate a plan which will lead to the elimination of the effects of past discriminatory practices. In develop- ing and implementing this plan, the Texas A&M University System's philosophy, prestige and effectiveness as an institution must be understood and kept in perspec- tive by the officer, This would require that the affirmative action officer communi- Daniel Hernandez, Affirmative Action Officer cate well with the chancellor, since non- compliance of the equal opportunities laws not only has legal ramifications but also damaging effects on the system's status. In eliminating the effects of past dis- criminatory practices, the officer must es- tablish a plan for identifying these prac- tices in the policies of recruitment, selec- tion, placement, promotion, seniority and basic conditions of employment. Since this would require monitoring the internal operations of the system, the affirmative action officer would have to maintain good rapport with persons at all levels of management. The affirmative action officer would also serve as a liaison between the system and governmental regulatory agencies, minority groups, womens' organizations and other groups. In this area of respon- sibility the officer must be sensitive to their needs and be able to maintain a high degree of credibility in order to re- solve problems or misunderstandings at the point of origin. Furthermore, in order to insure that the system is in compliance with equal oppor- tunity policies, the officer must stay abreast and thoroughly understand all of the current legal regulations affecting af- firmative action. In conclusion, the affirmative action of- ficer's role is not only to establish a plan for eliminating employment inequities, but also to implement it effectively in order that the individual's potential and rights are realized. As a result, the status and prestige of the Texas A&M University System will be maintained.