HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 BCHC Minutes 11.12.2007 • Brazos County Historical Commission Minutes, November 12, 2007 The November 2007 regular meeting of the Brazos County historical Commission was called to order by Charles R. Schultz at 7:05 p.m., November 12, in the Bryan Public Library meeting room. Present were members Barbara Althaus, Colleen Batchelor, Anne Boykin, Shawn . Carlson, Ray George, Henry Mayo, Regina Opersteny, Bill Page, Charles Schultz, Julie Schultz, and Nancy Schwart. Guests were Bethany and Trent Owens. The minutes of the October 8, 2007 meeting were approved as read. Charles introduced guests Bethany and Trent Owens, owners of the Tyler Haswell house in Bryan. The group agreed to take the TAMU Drill Field marker off the list of unfinished business. C. Schultz reported on a meeting concerning the Providence Missionary Baptist Church memorial attended by him Opersteny, Blair and others. They discussed possible dates for a ceremony. No decision was reached. Althaus reported that Nancy Tiner is willing to work on the Isom Palmer marker dedication. She will give that information to John Blair. Batchelor reported that there is now a counter on our website. She hopes to resume work on the website after Thanksgiving. C. Schultz asked the commission's authorization to send forward the following applications to the state: Historical Cemetery Designation for Steep Hollow Cemetery; Historical Marker Application for Old Bethel Cemetery; and Historical Marker Application for the Reliance Cemetery. Batchelor moved that C. Schultz be authorized to forward those applications; Mayo seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Carlson reported on the upcoming History Fair at the Star of the Republic Museum. It will be held on February 8, 2008. The event's planners requested $250 from the Commission. Discussion followed. J. Schultz moved that the commission donate S150 to the fair for operating expenses and another $100 for two $*50 prizes, with the additional proviso that if there are quality entries relating to Brazos County, the commission would fund an additional $100 for prizes. Page seconded the motion. The motion passed with Carlson abstaining from the vote. • Page reported on a recent book about Brazos County: Nevels, Cynthia. Lynching to Belong: Claiming Whiteness through Racial Violence. Texas A &M University Press.