HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 BCHC Minutes 05.14.2007 (8/28/2007) Charles Schultz , May 2007 mmutes.rtf Pa•e 1 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes - May 14, 2007 The May regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission for the year 2007 was called to order by Chair Charles R. Schultz at 7:05 p.m., May 14th, in the Bryan Public Library meeting room. Present were members John Blair, Ray George, Charles Schultz, Anne Boykin, Nancy Tiner, Barbara Althaus, Bill Page, Colleen Batchelor, Tom Lynch, Regina Opersteny, Nancy Schwart and Henry Mayo. No guests were present. The minutes for April 9, 2007 meeting were reviewed and the only change noted was to correct item 5d (Old Bethel ... application) by striking "Colleen Batchelor .... rewrite it." Page motioned to accept with only this change, Blair seconded and the motion passed. 'Old Business' items were discussed as follows: Nothing new was reported for TAMU Drill Field marker. Batchelor reported on Providence Church Memorial site. Maury Jacobs from TXDOT emailed that the contractor had completed major work, plaza engraving was almost complete and the irrigation was being installed. Blair reported on Isom Palmer marker at Bryan City Cemetery. Marker is installed, but dedication plans are not finalized. He would like to have DAR and/or DRT involved, but haven't coordinated with them yet. Palmer's wife has a broken grave marker and he would like to have a repair done on it, before the dedication ceremony. C. Schultz reported on the Old Bethel Cemetery marker status. He has advised the interested parties that new procedures for an Historical Cemetery designation have been implemented by the THC. Batchelor asked that the BCHC website item be moved to the end of the agenda. On the Rock Prairie Church status, Mayo reported only that the construction of the new church building is just beginning. C. Schultz reported that the application for the Reliance Cemetery marker has been sent to THC and he is awaiting their approval. Under 'New Business', C. Schultz reported that he has taken photos of a home at 508 E. 22nd Street in Bryan. The owner is seeking financial assistance to repair /restore home and is hoping that the home may have historic status to help in the matter. Schultz had spoken with Bob Brinkman of THC who suggested possibly getting the neighborhood designated as an Historic District by the National Register. Mayo reported that he had presented a brief PowerPoint presentation to the City of Bryan Council at a workshop meeting on April 24, 2007. The subject was the old Boonville courthouse square and that the City should consider purchasing the vacant and 'for sale' portion of the property for park land. The Council asked their Parks Department to work up a plan and estimate the costs of creating park at the location. Lynch gave the Archaeology Comm. Report. At the BV Museum, there will be a reception on May 19' for the opening of a flying dinosaur exhibit. Also, he said that the date for their Boonville Days heritage festival will be October 6 J. Schultz was not present to give the Education Comm. Report. Page had nothing new to report on Historical Markers Research. He was thanked for sending the emails of local historical information. Batchelor demonstrated the use of the trial website with the Brazos County historical markers. She said that the site is still under progress and she would also like everyone that has prepared narratives for marker applications to send them to her. She also needs a signed release to post the narratives on the BCHC website. The presentation was well received by the group. Chairman Schultz had no correspondence to note, and the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Henry P Mayo